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Q'n solo against only other solo Q'ers in normal wz.


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I am the only one who is fed up with Q'ing solo only to go up against 2x 4man or 1x 8man premade every flippin time?


Thats what happens when you solo que , Solo que on Impside Harbinger , you can expect to fight a premade of 4man Regstars with a Healer and a tank.


<-No.1 Regstar .


-_- , Complaining about something that has been happening and will continue to happen since Bioware's stance on this is Regs are a free-for-all.


My Recommendation , Play Team Ranked or Join a Regstar Guild.

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I am the only one who is fed up with Q'ing solo only to go up against 2x 4man or 1x 8man premade every flippin time?


Nope, but Kenji hit the nail on the head. It's been that way since launch and nothing indicates that there'll be a change. You have to find your own way in dealing with it.

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Thats what happens when you solo que , Solo que on Impside Harbinger , you can expect to fight a premade of 4man Regstars with a Healer and a tank.


<-No.1 Regstar .


-_- , Complaining about something that has been happening and will continue to happen since Bioware's stance on this is Regs are a free-for-all.


My Recommendation , Play Team Ranked or Join a Regstar Guild.

I do play on Harb, and I would say that the premade issue isn't that bad. Usually, there's premades of the correct compositions on both sides, and they kinda cancel eachother out.

Sure, there are those games where you get a double premade on one side, and the other is all pugs but it's not like it happens every warzone.


If anything, those 4 man premades kinda help those who don't really PvP much.

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The missing matchmaking is the only really serious balance issue in PvP. Of course premade groups should not be matched against random groups.


This has been broken for ages and if the promised "better than cross-server" does not contain a solution I think many players will be walking out when the novelty of the expansion has worn off.

Edited by Bobbafatter
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I am the only one who is fed up with Q'ing solo only to go up against 2x 4man or 1x 8man premade every flippin time?

This is a MMO, people teaming up are supposed to have advantages. Look out for a guild, join and do the same.

I feel your pain, but teamplay can never be nerfed. If you dont let em qeue together they will sync qeue

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Could you name one mmo where not allowing players to group for content was successful?


I cannot mention you one who have dared trying to institute a solo queue.


And to quench your fallacy fast! Nobody is DENYING people grouping up. Groups should ONLY meet groups is what we want. Your sentence sounds so bad, because the only defense for it is that you want premades to be allowed to pugstomp.

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Why would he bother doing when you are making no sense ?


Noone is talking about not allowing people to group for PvP.


But that is essentially what you are doing by instituting a solo only queue in a game with so small a PvP population. separate the queues and you will wait a long time to get a group pop on most nights. Better to keep the current system, especially since knocking groups out of the solo queue does not eliminate lopsided matches. If there are more good players on one side they will still steamroll their opponent.

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But that is essentially what you are doing by instituting a solo only queue in a game with so small a PvP population. separate the queues and you will wait a long time to get a group pop on most nights. Better to keep the current system, especially since knocking groups out of the solo queue does not eliminate lopsided matches. If there are more good players on one side they will still steamroll their opponent.




We need match balancing/handicapping. That solves 80% of the problems in PVP.

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But that is essentially what you are doing by instituting a solo only queue in a game with so small a PvP population. separate the queues and you will wait a long time to get a group pop on most nights. Better to keep the current system, especially since knocking groups out of the solo queue does not eliminate lopsided matches. If there are more good players on one side they will still steamroll their opponent.


I call unfounded BS.

Solo queue would likely be more diverse (matchmaker has more material to play with). Group queue might suffer seeing as they no longer have cannon-fodder PUGS to fill the gaps, but then "make more friends" :p

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I support this. I am tired of games where my full pug team goes up against a double premade of TAW Empire where no one in the double premade breaks 75k damage in a full hypergate. Just not fun. Darn premades, bringing down the quality of PVP.


I think you meant you don't want to queue with better players.

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Could you name one mmo where not allowing players to group for content was successful?


GW2 Archeage to name a couple that have far more active pvp.


The big issue with premades in swtor is the small scale of pvp. Most games tend to have larger battleground than swtor who went very small scale probably due to the crap game engine. This means premades stand out far more. In games with 15 or 24s a premades is much less likely to dictate the game.


Best thing to do if they feel the engine can now take it is to make some 16v16 warzones.

Edited by Tellenn
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I call unfounded BS.

Solo queue would likely be more diverse (matchmaker has more material to play with). Group queue might suffer seeing as they no longer have cannon-fodder PUGS to fill the gaps, but then "make more friends" :p






Group ranked says hi..


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GW2 Archeage to name a couple that have far more active pvp.


The big issue with premades in swtor is the small scale of pvp. Most games tend to have larger battleground than swtor who went very small scale probably due to the crap game engine. This means premades stand out far more. In games with 15 or 24s a premades is much less likely to dictate the game.


Best thing to do if they feel the engine can now take it is to make some 16v16 warzones.


these two games you mentioned. the pvp is on a larger open scale correct? SWTOR pvp is instanced in a smaller area.

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these two games you mentioned. the pvp is on a larger open scale correct? SWTOR pvp is instanced in a smaller area.


They have owpvp but I'm referring to their structured pvp. Which is a similar scale to swtors but premades are separated due to their advantage on such a small scale. Games that don't have separate queues tend to have either larger structured pvp or are primarily pvp games so the average skill of a pug isn't that far behind a premade.

Edited by Tellenn
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Group ranked says hi..



Still unfounded! There have not been a speration of queues in 8v8. Ranked arena group queue is easy to solve: "make more teams of friends". Otherwise, let the queue die. It's clearly not viable :p


But really. Ranked and regs cannot be compared. With the public ranking each player gets, ranked is more 'serious business' and people stop doing it faster when it goes the wrong way.

Seperate unranked group queue (2,3,4 man groups) in 8v8 might do better.


And secondly. Unranked (or better, hidden ranking) solo queue will likely be a better matching with more balanced games, is my claim. And that has bnot been tried

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I think you meant you don't want to queue with better players.


I doubt it. Premades makes for BORING games. They lessen the element of exitement whether they are better or worse. They stack the odds and when odds are stacked, the game becomes boring.

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This is an example of how current pvp players are ignorant toward the arguments of others. Bioware just recently revealed they are aware that pvp participation is way down due to entry barriers created through gear and lack of fair play especially since 2.0.


Many, many complaints have been made since this game launched. These complaints are real. They represent people who simply want to pop into pvp for an alternative experience without the current required dedication to the grind and lack of fair play. Not recognizing the issue is blind ignorance.


It is fact that pvp participation would improve if the issues of casual and competitive game play were addressed so that both can thrive along side of each other to appease everyone. Pages of replies saying simply to accept the current system as the answer is naive.


The current system could be vastly improved from where it is now. There is zero argument against this unless you wish to continue this current direction of myopia.

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The ONLY possible fix for the current situation in PVP is thankfully an easy one.


Apply the current ranked ELO system to regular warzones. Do not show the rating, merely assign a rating to all players and perform matchmaking based on that rating. If a warzone pops, shuffle the teams so that both teams have the same average rating.


Done, game saved.


Premades don't cause the problems that people complain about now. A poor mix of good vs bad players cause the problems that people are complaining about. There are quite frankly too many terrible players in this game. If a hidden ELO was applied, and players didn't know what their score was, they would simply keep sinking to lower and lower internal brackets where they could eventually only play against people that also only manage 150dps and are somehow queuing up with only 25k health. Win enough times in that bracket (and coincidentally, getting better rewards for those wins than their losses against decent players), and they can afford better gear, which will also hopefully get them out of the gutter.


It's such an easy fix that it is mind-boggling that they haven't done it till now.

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