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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware says NO LFD TOOL.


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You can argue against a Dungeon Finder if you want. You can say "Go back to WoW" if you want. I am just saying that without a Dungeon Finder tool people will indeed "Go back to Wow". After they start merging servers you will wonder "What Happened". What happened is people went back to WoW.


LFG is not compelling gameplay. It never has been and never will be. There is no redeeming factor to LFG. LFG kills MMOs. I have been playing MMOs since Everquest and I will tell you that LFG is one of the main reasons they have not been as successful as WoW.

Edited by Tnice
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Why would his or her opinion matter less simply because he/she happens to have enjoyed cata/wotlk? simply because you didnt like something, doesnt make ppls view invalid when they like it.


I also played a death knight, a damned good death knight at that. I suppose that means all of my posts are irrelevant as well.


god i love logical fallacies!

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No, it really isn't a legit argument because it has nothing to do with the argument i made.


Its like this.

"Well, i think we should ban tacos"

"No ones forcing you to eat tacos"

"Yea but root beer is delicious!"




edit:..i think im getting hungry..


to recap then:


You started an argument with my point that "Adding a LFG auto queue hurts the community"


Your argument is now that some of your best times came from the fact that you can cross server queue and get a dungeon at any time and you have made friends because of this.


I did not contest that you can make friends in LFG, however I did say that taking out human interaction reduces the likelihood of it.


What it comes down to is what you want is a quick and efficient result. What I want is something that will ensure the longevity of the game. Regardless of what either of us think is in the best interest of the game, I want Bioware to realize it is not one sided and for them to make their own decision.


Its been fun watching mad kids get mad, but I bid you good night.

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to recap then:


You started an argument with my point that "Adding a LFG auto queue hurts the community"


Your argument is now that some of your best times came from the fact that you can cross server queue and get a dungeon at any time and you have made friends because of this.


I did not contest that you can make friends in LFG, however I did say that taking out human interaction reduces the likelihood of it.


What it comes down to is what you want is a quick and efficient result. What I want is something that will ensure the longevity of the game. Regardless of what either of us think is in the best interest of the game, I want Bioware to realize it is not one sided and for them to make their own decision.


Its been fun watching mad kids get mad, but I bid you good night.

I think you misunderstand me....I was saying from the very start that LFG -doesnt- hurt the community at all.


spamming /1 doesn't ensure the longevity of the game...if it does it does so by forcing people to take longer to do anything.

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Why would his or her opinion matter less simply because he/she happens to have enjoyed cata/wotlk? simply because you didnt like something, doesnt make ppls view invalid when they like it.


As stated the games population went down from its initial pool of US/Canadian players after these expansions which implys that the average player was dissatisfied overall weither they knew it or not. The only reason the population looked "ok" was because they released the game in new countrys to bolster the numbers. It is all about what makes a better game.


And no simply playing a Death Knight would not discredit your opinion. Being a WoTLK baby would though

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to recap then:


You started an argument with my point that "Adding a LFG auto queue hurts the community"


Your argument is now that some of your best times came from the fact that you can cross server queue and get a dungeon at any time and you have made friends because of this.


I did not contest that you can make friends in LFG, however I did say that taking out human interaction reduces the likelihood of it.


What it comes down to is what you want is a quick and efficient result. What I want is something that will ensure the longevity of the game. Regardless of what either of us think is in the best interest of the game, I want Bioware to realize it is not one sided and for them to make their own decision.


Its been fun watching mad kids get mad, but I bid you good night.


you havent really proven how removing the lfg spam and replacing it with a lfg system, it doesnt has to be a autoforming one btw, it could just be a tool that lets you flag quests or instances so you could join up that way, has a negative effect.

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As stated the games population went down from its initial pool of US/Canadian players after these expansions which implys that the average player was dissatisfied overall weither they knew it or not. The only reason the population looked "ok" was because they released the game in new countrys to bolster the numbers. It is all about what makes a better game.


And no simply playing a Death Knight would not discredit your opinion. Being a WoTLK baby would though


I wasn't a "wotlk baby", i started mid BC. My server sucked as long as i've been playing. My fondest memories of wow were during wotlk because, thanks to the LFD, i could actually BE more social, i could actually play the game and do dungeons more often.

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I love flash points/dungeons and all of that, they are my favorite part of MMOs. The problem is, with my work and school schedule outside of weekends I only have maybe 2 hours of time to play per sitting. I can't sit in Vaiken and waste 30 of my 120 minutes for playtime looking for a group. By the time I find a group and we get set and enter the FP, my time is nearly up and I have wasted my entire play time for nothing. Sure I could of done crafting, but I personally dislike crafting.


My proposal is a tool that is easy to access from anywhere in game, that allows you to sign up and look at everyone and their role who is looking for the same FP. (Heroics be damned, I don't think any one has an issues with there being no LFD for those.) This way I can quest and be recruiting or planning for my FP so my time is not being wasted.


On a side note, can some one explain to me how non lfd recruiting leads to more social situations? Every time for me its been




A invite B to group


The group completes the instance with out saying a single damn word to each other.


I just can't see my self staying with this game after the first month if there is a not an easier way to set up FP groups. Any one else feel that way?

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As stated the games population went down from its initial pool of US/Canadian players after these expansions which implys that the average player was dissatisfied overall weither they knew it or not. The only reason the population looked "ok" was because they released the game in new countrys to bolster the numbers. It is all about what makes a better game.


And no simply playing a Death Knight would not discredit your opinion. Being a WoTLK baby would though


or maybe those ppl simply moved on with their lives. we cant know that you are building your argument that wotlk/cata on your own views rather then true facts.

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Quit and be done then. There is a game for people who feel the need to threaten the cancellation of accounts if they don't get their way out there already.


Childish :rolleyes:.

People will leave a MMO when they don't evolve.

Killing of end game pve with no add ons ((which will be introduced as far as I know)) along with making a lot of things inconvenient will harm the game.


We all know that people who think the game has no flaws will leave as well and starts this over in the next MMO.



Let me ask you this, why aren't you playing that MMO that was so much better than WOW that didn't had those features?

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For the ppl who are like i need my add-ons or no instance finder, go back and play wow and when wow fails which its doing a epic job of atm. You will either have to go to a new game that lets you have finders and add- ons or you will stop playing mmos. Either way thats your choice and thats fine but hey atleast we wont have ppl crying in forums about the content is to hard, this class needs a nerf or iam completly useless with out my DBM.
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For the ppl who are like i need my add-ons or no instance finder, go back and play wow and when wow fails which its doing a epic job of atm. You will either have to go to a new game that lets you have finders and add- ons or you will stop playing mmos. Either way thats your choice and thats fine but hey atleast we wont have ppl crying in forums about the content is to hard, this class needs a nerf or iam completly useless with out my DBM.



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I spend many hours trying to find group in Taral V and had no success at all. Looks like i should just skip it and move forward, because my level is too high for it now. This game badly, REALLY BADLY needs lfg tool:mad: Edited by Anttonen
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I spend many hours trying to find group in Taral V and had no sucsess at all. Looks like i should just skip it and move forward, because my level is too high for it now. This game badly, REALLY BADLY needs lfg tool:mad:


don't forget. according to the anti-lfders, you're just lying to get your way.

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For the ppl who are like i need my add-ons or no instance finder, go back and play wow and when wow fails which its doing a epic job of atm. You will either have to go to a new game that lets you have finders and add- ons or you will stop playing mmos. Either way thats your choice and thats fine but hey atleast we wont have ppl crying in forums about the content is to hard, this class needs a nerf or iam completly useless with out my DBM.


...lets just insult ppl that will surely convice them that MY VIEW is the right one and they where wrong.

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I'm fine with or without LFF... but I'm glad there's no x-server. Please, never put any xserver anything in this game- I picked my server, I wanna play with my server- x-server dungeons in wow indeed made dungeon finding faster, but it made it an awful experience... and it turned dungeons into even more of a grind than they already were.


I used to like doing dungeons in WoW, I know, shocking- ENJOYING a game. I'm enjoying flashpoints so far in TOR- I'm not going to enjoy them if I get 3 jerks who have nothing keeping them from being complete douches since they're form another server playing with me.


Fun over grind please.



edit- that said, give us some sort of LFF tool, whether its a search function, or a LFF channel that's galactic. I might be missing something, but it seems the only place I can look for groups is on the Fleet... which means I'm limited in my choices of what I can do while waiting. To be honest, I like DDO's system- you have a list of flashpoints, a search tool that'll help you find people starting a group for it, and unlike an LFF channel, you don't have morons spamming it with Chuck Norris jokes and things having nothing to do with looking for flashpoints. (which is the reason even Blizzard ended up cutting the functionality of their LFG channel)

Edited by fungihoujo
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There is no reason there shouldn't be a same server LFG tool. None at all.


People never talk in these PUG groups. Sure every once in awhile you may make a friend...but if you keep it same server that could STILL happen. By not having it all you are doing is making sure the player spams chats for 30 mins until he can find a group.


Lucky I am a tank/healer, otherwise I imagine this would be very frustrating. Being a tank or healer I usually just go when called upon.

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glad im most of the time a tank or healer easy grps then :D


i remember being dps in tbc when people asked me my stats and ofc i didnt get an answer back :)


and its almoste 2012 and where still yelling in /1

Edited by Lolkin
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To all those speculating about an LFG tool and its alleged negative impact on the game:


If you want to 'socialize' then by all means stay in /1 and kibitz about the weather or the game last night or how trashy Lindsay Lohan looked during her latest court appearance. I, on the other hand will be tanking the instance the tool was designed for and much too busy killing things to talk to you about irrelevant gossip.

In fact, I would prefer you stay out of the pool of potential group members because someone who would rather spend there time 'socializing' is the kind of player who doesn't pay attention at critical moments and wipes groups.


I will do my 'socializing' in a more appropriate setting, like when I am alone and can't hurt anyone else if stand in the fire too long while typing a reply.

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Here is the skinny if you need a tricked out add on machine to help you down a boss then in a reality check your cheating it. Thats right, dare i say you are cheating it of course you are. Timers telling you what will happen when, what to hit when, come on really? Patch day hit the crew is ham stringed because they cant use addons. Go on act like that never happened.

So some of you will cry in forums some of you will quit playing or go back to wow or rift or what ever it was where you came from. Good those game were made for ppl like you easy win a ribbon for everyone style of play. I ll say this again there is a HUGE % of players who want a game that is challenging and not a cake walk. Just because some of you cant play a game legit you feel they have to cater to this small % and news flash they droped the last boss in beta guess what no add ons so drop the whole we need them and just write you need them to play, and add i dont have the deication /patience to learn to be aware.

I rember for those who know what iam about to say i know its only going ot be a few not many but."You didnt hope to beat the twins you prayed to beat the twins" What happened to a challenging game play.

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To all those speculating about an LFG tool and its alleged negative impact on the game:


If you want to 'socialize' then by all means stay in /1 and kibitz about the weather or the game last night or how trashy Lindsay Lohan looked during her latest court appearance. I, on the other hand will be tanking the instance the tool was designed for and much too busy killing things to talk to you about irrelevant gossip.

In fact, I would prefer you stay out of the pool of potential group members because someone who would rather spend there time 'socializing' is the kind of player who doesn't pay attention at critical moments and wipes groups.


I will do my 'socializing' in a more appropriate setting, like when I am alone and can't hurt anyone else if stand in the fire too long while typing a reply.


You would -hate- me...I talk, while tanking, during raids...


no one ever dies, though. I'm just that boss.

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