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Some stronghold things you probably have not seen before:


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Hello Shadowlands, it's your favorite celebrity here and happy to make your day even more colorful!


I'm reposting this from the general stronghold thread, but want to add I am making my stronghold public in case you want to check things out personally. I am by no means even close to finishing the thing, but there are some things that are on their way and worth taking a look at.


So, I have been quite underwhelmed with the limited wall decorations we have access to for our strongholds (which has somewhat improved, but has a long way to go) and I decided to make my own...


If someone else has dibs on this idea first, kudos to them....but I have not seen anyone doing this yet...so Kudos to me and you're welcome for the inspiration if you decide to play around with this yourselves.


By messing around with layouts and overlapping trophies, there is the potential to create some pretty eye catching wall art for your strongholds. I've hardly tapped into all of the options, but here are a few shots of what I have up at the moment. (Trophies are not the only decorations you should limit yourself to when playing around with this idea)


Ladies and Gentleman, my Gaytastical Stronghold in it's early stages:





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  • 7 months later...

i found your stronghold to be absolutely fabulous. The yeti corpse rug was disgusting but thats my only criticism. But yetis have always been my least favorite fantasy monster. Is your stronghold in the public listing? I would like to come visit. I am too poor to have my own stronghold b/c i pvp, so i usually just explore other people's houses and chill there. If i really like yours in person i will mail you for a silver key.(?).

thanks for sharing, farewell


Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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