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What Makes GSF Fun For You?


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I consider myself a decent pilot. On Jedi Covenant i'm even considered a blackbolt ace (which mainly just makes me an annoying hipster). Personally, i've been finding myself drifting further and further away from this game because it has become progressively less fun for me. If I had to blame it on one factor, I would say that it was the lack of dog fighting. Don't get me wrong, bombers and gunships both add depth to the game, but it seems that with the current meta dominated by bombers gunships and battlescouts (with battlescouts I suppose you could make some claim to dogfighting, but its really not a "fair" fight as no dogfighter really stands a chance against an equally skilled battlescout) i'm finding the gameplay simply boring in most matches.


I didn't come here to whine about the meta or about any particular ship though, i'm curious what do you guys find fun in this game and what suggestions would you have for making the game more enjoyable given its current state (basically its a "what should I fly instead of my blackbolt" thread).

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Sometimes it's the rare game that in some way is just fun/memorable. It can be the close come from behind win; the tough, tough loss; the match where I just go on a run against great pilots; the matches where the team needs every single one of my 28 kills to pull out the victory (yes, I have a bit of an ego. Who doesn't? Those matches stroke that ego.)... The rare matches with few gunships/bombers, and tons and tons of strikes and scouts that ends up being a 10 minute melee...


I can kind of "force" some amount of fun in lopsided matches (more easily in matches where it's lopsided in my favor), where I'll just go see how long I can keep someone under missile lock, or fly into a bunch of enemies, shoot at all of them for a few seconds to try to get their attention, and then just see how long I can stay alive, or try to run obstacle courses with several on my 6, but those are hardly the games that keep me queueing.


I also think that something that helped a lot was starting to chat with and run with other pilots on a more regular basis. When GSF came out, there were 4 people in my guild, and I think 2 additional in our "sister guild" who would fly, and we'd all hop on, into VoIP, and into the queue, and yuck it up, have a good time, and try to act as a counter to the pub premades on JC at the time. Well, Jaheesh is the only one of those who still flies outside of myself, and when everyone started to lose interest, and I spent most of my time solo-queuing, I found myself losing interest, and spent most of the summer doing other things that were not GSF (either in game, or out). I finally started flying again a lot a couple months ago, and started talking to people I'd seen, but never talked to. Started grouping up with them, flying with and against them, occasionally hopping into voice with them, and I think that's what really got my interest back up.


Too many matches end up being blowouts in one form or another, and it's not much fun to be a part of those matches from the perspective of actually flying, but there's nothing you can really do about that (sure, swap to a stock ship or try to farm achievements, but I don't usually find that to be too much fun...). So it becomes the social aspect that keeps it fun. Joking around with friends, talking shop about builds, etc. The flying becomes just something else I'm doing, but it's not really my focus.


You ask what keeps this fun for me? Getting to know a larger portion of the community that I originally had no desire to get to know, become friends with, or do anything but fly against. I still like flying against them, but to the end of being able to go joke with them about it after. And I like flying with them, because they're entertaining in ways that have nothing to do with the game. Being more social brought me back into GSF. And I enjoy it more because of that.


I've met a lot of people recently who I never would otherwise have met had I not started trying to be less of a lone wolf, and the funny thing is I like about 90% of them (No one likes Aimbot and his constant going on about Star Citizen tho, amirite?! :D ). Meeting/making a new circle of friends is probably what really got me back into the queues.

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I consider myself a decent pilot. On Jedi Covenant i'm even considered a blackbolt ace (which mainly just makes me an annoying hipster). Personally, i've been finding myself drifting further and further away from this game because it has become progressively less fun for me. If I had to blame it on one factor, I would say that it was the lack of dog fighting. Don't get me wrong, bombers and gunships both add depth to the game, but it seems that with the current meta dominated by bombers gunships and battlescouts (with battlescouts I suppose you could make some claim to dogfighting, but its really not a "fair" fight as no dogfighter really stands a chance against an equally skilled battlescout) i'm finding the gameplay simply boring in most matches.


I didn't come here to whine about the meta or about any particular ship though, i'm curious what do you guys find fun in this game and what suggestions would you have for making the game more enjoyable given its current state (basically its a "what should I fly instead of my blackbolt" thread).


For me its my team, working on coordination and strategies is my favorite part. Try to find new interesting combinations for us to kill people with. I'm really looking forward to the big super serious event on Bastion though, I can't wait for that level of competition so we can really put all the coordination and strategies we've come up with to the test.


I don't think I would still be playing if I solo q'ed all the time, it's all about the people for me. :)


Edit: Wow nyght basically said what I wanted to say he just did it much better.

Edited by Drakkolich
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To crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of their battlescouts!



Teamplay is the big one.


I think that the game has a lot of replay value due to the fact that it is teamplay pvp with a ton of different strategies. I really like the utility that a lot of the later ships add: tensor field and repair probes are super cool and fight altering in a way that doesn't just involve blasting an enemy.

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I was not having fun anymore on Pot5, I moved a little used pilot to Bastion and fly with Drak and his crew. It's fun again, even when I'm obtuse in vcomms (causing frustrations) with my help or requests. First couple of days was really fun trying to figure out what the hell they where talking about as their vernacular was so different with their server colloquialisms.
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I just really love flying, before this game it was mostly single player games where the flying / maneuvers didn't really matter (but I did it anyway)


In this game I can skirt through objects, fly inside of things, around things... get all crazy... and it actually matters because those flying skills can net you kills / less deaths. (Dev's have really made a trick fliers paradise here, especially inside some of the structures)


Besides that I love the team aspect, I don't get to fly with my wingmates as much as I would like (especially lately) but the times when I do are really great. The rest of the time spent solo queuing is fun as well since I get to know the pilots and it ends up being that I am not really "solo" after all.


The only un-fun thing is matches with no competition, all my ships are mastered and I don't really have any "fun" builds to putz around with, so I have to make a choice between very competitive and support oriented builds in those games (usually end up support, fly a lot of bloodmark these days) Those matches end with me feeling kinda dirty and unfulfilled.


The reverse of this is true as well, I hate strings of matches where we are badly outmatched. I love competition as much as the next guy but getting stomped / focused repeatedly is not fun. As long as there is a slim chance and at least 2 other pilots I can count on its a good game..... but others with no support and back to back can get old really quick.


That being said I love GSF more than any other space combat game (and I have played a lot) the mix of offensive / defensive flying and meaningful micro management of things like power keep me busy / interested.

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You ask what keeps this fun for me? Getting to know a larger portion of the community that I originally had no desire to get to know, become friends with, or do anything but fly against. I still like flying against them, but to the end of being able to go joke with them about it after. And I like flying with them, because they're entertaining in ways that have nothing to do with the game. Being more social brought me back into GSF. And I enjoy it more because of that.


this is a big thing for me these days in making GSF fun. I've been enjoying getting to know fellow pilots and having the chance to group with them.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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Social aspect and improving at some of the more challenging aspects of GSF gameplay.


I like things like using Rocket Pods in a turning fight, using HLCs at ranges of less than 1000 m, dogfighting in strikes, Proton Torpedo shots at scouts, etc. It's hard to succeed, but the success feels a lot more rewarding to me if it's something difficult.

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The GSF channel. :D


Same here, social aspect. Starfighter pilots, especially the seasoned ones, seem to gravitate to one another. We clump up in GSF channel or someone's mumble/TS, then hit the cues. Harbinger is home to some very strong pilots, albiet few, so the presence of just 3 of them can swing a match either way.


I came back into the game because of SoR preorder 12x bonus, but I'm staying because of the way GSF has been implemented. Yes, battlescouts ruin the image of X-wings chasing down TIE fighters, but A-wing VS TIE interceptor is very much alive in this game. Yes, the MMR sometimes need to not decide a winning side ahead of time, but when its a 15 vs 15 TDM of 3-5 ship pilots and 5-7 server Aces PER SIDE, I get the dogfight of my life.


I'd like to also say that not having a joystick actually works for GSF, because it adds this additional layer of skill depth, instead of having to point the entire ship at the target or rely on autoaiming bots shooting within a large circle. Being able to track targets within a circle has another good point for metaphysical accuracy because if you read the spec manuals most blasters have some limited tracking ability around its firing mount; this was absent in many early Star Wars fighter games.


Overall, GSF isn't perfect, like the lack of a tiering system to separate the highly upgraded from the really new, or the fact that evasion is king which is something that wasn't present in XvT, but damn, when its fun, it's pretty damn fun. And it gets more fun when you have a squadron to fly with regularly; that alone I see accounts for the most active and skilled starfighter Aces I've flown with and against.

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What makes GSF fun for me?


The fact that it is so bad, It makes me fondly remember games like TIE fighter, Rogue Squadron, and even Starfox.


Those are all great games that you should fondly remember one way or another. I think almost all your GSF posts are complaining about it, so you probably aren't even in the correct thread, though.

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Hard to say. I've always loved space sims, so there's that.


It's no one thing. The combination of 'it's a space sim' (augmented by 'it's a PvP space sim: flying against people is so much more interesting) and the combinations and interrelations of ships, builds and tactics all add up to a hell of a fun game for me. It's been my favourite thing about swtor since I started at it.

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Any game that isn't utterly dominated by a group with mastered ships, likely with voice chat judging from their coordination. Gets tiring playing target drone for that sort of thing.


(Which means a handful of the ones I've played on my current alt.)

Edited by Sinapus
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