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Oh joy. J.J.Abrams ruined lightsabers.


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In the movies ???


Not in the movies, but they will be in the movies. I find it ridiculous that people seem to think all lightsabers have to look alike as if in thousands of years of history no force user would try to craft something different.


The original movies also talk of a time frame that is a small fragment in the timeline. Times change and sometimes you find something unexpected. I don't find any problem with the idea of a sith unearthing some long lost artifact lightsaber that just works and looks differently or developing something new that works and looks differently.


The most disturbing thing is that people expect something to stay pretty much the same over thousands of years. You may like or dislike the look of it or not really care, but for people to say it can't be different is an odd notion to me.

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actually the saber's apperance is NOT without prescedance.


sounds like a close description of the saber we saw.


That might actually be the case. We can assume that (with Luke propably running a new Jedi Order and the New Republic standing upright once again) Sith were not to common in this age. So, how would anyone teach him how to construct a proper red synthetic crystal? The Sith might have screwed up the process and the blade is an indication of that. Luke's Lightsaber might be as we know it, but the Sith Lightsaber was done so for a reason.


But I agree with the sentiment of a few other people in this post. Please, watch the movie first. We can all go on a rampage in 12 months. We can only assume what the purpose behind the cross-guard and the effect is. That's the reason we shouldn't call BS on it just yet.

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I'll wait to reserve my judgement but it's not like this is the first time we've seen new crap like this implemented just to sell !@#$%^& toys. Some things that come to mind...


Doublebladed saber

Dookus curved hilt

Baton saber (Maris Brood)



Even Starkiller holding his lightsaber backwards can be seen as directorial license just for the "cool" factor.


There is no doubt in my mind this particular saber was shoehorned in just to have something new and was not added for any practical reason whatsoever. Shame really.


Does it ruin Star Wars though? No.

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the mini-blades on the guard is an interesting concept and to me shows a weapon that only a master can use... the guards can be used to protect your hand from being chopped off, but one wrong flick of your wrist and you cut off your own hand... this new villain just might have some staying power and last more than one movie... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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the mini-blades on the guard is an interesting concept and to me shows a weapon that only a master can use... the guards can be used to protect your hand from being chopped off, but one wrong flick of your wrist and you cut off your own hand... this new villain just might have some staying power and last more than one movie...


I dunno Maul's double bladed saber was the same way. that said I hope he does have staying power. the "sith of the week" aspect of the prequals was one of it's weakest points

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True but I do love angry trekkies how many GOOD movies did they have out of all of the previous what 3 lol even the prequels where better then alot of the trekturd films


Actually, I rather liked the TNG movies. Most of the TOS movies were sh*t, though.

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To me they look ugly and dot really seem to serve much of a purpose, I really can't see how those 2 beams would save your wrists in a heated fight, in a more"casual"duel it would help but in a full fledged fight no. Also cortosis would work just as well although it would admittedly be slightly more annoying to carry around.
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What a bunch of whiners.


Cross-guard saber?

Done before in the EU.


Unstable blade?

Done before in the EU (and this game!)


Different sound?

Done... oh you get it by now.


Quit whining just because something is different.


I swear people would still whine if he released the original ep 4 (aka. "the star wars movie") in an untouched version.

They'd still be going "it's not how I remember it!" and crying.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Go Watch Star Trek And Tell Me He Doesn't Mess Stuff Up.



Star Trek and Star Wars are in differnt positions. Star Trek when JJA took over was basicly a franchise that was dying. the last movie had been a failure, and the last series had done so poorly it was canceled after only 3 seasons.

As such the conclusion at paramount was that Trek NEEDED TO CHANGE, and they went away from the cerebral talk things out approuch to a more actiony approuch. Star Trek basicly became more like Star Wars. SW meanwhile is a lot healthier as a franchise. basicly TLDR Star Trek they needed to "save with a reboot and re-tool for modern audiances" SW well... they just have to contiune the good thing they have going

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Go Watch Star Trek And Tell Me He Doesn't Mess Stuff Up.


Watched it and he didn't.


Then again, I don't find the need to nitpick things to death because it didn't envision what I wanted out of a film.


"Oh noes, this alternate universe isn't exactly like the normal universe. Worse. Movie. Ever. "

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People need to get a grip... its a 2 or 3 second clip in a teaser trailer more than 1 year before release... to be perfectly honest and clear: you don't even know if this will be in the final film or who the character is and in fact anything. Sort yourself out man.


Teaser trailer = did it tease you? were you enthused by it? That's it, it has no other job. Plot, characterisation - you have no idea, because those things are nothing to do with this. Tone, style - you get a feel of what they are going for, that's it, that is literally all you can draw from this... I like what I've seen so far, let's hope they pull it off for the full film, eh?

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Watched it and he didn't.

Then again, I don't find the need to nitpick things

It's not about nitpicks.

It's about not really making Star Trek movies, and neither will he make Star Wars.


JJ made two generic, 100% forgettable kinda space action movies with Star Trek window dressings. Kinda nice to watch, but I don't remember anymore what they were even about. Something something stunts volcano boom.


Most odd-numbered ST movies are poorly conceived and made, but at least if you walk in on one, you won't be asking - "Is it Star Trek, is it Star Wars, or is it Harry Potter with lightsabers?"



People enjoyed JJ's movies, heck, I did, but they didn't bring any new fans to ST, nor will ep7 bring any new fans to SW. JJ movies are not franchise builders that people start relationships with, they're instant gratification flicks. Jacking off in HD.

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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It's not about nitpicks.

It's about not really making Star Trek movies, and neither will he make Star Wars.


JJ made two generic, 100% forgettable kinda space action movies with Star Trek window dressings. Kinda nice to watch, but I don't remember anymore what they were even about. Something something stunts volcano boom.


Most odd-numbered ST movies are poorly conceived and made, but at least if you walk in on one, you won't be asking - "Is it Star Trek, is it Star Wars, or is it Harry Potter with lightsabers?"



People enjoyed these movies, heck, I did, but they didn't bring any new fans to ST, nor will ep7 bring any new fans to SW. JJ movies are not franchise builders that people start relationships with, they're instant gratification flicks. Jacking off in HD.


LOL He is like

. (although I thought TMNT was ok)
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