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GSF - 3-dot Ninja Changes


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I've noticed a couple of changes with GSF with the new patch. Figured someone should maybe start a list of issues encountered since 3.0 hit, and figured I might as well take the initiative. So far I've found 4 things that are broken, and wouldn't be surprised if some of you have noticed things. I'll try to keep this updated as more people hop on to post with things that they've found, but I don't want to be an editor, so please make it short and sweet.



  1. Distortion Field (Tier 3): Missile Break not working (Right Side)
  2. Tensor Field (Tier 4): Added evasion not working (Right Side)
  3. Tensor Field (Tier 5): Booster Regeneration not working (Right Side)
  4. Interdiction Drone (Tier 5): Extra drone not deploying (Right Side)
  5. Repair Probes (Tier 4): Not healing with bonus (Left Side)
  6. Repair Probes (Tier 5): Ammo regen not working (Left Side)
  7. Repair Probes (Tier 5): Shield Restoration not working (Right Side)
  8. Repair Drone (Tier 3): Ammo regen not working (Right Side)
  9. Targeting Telemetry (Tier 4) Evasion bonus not applied (Right Side)
  10. Targeting Telemetry (Tier 5) Crit bonus not applied (Left Side)
  11. Booster Recharge (Tier 4) Increased Engine Regen not working. (Left Side)
  12. Booster Recharge (Tier 5) Quick boost does nothing. (Left Side)
  13. Booster Recharge (Tier 5) Reactor boost does nothing. (Right Side)
  14. Concussion Mine (Tier 4) Additional mine not deploying (Left Side)
  15. Seeker Mine (Tier 5) Additional mine not deploying (Right Side)
  16. EMP Field (Tier 4) Missile Immunity not breaking missiles (Right Side)
  17. EMP Field (Tier 5) Engine Suppression not keeping you from using engine ability. (Left Side)



  1. Ion Rail Slow (Tier 5) Ion rail slow not being applied (or for very short time) (Left Side)
  2. Repair Probes (Tier 4): Emergency Shielding seemingly not working (Right Side)
  3. Concussion Missile (Tier 5) Slow/Engine drain not working (Left Side)
  4. Booster Recharge (Tier 4) Increased Engine Power not working. (Right Side)
  5. Proton Torpedo (Tier 4) Missile speed increase does not increase missile speed. (Left Side)
  6. Tensor Field (Tier 4): Added turning not working (Left Side)
  7. Tensor Field (Tier 5): Added speed not working (Left Side)
  8. Blaster Overcharge (Tier 4): Pretty sure neither option is working (Power Regen/Rate of Fire). (Both Sides)
  9. Blaster Overcharge (Tier 5): Pretty sure neither option is working (Blaster Range/Weapon Damage). (Both Sides)

Edited by nyghtrunner
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Apparently EMP Field's missile break (right side of t4) still works so it isn't ALL right side abilities. Also, Repair Probe's ammo regen (left side t5) is definitely broken so it is at least SOME left side ones too.


To add to your list:


Repair Probe ammo regen - t5 left side

Repair Drone ammo regen - t3 right side


Targeting Telemetry crit bonus - t5 left side

Targeting Telemetry evasion bonus - t4 right side


It also did not appear as if the slow on Ion rail was working.


They just broke everything!

Edited by btbarrett
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So scouts and gunships are less slippery and scouts can't burst for as much damage. Sounds like a good change to me. Now the T1 Strike can more easily win jousts with scouts. And the T2 Strike can actually land some of its missiles.


I am sorry, but having half of the abilities in the game broken cannot possibly be a good change.

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Adding another!


Concussion Mine (Tier 4) Additional mine not deploying (Left Side)


Also, I'd like to address this:


So scouts and gunships are less slippery and scouts can't burst for as much damage. Sounds like a good change to me. Now the T1 Strike can more easily win jousts with scouts. And the T2 Strike can actually land some of its missiles.


It's not just scouts and gunships that are having problems. It's just that it's most immediately obvious on those ships. All ships are affected, I think. This isn't a good thing in any sense.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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Actually I take it back. The GS-bomber ball in deathmatch is even more powerful now that you can't DF break seeker mines and also can't burst GS as fast.


I mean, at first I thought it was ninja balance changes, but then this list convinced me it's something pretty crazy. It's like the game forgot how to do talent trees or something...



...oh, wait...

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I mean, at first I thought it was ninja balance changes, but then this list convinced me it's something pretty crazy.


Same here. I first thought that the DF thing was intentionally broken, but there are way too much things that don't work now.

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I've reported this post in order to ensure that an actual BioWare employee reads it. In my report I noted that it was nothing wrong with the post, but instead called out that 3.0 included several ship and component-breaking bugs to GSF.


I recommend others do the same. This must get acknowledged ASAP.


If you don't want to report the OP, then report this reply--anything to get this thread into the system.

Edited by Nemarus
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Repair Probes T4 left side is not working. I rubbed up against a few satellites and found I was only repairing for 75 points per click, not 95.


Another player in a game complained that he wasn't getting the extra concussion mine (T4 left side). But I wasn't able to confirm that myself.


I think someone suggested that all tree choices may be bugged. I think that might be right. I'll try and check armor piercing on HLC's and BLC's if I can get a domination game to pop. A lot of the passive buffs might be hard to check, but that one should be obvious.

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  1. Distortion Field (Tier 3): Missile Break not working (Right Side


Now that explains why I can use Torps against Flashfires rather successfully the last two matches.


And before a dev reading this, starts to get funny ideas, yeah those issues DO suck.

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Cluster Missiles T4 additional ammo not counting.


And I am not 100% sure, but volley (T5) doesn't seem to work either


Just played one game. Listing everything I noticed to confirm known issues or to let you know what may need further attention.


Have Clusters in my Flash, additional ammo (t4r) and volley (t5l) seem to be working as they do damage twice (didn't pay attention to the amount of damage) and i still have 18 ammo.


Can confirm, missile break on DF does not work.


Booster recharge seems to have some problems. Quick bosst (t5l) doesn't work and also it seems that increased engine regeneration (t4l) is also not working, but I'm not sure as it's difficult to measure. Anyway it felt like I went out of engine energy sooner than before.



Additional seeker mines do not work (t5r).

Additional interdiction drone does not work (t5r).

Shield restoration on repair drones (t3l) doesn't show up as buff. Not sure if it doesn't work or just doesn't show up.

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I, um. I hate to say this because I myself am a scout pilot... but I think that DF not breaking missile locks might be a good thing. Definitely makes missiles more... relevant to the game.


It's just going to make scouts user Power Dive, and you'll be seeing a lot more T1 scouts running EMP field if it's not fixed.


All this change does is screw over gunships, really... and after barrel roll got nerfed, that's a problem.

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