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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware says NO LFD TOOL.


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Operanti just gave a example his/her experience and what happened because he hit /1 lfg. But here is why all this talk of community on a server is true. Be a douche get a bad rep guess what no one will group with you. Since their is no LFG instant button your screwed and thats the way it should be. Wow got screwed with a combo of easy leveling and instant q how many trolls would sit in trade spamming non sence blizz would do nothing to fix it. Sure you could ignore that person but did it really mater they would keep it up or reroll a toon and level in nothing flat. Did it stop ninjas from ganking your gear hell no cuz again it didnt matter again instant q no repercusions what so ever. How many times did you see gear get took by a dps when the tank rolled need or a healer got screwed out cuz the othr dps is gearing off spec
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Operanti just gave a example his/her experience and what happened because he hit /1 lfg. But here is why all this talk of community on a server is true. Be a douche get a bad rep guess what no one will group with you. Since their is no LFG instant button your screwed and thats the way it should be. Wow got screwed with a combo of easy leveling and instant q how many trolls would sit in trade spamming non sence blizz would do nothing to fix it. Sure you could ignore that person but did it really mater they would keep it up or reroll a toon and level in nothing flat. Did it stop ninjas from ganking your gear hell no cuz again it didnt matter again instant q no repercusions what so ever. How many times did you see gear get took by a dps when the tank rolled need or a healer got screwed out cuz the othr dps is gearing off spec


A bad rep will still effect some1 if the lfg tool is server only. So not really sure what you are trying to point out.

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No LFD tool is good. It only degrades the community, like it did in wow.


Without it you get to know people on your server better and can sort the bad from the good players, which helps to form a better community. Most of the time with a random group finder you get dumped with a bunch of morons you never see again.

Edited by NasherUK
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Cross Server anything = bad for community

No looking for group tool, period = annoying

The current system would be fine if people used it, but they don't. It's all just spamming General chat.

I fail to see how that helps the community.

And as far as making friends go, the looking for group thing has very little to do with making friends. Naturally people will group with friends when doing dungeons, the LFG method is irrelevant.

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No LFD tool is good. It only degrades the community, like it did in wow.


You get to know people on your server better and can sort the bad from the good players, instead of being dumped with a bunch of clueless morons.


And how wouldnt you get to know ppl on your server if there was a lfg tool that was server only?

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Ok lets say we ignore this said person k all of a sudden wam heys now in the group with us great we waited 10 min for a replacement and its this guy. So do we kick him and go back to waitng or do we continue? If there is no lfg instant button that wouldnt of ever happened. Lets us build our own communitys vote no to LFG instant buttons.
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Ok lets say we ignore this said person k all of a sudden wam heys now in the group with us great we waited 10 min for a replacement and its this guy. So do we kick him and go back to waitng or do we continue? If there is no lfg instant button that wouldnt of ever happened. Lets us build our own communitys vote no to LFG instant buttons.


hehe you dont pug all that much do you? if you join a pug most of the time you arent the one inviting ppl to the grp, so you dont really all much control either way.

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Ok lets say we ignore this said person k all of a sudden wam heys now in the group with us great we waited 10 min for a replacement and its this guy. So do we kick him and go back to waitng or do we continue? If there is no lfg instant button that wouldnt of ever happened. Lets us build our own communitys vote no to LFG instant buttons.


What? Then you KICK said person and try again. The system could be smart enough that if your group had said person on IGNORE it wouldn't have added him.


What sort of ridiculous arguments are people coming up with? Good Grief!

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What? Then you KICK said person and try again. The system could be smart enough that if your group had said person on IGNORE it wouldn't have added him.


What sort of ridiculous arguments are people coming up with? Good Grief!


Funny thing is they arent really making up arguments. They just move right along to the name calling most of the time.

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Look BW can ban ppl and they should if they are out of control spamming rude, racial insert bad behavior often. Blizz didnt ban ppl enough why should they they used wow to spring board their other creations and it was their money horse. With SWTOR the devs and all the major companys involved are not hurting for cash to fund other games.

So iam pretty sure we will see ban hammers being dropped for out of control behavior wich iam all for

Edited by morganlion
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Why does every other MMORPG have to fight this fight, and then finally give in an implement all of the WoW toolkit? It doesn't matter what they say, the LFD tool is inevitable. It's simply part of the objectively superior toolset that WoW made the nominal expectation.


I, for one, think they will end up implementing one despite what is said here.

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LFD System steps


- AFK on Republic/ Imperial fleet

- Pop into a dungeon you dont even know where the **** its located at.

- Say hi to your dungeon mates if you feel like doing so

- Finish dungeon

- Back to AFK on Replublic/Imperial fleet

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LFD System steps


- AFK on Republic/ Imperial fleet

- Pop into a dungeon you dont even know where the **** its located at.

- Say hi to your dungeon mates if you feel like doing so

- Finish dungeon

- Back to AFK on Replublic/Imperial fleet


If all of this is a problem, then I vote we petition Bioware to REMOVE the PVP Warfronts Looking for Group tool as well.


You know...the Tool that allows you to queue for a Warfront without going anywhere, or doing anything and teleport to that Warfront automatically. They need to get rid of that.

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If all of this is a problem, then I vote we petition Bioware to REMOVE the PVP Warfronts Looking for Group tool as well.


You know...the Tool that allows you to queue for a Warfront without going anywhere, or doing anything and teleport to that Warfront automatically. They need to get rid of that.


It would build community!


I can't believe someone from Bioware said something so outright stupid.

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LFD System steps


- AFK on Republic/ Imperial fleet

- Pop into a dungeon you dont even know where the **** its located at.

- Say hi to your dungeon mates if you feel like doing so

- Finish dungeon

- Back to AFK on Replublic/Imperial fleet


The system right now


- AFK on Republic/ Imperial fleet

- Pop into a dungeon you dont even know where the **** its located at.

- Say hi to your dungeon mates if you feel like doing so

- Finish dungeon

- Back to AFK on Replublic/Imperial fleet


so what is your point?

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I'd rather see all the people looking for a group in the channel than all the trolls that have been popping up in the last couple of days.


I also don't get why people don't use the LFG that is there already I use it all the time and have had some success. I guess people are just too lazy to click the planet title and then check a box that says "Looking For Group".

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Here's an issue when you don't have a LFD-system. In 3-4 months when the majority of people are max level, new people as well as old players who are making new classes will have a very hard time finding a group.


This is an issue that plague every MMO. If there's trouble finding groups for Flashpoints now, it's going to be 10x worse in a few months. This is also an issue with having group quests in the world. It's all great now, but good luck getting a group for those in the future aswell. Why do you think WoW removed or remade their group quests?


It may all sound great in theory to have more social interaction with other players, but what the developers and players want in theory is not the same as what happens in practice. People are lazy, you, me, and everyone else and it is not convinient to shout for a group. I know alot of people who just don't care about doing group related things because they don't have time to shout for a group, which disbands after the first wipe.


Of course a LFD-system bring negative things aswell, but I think the positive things far outweight the negative things in the long run.

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