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The happy to give it a try thread.


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In the interests of balance (see what I did there?), here's a thread for the happy to give it a go crew.


I have no idea what Shadow of Revan is going to look like, taste like, smell like, feel like and more importantly play like. Not a clue. So I am happy to stand here and say loudly "I am happy to give this a try." No tears. No petitions. No lawyers.


It may be spectacular and awesome. It may be disaterously poor. We'll find out in a month.

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but, but....


they nerfed my deeps bro, the sky is totally falling because big numbers is all that matters.


how anyone is getting this worked up over the constant ebb and flow of buff/nerf balance passes in an MMO is beyond hilarious. My guess is everything will turn out fine but like you said all we can do is wait to see it drop

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but, but....


they nerfed my deeps bro, the sky is totally falling because big numbers is all that matters.


It's crazy. All the current qq thread go along this train of thinking....


I currently do 3.9k DPS, If I do anything under 3.825k dps after expan I am calling the police and quitting and writing a strongly worded letter. The splodges on my letter are my tears.

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It's crazy. All the current qq thread go along this train of thinking....


I currently do 3.9k DPS, If I do anything under 3.825k dps after expan I am calling the police and quitting and writing a strongly worded letter. The splodges on my letter are my tears.


First off, I pre-ordered and on the whole, am excited to see what the expansion brings to the game, so generally I am in the 'happy to give it a try' crowd. I am really looking forward to the new story, new operations, and even the changes like Disciplines.


However, some of you just don't get 'it' when a lot of the reduced damage concerns are NOT around how big the numbers are, but rather how powerful characters are relative to existing (soon to be outdated) content.


My only concern is that the changes will reduce absolute damage numbers while not adjusting content at 55 such that a level 55 player in level 55 gear on Dec 2 will be less effective against level 55 content than they are today.


I could care less about what number shows up on a parse, though I will care if I play the game the day after 3.0 and my combat effectiveness is less than pre 3.0 against existing level 55 content.


The result is that content which is trivial today (existing level 55 content) becomes difficult and / or requires leveling to 60 and re-gearing just to complete at the same difficulty as today.


I'll deal with whatever changes come, though to me it just seems to be a ploy to keep current level 55 content relevant into the new level 60 expansion (where IMO we and the developers should be focused on the new level 60 content) without actually saying they are doing so, all so they can try and keep players occupied longer.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I don't agree with you buddy. If you are saying they are taking the game to a point where content is not able to be cleared at the level that content opens up at, then I believe you find out you will be mistaken.


The damage is too high. A decent geared 168 toon played by a decent player can do a job in NiM, when grouped with everyone else who are well geared.

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In the interests of balance (see what I did there?), here's a thread for the happy to give it a go crew.


I have no idea what Shadow of Revan is going to look like, taste like, smell like, feel like and more importantly play like. Not a clue. So I am happy to stand here and say loudly "I am happy to give this a try." No tears. No petitions. No lawyers.


It may be spectacular and awesome. It may be disaterously poor. We'll find out in a month.


What!?!!? But when there is a thread with a petition and said petition get THREE signatures doesn't that mean this is a serious game killing ISSUE that requires refunds to everyone and later this week lawyers!?

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It's crazy. All the current qq thread go along this train of thinking....


I currently do 3.9k DPS, If I do anything under 3.825k dps after expan I am calling the police and quitting and writing a strongly worded letter. The splodges on my letter are my tears.


Well, I suppose if that's the position you find most convenient to argue against, why not go ahead and paint any and all objections or concerns in such a way, instead of bothering to deal with what any particular person is saying, right?


There are plenty of us who don't care about the numbers as absolutes, only as they relate to the rest of the numbers and thus generate the actual gameplay. We're not enraged about raw numbers, we're concerned, BASED ON THE INFORMATION THAT HAS TRICKLED OUT OF BIOWARE, about whether the same content changes significantly in feel.


If a character is at the point of "some thought and effort will result in a clean run" on the dailies at Planet A now, the same character should not be knocked back to "every group of mobs takes absolute concentration and timing to avoid a nail-biter" after 3.0 hits.


But I guess it's always easier to reduce opposing viewpoints to the most ridiculous and strange and extreme caricatures possible, and paint everyone with a broad brush -- "LoL, you gonna call you're mommy if Bioware takes away your deeps? LoL, crybabbies, LoL. OMG no not my deeps! Suing Bioware, LoL"


Just because one goofus posts an internet petition and thinks it will change Bioware's mind on this topic, doesn't make that the sum total of all concern regarding the issue.


TLDR: learn to deal with nuance, for cripe's sake

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I'm totally happy to give it a try. I understand how scaling and stat squishes work, as well as how gear progression is supposed to go. It never occurred to me to behave as if being 55 out of 60 should make me super powerful and totally special.

I expect I will have to do a little work to get to 60 and I am looking forward to it. I didn't see anything in any of the streams that I watched that made me feel as if the expansion was going to make my 55s completely useless and unplayable. I understand there will be a slight learning curve and that I will have to rearrange my toolbars. I think it will be fun.

I also understand some people interpreted phrases differently (not sure how, but they did) and that they have valid concerns. However, I feel that throwing hissy fits and working yourself up about a lack of information on Saturday and Sunday is unjustified, and deserving of the phrase 'hissy fit.' It's one thing to want more information overall, it's something totally different to throw petitions and temper tantrums on Saturdays demanding information and accusing BioWare of hiding facts. It's the weekend. Such behavior taints the whole argument and makes it hard to take any genuine concerns seriously. And in case it is unclear, again, this is just my opinion.

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If a character is at the point of "some thought and effort will result in a clean run" on the dailies at Planet A now, the same character should not be knocked back to "every group of mobs takes absolute concentration and timing to avoid a nail-biter" after 3.0 hits.


The reason DPS is being nerfed is because we are doing too much damage now than what we are supposed to be doing. That's why this game is so easy in the PvE department compared to its peers, even at endgame.


They are simply making it so the content is as hard as it was intended to be in the first place.

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The reason DPS is being nerfed is because we are doing too much damage now than what we are supposed to be doing. That's why this game is so easy in the PvE department compared to its peers, even at endgame.


They are simply making it so the content is as hard as it was intended to be in the first place.


Ever heard the old saying "trying to close the barn door after the horse is out"?


This is another case where whatever their original intent, they let the game out "into the wild" with that "flaw" in place, and left it there for a long time. They can't expect to yank the rug out from under the player's feet now (IF that's what this will add up to) and get no negative response from the players.


We'll see what it actually amounts to -- would just appreciate it if certain persons could or would try to differentiate between "I'm concerned about the effect this will have on the game and the content I like to do" on one had, and "OMG filing a lawsuit for commercial fraud they're taking away my deeps!" on the other.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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The reason DPS is being nerfed is because we are doing too much damage now than what we are supposed to be doing. That's why this game is so easy in the PvE department compared to its peers, even at endgame.


They are simply making it so the content is as hard as it was intended to be in the first place.


Sorry but I beleve that a response every game developer makes when they want to make some major change to the game.


Oh your DPS was to high!

- Well where the hell were all those metrics BW claims to have to make sure that doesn't happen.


BW's claim of DPS being to high is more like a post card talking point a politician always uses. "We need a generic reason to pull this off and make it sound plausible." - "Well tell them their DPS is to high and well let them levl to 60 but make it as if they were 55 again so we can keep 2 tired and worn out OPS (DF/DP) in play."


It's like they went to the school of politicians and picked up some generic responses to gamers many will by into to push a different agenda.

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Sorry but I beleve that a response every game developer makes when they want to make some major change to the game.


When you sit down to design any form of a combat game, the first question is "how fast should things die?" and the second question is "how much damage should the player deal to accomplish that?" If the player is dealing too much damage than everything in the game is dying faster than it ought to, and if everything is dying faster then the content has been trivialized and then player is not getting the gaming experience that they are supposed to be getting.


In SWTOR's case this manifested itself as PvE content becoming trivialized, with some guilds putting even the highest level of content on farm mode within a month of the content coming out. So much for "challenge."



It's like they went to the school of politicians and picked up some generic responses to gamers many will by into to push a different agenda.

I guess whenever anyone gives a reason for doing anything then that person must be lying like a politican :rolleyes:

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Sorry but I beleve that a response every game developer makes when they want to make some major change to the game.


Oh your DPS was to high!

- Well where the hell were all those metrics BW claims to have to make sure that doesn't happen.


BW's claim of DPS being to high is more like a post card talking point a politician always uses. "We need a generic reason to pull this off and make it sound plausible." - "Well tell them their DPS is to high and well let them levl to 60 but make it as if they were 55 again so we can keep 2 tired and worn out OPS (DF/DP) in play."


It's like they went to the school of politicians and picked up some generic responses to gamers many will by into to push a different agenda.


And the complainers need any generic reason to complain. They now have their generic reason to complain for the next month...enjoy.


It's like these complainers went to entitlement school, where they were taught they get whatever they want and if they don't cry and whine about it by making petitions with 3 signatures, demand refunds and scream about it's taking away progress.

Edited by tdmaha
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I am excited for 3.0 and will happily dive in and check it out when it is released. :) The new planets look awesome so far, and I am actually looking forward fiddling with disciplines and whatever other new combat stuff they throw at us.


And as a player of average skill who does very little grouping and contents herself with 156-ish gear, there is a lot of existing content that I am looking forward to being able to solo once the expansion hits, and I am also hoping to have a wider variety of dailies to select from that can be zoomed through rather than tip-toed through.


That's not to say I don't have reservations about 3.0. But, it would be just plain silly if level 55 stuff isn't as easy for my future level 60 as level 50 stuff is for my current level 55, so I'm sure it will turn out fine. ^^

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When you sit down to design any form of a combat game, the first question is "how fast should things die?" and the second question is "how much damage should the player deal to accomplish that?" If the player is dealing too much damage than everything in the game is dying faster than it ought to, and if everything is dying faster then the content has been trivialized and then player is not getting the gaming experience that they are supposed to be getting.


In SWTOR's case this manifested itself as PvE content becoming trivialized, with some guilds putting even the highest level of content on farm mode within a month of the content coming out. So much for "challenge."


Do people really do dailies for the "challenge"?

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A) No, they're done for credits.


B) Where did they say "dailies"... I saw "highest level of content"... which dailies definitely aren't.


I think that's one of the hanging questions here -- they've said some seemingly contradictory things that put the higher-level dailies, heroics, and weeklies into a gray area of maybe / maybe not.


If someone has a Bioware statement that's definitive on this matter, it would certainly put out some of these fires we see burning.

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It may be spectacular and awesome. It may be disaterously poor. We'll find out in a month.


The doom-and-gloomers are an omnipresent aspect of any MMO. I've learned to accept and expect it. No matter what information is or isn't given, a certain portion of the community is going to expect the worst. Unfortunately, the doom-and-gloomers are also usually the most vocal, so it seems like there are more of them.


The best course of action is to wait and see. People will most likely keep playing the game and enjoying it, despite whatever adaptations might be required.

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