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As a Story Tourist who just came for the 12x XP class stories, so frustrated. :(


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I've gotten replies that gave me all the information I needed; getting to annoy people like you is just an added bonus.


Generally, I am willing to answer any questions about the game's mechanics to anyone willing to actually learn.


But with that said, the second half of the quoted is an example of an incredibly toxic attitude to the gaming world.

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You don't have to mod stuff. Since credits aren't a problem for you, every 5-10 levels (or whenever the game is getting hard for you) go to the auction house and buy green gear for your level. The most important gear to keep updated is your main hand and offhand (and for your companion too).


Also choose the green gear mission rewards instead of commendations. You just need stuff that's good enough; you're not trying to optimize your gear.

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Well, you see, there's this thing called entertainment that adults spend time and money on because everyone needs a hobby. Because, you see--most people who choose to play an MMO actually want to play it as a game and not as a weird pseudo-book where you expend no effort and a story appears before you.


Spoiler alert: The stories really aren't that exciting if you don't like the game, too. I would not play this game if I didn't enjoy it as a game. How pathetic of me. :eek:


Plenty exciting so far!


You're doing literally everything wrong, so I'm going to assume you're an angsty highschool troll who thinks adults don't play video games--LOL. What is the average age of a gamer these days, like mid-30s? MMOs aren't for kids, considering you have to actually have an income to play them... bye.


We play video games, we simply choose video games that fit in well with real world life priorities, like not requiring hours of grind to accomplish fun things.


To offer a similar example -- instead of playing Magic: the Gathering as an adult, I play Ascension and SolForge, because they're games that scratch similar itches but are structured to be more amenable to people with adult life priorities.


But hey, if you want to be a masochist, be my guest.

Edited by Televangelist
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Plenty exciting so far!


We play video games, we simply choose video games that fit in well with real world life priorities, like not requiring hours of grind to accomplish fun things.


To offer a similar example -- instead of playing Magic: the Gathering as an adult, I play Ascension and SolForge, because they're games that scratch similar itches but are structured to be more amenable to people with adult life priorities.


But hey, if you want to be a masochist, be my guest.


You aren't making sense at this point... "adult life priorities"? You can play TOR for 30 minutes and leave, it just might take more than 1 session to do everything you want. Responsible allocation of time is fine, but quite frankly, I have no idea what point you are trying to make.

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i play magic the gathering a little and its just as time consuming for tournaments and stuff like that. sometime 7+ hours


Right, I'm saying I *don't* play it anymore, because it's not compatible with my broader life priorities, and there are other games that scratch the same itch for much less time, money, and effort.

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Plenty exciting so far!




We play video games, we simply choose video games that fit in well with real world life priorities, like not requiring hours of grind to accomplish fun things.


To offer a similar example -- instead of playing Magic: the Gathering as an adult, I play Ascension and SolForge, because they're games that scratch similar itches but are structured to be more amenable to people with adult life priorities.


But hey, if you want to be a masochist, be my guest.


What the hell are you talking abou? How is anything you quoted in that post even remotely have anything to do with masochism?

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You aren't making sense at this point... "adult life priorities"? You can play TOR for 30 minutes and leave, it just might take more than 1 session to do everything you want. Responsible allocation of time is fine, but quite frankly, I have no idea what point you are trying to make.


At that rate (prior to 12x XP) it would take months to make it through even a single class storyline -- which isn't nearly enough of a payoff to be worth it.

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What the hell are you talking abou? How is anything you quoted in that post even remotely have anything to do with masochism?


Doing things that are not fun now -- investing large amounts of money or kill-ten-rats time -- in the hopes that you'll get to the fun later, rather than playing games that are fun *from the start* and do not require such massive investments of time or effort, is what I'd call a masochistic choice.

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At that rate (prior to 12x XP) it would take months to make it through even a single class storyline -- which isn't nearly enough of a payoff to be worth it.


Well, considering there is a free to play option... you could just do it over time; maybe a little more than 30 mins ( I don't know your schedule )... all the entertainment for $0.

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Your mom's right.


No, that person's mother is wrong. Her mother is quite literally telling her child "I want to send pictures to my family without knowing how to send pictures to my family."


And you, in this thread, are telling us, "I want to play this game, with the satisfaction that comes with playing it and not just watching it, but I refuse to learn how to play it."


Part of playing an RPG. any RPG, is figuring out how to build a character and get them the gear they need. That is NOT unique to MMOs. This was a feature of KOTOR 1 & 2 that you so adore, as well as Baldur's Gate and its D&D source, and every other RPG ever made. That is the *core* feature that distinguishes RPGs from other genres. The previous elements of playing a character and a role is no longer really relevant, as any genre can accommodate that.


BioWare catered to people just like you once; there is a feature in Mass Effect 3 that turns the difficulty down to pathetically easy levels so that people uninterested in gameplay can experience the story. But they already have your $60 if you purchased ME3. This game is designed to attract recurring customers and keep them here - FTP is just a glorified free trial to encourage people to spend money. You want everything the game offers without having to engage in even its most basic expectations in return.

Edited by Aussircaex
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Doing things that are not fun now -- investing large amounts of money or kill-ten-rats time -- in the hopes that you'll get to the fun later, rather than playing games that are fun *from the start* and do not require such massive investments of time or effort, is what I'd call a masochistic choice.


That's not the choice presented to most players... how you came to this conclusion is baffling. A lot of players get by on subscription alone; some even go from level 1 to level 50 without spending more than $5.


Edit: I am joining the camp that thinks you're trollin' at this point. I have given you benefit of the doubt for too long.

Edited by azudelphi
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The OP is a troll, plain and simple. I'm suprised this guy (or girl) got so many in the community to make this topic go 16 pages long. Thats the only reason I'm replying in this thread, cause I thought you all knew better. Don't feed the troll. Ignore the troll. ;)


Thankfully whatever the troll says, people will ignore him and continue to love this game. He's already lost, cause he says he spent $50 on the game that will make it better for all of us cause BW will just use that money towards improving the game we all like.

Edited by Trevor_the_Bruce
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BioWare catered to people just like you once; there is a feature in Mass Effect 3 that turns the difficulty down to pathetically easy levels so that people uninterested in gameplay can experience the story.


Gaah! Someone mentioned ME3's storymode! Hot potato, orchestra stalls, Puck will make amends!

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Doing things that are not fun now -- investing large amounts of money or kill-ten-rats time -- in the hopes that you'll get to the fun later, rather than playing games that are fun *from the start* and do not require such massive investments of time or effort, is what I'd call a masochistic choice.


Oh the ignorance is astounding. Have you ever played an MMO before? Because if you have then you would have heard of something called..I don't know endgame...where you do raids or pvp or harder encounters. Those endeavors do offer investment, such as gear, fluff, prestige or simply having fun with friends. Pretty sure it's worth it.


Oh and if killing 13 rats is akin to being a masochist, then explain to me how killing thousands of enemies in games like CoD is somehow better.


EDIT: Yeah sign me up to the club that thinks you're trolling at this point.

Edited by theUndead
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The OP is a troll, plain and simple. I'm suprised this guy (or girl) got so many in the community to make this topic go 16 pages long. Thats the only reason I'm replying in this thread, cause I thought you all knew better. Don't feed the troll. Ignore the troll. ;)


Thankfully whatever the troll says, people will ignore him and continue to love this game. He's already lost, cause he says he spent $50 on the game that will make it better for all of us cause BW will just use that money towards improving the game we all like.


for sure

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*eats popcorn. Gets up, makes soup for dinner, still reading, returns to eating popcorn*


Poor little OP doesn't want the full story of the game. OP just wants us to hand him all the little part of the story that is the class story. Which is what, 1/16th or so of the game?


*pats OP's head* Poor, poor, poor you. You insult the game you want help with and expect people to jump at the honor of helping you. Too bad 12x EXP will be ending in December, and *might* become a purchasable item in the DISTANT future. Enjoy your next game.


We won't miss you.


BW was even kind enough to give you tutorials to read, but you didn't take the time since almost all the questions you had could have been answered there.

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The OP is a troll, plain and simple. I'm suprised this guy (or girl) got so many in the community to make this topic go 16 pages long. Thats the only reason I'm replying in this thread, cause I thought you all knew better. Don't feed the troll. Ignore the troll. ;)

Came to say this, well said. He's had plenty of $0 entertainment on all of you :D If you feed a troll once it lives for a day, if you teach a troll to "fish" you are still feeding the troll. Just a PSA :D

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Just throwing this out there... the vast majority of players I have met in every MMO I have ever played are 18+, probably half of them have been beyond college age, a huge number have kids of their own and spouses. Virtually all of them have jobs. They have real lives and responsibilities and things they do offline for fun, too. AND YET, all these hundreds-to-thousands (I use lots of forums, okay) of people I've met throughout the past decade also play their chosen MMO as a game!


People are going to have hobbies, dudebro, or at least healthy people are. You know that saying about all work and no play. Doesn't really matter if you're spending a few hours a night watching TV or scrapbooking or grinding in an MMO. Hobbies are healthy and different people enjoy different things.


There's nothing about this game that's "kill 10 rats" to me but I guess you'd faint at the fact I actually enjoy running dailies like Oricon (have done it several times a week in the year it's been out). There's something soothing about repetition in MMOs to the people who enjoy the genre. :p

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Doing things that are not fun now -- investing large amounts of money or kill-ten-rats time -- in the hopes that you'll get to the fun later, rather than playing games that are fun *from the start* and do not require such massive investments of time or effort, is what I'd call a masochistic choice.


Ah, there's the catch--you're assuming those things aren't fun. They are, to people who like MMOs. I have fun from the minute I start playing an MMO, grinding and sidequests included. Your argument is therefore invalid. Thread over. :rak_03:

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You aren't making sense at this point... "adult life priorities"? You can play TOR for 30 minutes and leave, it just might take more than 1 session to do everything you want. Responsible allocation of time is fine, but quite frankly, I have no idea what point you are trying to make.


I think the OP is actually a teenager who is trying to play adult. It usually doesn't work very well. :)

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pssst, it's a troll



One who purposely and deliberately (that purpose usually being self-amusement) starts an argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by his or her peers. He will spark of such an argument via the use of ad hominem attacks (i.e. 'you're nothing but a fanboy' is a popular phrase) with no substance or relevence to back them up as well as straw man arguments, which he uses to simply avoid addressing the essence of the issue.:o

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No, that person's mother is wrong. Her mother is quite literally telling her child "I want to send pictures to my family without knowing how to send pictures to my family."


Yep, and at the end of the day, I gave up and once a month I go over and spend an hour or two doing it for her. :)


Why? Because she is my Mom, she brought me into this world, took care of me, loved me, put bandaids on my boo-boos, and would do anything for me.


So at some point I decided it was easier to love her by just doing it for her. :)


The plus side, it gives us time together to catch up on a regular basis, and it is quite possible that was one of her goals. :)

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