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R.I.P Operative healers.


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So I have read the notes. I see the changes. Obviously I play an Op healer as my main. So how much metrics and data do you need to collect before you adjust our class again?


In other words you really nerfed our heals across the board. You want your content to be more challenging. Ok so what about the fun factor? What if its really not fun anymore to play this class? I am going to shelf my beloved Corbindalas for a while and just play my dps and wait to see what is the new flavor of healer. In this case it appears to be Mercs. Mercs definitely needed a boost and I m glad they got it.


Many changes here again point to you screwing over my PVE game play for the sake of PVP, and frankly that sucks!


/rant off.

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I main an OP healer, and obviously not liking the new changes, but come on... it's easymode healing. We barely have any resource management, and can spam nanotech and probes all day. This wasn't just a PVP nerf, we are way too easy to play in PVE. 90% of our gameplay is clicking nameplates and refreshing kolto probe.


Maybe with the new channeled area healing I can actually look at the environment instead of the groups frame :D

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I'm trying to figure out what content they have been playing that having an OP along is easy mode, sure SM is pretty simple, but it's suppose to be, anything HM/NiM is not as simple as bring an OP healer and you auto win, sure we can out heal most of the other classes, but we have **** for AoE (until 3.0) and with how a few of our skills work, we are not the most effective healers as skills tick while someone is at full health which results in nothing.


Sounds like i'll be playing my merc healer in place of my OP if it is all as bad as it is being suggested.


SMH at EAware making PVP changes and claiming it is to balance PVE.

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My Sage healer thanks you, Bioware! :p


Just kidding, I have a scoundrel healer as well that I very much enjoy. I do agree though that scoundrel healing is really, really easy (compared to Sage) and effective to boot! If these changes make the scoundrel more in line with the other healers, I'm fine with it.

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Yep. My main is an operative healer, so I guess there's no reason for me to stay subbed anymore. When even BioWare is using terms like "extreme" and "brace yourself" you know you're on the fast track to irrelevance. Nice going, BioWare.


Though I am chuckling a bit at all the celebrating from sorc and merc healers. I knew they were jealous of us operatives, but I didn't realize it was quite to that extent. It's pretty amusing.

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Oh no! OP healers are getting *gasp* Balanced!


Its the end of the world!




There's a difference between "balanced" and "totally nerfed into the ground," genius. From the way BioWare worded the release, this is clearly the latter.

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There's a difference between "balanced" and "totally nerfed into the ground," genius. From the way BioWare worded the release, this is clearly the latter.


lol... I guess you didn,t play an Oper healer since 2.0??????? Nerfed to the ground would brought them in line with Sorc and Merc for PvP.

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Yea I am a bit irritated to say the least.


Dont get too comfy Sorc healers..over at Reddit they stated that Sorcs took a pretty heavy nerf to the aoe's as well.


In the end of course I'll keep playing my Op.


I predict...


They swung the axe a bit too far to see how Operatives are doing and will notice that it was a bit too extreme and will do tweaks to bring them up to Mercs. This will take about 6 months.

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Yea I am a bit irritated to say the least.


Dont get too comfy Sorc healers..over at Reddit they stated that Sorcs took a pretty heavy nerf to the aoe's as well.


In the end of course I'll keep playing my Op.


I predict...


They swung the axe a bit too far to see how Operatives are doing and will notice that it was a bit too extreme and will do tweaks to bring them up to Mercs. This will take about 6 months.


Considering they are currently nerfing Merc under the maths of a respected member of our community.. Or so I've heard...


Note that I do respect this member and without seeing the actual calculations he made, I won't judge his opinion any further


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I have all three types of healers and I have to admit my Operative was my favorite, but I'm going to reserve any judgement on the changes until I've had a chance to try them out. I'm hoping the balancing is what they promise and all three healer types are on an even playing field.


I will say that before hand my Merc healer was my least favorite, but I'm hoping now she'll find her place next to my Operative and Sage healers :)

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So I have read the notes. I see the changes. Obviously I play an Op healer as my main. So how much metrics and data do you need to collect before you adjust our class again?


In other words you really nerfed our heals across the board. You want your content to be more challenging. Ok so what about the fun factor? What if its really not fun anymore to play this class? I am going to shelf my beloved Corbindalas for a while and just play my dps and wait to see what is the new flavor of healer. In this case it appears to be Mercs. Mercs definitely needed a boost and I m glad they got it.


Many changes here again point to you screwing over my PVE game play for the sake of PVP, and frankly that sucks!


/rant off.

the devs have tried their best to buff classes rather than nerf them.


my first character and main is a op healer. and they've got to the point of being ridiculously overpowered in PvE and PvP. I can sit an heal through 2 players attacking me in pvp. in pve, i have an indefinite resource pool and can heal 8 targets at once.


it's not even about making ops comparable to sorcs and mercs, its about unbreaking the class. as the blog says, they were so good that they were killing the challenge of the game.


as always a nerf is hard to swallow but if you've objective, you can only see this as the right thing to do for the game.

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I have all three types of healers and I have to admit my Operative was my favorite, but I'm going to reserve any judgement on the changes until I've had a chance to try them out. I'm hoping the balancing is what they promise and all three healer types are on an even playing field.


I will say that before hand my Merc healer was my least favorite, but I'm hoping now she'll find her place next to my Operative and Sage healers :)


I have all 3 healing classes at 55 and have played them all in HM content (only NiM on my OP) and I have to say that the Operatives were not so much as imbalanced as their skills were poorly optimized, when I raid I parse my healing against my sister on her Sorc and I always out heal her, but her heals were on average 15-20% more effective because she didn't have HoT's ticking on fully healed people and things like that, they should have looked at balancing the skills rather than just reducing our outgoing healing under the guise of balancing PVE (which we all know is really to balance PVP)

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lol... I guess you didn,t play an Oper healer since 2.0??????? Nerfed to the ground would brought them in line with Sorc and Merc for PvP.


So by that logic, Sorc and Merc were completely useless as healers since 2.0? And you're glad the solution was "make everyone useless."


Not saying I agree with you or that I think any of the classes are going to be grounded, just going through your thought process.

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Considering they are currently nerfing Merc under the maths of a respected member of our community.. Or so I've heard...


Yeah, unlike you I take objections to someone who doesn't play the class as a main, taking judgement on another class that has been irrelevant for a long time. Not respected among the merc community.

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I have played Corbindalas since beta as a healer and switched to lethality and conceal as I wanted to expand my fun. He has always been my 'main' and I dearly love the name 'Agent Corbindalas' as it gets the usual comments...


Seeing your favorite class take the heaviest nerfs is never fun.


Depending on how Sorcs or Ops play out in heals I will likely do one or the other.


As I said before, we will get 'rebuffed' again but it will take 6 months before BW realizes nobody likes playing Op healers...

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