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Realy? wz is a big bad jock


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It's a new expansion thing. The number of geared and veteran players on their main will decline in a few weeks as they will eventually get to level 60. Then you'll be back to playing against other noobs in the sub max-level bracket.
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I don't know what class you were playing ,but i took my green geared level 40 Lighting Spec sorc out for a pvp match tonight and i got into the top 3 of damage output. And we were going against lots of 55's. I was even out damaging 55's. So i think the main thing to do well in pvp is always skill, not gear. Btw, I love what BW did to the Lightning spec! Sooooo much better than before. I'll take good burst damage to Madness dots any day. Lightning got the most love out of all the specs in 3.0 imo.
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You should read what Evolixe just wrote


I did. Yes, the problem will be diminished when one of matchmaking's flaws is diminished. Even then it still leaves matchmaking flawed.


Regardless, the 'temporary' problem is pretty big. Many returning / inexperienced players who are hit with a crummy pvp experience won't stick around long enough for the experience to improve.

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I don't know what class you were playing ,but i took my green geared level 40 Lighting Spec sorc out for a pvp match tonight and i got into the top 3 of damage output. And we were going against lots of 55's. I was even out damaging 55's. So i think the main thing to do well in pvp is always skill, not gear. Btw, I love what BW did to the Lightning spec! Sooooo much better than before. I'll take good burst damage to Madness dots any day. Lightning got the most love out of all the specs in 3.0 imo.


No disrespect intended here but 90% of the reason for that is probably your class, not insulting your skill here but sorcs/sages are most indeed fotm since 3.0.

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I don't know what class you were playing ,but i took my green geared level 40 Lighting Spec sorc out for a pvp match tonight and i got into the top 3 of damage output. And we were going against lots of 55's. I was even out damaging 55's. So i think the main thing to do well in pvp is always skill, not gear. Btw, I love what BW did to the Lightning spec! Sooooo much better than before. I'll take good burst damage to Madness dots any day. Lightning got the most love out of all the specs in 3.0 imo.


Bioware think about it.....

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It's really bad right now because all the 55+ players have real PvP gear.

That gear has been made unobtainable and once the players that have it get to 60, you will never see them again.


It's a temporary problem.


But it's one that will probably drive even more fresh players away from, PvP. Getting owned is noot nice - except for the Owner.


And people must come out and tell them that this is only a temporary problem - before people begin to believe that PvP will stay this way forever. Or for a long time now.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Anyone with half a brain could figure it out for themselves.


It will go over quite quickly. I for one will have my main 60 in a few hours, as have many of my friends and guildies already done yesterday. Then there is a number of alts.. whom I might do the last push on in PvP but that'll be a few matches only.


The people that take this "oppertunity" to solely level through PvP with a ridiculous advantage are ******es.

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The people that take this "opportunity" to solely level through PvP with a ridiculous advantage are ******es.


Devils advocate as I find midlevel PVP a disaster now:

Except that is how many PVPers play the game these days: Warzones / OWPVP and nothing else. They can only stomach to do class story. Why should they suddenly be forced to change this, just because BW can not implement a functional transition?

Edited by Lundorff
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Devils advocate as I find midlevel PVP a disaster now:

Except that is how many PVPers play the game these days: Warzones / OWPVP and nothing else. They can only stomach to do class story. Why should they suddenly be forced to change this, just because BW can not implement a functional transition?


I was pretty disappointed to learn that you can level to 60 in about 8 hours doing the new story arc but getting 24k XP for a WZ while you need 908k just to get to 56 makes it seem like leveling via only PvP will take weeks instead of the single evening it took a bunch of my guildies. Plus you can use that GSI robot and go to sleep in the Korriban FP.

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Devils advocate as I find midlevel PVP a disaster now:

Except that is how many PVPers play the game these days: Warzones / OWPVP and nothing else. They can only stomach to do class story. Why should they suddenly be forced to change this, just because BW can not implement a functional transition?


The new story is worth it, I wouldn't say it's the best thing ever but definitely the best general (not class based) story in this game todate.


If you choose to level solely through PvP. Deal with it's problems, you're not allowed to complain.

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The new story is worth it, I wouldn't say it's the best thing ever but definitely the best general (not class based) story in this game todate.


If you choose to level solely through PvP. Deal with it's problems, you're not allowed to complain.


I knew PvP leveling would be slower but having PvE being able to level in an evening and PvP taking what looks like to be a couple of weeks seems crazy uneven. At 25k a pop you would need to do ~30 WZ's to get to 56 that's about 10 hours for one level where if you PvE'd you'd be done. That seems way off to me.

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The new story is worth it, I wouldn't say it's the best thing ever but definitely the best general (not class based) story in this game todate.


If you choose to level solely through PvP. Deal with it's problems, you're not allowed to complain.

are you for real? you decide the story is "good." therefore everyone must play that way too? there's something seriously wrong with you.


this isn't some pre-order 12xp perk. it's the game from 55-60. fix the F'ing xp rewards for pvp so they're roughly equivalent to pve. not rocket science here.

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The new story is worth it, I wouldn't say it's the best thing ever but definitely the best general (not class based) story in this game todate.


If you choose to level solely through PvP. Deal with it's problems, you're not allowed to complain.


The person you quoted is not complaining. You made an ignorant remark about people who prefer to pvp in game, which seems more like a complaint than the post you quoted. Also, youre an idiot. (I mostly pvp and take offense to your casually tossed about insults and as such I feel my insulting you is fair game despite not actually holding the opinion as I know nothing about you except youre rude and seemingly a little ignorant).


are you for real? you decide the story is "good." therefore everyone must play that way too? there's something seriously wrong with you.


this isn't some pre-order 12xp perk. it's the game from 55-60. fix the F'ing xp rewards for pvp so they're roughly equivalent to pve. not rocket science here.

Glad someone else sees it.

Edited by VulgarMercurius
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the thing is, pvp'ers gonna pvp, regardless of the reward, speed of leveling, etc. We pvp because we like pvp. Whether you're lvl 15 and in all greens you picked up on Korriban or Ord Mantel or whatever, or you've already hit exp cap, you bought all your gear, you've got all your augs, you've even min/maxed your stats with other mods, you're still gonna keep pvp'ing. It's just in the blood. We charge face first into battle against players that we know are both more skilled than us AND outgear us, but we do it anyway, because that's just what PvP'ers do. The goal for any pvp'er isn't to level, it's to smash other people in the face. It isn't to get the gear just to have the gear, it's to have that extra edge to smash more people in the face. And if you don't have the gear yet, who cares, because you can still get out there and continue with a little bit less face smashing. They're trying with bolster to even it out some. It's not perfect, obviously, but it does work for the most part. It is not "completely broken" as some say. If it didn't exist, then geared toons like mine would be getting about 3mil damage on every match and a lvl 31 in pve gear would do about 11k dmg, so yes it does work, mostly.


Some people like progression, others like story telling, and others like me enjoy the rush of both owning and getting owned, seeing what other people are doing with their class, knowing that if someone that plays my class can destroy me regularly then there's skill I can learn from that player. There are no extended rotations in PvP, it's all situational awareness, and it's not about numbers, it's about winning. Enjoy it for what it is, I'm que'ing in pvp because I didn't preorder in time so I don't get to speed through to lvl 60 this week. Guess what, I get to starting next tuesday if I want to, so whatever. Or I can just keep pvp'ing, whatever, it's a big game and I can do whatever I want in it.


If it bothers you that other people have already hit 60 and you haven't, just pretend there's no such thing as a pre-release and that the expansion comes out next Tuesday, because if all you care about is hitting 60, that's great, there's genuinely nothing wrong with that, but you're not a diehard pvp'er, and that's great too. Be yourself :) But seriously, pvp rewards for EXP have never matched pve rewards. PvP is about PvP, not about leveling. Take joy in the fact that the person you just killed is actually a person, screaming at their monitor as you stand victorious above them. Who cares if you're level 42 or 17 or 60, it's not the point, so try to enjoy it for what it is.


Also, the reality is that gear only makes up a portion of the difference. People who pvp regularly don't generally complain about bolster. The reason being, skill makes up the difference. I can name a few players on the harbinger (I am NOT one of them) that could walk into a warzone at lvl 45 and destroy lvl 55's in pvp gear because they are really good. PvP is not about "highest dps rotation" like ops bosses are, it's about situational awareness, and that comes with hours and hours of practice, not bolster or gear or exploits, but skill and time spent.


Besides, for those of us who are pvp junkies, it gives us some extra time to stack up those pvp weps again so that when we do hit 60 we can get at least that first set of gear. Find the silver linings in life, enjoy a half-full glass, smell the roses, shower together, all that other jazz.

Edited by SlimGenre
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I like it! I queued up in my 55 PvP gear and immediately spotted someone who was lvl 33. I realised that the brackets had been lowered, and thought: "Dis goan be good".


And it was! It was a HG match and my team, mostly 50s with a few 55+ steamrolled through the imps like they were not there. We ground them down into the dust repeatedly and did so again when they came back for more!


At one point I ran down a BH who had the temerity to shoot at me, all the while shrugging off the desperate lightning bolts of a sorc. Then I turned around and wasted him too!


Sadly, this produced much rage.


We won he match 800-400, and I had 0 deaths. 9/10 would play again.

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I knew PvP leveling would be slower but having PvE being able to level in an evening and PvP taking what looks like to be a couple of weeks seems crazy uneven. At 25k a pop you would need to do ~30 WZ's to get to 56 that's about 10 hours for one level where if you PvE'd you'd be done. That seems way off to me.


The price you pay, don't like it tough luck.


I'm a PvPer at heart as well, and when I level a character through PvP alone you won't hear me complain about it's balance issues either. You can't possibly expect a 29 level wide bracket to be balanced.. deal with it.

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I knew PvP leveling would be slower but having PvE being able to level in an evening and PvP taking what looks like to be a couple of weeks seems crazy uneven. At 25k a pop you would need to do ~30 WZ's to get to 56 that's about 10 hours for one level where if you PvE'd you'd be done. That seems way off to me.


They announce the game as a story-driven mmo. Arguably a lot of effort has been put into the new questline, so they strongly encourage you to play through it.

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They announce the game as a story-driven mmo. Arguably a lot of effort has been put into the new questline, so they strongly encourage you to play through it.


I know it was going to be slower but this is way off. It's not even half as slow, probably closer to 5 or 6 times slower. Taking 2 times as long to level via PvP would be fine or even 3 times but this is kind of ridiculous. Especially when you can get almost a whole level in an FP where a bot will kill everything that needs killed and guard and heal you while you do something else.

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are you for real? you decide the story is "good." therefore everyone must play that way too? there's something seriously wrong with you.


this isn't some pre-order 12xp perk. it's the game from 55-60. fix the F'ing xp rewards for pvp so they're roughly equivalent to pve. not rocket science here.




Look.. I agree this game has pvp. However this is not a pvp game. It's like you went to disney world ate a crappy grilled cheese at the food court and said the rides suck.


I primarily pvp. something along the lines of 90% of my game time. However I dont diss pve because i can recognize that pve ing makes me better at my rotation plus money plus resources which makes me money plus achievements from killing imps.


Wz's used to give better rewards. Once SWTOR went to free to play however they nerfed it. Honestly it makes sense; that situation can be easily exploited with bots and cred selling spammers. We make less creds but we surely have less bots in wz because of the situation.



I have played somewhere around 25 wz post 3.0 as a rufian scoundrel and from my point of view it seems like EVERYONE is strong and I myself have the tools available to wreck it just as much as everyone else. To me that smells like decent balance. At the end of the day it is just my opinion and you have yours; hopefully one other moment we can meet in the middle.

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