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Before you bring the Gree event back, make quests in PvP area PvP related!


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I think some people missed the point of the OP's post.


He isn't against rep missions in the PvP zone; he would like those missions to be directly related to PvP (I.e. Not kill x mobs in the pvp zone, but kill x players,in the pvp zone).


I remember the good ole days of massive fights on Ilum and calls that went out to the fleet and all the planets for any lvl 50 to come to Ilum and beat back the enemy.


I'm in favor of anything that might bring back stuff like that.

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I think some people missed the point of the OP's post.


He isn't against rep missions in the PvP zone; he would like those missions to be directly related to PvP (I.e. Not kill x mobs in the pvp zone, but kill x players,in the pvp zone).


I remember the good ole days of massive fights on Ilum and calls that went out to the fleet and all the planets for any lvl 50 to come to Ilum and beat back the enemy.


I'm in favor of anything that might bring back stuff like that.

I am fully aware what OP meant, but I am also aware how BioWare does things, they remove things and often replace them with stuff that is worse. So, if OP would have said he would like to see BioWare add stuff that encurages PvP, I would fully support him, but not on the expense on what is currently there!

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There's an issue with the way devs set out the event, nobody's explored ;)


Thing is while a geared PvP player can still do the PVE quests, a PvE geared player can't really compete against PvPers.


As such PvPers have and advantage as getting more daily rep and tokens than the PvErs.


I'd suggest having players being able to choose how they do this quest with PvE or PvP. You can make the PvE part bit more tedious/long to give incentives for PvPing but the reward should stay the same. At least as long as quests are daily based.

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I think some people missed the point of the OP's post.


He isn't against rep missions in the PvP zone; he would like those missions to be directly related to PvP (I.e. Not kill x mobs in the pvp zone, but kill x players,in the pvp zone).


I remember the good ole days of massive fights on Ilum and calls that went out to the fleet and all the planets for any lvl 50 to come to Ilum and beat back the enemy.


I'm in favor of anything that might bring back stuff like that.


Me too.

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I am going to gank as many players as possible when the Gree event comes, just because of this thread :D

Yeah sure but we are not solely talking about ganking here. Just because a quest is in pvp area and has a pvp tag doesn't mean it is a pvp quest and those 2 quests are not pvp quests, just look at the objectives. those 2 quests had been executed in a half-*** manner. me and op are asking that give us "REAL" pvp quests, we have to charge up pylon? sure let us charge it with killing enemy faction, we have to scan vehicles? sure why not? just let us get the scanners from killing enemy players. they screwed up with previous ilum open world pvp aspect and then decided to dunk it. and after that we get this ****. ridiculous!!

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Yeah sure but we are not solely talking about ganking here. Just because a quest is in pvp area and has a pvp tag doesn't mean it is a pvp quest and those 2 quests are not pvp quests, just look at the objectives. those 2 quests had been executed in a half-*** manner. me and op are asking that give us "REAL" pvp quests, we have to charge up pylon? sure let us charge it with killing enemy faction, we have to scan vehicles? sure why not? just let us get the scanners from killing enemy players. they screwed up with previous ilum open world pvp aspect and then decided to dunk it. and after that we get this ****. ridiculous!!

That would be fun, at least for PvPers :)

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That would be fun, at least for PvPers :)

I am not a PvP player but even i find that kind of PvP objectives on open world very much fun. not gonna name but used to play a game where every hour there were 4 different pvp event started on 4 different places. objectives were just like the ones i mentioned, it was so much fun, guilds used to fight each other even on PvE server just for the fun of it. it had 15 minute time limitations and at the end of 15 minute most of the time no one could complete objective simply because they were too busy fighting each other, it was so much competitive and fun. There was a 6 hour rotation 1 hour long event too and it had bigger reward thus almost all guilds in server were competing for it. wish swtor had something like that here...

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Now that's an excellent idea, the more pub.imp we kill the faster the charging. i like it!! but unfortunately our current dev team...well let's just say that will never happen.


Wait... You mean the Dev team that brought Ranked out of Preseason, did EXTENSIVE re-balancing to make classes preform better if they were underpowered, gave us Housing and GSF, created more story content, and are retooling character progression?


The new dev team has gotten more done in a year than the previous dev team did in 2 years.



Edited by TheSupaCoopa
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They could simply set up quests that you get in the area for specific PVP maps that you que for. Once you finish to Warzone or Huttball match, you turn in the quest.


Yes, it's not optimal, but it's better than nothing IMO.


Perhaps something also tied to personal duels would work.

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They could simply set up quests that you get in the area for specific PVP maps that you que for. Once you finish to Warzone or Huttball match, you turn in the quest.


Yes, it's not optimal, but it's better than nothing IMO.


Perhaps something also tied to personal duels would work.


Or take the mission where you have to deliver orbs at they pylon, and add a "kill X enemy orb carriers" to give it an attack and defend element. Just like in Warzones, where you're trying to take control of objectives, but also have to prevent the enemy from controlling them. In this case, you would be trying to deliver orbs to the pylon while preventing the enemy from reaching it (by killing them).

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What I don't like is that there are two PvE quests in the PvP area.


You are correct there....however...those very same PvE quests are also located everywhere else in the PvE area... so if you CHOOSE to step foot into the PvP zone to do them... then you choose to get flagged and ganked...sorry, **** happens :-/


Now in the past the PvE quests in the PvP area were nerfed so they were easier, but I recall BW patching it so that the heroics etc in the PvE area were also the same as the ones in the PvP area to stop people whining about getting ganked in a world PvP zone

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You are correct there....however...those very same PvE quests are also located everywhere else in the PvE area... so if you CHOOSE to step foot into the PvP zone to do them... then you choose to get flagged and ganked...sorry, **** happens :-/


Now in the past the PvE quests in the PvP area were nerfed so they were easier, but I recall BW patching it so that the heroics etc in the PvE area were also the same as the ones in the PvP area to stop people whining about getting ganked in a world PvP zone


OP is not talking about the PvE missions you can do both in the PvE area and the PvP area, s/he's talking about the missions marked "[PvP]" with PvE objectives that can only be completed in the PvP area. The point is that it would make more sense for these to have PvP objectives, not defeating mobs, scanning vehicles and charging a pylon.

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coming up to people in the middle of a fight with a monster that will continue to attack them but not you is not PvP, it's ganking and pointless. You might get a good laugh out of it, but it's not PvP.


Well, clearly it is PvP by definition of player vs player. As for being in the middle of a fight? So? You could be in the middle of a fight with another player and that can still happen.


Also it's not pointless when there is an achievement for killing the opposite faction x amount of times.


I'd point out that PvP players are in lesser gear than PvE players, so having those specific quests available in that area and having the mobs in that area also adjusted for players in PvP gear isn't a bad thing. Or did you miss that part out deliberately that the H4 in the PvP area is easier than doing it in the PvE area? Not every PvP player has PvE gear. Subtle differences.


I'd like to see more PvP quests added, but also like those PvE quests still available in the PvP area (although adjusted as they currently are).

Edited by Transcendent
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Wait... You mean the Dev team that brought Ranked out of Preseason, did EXTENSIVE re-balancing to make classes preform better if they were underpowered, gave us Housing and GSF, created more story content, and are retooling character progression?


The new dev team has gotten more done in a year than the previous dev team did in 2 years.




Also the same dev team that won't introduce common sense quality of life improvements and leaves old bugs unfixed and will probably introduced new bugs in the upcoming expansion that will probably go on to be unfixed.

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Adding player kill objectives would create a lot of problems that they were probably trying to avoid. If you had a kill objective, you would have to have players around to kill and actually be able to kill them.


1. When I do those quests off peak I'm often the only one around. I can finish those quests, but if I had a player kill objective I wouldn't be able to finish until later in the day. Imagine if you will, putting together a raid for Xenoanalyst only to find out he wasn't there and you had no way of knowing when he would show up.


2. You would have to be able to kill those x players. This would likely mean being in optimized Obroan gear, pvp spec'd and in a balanced group of reasonable players. Newer pvpers, weaker players and players on less viable classes would have trouble getting a group and groups that would take them would have a hard time getting the kills in.


2a. This would lead to kill trading. Ilum would then be full circle! :rolleyes:


3. If there were any event rewards at all there would still be people complaining about having to pvp to get them.

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