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guided by the force class quest, no spoilers.


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There is basically zero margin for error in these fights.


I enjoy the challenge - I really do. So please don't take this as a personal complaint, because I KNOW I'll keep playing this class...but I really think that these encounters are overturned for the level they are presented at.


If I am a new player - new to MMO's, and perhaps not the most well-verserd at playing as a melee class in an MMO, I'd find these quests, and playing as a Sent. in general to be really frustrating.


Especially when I see other classes with a way more forgiving play style having what can only be described as an easier time.


Again, I personally as an MMO veteran am totally ok with this level of difficulty, but I just don't get what Bioware was thinking in making the Sent such a ***** to play.

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As a follow up - I found the following worked for me:


Use T7 as a Tank. Make sure that you are using all of your damage-reduction/avoidance CD's - this include Rebuke as soon as YOU have aggro (T7 is dead), Force Stasis ASAP to let T7 live a little bit longer, Pacify also as soon as Stasis is done. Zen is nice, but you might have to start the fight with zero stacks of centring - however, if you get Zen - use it ASAP...the healing will help.


Save Saber Ward for the final push - med kit if needed.


I did these fight as Watchman spec @ level 32.

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I'm not new to MMO's at all, and I've done nothing but melee. It was just the sudden jump in difficulty from, chapter 1 super easy mode to, 6 hit kills. I was just curious how others did it. This is actually the first quest in game, i genuinely had an issue with. Hopefully one of out companions are a healer and would make my life much easier.
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You talking about the Sith Marauders at the crashed ship?


Yeah, they fight like they are 2 or 3 levels higher than what the quest recommends.


Like the guy above said, no room for error.

Perfect timing on interrupts and knowing when to hit what move is key.


I even overleveled for that mission and still had a hard time.

No worries though, its not what it will be like from now on.


After that extremely diffucult, many many tries mission, the difficulty level goes back to normal.

Edited by DaxFlowLyfe
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Really difficult for me too. BTW, the "bad" thing is that you cannot go on with your story and with other quests, if you don't complete that quest.

Was a hard challenge for me. Now quests are turned back to their right level. BTW you've to pay a lot of attention cause Sentinel seems so fragile! :D

Edited by Lukenet
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They're probably the only fight I agree with people that was a bit overtuned. They're probably just as hard as bosses you face, lol. Still, they're not impossible. I used Kira and beat them just fine by swapping aggro with her. Send her in first to let her get aggro, then jump in after and switch off and such. Make sure you interrupt their casts and RUN AWAY when they get immune.
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@cynicalj, thank you! I tried and tried but could not get through this until I read this thread and tried your attack pattern. It worked well. For any JK sentinel out there follow cynical advise. You tank and buff, shield and transfer agro to Kira. It can be done if you follow this.
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This is one of the harder quests for classes Im pretty sure, Ive had to improvise like mad on some of them. I generally used Kira or Doc. Ive had success with both, just gotta keep medpacks on and roll through your rotation popping CDs when nessacary, if your dont...Well you know what happens.
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You can't use Doc on this quest.


Anyway, the good part of this particular quest is Doc lies ahead. Doc is the saving grace of the Jedi Sentinel class. He is the single best companion we get. Hands down, no question, not even close.


T7 doesn't guard us and he simply doesn't have real tank staying power.

Kira burns down quick.

Doc... My sweet sweet Doc... He has synergy with us. He keeps us alive.


The Guardian has a lot of Synergy with Kira.

The Sentinel has a lot of Synergy with Doc.

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I did it no probs as a combat Sent, level 31. I used T7, but he did die every time.


I found that using force kick early, the saving stasis for later when they have the rampage buff helps a lot. T7 can take a lot of damage, and will always hold aggro while he is alive so it is the perfect time to front load some serious DPS, something combat is good at with Precision Strike and an auto Crit Blade Storm. Get your mods and lightsaber hilt up to date, and if you can stack some surge rating then you will hit hard.

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I did it no probs as a combat Sent, level 31. I used T7, but he did die every time.


I found that using force kick early, the saving stasis for later when they have the rampage buff helps a lot. T7 can take a lot of damage, and will always hold aggro while he is alive so it is the perfect time to front load some serious DPS, something combat is good at with Precision Strike and an auto Crit Blade Storm. Get your mods and lightsaber hilt up to date, and if you can stack some surge rating then you will hit hard.


Funny part, in another thread people are claiming that these mobs are easy to beat and that combat Sentinels don't need a companion at all.

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Funny part, in another thread people are claiming that these mobs are easy to beat and that combat Sentinels don't need a companion at all.


I'm happy for them if they can beat it easily. I've tried various different methods for the last couple of days and I'm stuck on it. It's ticked me off to the point that it's almost ruined the game for me actually.


I've been playing MMO's for quite a long time now, tanks, casters and melee classes alike. To come into a non flash point event against something that can take you down in 4 hits is a bit much for a solo quest. Something needs to be done, either tone down their dps or drop their health a fraction or two. As I recall, they're sitting over 15k and you have to take down three of them to finish the quest.

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Slightly off topic, but did anyone have any trouble with that optional champion dude in the Dr. Godera's cave? I was level 22 (he was 18) and he gave me fits. When I started doing the area, I was just going through it like a hot knife through butter (understandable as I'm 4 levels higher than the other mobs) and was worried that it was going to be too easy until I ran into HIM. I haven't had any trouble killing anything in the game at any point in time until that dude. JFC, if that's what those elites are going to be like, it's going to be tough. FTR, the actual Watcher One fight took me like 5 seconds.
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The difficulty roller coaster at the end of Chapter 1 is certainly one hell of a ride. The worst time I've had throughout my playing experience -- and I'm a Combat Sentinel now onto Belsavis at L44 -- was with the trash at the end of Chapter 1. But then Darth Angral was a cakewalk who I one-shot. And then the difficulty curve shot up again with the Harrowers.


If it's any consolation, things do get better once you get past the Harrowers. But the Chapter 2 trash/boss cycle is just as bad as the Chapter 1 one.

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I'm happy for them if they can beat it easily. I've tried various different methods for the last couple of days and I'm stuck on it. It's ticked me off to the point that it's almost ruined the game for me actually.


I've been playing MMO's for quite a long time now, tanks, casters and melee classes alike. To come into a non flash point event against something that can take you down in 4 hits is a bit much for a solo quest. Something needs to be done, either tone down their dps or drop their health a fraction or two. As I recall, they're sitting over 15k and you have to take down three of them to finish the quest.


I feel sorry for you man, this was one of my most rewarding experiences in the game so far. I had a tough time but not so much that it was frustrating.


A few suggestions - Also, if you're still having problems post here and we can meet on vent or something, I would like to help you!


I did this with no stims (blue or green) and I used the healthpacks from biochem that heal both me and a companion for around 1.5k(?)


(Optional): Build up your stacks of centering on the white elites before going in to this fight so you can start out with zen available. I personally did this in watchman.


1. Use T7. You will have to Micro with him.

2. You can start your fight with T7, let him take a few hits, keep all of his agro generators OFF.

3. DPS Like mad, eventually you will pull off of T7

4. Use your defensive cooldowns here.

5. Once cooldowns are used up taunt with T7 and turn on his agro stance.



Use your kick early, so you get more kicks in. You have to land kicks to do this. Your force grasp will interrupt as well, so use it at the right moment, not just blindly.

Use the ability that drops accuracy by 90% for when they go super sayin.


While was able to complete this at 32, I did need to use medpacks.


Good luck, and let me know how it goes for you.

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I feel sorry for you man, this was one of my most rewarding experiences in the game so far. I had a tough time but not so much that it was frustrating.



I'll manage, I've just decided to skip it until a later time. Still, I agree with you on the challenge part, but there's a slight difference in a challenge and a straight out beat down :)

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These are the only mobs I've really had any difficulty with. They seem to fight more like bosses than elites. Only one of mine went immune. When I tried to run and kite, he kept up with me and just ate me alive.


I even had 3 levels on them. That said, except for the second one (who went immune), I took them first try.



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1 shotted everything 2 levels under mission with kira.


This is how you play the class. You go watchmen because dots are OP. If a real epic battle not just a champion then pop your sabre ward and then rebuke and then call on force with initial aggro after your first sabre ward falls. tank damage til about 33% then camoflauge out and then hop in with your stuns. you should be spamming your dots and master strike in between and never run out of focus once you perfect everything. You will have full health again from regen from your zen and call of the force when kira is dead and you have your defensive cooldowns once again to use to kill the last 30% of health. Use a med pack too. Yes I am god.



You will never die vs any champion solo. The champion that you have to ride between heroic instance to reach takes a long time to kill, but if you are pro you will get him.


STOP USING T7 and later on DONT USE DOC. It is common sense MAX DPS = HOW TO WIN. Kira is the best dps companion you have she ***** sergeant too. Learn to use your damn abilities.

Edited by GoSuZeN
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  • 3 months later...

I'm a Guardian, had no problems at all. I used Kira, kept em whenever possible in a "stunlock" and timed my "defensive cooldowns". if it got a bit tight popped a medpac. done as 34 if i remember right, possibly 33.

key to most fights is to watch out if you can interrupt something or stun it. when somethign does stuff on the floor it also may announce something to move from should you be unable to interrupt.

that goes for almost all mmo's i ever played. if it can be interrupted, do it. if you cant interrupt, move. if its aimed, go hide (break Line of Sight). Just don't stand there spam 2 buttons and expect it to fall over, how fun would that be :p

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