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Devs you don't play your own game


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It's so clear none of you play this game on a daily basis. Many advanced classes are awful now. Melee classes abilities in many cases don't even make sense.


Great work.


p.s. Keep Disney'fying your game with blinking lights to show casuals their next ability. Games like Destiny are getting harder and more in depth and growing while you are making this game more and more for kindergarteners. Enjoy your sub numbers at your next quarterly.

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They play their game. The Devs just PvE most of the time. Pretty sure classes are well balanced for endgame PvE and that's all they really care about. The Devs just don't give a rip about PvP...mainly because they're so bad at it (see old Musco stream with backpedaling Devs). Edited by DarthOvertone
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They play their game. The Devs just PvE most of the time. Pretty sure classes are well balanced for endgame PvE and that's all they really care about. The Devs just don't give a rip about PvP...mainly because they're so bad at it (see old Musco stream with backpedaling Devs).


Guardian = straight up Godmode.

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And yet some of the changes we have seen in 3.0 were *gasp* made for pvp? The dev's do play pvp. They are aware of the problems. Why do you think they got rid of hybrids? It's because people in the pvp community were complaining about them for a loooong time, and it took a while but they released the discipline system to make class balance much better and easier to attain and get rid of hybrids.
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And yet some of the changes we have seen in 3.0 were *gasp* made for pvp? The dev's do play pvp. They are aware of the problems. Why do you think they got rid of hybrids? It's because people in the pvp community were complaining about them for a loooong time, and it took a while but they released the discipline system to make class balance much better and easier to attain and get rid of hybrids.


If you check back through the forums, complaints about hybrids were also made by PvE players.

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True, but the cries about class balance being ruined mostly came from the pvp community. I'm just saying that BW did us a huge favor by getting rid of hybrids and implementing the Discipline system.


I sincerely hope this is true. Backpedaling devs still makes me laugh though. I'm one of those people that wishes the ELO system (lacking the population to be effective) and arenas would go away and be replaced by a huttball league, so my new hope often feels like episode 5 instead.

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It's so clear none of you play this game on a daily basis. Many advanced classes are awful now. Melee classes abilities in many cases don't even make sense.


Great work.


p.s. Keep Disney'fying your game with blinking lights to show casuals their next ability. Games like Destiny are getting harder and more in depth and growing while you are making this game more and more for kindergarteners. Enjoy your sub numbers at your next quarterly.


What a nuanced and in depth analysis of class balance. You really showed them.


lol @ Destiny being in depth. It's a shooter with like 2 abilities. So depth.

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What a nuanced and in depth analysis of destiny. You really showed me.


Well played.


Destiny is a console shooter heavily influenced by Halo, so I should stop right there but I'll keep going. IT's a completely different game. It's an FPS this is an MMO. FPS's can only have so much depth. You get what like 2 abilities for each of the 3 classes? While in this one each of the 24 disciplines has well over 20 abilities and is based around team balancing while Destiny anyone needs ot be able to kill anyone becasue that's how shooters work.


As for "Disney'fying" the game with blinking lights to show peopel the next button, I think it's a nice feature. I hate having to look away form the center of my screen to count procs. Having them displayed on screen (I have a sort of little HUD action bar on my UI) just keeps my focus on the action. But what, like Destiny doesn't a prompt when you first start that says "Hold RT to shoot and never stop"? YOu get like 4 buttons tops in that game, primary fire, melee, grenade, over charge ability. I have about 27 keybinds for each class in this game so yeah a 5 button console game is killing it it with depth.


Players in PvP in this game have very specialized roles. While from what I ahve seen in Destiny any class can pretty much do whatever they want with the right setup. You probably won't see many healers topping the DPS charts in this game.


I guess the gear systems are somewhat similar but then you could essentially compare any 2 games that have gear which wouldn't make any sense.


Other than that there really isn't much else to compare. They are really quite dissimilar. Destiny is an FPS game that has some RPG elements. SWTOR is an MMORPG with no shooter elements.


So in the end if you think Destiny has a ton of depth go play it. No one is stopping you.

Edited by Capt_Beers
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They are really quite dissimilar. Destiny is an FPS game that has some RPG elements. SWTOR is an MMORPG with no shooter elements.


So in the end if you think Destiny has a ton of depth go play it. No one is stopping you.


Destiny probably has more rpg elements to it than swtor does after only 3 months. There is significantly more depth in weapons and gear development, rare gear, rare weapons, high end difficult bounties to quest for rare weapons, etc. And their version of dailies, flashpoints and raids are very thoughtfully designed. Swtor has basically not grown beyond OPs and FPs over 3 years. The skill system has now been further dumbed down. Weapon and gear development has just become a 4-6 month overhaul of grinding comms. There has been no real owpvp or wzpvp development in 3 years. There is no high end questing for exotic/relic/legendary type gear or equipment.


Devs don't play this game like people played EQ, WoW, or FFXI. They play this game casually over beers after work for a few hours running a raid with their officemates. PvP will never see any serious love or development. There will never be anything unique or difficult to do for special gear or weapons. The bottom line is that this game will always just be a new daily area, fp or op every 6 months doing the same thing in a new place.


I don't know how any PvP'er can continue to stick with this game much longer or really give it any serious effort outside of grabbing base gear and running the daily. It's been THREE YEARS. THREE YEARS! And after that time we have gotten ONE map that wasn't already under development at launch. Do you not grasp what a giant middle finger that is to a plurality of the sub base?


But whatever...you're the prototypical BW supporter that will just respond with "then quit" whenever someone points out something wrong with the game. Your type is so hilariously cookie cutter. If you don't like to read complaints, don't come into these threads. BW doesn't need you to come to their aid and rescue them.

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Destiny probably has more rpg elements to it than swtor does after only 3 months. There is significantly more depth in weapons and gear development, rare gear, rare weapons, high end difficult bounties to quest for rare weapons, etc. And their version of dailies, flashpoints and raids are very thoughtfully designed. Swtor has basically not grown beyond OPs and FPs over 3 years. The skill system has now been further dumbed down. Weapon and gear development has just become a 4-6 month overhaul of grinding comms. There has been no real owpvp or wzpvp development in 3 years. There is no high end questing for exotic/relic/legendary type gear or equipment.


Devs don't play this game like people played EQ, WoW, or FFXI. They play this game casually over beers after work for a few hours running a raid with their officemates. PvP will never see any serious love or development. There will never be anything unique or difficult to do for special gear or weapons. The bottom line is that this game will always just be a new daily area, fp or op every 6 months doing the same thing in a new place.


I don't know how any PvP'er can continue to stick with this game much longer or really give it any serious effort outside of grabbing base gear and running the daily. It's been THREE YEARS. THREE YEARS! And after that time we have gotten ONE map that wasn't already under development at launch. Do you not grasp what a giant middle finger that is to a plurality of the sub base?


But whatever...you're the prototypical BW supporter that will just respond with "then quit" whenever someone points out something wrong with the game. Your type is so hilariously cookie cutter. If you don't like to read complaints, don't come into these threads. BW doesn't need you to come to their aid and rescue them.


You can look at my post history to see how much of a BW supporter I am. I think they have made a ton of mistakes with this game. Almost every opportunity they have fumbled the ball.


But you are comparing two toally different games. All I see in Destiny is a shooter with a gear system. Perks are nothing new in shooters. And you didn't address anyting in my post. Wow, cool PvE missions for "rare" guns. Sweet lootz bro. Then you ***** about Ops and FP's in this game. Same difference in my mind. PvE missions are PvE missions.


You sound like a prototyplical gamer who is never really happy with any game, until 3 years after they stop playing when they can post on their new games forums about how great it was and how the current game is terrible. YOur class isn't the same anymore, get over it. Roll a new one or get used to it those are your options.

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You sound like a prototyplical gamer who is never really happy with any game, until 3 years after they stop playing when they can post on their new games forums about how great it was and how the current game is terrible. Your class isn't the same anymore, get over it. Roll a new one or get used to it those are your options.


lel at your insults. I've played since alpha, subbed since launch. I have 9 55's.

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lel at your insults. I've played since alpha, subbed since launch. I have 9 55's.


in his defense, you were the one who started it when you called him a "prototypical BW supporter", when many times he has questioned biowares decisions



anyway, yeah the blinking light is annoying ( is there an option in preferences or something to turn it off? I get this one ability that keeps flashing but I typically don't use it in favor of other moves I am more used to, I know its meant to signal an ability is now usable but again I just barely use it, I barely see how that is helping anyone out from my personal experience with it) but other than that I don't really see too much wrong with the discipline system so far, yeah class balance has changed, but then again, what else is new? last time an expansion like this came out we were screwed balance-wise for a while. Either way though, its not whether they play on a daily basis, its just what the data tells them, but class balance will never be perfect, wherever there are differences in classes there are going to be issues balance wise, so its always going to be a shift from FOTM to FOTM, at least that is my personal opinion. Its not going to be easy but I think they might be able to rectify it eventually, with a new system like disciplines though this could take some time to adjust to. However, I imagine this is a hell of a lot better than what would have happened if we had added 5 more points to the skill trees again, after last time its good that they went with a different approach this time that allows them to raise the level cap while not creating an extra issue with balance. Sorry if I am rambling but I have had only 4 hours of sleep, so apologies in advance if its semi-incoherent or non-sensical somewhere

Edited by Sangrar
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They play their game. The Devs just PvE most of the time. Pretty sure classes are well balanced for endgame PvE and that's all they really care about. The Devs just don't give a rip about PvP...mainly because they're so bad at it (see old Musco stream with backpedaling Devs).
Is that why 90% of Utilities are for PVP? Seriously, if anything it's PVP complaints that controlls classes and balance now Edited by Pietrastor
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Is that why 90% of Utilities are for PVP? Seriously, if anything it's PVP complaints that controlls classes and balance now


Point me to the class in which 90% of the Utilities are for PvP.


And I frankly find the idea amusing that the Devs are balancing their entire game around a format (PvP) that they provided NO new content for in the past TWO expansions. Carebears and their delusions...

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Point me to the class in which 90% of the Utilities are for PvP.


And I frankly find the idea amusing that the Devs are balancing their entire game around a format (PvP) that they provided NO new content for in the past TWO expansions. Carebears and their delusions...


A great counter point Overtone. If the combat system was being adjusted and balanced primarily for PvP then we would have more than 6 maps in 3 years or maybe an owpvp area finally developed.


People should keep in mind that all content up to RotHC was already under development prior to the games release. Forged Alliances/Shadow of Revan is really the first content solely produced by the new team.


Which means that the 3 launch maps, along with Novarre Coast and Ancient Hyper Gates were already being made and in the planning stages. So basically since launch the new team has designed and released 1 wz map and no additional content.


How in the world anyone can contend that the combat system is 90% designed for pvp'ers with that body of evidence is beyond me.

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Point me to the class in which 90% of the Utilities are for PvP.


And I frankly find the idea amusing that the Devs are balancing their entire game around a format (PvP) that they provided NO new content for in the past TWO expansions. Carebears and their delusions...

What are you blind? Assassin much? xD
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