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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Just spent around 50k at the trainer for skills that I already earned.


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Hey folks,


Ok so I have an update on the training/re-training of abilities with the launch of 3.0. With all of the changes that hit with 3.0 to Disciplines, it is intended that there are abilities that need to be trained/re-trained. Here are some of the criteria that could cause this to happen:

  • If an existing ability changed, in name or functionality. This could especially affect Disciplines which used to share an overlapping name and set of abilities, such as Lethality Sniper/Operative.
  • We adjusted at what level you would acquire certain ranks of skills. If you are a character pre-55 you may be training skills at ranks that were previously unavailable.
  • In some cases we moved abilities from the Base Class to the Advanced Class or vice-versa. This technically means you could have to retrain an ability you already had, since it changed where/how you got it.

I had not realized the scope of abilities that would need to be trained or I would have been more proactive in alerting everyone to this prior to 3.0. With this in mind, the need to train/re-train abilities in 3.0 is intended and therefore we are not planning on making any changes at this time. I apologize sincerely for the inconvenience this has caused.


Thank you for your understanding.




In another word, we screwed up but as any lame cie we wont do crap about it. Bend over Billy, keep subscribing and thank you very much.


Always pleased to threat our customer like trash. Did we mention, keep subscribing?

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I just received an (unprompted, as I have not created a ticket about this) email from Bioware with a link to this thread (i.e. Eric's post), saying this was created for feedback to this issue.


While I can understand on a technical level that the shuffling caused extra costs, I see several problems that prevent "understanding of the necessary inconvenience":


  • The vast imbalance between advanced classes, even mirrored specs, regarding the actual sums. Some classes have close to no costs at all, while others are forced to pay through all the tiers of an ability again, adding up to 120k+ for some characters.
  • The fact that the cause for the required re-learning was completely out of players' control and the effects apparently not properly tested, let alone communicated. (This suggests a certain level of disregard, which makes "thank you for your understanding" a slap in the face, adding insult to injury. The devs did not bother to try and understand what effects the changes will have, yet we should be understanding that the effects were unexpected but necessary?)
  • The "free training during 12x XP" argument doesn't really fly. It applies to those who have access now, because they clearly pre-ordered. And even that doesn't mean they made any significant use of the 12x XP. Many affected characters have been at level 55 long before the 12x XP event. Many others did not even have access to the 12x XP event and will be simply charged extra credits (as in: their game time) for things they have already quested and paid for.
  • The tone of Eric's post. Most of the points players brought up, especially about the differences between mirrored classes, are valid. None of this is the players' fault, yet the response brushed them off and closed the door in their face with a "thank you for your understanding" when they made it clear that they don't understand, despite being aware of the technical cause(s).
  • As others have stated, this feels like a "disciplines tax". There are already (expected) issues with regard to acceptance of the new system being forced on players. Additional "inconveniences" just make it harder and prolong and amplify the discontent.


Personally, I'm not overly bothered by the costs themselves, but more by how they came about and how this was being and is being handled.

Edited by KyaniteD
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I want to know what game and what dailies these people who claim "it's raining credits" are running. I'm trying to do dailies with half of my tray empty (because I can't afford to train yet) and there ain't no rain here. It's a drought.




I had a fully functional level 55 who was pretty well geared without PvP or Operations-level gear. He could finish dailies on Ilum, Czerka, and Section X without missing a beat. The first group he went into on Ilum, he died. I'll emphasize the point even more: my level 55 character was--without being able to train the skills he once had that he now doesn't--killed by level 50 mobs.


So, you see this awful cycle, devs? I can't afford for my character to train all of the abilities up to level 55. How do I usually make money in this game? Do dailies with my level 55s. I go to complete dailies and can't because...I can't afford for my character to train all of the abilities up to level 55.


My suggestion: make all ability training free for a time.


Either you guys were malicious and intended for this to be a huge credit sink after that whole "Class Story Leveling Event" which was apparently intended to get everyone to 55 so they'd have to pay all of these costs that you already knew about -OR- you honestly didn't foresee that this was a possibility and did not actually intend for us to pay for this all along. If the former is the case, that's really really terrible to do to the people who pay your salary. If it's the latter, why dig your heels in and say you meant to do it? Either way is not making you look good right now.


Fix it, please. I was really starting to like your game again. Not making this right will put me off the game once and for all.

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I found a way to avoid it and auto learn all skills without having to pay!


You must have unlocked the respec from your legacy.


Each time u get a lvl, just abandon ur discipline tree, all of it... then respec. When u do that, there is nothing to learn as new.


But I paid allot till i found this solution with 1 character, 40k per skill!!!... Bioware must send me 1.5 million credits for compensation.


ps: I havent tried this one, with the respec trainer on the fleet. For those who dont have 200.000 credits to unlock the legacy respec. It worked for me once, I will also try it tomorrow with a different character.

Edited by Oyranos
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Seems like this situation has created a catch-22 for some; they need to do dailies in order to get the credits to purchase skills, but they can't do those dailies because they don't have the needed skills because they can't afford them.



"Working as Intended." -- the battle cry of MMO devs caught with their pants down since the MMO became a thing.


It is even more insulting when it is such an obvious mistake or boneheaded move. Reminds me of Star Trek Online when, for some reason, if you were in a cloaked ship and opened up communications during a mission, your ship would decloak. The dev response, working as intended (because that obviously makes so much sense in the Star Trek universe).


Bioware: we are a bit smarter than you take us for. Outrage at this point is less about having to pay for skills already learned pre-3.0 or even how uneven the costs are across mirro classes; it now centers around how you take your player base as idiots. "Working as intended" is not a valid excuse when it comes getting caught flat footed.

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Personally speaking, it's not the cost that bothers me, though I prefer not having to pay for the same skills twice, but the point of the matter that this system shows obvious signs of being bugged, and the devs' explanation is a rushed attempt to try and justify the bugs so they do not have to deal with the repercussions.


This is pretty much it. I actually have the money to "Solve" this issue by just biting the bullet and training all of my characters. But the fact of the matter is I shouldn't have to, especially when things are clearly VASTLY different between mirrored classes, and classes themselves.


If you log out with a fully functional character, you should log back in with a fully functional character. It's really that simple.


One would think...

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I'm surprised no one caught on


  • If an existing ability changed, in name or functionality.




Really? If a skill has been renamed for some reason (which is completely outside a player's control and does not affect his gaming experience in a meaningful way), then he has to bear the costs of re-purchase?


How can that even be remotely justified?


I actually feel sorry for Bioware community managers that have to post such PR crap on the forums knowing that it will raise a crapstorm but have been instructed to do so!

Edited by vathouille
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Do not thank me for my understanding before you know what it is I understand from what you have said.


What I understand is that the consequences to players, and especially to casual players who enjoy many alts, was not adequately considered ahead of time, and is now being waved off as immaterial. Sorry, but "Oops, should have said something" is not an acceptable response. Even if you had said something it would not lessen the impact. Nothing you could have possibly said would have made this any more reasonable.


My characters are not rich, and I can't afford to retrain them all. The sticking point was when I got to my level 55 Commando and noticed I had to rebuy so many things at so many levels that she would be unable to afford them all. Seriously, Charged Bolts for example? ALL levels of it, regardless of how many I bought before?


Sorry, but that's the last straw for this Founder.


This! Also, we may not have paid for the initial ability and got it from our skill tree, but we did pay to upgrade the ability before. How do you justify us paying for ability upgrades that we ALREADY PAID FOR?! Paying for abilities is already an early 2000's MMO sink, but now you want us to repay? The dev's are either going, or have gone, insane. I'm sorry that you have to be the messenger for something like this Eric, that's really sad.


I'm cancelling my sub. This game had a rough start, slowly picked up in 1.4, and now it's falling far enough to where it's becoming unrecoverable. I'll check this game out again in 6 months or so. Hopefully something changes because I cannot justify subbing to this game anymore when the developers clearly do not give a crap.


These guys are spot-on!


For me, it's not even the cost of the skills (as an active player, I have plenty of credits and have complained that there was nothing really worth spending them on except the odd piece on the GTN from the CM) but the fact that EA and BW seem to think this is a fair way of treating their customers. It is asinine, along with many other choices they have made.


I bought the CE, joined the forums in Oct of 2008, participated in closed and open betas, subscribed for nearly 3 years and have witnessed poor decision after poor decision with little-to-no regard for what the player base wants.


-1 subscription.

Edited by RADD
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Man, with all these people dropping their subs, Bioware is going to have to edit that sweet infographic they released the other day to reflect the changes! Have the analysts hold off the recount until next week when this hits the players who didn't pre-order, though... Wouldn't want to waste the time of the graphic designers making a new infographic twice...
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Hey folks,


Ok so I have an update on the training/re-training of abilities with the launch of 3.0. With all of the changes that hit with 3.0 to Disciplines, it is intended that there are abilities that need to be trained/re-trained. Here are some of the criteria that could cause this to happen:

  • If an existing ability changed, in name or functionality. This could especially affect Disciplines which used to share an overlapping name and set of abilities, such as Lethality Sniper/Operative.
  • We adjusted at what level you would acquire certain ranks of skills. If you are a character pre-55 you may be training skills at ranks that were previously unavailable.
  • In some cases we moved abilities from the Base Class to the Advanced Class or vice-versa. This technically means you could have to retrain an ability you already had, since it changed where/how you got it.

I had not realized the scope of abilities that would need to be trained or I would have been more proactive in alerting everyone to this prior to 3.0. With this in mind, the need to train/re-train abilities in 3.0 is intended and therefore we are not planning on making any changes at this time. I apologize sincerely for the inconvenience this has caused.


Thank you for your understanding.




That's a lot of words for a non answer.

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That's a lot of words for a non answer.


Actually, it's pretty clear. Eric wasn't aware of the scope of the changes, but they did intend for you to purchase any skill that changed. It might not be what we wanted to hear... but it was an answer.

Edited by hachibushu
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A bit of advice. If you have a Corruption Sorcerer that is level 55, log him or her in, pay for the skills (its not much) and go to the fleet (Rishi mod vendor for level 55s) to stock up on 172 mods for both you and your comp. Chances are you have at least 350 basics, more than enough to cover both.


Now run Black Hole and Section X. With the new mods and the low cost for that particular character to buy the abilities needed, Corruption Sorcerers do pretty well in both. Note, though your heals are a bit weaker (AoE substantially so) your force is hardly drained by your abilities now....especially with heals.


Black Hole and Section X will get you about 90k or so. Then do the same tomorrow. Then once more the next day.


Yes, I know this is quite a bit to ask, but bear with me for now....


After three days of running just Black Hole and Section X you will have around 300k, which will cover most of your current costs needed to bring all your characters up to date.


Perhaps other folks could post helpful methods to gather the kind of credits needed, in an easy way, for those that are interested.


This is not meant as a "your lazy, get out and earn the credits" post. Your upset, Im upset. Just trying to be helpful.

Edited by LordArtemis
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A bit of advice. If you have a Corruption Sorcerer that is level 55, log him or her in, pay for the skills (its not much) and go to the fleet (Rishi mod vendor for level 55s) to stock up on 172 mods for both you and your comp. Chances are you have at least 350 basics, more than enough to cover both.


Now run Black Hole and Section X. With the new mods and the low cost for that particular character to buy the abilities needed, Corruption Sorcerers do pretty well in both. Note, though your heals are a bit weaker (AoE substantially so) your force is hardly drained by your abilities now....especially with heals.


Black Hole and Section X will get you about 90k or so. Then do the same tomorrow. Then once more the next day.


Yes, I know this is quite a bit to ask, but bear with me for now....


After three days of running just Black Hole and Section X you will have around 300k, which will cover most of your current costs needed to bring all your characters up to date.


Perhaps other folks could post helpful methods to gather the kind of credits needed, in an easy way, for those that are interested.


This is not meant as a "your lazy, get out and earn the credits" post. Your upset, Im upset. Just trying to be helpful.

Very nice to you, here's a way shorter way.


On Rishi if you wander in the waters you'll find chests holding from 15k to 30k (plus items), you can easily make 100k in 15 min if not more.


Good luck.


P.S. then again it's not a matter of the cost, if you know what to do, but being treated very poorly by BioWare as customers. I guess some people aren't getting that we are in fact paying their salaries at some point.

Edited by Deewe
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Very nice to you, here's a way shorter way.


On Rishi if you wander in the waters you'll find chests holding from 15k to 30k (plus items), you can easily make 100k in 15 min if not more.


Good luck.


P.S. then again it's not a matter of the cost, if you know what to do, but being treated very poorly by BioWare as customers. I guess some people aren't getting that we are in fact paying their salaries at some point.


Of course. I agree this was bad form.


One thing though Deewe, you could probably answer this...will a character that is trained up and has 172 mods have any issues on Rishi? And will traveling to Rishi mess up the FA questline if they go early?


The one thing good about doing the dailies, I forgot to mention, is you also get a pretty good start on level 56 since they now give experience.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Hey folks,


Ok so I have an update on the training/re-training of abilities with the launch of 3.0. With all of the changes that hit with 3.0 to Disciplines, it is intended that there are abilities that need to be trained/re-trained. Here are some of the criteria that could cause this to happen:

  • If an existing ability changed, in name or functionality. This could especially affect Disciplines which used to share an overlapping name and set of abilities, such as Lethality Sniper/Operative.
  • We adjusted at what level you would acquire certain ranks of skills. If you are a character pre-55 you may be training skills at ranks that were previously unavailable.
  • In some cases we moved abilities from the Base Class to the Advanced Class or vice-versa. This technically means you could have to retrain an ability you already had, since it changed where/how you got it.

I had not realized the scope of abilities that would need to be trained or I would have been more proactive in alerting everyone to this prior to 3.0. With this in mind, the need to train/re-train abilities in 3.0 is intended and therefore we are not planning on making any changes at this time. I apologize sincerely for the inconvenience this has caused.


Thank you for your understanding.




I rarely post on issues, but I would like to make it known I don't care for the amount of credits it takes to train up the skills. I was going to play my Commando, but now I am not due to the cost of training.


I appreciate everything that is Swtor, and I hope this is corrected in some degree.

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Of course. I agree this was bad form.


One thing though Deewe, you could probably answer this...will a character that is trained up and has 172 mods have any issues on Rishi? And will traveling to Rishi mess up the FA questline if they go early?


The one thing good about doing the dailies, I forgot to mention, is you also get a pretty good start on level 56 since they now give experience.

I'm wandering around in Rishi at 55 in 162 gear without augments as DPS commando, although I geared the droid as tank with 172 mods with comms. Died a couple of times when I wasn't really paying attention or got 2 or more groups of mobs on my back... FYI I have 520 presence, helps a bit.


For the quests not sure, I did not take any quests there and was more playing like in a sandbox looking around and discovering the planets. Although now I'm back doing the forged alliance part I without issues.

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Hey folks,


Ok so I have an update on the training/re-training of abilities with the launch of 3.0. With all of the changes that hit with 3.0 to Disciplines, it is intended that there are abilities that need to be trained/re-trained. Here are some of the criteria that could cause this to happen:

  • If an existing ability changed, in name or functionality. This could especially affect Disciplines which used to share an overlapping name and set of abilities, such as Lethality Sniper/Operative.
  • We adjusted at what level you would acquire certain ranks of skills. If you are a character pre-55 you may be training skills at ranks that were previously unavailable.
  • In some cases we moved abilities from the Base Class to the Advanced Class or vice-versa. This technically means you could have to retrain an ability you already had, since it changed where/how you got it.

I had not realized the scope of abilities that would need to be trained or I would have been more proactive in alerting everyone to this prior to 3.0. With this in mind, the need to train/re-train abilities in 3.0 is intended and therefore we are not planning on making any changes at this time. I apologize sincerely for the inconvenience this has caused.


Thank you for your understanding.




I rarely post, especially regarding issues that get other players wound up. I don't generally have a problem with mistakes or with bugs or with issues that come from the nature running any game as complicated as SWTOR or WoW. But, in this case, I'm sorry Eric: I do not accept your apology.


Moreover, I think you're missing the point of what happened here...


Lots of players whine about change (i was bummed to lose Orbital Strike on my Healer Agent, boo hoo), but they are generally the kind of people who will never accept that change on this scope comes with a massive set of challenges. The changing of skills (renames, reorders, removals, etc) are not the full issue.


The issue is two-fold:


1.) A legitmate problem was created by implementing a new system (a trooper who was 55 before the 12x XP event just paid nearly 200k credits to retrain all skills back up to lvl 55, for example). Quite literally, the changes "stole" or "glitched out" tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of in-game currency from players (which would otherwise prompt anyone to submit a legitimate complaint or ticket)... and the problem SEEMS easily fixed:

  • A.) Reduce all new/retrained skills back to 0 credits for subscribers affected by this (i.e.-all subscribers)
  • B.) Refund credits spent for the skills a character bought which were changed or removed, so that any purchases of the new set of skills is absolutely fair. This doesn't have to affect those characters who were brought to 55 during the 12x XP with free skills, just the plethora of characters which were already sitting at 55 and legitimately paid for previous skills.


2.) The response to what seems like it should be a simple fix was Eric stating the obvious reasons as to why there is a problem and, instead of giving real reasons as to why it might be untenable to implement what seem like simple ways of appeasing the people who pay for and, therefore, support Bioware and it's staff, ended the response with subtext which, to the players, seemed to say: "Go %$#@ yourselves."


Eric, are these proposed fixes to a legitimate issue possible?

...If YES (they are possible), is there a good reason beyond "we're too busy working on other bugs to spare manpower to addressing it" or "our lawyers think that appeasing the players will set a bad precedent" or "cuz we don't have to and you'll all keep playing and paying" that would explain why the proposed fixes wouldn't be implemented?

...if NO (they are not really possible), can you help enlighten us? Most of us would understand a legitimate response such as: "the game code is written in such a way that it does not allow us to individually go in and look for characters which had specific skills before the implementation of 12x XP/free skills and refund credits for only those skills altered and send an email to each of those toons... and, even if that was tenable we were to spend a week writing such code, implementing it would likely cause more bugs and it is, unfortunately, out of the scope of reality for us" or "because cookies taste really good and we are really busy eating cookies." Oh, wait... that second response isn't good- but you get the point.


Bueller? Bueller?

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A bit of advice. If you have a Corruption Sorcerer that is level 55, log him or her in, pay for the skills (its not much) and go to the fleet (Rishi mod vendor for level 55s) to stock up on 172 mods for both you and your comp. Chances are you have at least 350 basics, more than enough to cover both.


Now run Black Hole and Section X. With the new mods and the low cost for that particular character to buy the abilities needed, Corruption Sorcerers do pretty well in both. Note, though your heals are a bit weaker (AoE substantially so) your force is hardly drained by your abilities now....especially with heals.


Black Hole and Section X will get you about 90k or so. Then do the same tomorrow. Then once more the next day.


Yes, I know this is quite a bit to ask, but bear with me for now....


After three days of running just Black Hole and Section X you will have around 300k, which will cover most of your current costs needed to bring all your characters up to date.


Perhaps other folks could post helpful methods to gather the kind of credits needed, in an easy way, for those that are interested.


This is not meant as a "your lazy, get out and earn the credits" post. Your upset, Im upset. Just trying to be helpful.


While I do agree with you on this post that you can and I think most Elder players knows this.


Sure it's a way to solve the issue for some altho it's still wrong and we both agree on that part.


I for one don't need the money but I thought I'd try Oricon since my Guildes told me, nice XP if you do the weekly.

Said and done, bored to be there, Legend already..... Doing the Dailes as I always had, now comes the fun part.


H2+ Done it not sure how many times, Finding one of the bosses, preping to kll her..... and Nice I died! At it again and.... I Died again. I said what the F**K....... Granted I was Hybrid before so I lost skills but still.


Here I am in FULL 180 gear, 156 Aug, using Xalek as Tank in Tank Stance he with 168/180 gear and MK-8 Artifact Aug. and I DIE.


Not only do we have to as we know pay for skills we once paid for, but now we can't even solo content we could pre 3.0 due to the massive NERFS given to us.


I had very little hopes pre 3.0 and with crafting sucking once more I made up my mind too, been here since long before the game game online, paid to play all those years but I've had enough too.


Barring some intervention from god or similar my Sub will be cancled too in 2 days time and I won't bother coming back. all my friends has left, the last one is leaving too, this new expansion and the way EA/BW handeling this is horrible.


Thanks for the cookies BW, you just made sure you lost one more sub.

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They did too much at once i think. Its always the same: marketing wants u to change ALL and get a BLAST. But Players need continuitivity (does that word exist ? idk. Sry if not) ! In some terms at minimum !

And not only about that ! Its common knowledge that: if u change too many variables of anything youre not going to control that anymore. And thats happening all the time in most MMo´s. Sadly. Although they all have the math to know better !

Edited by heizluefta
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As I said in the past, this was badly timed. Disciplines should have either come out a month ago, or the expansion should have been pushed back a month.


Would have been far better, IMO, to simply introduce this system for level 55s, at no cost for conversion, and allow us time to adjust. Then when the expansion rolled around we would have been ready for the new content....and welcomed the new abilities and levels.


Heck, giving us the new Rishi mods plus the Discipline system, with free training would have been more than enough. Sure, there still would have been folks unhappy with the nerf and the change (I still think silvers need a pass 1-50, they seem like they might be a bit overpowered) but there would have been plenty of time to make adjustments along the way.


This could have brought focus where it needed to be, instead of laying it all on us at once, which is why I think this slipped by...kind of hands off the wheel, so to speak.


So much to work on this made it past them before they realized the scope of the changes and what it would mean to max level characters.


It is an unwritten rule since the dawn of MMOs...you NEVER charge a player twice for the same thing. This has always created a fervor whenever any game has attempted to do so, with pretty drastic results.


Even as an oversight they have pretty much, IMO, created a situation where a substantial amount of folks will not give disciplines the time it deserves because they are so angry over this one problem.


I just don't understand...this current dev team is VERY competent IMO. They have made some fantastic changes to the game, reversed some of the more obtuse restrictions in place from the old dev team...and most....not all of the changes made since the old team left have been positive ones.


But this...this smacks of the old dev team. I can accept "we know best"...I can even accept "sorry, but it was too hard the way we had it before so we needed to do this"...perhaps even "it was hurting PVP"....


But to tell us "well, we didnt know it was this widespread, but there is nothing we can do about it now. Sorry, you will have to accept it."


That was a bit too much. IMO Bioware is asking it's playerbase to swallow far too much for the sake of development costs and effort...for the sake of a small portion of the playerbase.


It seems Bioware may have forgotten who keeps the lights on.

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I'm gonna be over here NOT leveling my skills.. I can't afford it.. the amount I've made going from 55 - 57, doesn't even come close to offsetting what I've had to pay in skill training.


Until BioWare fixes these outrageous credit costs (600k-ish at 60 is nuts.. that's almost twice what a preferred player can even have in their 'wallet' to spend! let alone anyone that is still a F2P player).. I can't afford to level, especially on characters that used the 12x boost to get to 55, as they barely made any money while leveling.


I forsee a ton of complaints about people who haven't trained all their skills (due to cost) being queued for Flashpoints, or PvP while they try and earn enough money to pay to level.

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As I said in the past, this was badly timed. Disciplines should have either come out a month ago, or the expansion should have been pushed back a month.


Would have been far better, IMO, to simply introduce this system for level 55s, at no cost for conversion, and allow us time to adjust. Then when the expansion rolled around we would have been ready for the new content....and welcomed the new abilities and levels.


Heck, giving us the new Rishi mods plus the Discipline system, with free training would have been more than enough. Sure, there still would have been folks unhappy with the nerf and the change (I still think silvers need a pass 1-50, they seem like they might be a bit overpowered) but there would have been plenty of time to make adjustments along the way.


This could have brought focus where it needed to be, instead of laying it all on us at once, which is why I think this slipped by...kind of hands off the wheel, so to speak.


So much to work on this made it past them before they realized the scope of the changes and what it would mean to max level characters.


It is an unwritten rule since the dawn of MMOs...you NEVER charge a player twice for the same thing. This has always created a fervor whenever any game has attempted to do so, with pretty drastic results.


Even as an oversight they have pretty much, IMO, created a situation where a substantial amount of folks will not give disciplines the time it deserves because they are so angry over this one problem.


I just don't understand...this current dev team is VERY competent IMO. They have made some fantastic changes to the game, reversed some of the more obtuse restrictions in place from the old dev team...and most....not all of the changes made since the old team left have been positive ones.


But this...this smacks of the old dev team. I can accept "we know best"...I can even accept "sorry, but it was too hard the way we had it before so we needed to do this"...perhaps even "it was hurting PVP"....


But to tell us "well, we didnt know it was this widespread, but there is nothing we can do about it now. Sorry, you will have to accept it."


That was a bit too much. IMO Bioware is asking it's playerbase to swallow far too much for the sake of development costs and effort...for the sake of a small portion of the playerbase.


It seems Bioware may have forgotten who keeps the lights on.


Nice posting. Thx for that !


What i simply dont understand in the MMO-Sector:

They watch numbers, ok ! They watch income, ok ! They watch Statistics ! Ok ! They try to crunch numbers to get problems watched and get marketing-trends followed !

But what they most of the time forget is:


Speak to the people and say whats going on !

Ey im spending my ressources in my hobby anyway, and a bit more if i trust in them !

So make us trust again ! ANd not being "feared" all time !

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