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Commendations and Refund Timers in 3.0


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Alright, here are the details:


  • The Obroan and Brutalizer sets will be removed from vendors and replaced by the new Unranked and Ranked sets respectively.
  • The existing PvE sets will all be moved to a different vendor than they are on currently.

Hope that helps!




Im a huge fan of the obroan gear, or at least some of it.. Will i still be able to get all the pieces i want from the different ones, or will there be a cartel market version of these?


Also, why did you stop putting out the rest of the war hero gear, and particularly the ones for knight..? :/

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Once we nail down those exact numbers I will let you know so you can plan accordingly. Thanks everyone.




In addition to planning, we need to have time to execute our plans. Please keep that in mind and get us the rest of the information out to us as soon as possible. After all, you only have nine working days left to get it to us before early access begins (Including today, and assuming that you will have off two days for Thanksgiving).

Edited by Exly
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Alright, here are the details:


  • The Obroan and Brutalizer sets will be removed from vendors and replaced by the new Unranked and Ranked sets respectively.
  • The existing PvE sets will all be moved to a different vendor than they are on currently.

Hope that helps!




Any plans on introducing something you can buy with ranked comms? like something for housing or actual worthy credit boxes?

Im sorry for the prior rant but i have the bad feeling you just destroyed ranked until 3.0 on my server :(


However you may pm me if you want to know about the exploit with transferring coms and how to fix it, if in return youre willing to participate in a discussion in how to preseve people grind ranked until 3.0 hits. We could introduce server specific titles etc. but please dont just "delete" comms and do nothing else. Please not. :confused:

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The existing PvE sets will all be moved to a different vendor than they are on currently.




So that means none of the PvE sets (Verpine/Underworld/etc.) are being removed?? If so happy day! I can stop farming like a crazy person and staying up way too late.

Edited by Saregon
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Alright, here are the details:


  • The Obroan and Brutalizer sets will be removed from vendors and replaced by the new Unranked and Ranked sets respectively.
  • The existing PvE sets will all be moved to a different vendor than they are on currently.

Hope that helps!




So basically we can just destroy Brutalizer shells?

They won't be needed to get the new Unranked set?

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Alright, here are the details:


  • The Obroan and Brutalizer sets will be removed from vendors and replaced by the new Unranked and Ranked sets respectively.
  • The existing PvE sets will all be moved to a different vendor than they are on currently.

Hope that helps!




Can you see about having the Old Rakata vendors added back in then? I mean I know some of the models are on the CM, but not all of them dye the same way as the classic versions.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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Can you see about having the Old Rakata vendors added back in then? I mean I know some of th emodels are on the CM, but no all of them dye the same way as the classic versions.


That's a nice thought, somehow I doubt this'll happen though.

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Transfering comms between chars... every day I learn something new. Luckily I don't grind comms, therefore I don't need to ponder how this exploit works. Don't think I would be able to imagine the solution.


I am not sure it is an exploit, seeing it's been around ever since Strongholds was released. Still, better not to risk it I guess.


^^ Discussing it I mean. :p

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Hey folks,


Warzone and Ranked Warzone Commendations are remaining exactly as they are now, and any Commendations you have will carry over to 3.0.

[*]*Important* Any items that you have purchased prior to 3.0 that have a refund timer will become bound to you with the 3.0 update.




Thank god this was done. As we all know, gear grinding is the most fun part in PvP. I also approve that SWTOR encourages players to have alts, yet treats gearing up in PvP as if you only have one player.


Gear grinding every few months is so much fun. I always tell my imaginary friends to try SWTOR's PvP, but they say they can't and when I ask them why, I am told it's because they do not exist.


Not existing? That's funny, kinda how like Team Ranked doesn't exit in this game.


The devs refuse to accept the fact that when 8v8 ranked was removed, they hurt the PvP community. One of the reasons why 8v8 ranked had low pops, is because ranked was in pre-season for like 2 years and once season 1 ranked started, 8v8 ranked pops would increase and even more once the Rancor was released as a reward. I know it's shocking, but providing good rewards increases players wanting to do something.


Instead I hear all the time... "we need to look at the meta" to determine the ranked player population. If you have $100, spend it & get $100 the next day, you have $100. But if don't spend it, you would have $200.


The removal of 8v8 ranked made players leave SWTOR. So what did 4s do? Nothing. Like I said before, once we finally had ranked seasons with great rewards, the ranked pops were going to increase by default.


Then they decided to add solo ranked, which brought in the trolls & under-geared. And because solo ranked has faster pops, players who want to do Team Ranked started Q-ing solo ranked, which over time decreased Team Ranked pops less & less.


The Devs in this game treat the PvP community as they do with outfits for Republic players.

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Why is it that BW always finds a way to shaft PvPers? Not only do you not have any PvP content for 3.0, but you screw us over by preventing us from saving up WZ comms for the big patch? Obviously they will never care about PvPers because all they need is their stupid Cartel Market to keep them afloat. I'm willing to bet the next time there's a PvP patch you guys will say "People who do ranked PvP will love this patch!" and then you will completely remove 4v4 and introduce 2v2 because the population is dead. :mad:
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Hey Musco, thank you for giving this info. Can you also please answer if the stronghold PvP title will stay as it is (allowing to swap commendations around different characters via legacy bank) or if it is a bug and will be fixed in 3.0? Thing is I'm afraid it is a bug and I don't want to risk doing it if it is and will be fixed/changed.
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So basically we can just destroy Brutalizer shells?

They won't be needed to get the new Unranked set?

GRRRRR!!! This is one of my biggest gripes with PvP...the "trade in" requirement is absolutely unfair imo, and I would love to see it removed for good. I'd wait for confirmation before you destroy anything...

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Hey folks,


[*]*Important* Any items that you have purchased prior to 3.0 that have a refund timer will become bound to you with the 3.0 update.





I have never raged or talked poorly about BW or the game itself, i have always loved this game and the community, but this is just soo stupid, i really cant deside if this is a game/deal-breaker for me, i know you dont give a rats *** about 1player, but you are literally taking away any last goodwill/patience you have from my end of the screen.


I would like a honest no bull **** answers to what i should spend my PvP coms on?

More mounts? have them all.

More adrenals? have like 1500

More Medpax? have like 2000

If you were a player, what would you buy?



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the point is:

they say they remove gahtered ranked comms so people will have to grind more.

No...he said just the opposite, that they would remain exactly as they are now, so cap out your ranked/unranked comms for launch day.

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Thank god this was done. As we all know, gear grinding is the most fun part in PvP. I also approve that SWTOR encourages players to have alts, yet treats gearing up in PvP as if you only have one player.


Gear grinding every few months is so much fun. I always tell my imaginary friends to try SWTOR's PvP, but they say they can't and when I ask them why, I am told it's because they do not exist.


Not existing? That's funny, kinda how like Team Ranked doesn't exit in this game.


The devs refuse to accept the fact that when 8v8 ranked was removed, they hurt the PvP community. One of the reasons why 8v8 ranked had low pops, is because ranked was in pre-season for like 2 years and once season 1 ranked started, 8v8 ranked pops would increase and even more once the Rancor was released as a reward. I know it's shocking, but providing good rewards increases players wanting to do something.


Instead I hear all the time... "we need to look at the meta" to determine the ranked player population. If you have $100, spend it & get $100 the next day, you have $100. But if don't spend it, you would have $200.


The removal of 8v8 ranked made players leave SWTOR. So what did 4s do? Nothing. Like I said before, once we finally had ranked seasons with great rewards, the ranked pops were going to increase by default.


Then they decided to add solo ranked, which brought in the trolls & under-geared. And because solo ranked has faster pops, players who want to do Team Ranked started Q-ing solo ranked, which over time decreased Team Ranked pops less & less.


The Devs in this game treat the PvP community as they do with outfits for Republic players.


My sarcasm detector went haywire. Blast. Now I've got to get it fixed. Thanks.:rolleyes:

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I have never raged or talked poorly about BW or the game itself, i have always loved this game and the community, but this is just soo stupid, i really cant deside if this is a game/deal-breaker for me, i know you dont give a rats *** about 1player, but you are literally taking away any last goodwill/patience you have from my end of the screen.


I would like a honest no bull **** answers to what i should spend my PvP coms on?

More mounts? have them all.

More adrenals? have like 1500

More Medpax? have like 2000

If you were a player, what would you buy?



Save them. Buy the new MH when you hit 60.

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I have never raged or talked poorly about BW or the game itself, i have always loved this game and the community, but this is just soo stupid, i really cant deside if this is a game/deal-breaker for me, i know you dont give a rats *** about 1player, but you are literally taking away any last goodwill/patience you have from my end of the screen.


I would like a honest no bull **** answers to what i should spend my PvP coms on?

More mounts? have them all.

More adrenals? have like 1500

More Medpax? have like 2000

If you were a player, what would you buy?




+ on lowpop server ranked pops will decrease...i feel your pain dude. But i think they just overlook this, and didnt intend to piss us off that much. Im pretty sure goodguy musco will feel our pain and will help us. After all they cant foresee everything, and i think they didnt thought about "us". Also im sure theyre not aware that on severall lowpopserver ranked mainly because of comms. We need to clarify that, and im sure they`ll do something about it.

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[*]All Basic, Classic, Planetary, Elite, and Ultimate Commendations that you have will become Basic Commendations. more on this below


Quick note on all of the PvE Commendations collapsing into Basic. The conversion rate of each Commendation will vary, both above and below 1:1 most likely. We are still working out exactly what those conversion rates are but I will get you that info before 3.0. I know one of the concerns is what the Basic Commendation cap will become. The plan right now is that the cap will remain 1,000, however, when the conversions happen in 3.0 we will allow that number to go higher, temporarily.


Once we nail down those exact numbers I will let you know so you can plan accordingly. Thanks everyone.



I'd like to see that higher, like 2000 at least.

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And whats the reason for that? I`d be spending less in-game-time for BiS on main, since im going to do get more comms from dailys and weeklys.


Again, capping is just the most cheapest way for inflating comms. Give us something to spend them on instead of just deleting them. Im allready maxed out on imperial and republic guards, got a full bank of pvp adrenals/medipacks and got another 100k ranked comms. Im sitting on 50 million credits, so i dont want to buy creditboxes. Give us casino tokens or whatever to spend comms on. Capping them is just the worst, and i wonder how that should encourage players to do more pvp now?


thats what angers me the most, past two weeks i was able to play ranked every day cause people collectet comms. Im sure this is going to stop now cause those comms are so wortless right now. How is that a system that encourages grinding? I dont know what else to say about except im super pissed how dumb they are at bioware. Im fine with catering regs in general but this is just over the top.

Did I say it was a good idea?


It seems your problem is that there's not a good comms sink. The Jawa Scrap is okay, but if you're a 55 PvPer, that's not going to be very useful... Yeah, there needs to be a credit sink.


Also, please don't call BW dumb. They're the reason the game's still up and running, unless you want to somehow make an MMO.

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I have like 30 ranked mounts among my toons, and I keep on pvping coz that's why I play this game.

So... spend those ranked comms on something worthless now and stop pvping till expansion comms? (my bags are full btw of ranked comms on most of my toons).


This (these?) news are sad.

Do you people even read the official Dev comments?!

Hey folks,


[*]Warzone and Ranked Warzone Commendations are remaining exactly as they are now, and any Commendations you have will carry over to 3.0.



What part of that don't you get exactly? They'll still buy top tier PvP gear in 3.0...if you're worried about waiting the 2 weeks, buy some stims or something...we haven't had an expansion in 18 months...2 weeks won't kill ya.

Edited by TUXs
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My point is about the ranked mounts (which have a refund timer).


What if u BW implemented something to buy with those comms, I mean something new, maybe some shells with no stats.

Or should I really buy lots of medpacs to just end up selling them?

They're simply trying to avoid you going over the cap by banking refundable gear. If you want the mount, buy it, if you want your 60 MH the first week, wait.

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