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3.0 commando/merc dps guide?


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Can't imagine it will looks that different for Arsenal or Pyro in 3.0 vs. 2.10. Throw in Priming Shot first for the debuff if you are Arsenal. Otherwise its going to look pretty much the same for pve. For pvp, well no one is going to use Arsenal or Pyro for pvp, so it doesn't matter.


Pryo/Assault rotation will be very different and more complicated, which I like :). Our proc had a 1.5 second CD added to it which increases our rotations by an extra ability. It was 6 seconds and now it is 7.5 seconds. Gunnery's proc is still at 8 seconds like it was before. There will be similarities in the rotation, but it will be very different with Assault's added bleed, finisher, and stacking buff. Assault's rotation was in ability groups of 3 or 4 prior to 3.0; it will now be in groups of 4 or 5 abilities.


With CDs of mostly 15 seconds and our proc/rotation being 7.5 seconds we will need to find a new GCD for every 7.5 second rotation. The obvious new choices being our new bleed and explosive round (if under 30% health). There will need to be a 3rd ability, but I'm not 100% sure what it is until I get in game. It could be just a full auto followed by 2 charged bolts rather than the 1 charged bolt prior to 3.0. It's hard to say until I can get in game.

Edited by Volcan
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The meta is going to have to sift itself out before anyone is going to be able to claim possession of enough facts to write a guide.


You mean like a months worth of time?


Like... the time all those beta testers had... :eek:


I'm pretty sure Dulfy will have a guide sometime soon.


If you could play Arsenal before it will take minimal effort to get into 3.0 Arsenal.


If you could play Pyro before then sucks to be you. Easy rotation and manageable resources was so yesterday.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Anyone planning on making a new thread for commando/mrec dps when 3.0 drops?


I know my Mandalorian Guild page will have one, but I'd have to ask if I could copy and paste it, over 40 members of the guild (Mercs) are going to be involved with it between all the trees.


because now the new system, you can only choose one route, and you can't go between them. So it'll definitely be interesting and really a matter of playstyle preference between them.

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because now the new system, you can only choose one route, and you can't go between them. So it'll definitely be interesting and really a matter of playstyle preference between them.


Nothing changed.


All variations of speccing into two trees was pointless for mercs.

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O.o Something tells me you didn't like adventuring much............


No there was no such thing as "speccing between trees" The mechanics of the different trees never lined up right, ammo management would be piss poor, etc. Believe me I did a lot of experimenting with hybrids.

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So besides the approach to the different specs, does anyone have any idea on how the diminishing returns have changed in 3.0? The commendation gear seems to have a lot of crit rating but did they change the soft cap for it?


Also with the extra main stat percentages gone from the disciplines (9% extra aim, 6% extra willpower,...) will this make power augments more viable above the main stat ones? The percentage helped in bridging the small gap in bonus damage between the two but the bridge seems to have been burned.

Edited by yindaka
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Aim augments


Crit levels up to low 200's


Accuracy @ 100/110%



Welcome to having choice in your optimal stats.


You can move a teeny bit of stats back and forth between power and crit.

You can move a teeny bit of stats between surge or alacrity.


And that's it.


And no it won't make a difference anyway. But at least there's that choice.

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Depends how fine you wish to split hairs.


A little after low 200's with enough decimal places you can see damage falling off.


And the difference between 0 and 400 crit will equally require a number of decimal places to see the difference.


Theoretical difference of course.

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Aim augments


Crit levels up to low 200's


Accuracy @ 100/110%



Welcome to having choice in your optimal stats.


You can move a teeny bit of stats back and forth between power and crit.

You can move a teeny bit of stats between surge or alacrity.


And that's it.


And no it won't make a difference anyway. But at least there's that choice.



Could you explain why aim augment after 3.0 please ?

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Could you explain why aim augment after 3.0 please ?


Yea, i'd love this reasoning also. My theory is either Alacrity Augments (Caster Classes), Power Augments (Classes with no spec based Auto-Crits), or Surge (Classes with Spec Based Auto-Crits)


Reasons for each?


Casters + Alacrity = Faster Casts and Channels, sure there's plenty of insta casts in there too, but more alacrity also means faster energy regen.


Power, for classes without baseline auto-crits like Conc Op, AP PT, Anni Mara, etc. to boost their overall damage.


Surge, for classes with baseline auto-crits like Carnage and Fury Mara, Rage Jugg, etc.


Why do i say Baseline Auto-crits? well, most of the set bonuses at 6 piece (that's odd to say) have one ability that procs an auto-crit on a hard hitter, example is Furious Strike for Mara and Jugg. But that isnt 100% spec crucial to have, it's a DPS increase, but all of those have a 1m ICD.

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