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A Call to Arms! (mobilizing the GSF community)


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So to any of you who have tried to queue a game since 3.0 patch, you surely are aware of the massive list of bugs / undocumented changes to GSF. IMO these are totally game breaking, and after 24 hours with no response I am losing patience with the staffs attitude toward GSF.


They may not give a **** about it, but its the only reason I sub. I created a post on the customer service section which outlines the bugs as mentioned here in the GSF forum. I would encourage you to pop over to the customer service / bug reports section and make your own posts, or reply to existing ones. (if enough people do this they can't ignore us)


We need to get some forum presence on this issue, and the best way is to get our very committed community to make some noise that the dev's will hear. Anyways, I hope this all gets fixed soon and I wish you all luck. Unfortunately soon doesn't work for me on this massive bug list. :mad:


3.0 "Broke" GSF - Post in Customer Service


GSF Broken - Post in Bug Reports Section

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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It's the pessimist in me talking, but sadly, just because one of the community team responded and said they would look into it, doesn't mean that the devs are actually going to fix it. Being aware of the problem is a good start, but what is actually being done to solve it? If we want the devs to fix things we have to continually speak out on this and draw attention to the issues.

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Thanks for posting in that thread, guys. Remember to keep the tone civil and polite. Everyone has so far, but the reminder can't hurt. We want them to listen to us, and the best way to do that is to be adults about it.


ive had to check my attitude a bit heh, did want to let them know though that my sub depended on resolution. This one is big though I doubt they have any choice but to fix it, the question being how long will it take. Hopefully a short time indeed =/

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Nah, that's crap.


You can be polite because you are nice, or because you want to be polite. Saying "be polite because it's the best way to manipulate people" is crap.


And it's legit to be cross about this. Yes, yes, it's a new expac, and they were rushed (everything is ALWAYS rushed) and MMOs are always open beta and blah blah but this really does mean that no GSF testing happened at all for 3.0. The sheer number of missing stuff is stunning even for a team that will leave broken tooltips for half a year and open talent bugs for about is long, while randomly reverting in part or in entire portions of the codebase.


But even with all that, we are absolutely paying customers*, and many of us hype this game pretty constantly as best we can. It's ok to be cross if they break about a quarter of the talent points, including huge ones. That's pretty absurd, in all ways.



Here's what has happened since they stopped making GSF changes:


> Sab probe snare talent disables the rest of the ability

> Many snares stopped working / work in undocumented fashion

> XML used to generate display data corrupted all over the place

> EMP buff reverted, EMP tooltip unchanged

> Ion railgun snare halved

> Ion railgun t5 changes reverted, tooltip unchanged

> (yesterday) Disto missile break broke

> (yesterday) All ammo repair broke

> (yesterday) Tensor evasion and regen talents broke

> (yesterday) Extra drones / mines talents broken

> (yesterday) Targeting Telem Evasion / Surge? talents broken


And like a few more. That's a lot of changes, all possibly accidental, to happen.




My theory for awhile has been that one dev has had a bit of spare time to work GSF balance, but, lacking funding for a team of testers and the translation guys, is unwilling to make documented large or medium changes, and instead just sort of tweaks some stuff under the covers and hopes it makes the game a bit better. But maybe I'm seeing a man where there's just the moonlit shadow of a plant blowing in the night breeze. Yesterday really looks like whatever root GSF was based on being changed just made it all sorts of broken.

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So to any of you who have tried to queue a game since 3.0 patch, you surely are aware of the massive list of bugs / undocumented changes to GSF. IMO these are totally game breaking, and after 24 hours with no response I am losing patience with the staffs attitude toward GSF.


They may not give a **** about it, but its the only reason I sub. I created a post on the customer service section which outlines the bugs as mentioned here in the GSF forum. I would encourage you to pop over to the customer service / bug reports section and make your own posts, or reply to existing ones. (if enough people do this they can't ignore us)


We need to get some forum presence on this issue, and the best way is to get our very committed community to make some noise that the dev's will hear. Anyways, I hope this all gets fixed soon and I wish you all luck. Unfortunately soon doesn't work for me on this massive bug list. :mad:


3.0 "Broke" GSF - Post in Customer Service


GSF Broken - Post in Bug Reports Section


3.0 is rushed. The content was needed to deal with wow. I don't feel like many classes skill trees got worked on nearly as much as sin/sorc. The game is not even balanced right now for class mixture. Its like reseting to day 1 in pvp/pve. GSF bugs are a problem, but this games meta game is really not playing right.

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"We didn't design the smuggler right" is a problem going back to before this game launched. In the ground game, I really like some of their changes, and dislike others, but that's their design and what of it.



The GSF bugs should absolutely be the dev's number one fix. Priority 1- shared with buggy parts of the ground game, of course. These are not small bugs.

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I reported it as well. I'm sure the devs will put this on the back burner as 99.9% of posts are how much GSF sux of which are made by 99.9% if players who have no clue how to play GSF in the first place. All you see now is bombers are OP, gunships are OP & t2 scouts are OP threads blah blah blah. No one wants to learn how to play or build a fighter anymore. They all want "insta Iwin" mode where they can fly in straight lines firing RFLs from 10000m out towards a sat or into a minefield and not get hurt for being stupid. Much easier to go on forums and whine then L2P the actual game. I'm quite sure devs will be tied up a while with bug fixing the expansion not a mini-game. Regardless, I've reported it and hope it's soon fixed .
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Pulling my sub soon if there continues to be no official response from BW. Its been 48 hours + and its starting to get ridiculous.


On the dev tracker eric muso and others are replying to people about questing saying that "its at the top of their list" we can assume then since they cannot even bother to comment on GSF fixes that we are on the bottom of that list (or not at all)


The only way I can figure to show them how dissapointed I am is to cancel my sub.


Not looking for a fix by tomorrow. just something more substantial than "thanks for telling us"


(edited: removed the date of 12/5/2014, that is rather fast, but if there is not more information by this weekend im definitely pulling my sub until something is done)

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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Pulling my sub tomorrow if there is still no official response from BW. Its been 48 hours and I cannot in good faith push that to 72 hours (3 days) with no response at all from the dev's that they are looking into this.


On the dev tracker eric muso and others are replying to people about questing saying that "its at the top of their list" we can assume then since they cannot even bother to comment on GSF fixes that we are on the bottom of that list (or not at all)


The only way I can figure to show them how dissapointed I am is to cancel my sub.


BW - GSF players and their subs are not erroneous. pull your head out your *** and give us an update! Your really treating some of your best customers as absolute garbage, and this is totally and completely unacceptable.


they did respond http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7840706&postcount=11

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On the dev tracker eric muso and others are replying to people about questing saying that "its at the top of their list" we can assume then since they cannot even bother to comment on GSF fixes that we are on the bottom of that list (or not at all)


The only way I can figure to show them how dissapointed I am is to cancel my sub.

To be honest, Eric Musco, Tait Watson et al are community relations people and they can't do more than transmit bug reports to the people who will actually decide what to fix (who will then transmit them to the actual devs, in all probability). Don't read too much into what they say. Most of it is canned statements like "it's at the top of our list", "we will get someone to look into it", and of course "soon™".

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To be honest, Eric Musco, Tait Watson et al are community relations people and they can't do more than transmit bug reports to the people who will actually decide what to fix (who will then transmit them to the actual devs, in all probability). Don't read too much into what they say. Most of it is canned statements like "it's at the top of our list", "we will get someone to look into it", and of course "soon™".


Beside the relevent signature... GSF was pretty much in Soon™ since they canceled Interceptors and it began to break down.

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I was aware of that, but thats not really a response. Just an acknowledgement. Was looking for something more comprehensive, like the responses to other bugged areas of the game, which include talks about priority, what went wrong, and potential time frames for fixing.


We are not alone here either, the only things they have commented on as being officially worked on are lag for yavin and rishi and the broken solo flashpoints. All other areas "mums the word". Another big one is broken functionality in GSH stuff (which I assume is second priority) followed closely by the broken stuff with classes like tank stances (I havent been reading too much shoo! :D)


I don't expect this to be fixed by tomorrow but I do expect something other than "thanks for telling us, we will get back to you."


The stuff from tait is like the canned responses from CSR when you report something, it lacks any substance other than "we hear you" :D


(also Tait is community production manager, id love to hear something at least forwarded from someone with developer in their name)

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This was just posted over in the bug reports thread:


Unfortunately, that's the only response I have for you currently. We are actively investigating the issue, but that's all I know right now. I will make sure to update this thread when I do find out anything else.


They are at least aware that the community is not happy. Not sure what else we can do now but just hope it gets looked at / resolved soon.



Hey everyone!


I just wanted to let you all know that we are aiming to release a patch in the coming week to address some of the issues that have cropped up since Tuesday. While I don’t have an exact day or time yet, I will post as soon as I do. For now, though, I wanted you to know what we’re trying to get fixed (with the typical disclaimer of "nothing is final until it goes live"):


• “The Enemy Within” fight issues.

• Mission Reward Gear Packs giving the wrong/incomplete gear.

• The tree used to summon the Tonitran Beast on the Mission “Jungle’s Bounty.”

• “The Ravagers” final encounter loot not dropping.

• “Temple of Sacrifice” final encounter loot not dropping.

• The display issue that causes Prefab Decorations to not appear after being picked up/replaced.


We are working diligently on these and other issues that have come up in order to get things corrected as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!




GSF people be prepared for the back seat treatment :rolleyes: a week + for the above changes, no mention of GSF there so we can assume week(s) at least.

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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