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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware says NO LFD TOOL.


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I'm not going to look to find it..Its a few pages back.


Long story short, i've met, made friends, and talked to more people BECAUSE of LFD in wow then i ever would of without.


Why? Because the hassle of finding a group the old way isn't worth it when you do have a guild or a group or friends.



The hassle? Jesus christ just go back to console games

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LFD allows players to basically bypass having to actually interact with other players to do group content. The community will better off without it. Sure LFD is easy and convenient, it creates more problems than it solves though.


Tell me how is doing /1 LFM For FP blah blah interacting wtih other people?


I have failed to see how spamming a generic message in chat is a meaningful community interaction highlight.

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Seriously you dont get how spamming a channel is interaction? Cuz ppl who answer you want to do it with you after the run if everyone was cool you might add one to your friends list or all of them or in a bad case go ok that guy is a douche ignore.


what is stopping you from adding them if you meet them via a server only lfg tool and then adding them as friends or blacklisting them? The lfg spam adds nothing positive to the game in any shape or form.

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Seriously you dont get how spamming a channel is interaction? Cuz ppl who answer you want to do it with you after the run if everyone was cool you might add one to your friends list or all of them or in a bad case go ok that guy is a douche ignore.


And tell me how is that different from hitting a button to join other players from your server and running it then adding them to your friends list to run with them later?




OH yes you right spamming /1 for an hour getting a group totally means you wont get any bad people in your group at all. *eyeroll*

Edited by Barracudastr
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Yea, because spamming for groups for two hours isn't a hassle at -all-.


go back to everquest.


Two hours? I've either made a group or joined a group for every heroic on every planet as well as each flashpoint within 5 minutes of starting searching.

Edited by Tokkii
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Two hours? I've either made a group or joined a group for every heroic on every planet as well as each flashpoint within 5 minutes of starting of searching.


Good for you im glad the game is working as intended on your server.


For many its not as you can see by the MANY MANY posts and threads in these forums.


Clearly we are all full of sh it and lieing to get our way.



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Two hours? I've either made a group or joined a group for every heroic on every planet as well as each flashpoint within 5 minutes of starting of searching.


okay? thats YOUR SERVER.


not all servers are the same. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT!? are you incapable of thinking that other people might not have the same experience with things as you? and just because YOU don't have a problem with it, that maybe a problem still exists for other people?

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Good for you im glad the game is working as intended on your server.


For many its not as you can see by the MANY MANY posts and threads in these forums.


Clearly we are all full of sh it and lieing to get our way.




You are all lieing because you are lazy, it is that simple. If you want your casual trash game feel free to resub to Warcraft/Rift. Bioware said this was a story driven game, so why would they change that into a dungeon grind

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Is this really about looking for group or is this about hey i want to be able to just stand here on this X spot and instant q /level all day long? i play late at night/early adn at 3-7 am i can find a group easy so again whast the deal?


Tank or healer? There is no way in ... that you find groups that fast as a dps.

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You are all lieing because you are lazy, it is that simple. If you want your casual trash game feel free to resub to Warcraft/Rift. Bioware said this was a story driven game, so why would they change that into a dungeon grind


You sir, are just plain ignorant.

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Is this really about looking for group or is this about hey i want to be able to just stand here on this X spot and instant q /level all day long? i play late at night/early adn at 3-7 am i can find a group easy so again whast the deal?


I missed 3 heroics, and have yet to do the FP's for 10 -20 range. I am now 23 and just skipping them because its not worth wasting my play time looking for a group when theres only 40 people in a channel and every where else I spam theres also no response.


Guess I didn't find a good guild in time for an invite and guess I didn't social network correctly thus I dont get to experience half the games content or get anything gear wise thats decent from said content.

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okay? thats YOUR SERVER.


not all servers are the same. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT!? are you incapable of thinking that other people might not have the same experience with things as you? and just because YOU don't have a problem with it, that maybe a problem still exists for other people?


And my server is an average pop in comparison to all the rest. If you are one of the few that picked low pop then I am sorry you may have to wait 10-15 minutes for a while to form your groups but if Bioware does it right and doesn't mass produce servers the problem will alleviate itself. The most vocal group doesn't represent the most correct or largest

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Is this really about looking for group or is this about hey i want to be able to just stand here on this X spot and instant q /level all day long? i play late at night/early adn at 3-7 am i can find a group easy so again whast the deal?


so now you are calling us lazy just because we dont find spamming /1 lfg XX to be useful? i must say im getting tired of being called lazy and antisocial simply because i dont find spamming meaningfull.

Edited by wezzan
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Pretty sure I've not had to wait more than 10-15 minutes for a dungeon...quit ************


You must be a tank or a healer.


I've stopped trying to look for groups because my server has none of either, it would take hours to NOT find anyone, then the group would dissolve, and i just wasted hours trying to find a group when i could of been questing.


Keep in mind, my server, grand master zym, is usually HEAVY OR FULL.

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And my server is an average pop in comparison to all the rest. If you are one of the few that picked low pop then I am sorry you may have to wait 10-15 minutes for a while to form your groups but if Bioware does it right and doesn't mass produce servers the problem will alleviate itself. The most vocal group doesn't represent the most correct or largest


I'm on a heavy/full/queue server. not low..

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Look they added all the fp at the space station you just go to the space station a major hub place adn go looking for bla bla bla thats it simple easy you take the elevator down or you are already standng by te door to go inside.


Oh ya really just like that?


I actually took a SS of what that looks like and me looking for a group for a good 2 hours you care to see the whooping 40 people there at 7pm? lol Pretty sure that falls under prime time hours and a week into launch thats all there is at the main FP/pvp hub? hum Could be me but I think its actually the fail sharding in this game thats the problem.

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