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Bioware says NO LFD TOOL.


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Look they added all the fp at the space station you just go to the space station a major hub place adn go looking for bla bla bla thats it simple easy you take the elevator down or you are already standng by te door to go inside.


done that.

I've literally, LITERALLY spent -2 hours-..No exaggerations, not that i believe some forum troll to believe me. standing INFRONT OF THE DOOR TO THE FLASH POINT with a two guildies, together we had a healer, and two dps.


JUST LOOKING FOR A TANK! untill we finally gave up and said screw it.

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done that.

I've literally, LITERALLY spent -2 hours-..No exaggerations, not that i believe some forum troll to believe me. standing INFRONT OF THE DOOR TO THE FLASH POINT with a two guildies, together we had a healer, and two dps.


JUST LOOKING FOR A TANK! untill we finally gave up and said screw it.


I don't believe you and I am not trolling you in this thread. I am just hoping that Bioware doesn't make the mistake Blizzard made by listening to the people in the community that try to be extremely vocal to get their way.

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I don't believe you and I am not trolling you in this thread. I am just hoping that Bioware doesn't make the mistake Blizzard made by listening to the people in the community that try to be extremely vocal to get their way.


Of course you don't. and frankly, i'm GLAD that other people don't have the same problems with finding groups as i do. If it were up to me my server would be the ONLY one with such issues...


But there are no tanks leveling on my server. Because of that, no one can find a group. Because of THAT, no one even bothers spamming general to find groups..


We can't force people to roll tanks. But we -can- make tanks easier to find.

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I don't believe you and I am not trolling you in this thread. I am just hoping that Bioware doesn't make the mistake Blizzard made by listening to the people in the community that try to be extremely vocal to get their way.


Yeah! He doesn't want BioWare to make the mistake of making a popular and fun game.

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I just got here, but if you just took offence by him saying lazy and someone saying ignorant and you took offence then ya iam definatly leaning to a possible maybe you are those things then.


im not taking offence, but this seems to be the anti-lfg ppl main argument that we must be lazy because we dont find the lfg spam meaningful. clearly there is something wrong when general chat isnt about helping ppl or chatting with ppl on the same planet but is spammed to dead with LFG XX or LFG YY.

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I hope it stays the way it is, or maybe make a special lfg channel for each planet to separate it a bit. But no more then that.


Would hate for this game to turn into another unsocial, soulless singleplayer games like other mmo's.

..I did actually go back and find my quote so..Enjoy this, please.


i've met more people from LFD then i've EVER met from old school grouping.


See, with old school grouping. I stuck to my circle of friends and my guild(often time they overlapped, as things happen) However, once LFD hit, i actually met MORE people. and sometimes we'd sit and talk while other people did things...IE, say the tank has to leave, while waiting, i'd talk to people.


Or if someone needs to zone and grab a few items, or /afk. I'd TALK TO PEOPLE.


I've even met people from my realm on LFD and made friends with them that way.



slightly editted to remove unrelevent bits.

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im not taking offence, but this seems to be the anti-lfg ppl main argument that we must be lazy because we dont find the lfg spam meaningful. clearly there is something wrong when general chat isnt about helping ppl or chatting with ppl on the same planet but is spammed to dead with LFG XX or LFG YY.


IMO it appears THEY are the lazy ones. They don't want to have to try to socialize so they want everyone funneled into one chat so they can try to make friends.

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Of course you don't. and frankly, i'm GLAD that other people don't have the same problems with finding groups as i do. If it were up to me my server would be the ONLY one with such issues...


But there are no tanks leveling on my server. Because of that, no one can find a group. Because of THAT, no one even bothers spamming general to find groups..


We can't force people to roll tanks. But we -can- make tanks easier to find.


The problem is that LFG does not make them much (but I will agree it does make it somewhat) easier to find. Look at WoWs LFG, if you are a DPS at any level you will wait 15-20m and that is with people actually leveling as tanks dungeon queuing AND cross server queuing. Do you think it will make a significant change here? Because it will save you the 30 seconds it would take the tank to teleport to the fleet and shout in chat. What you are proposing would hurt the game much more then it benefits it

Edited by Tokkii
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Two hours? I've either made a group or joined a group for every heroic on every planet as well as each flashpoint within 5 minutes of starting searching.


Stop lying. The only flashpoint i had a group for that fast was Esseles on launch day. I completely missed Mando Raiders and I'm about to outlevel Condemimu or whatever its called because I don't have 45 minutes to spam LFG in the fleet channel.

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I'm really glad Bioware isn't caving into the whole dungeon finder, it ruined World of Warcraft. We don't need another great game ruined so close to launch. This is an mmorpg, social interaction is the main attraction.



Allowing a dungeon finder creates bad communities, ninjas, and poor attitudes towards others. It's already bad enough that we have phased planets. We don't need to hinder it anymore than needed or its going to kill the game.



If you cannot figure out what a mmorpg is, you shouldn't be playing it, period. You all voting for a dungeon finder are the reason why mmorpgs fail to be mmorpgs.


Ninjas in game, check, poor attitudes, check bad community, check. Already all in the game. Apparently you haven't been paying attention much to general chat but on the server I am on it's full of immature idiots which is a community I'd gladly not want to be part of. WoW was ruined from the people from the get-go, the LFD tool did nothing to aid it except allow you to not play with the same douches over and over again on your server.


You want to socialize, create a rping guild and hang out in the catina. I'd rather not waste time hearing about people's rl problems and stories in a group cause I got better things to do then sit around. If I wanted to talk I'd talk to guild mates, not group mates.

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The problem is that LFG does not make them much (but I will agree it does make it somewhat) easier to find. Look at WoWs LFG, if you are a DPS at any level you will wait 15-20m and that is with people actually leveling as tanks dungeon queuing AND cross server queuing. Do you think it will make a significant change here? Because it will save you the 30 seconds it would take the tank to teleport to the fleet and shout in chat. What you are proposing would hurt the game much more then it benefits it


But atleast with a LFD i don't have to sit and spam for a tank never to be found. I can actually go out and DO things, and have FUN instead of just spamming.


Also, i'd tank 2 tanks over the entire LFD then none on my server..

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The problem is that LFG does not make them much (but I will agree it does make it somewhat) easier to find. Look at WoWs LFG, if you are a DPS at any level you will wait 15-20m and that is with people actually leveling as tanks dungeon queuing AND cross server queuing. Do you think it will make a significant change here? Because it will save you the 30 seconds it would take the tank to teleport to the fleet and shout in chat. What you are proposing would hurt the game much more then it benefits it


i dont want a cross server queuing system i just want improvement on the damm button they already have ingame so i can get a grp without having to spam general with a meaningless lfg XX all the time, and thereby bothering the ppl with something most of the time they could care less about.

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Just using the force, bro.


You're using antiquated and disproven fallacies to support some ridiculous claim, bro. Although, I'd settle for a global LFG channel. The current system is, to say the least, needlessly difficult and poorly thought out.

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You want to socialize, create a rping guild and hang out in the catina. I'd rather not waste time hearing about people's rl problems and stories in a group cause I got better things to do then sit around. If I wanted to talk I'd talk to guild mates, not group mates.


Then talk to your guild mates, not group mates. But how did you meet your guild mates? Was it by chance, some form of social interaction

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Then talk to your guild mates, not group mates. But how did you meet your guild mates? Was it by chance, some form of social interaction


creating guilds and creating groups is entirely two different things and some guilds are created by rl friends.

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Then talk to your guild mates, not group mates. But how did you meet your guild mates? Was it by chance, some form of social interaction


Some of have friends *gasp* outside of the game, who happen to also play the same game.

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