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Season 3 Furious Rewards Announcement


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In my opinion the Tier 1 rating is quite high looking at how there are clearly not enough people queuing for SRWZ, it's basically dead on some servers.

As well to many under geared people queuing, as well some trolls and there are nearly not enough safe-checks against that.

Also looking at how you can end up in RWZ with only 3 people or less on your team, if other quits then it's instant loss and you still lose rating for that.

There are not enough safe-check for SRWZ Tier 1 rating to be at such high point.

I agree its very rare to get a pop on my server unless you tell the top guilds to que then they are in premades for of the match up. That's sorta why I like solo better give us a chance to grab on of them so they have to leave premade haha

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1650+ is higher than I would have expected. That's about 1% of the players but if you look through the leaderboads you realize that many of the top players have 2-3 alts that are also above 1650. This means that only about .06% of all ranked players will get tier one. Imo 1600 or 1625 would be more realistic for tier 1
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1650+ is higher than I would have expected. That's about 1% of the players but if you look through the leaderboads you realize that many of the top players have 2-3 alts that are also above 1650. This means that only about .06% of all ranked players will get tier one. Imo 1600 or 1625 would be more realistic for tier 1


At NO point in the history of arenas thus far, should the tier 1 rating been higher than 1600. Even 1601 would have been too high. HONESTLY, 1500 was the top 5% of the population in S1, and they should not have strayed from that. Sadly though, you could win your first 10 matches in a row and get 1500+ rating. Which then makes it obvious that the either should have changed the gating system to make you play 20 matches before giving you a rating, or changing the top rating to 1600, so that players still have to do more matches to acquire the T1 rewards.


1650 rating is an UTTER JOKE for any of the seasons, let alone the state of the game now with S3. I find it very amusing that they went above and beyond the 1600 of S2. I also think it was a joke for them to give out the color crystal to Tier 3 contenders like some kind of participation award. But hey...

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I agree its very rare to get a pop on my server unless you tell the top guilds to que then they are in premades for of the match up. That's sorta why I like solo better give us a chance to grab on of them so they have to leave premade haha

lol it was kinda funny. the same night I lauded the top guild for NOT doing that...this one guy on my team rages. leaves chan. and mysteriously there's a 4m of their pub guild on the other team. grats. you just killed the queue for the night.



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At NO point in the history of arenas thus far, should the tier 1 rating been higher than 1600. Even 1601 would have been too high. HONESTLY, 1500 was the top 5% of the population in S1, and they should not have strayed from that. Sadly though, you could win your first 10 matches in a row and get 1500+ rating. Which then makes it obvious that the either should have changed the gating system to make you play 20 matches before giving you a rating, or changing the top rating to 1600, so that players still have to do more matches to acquire the T1 rewards.


1650 rating is an UTTER JOKE for any of the seasons, let alone the state of the game now with S3. I find it very amusing that they went above and beyond the 1600 of S2. I also think it was a joke for them to give out the color crystal to Tier 3 contenders like some kind of participation award. But hey...


Keep in mind that they've releases rewards a good month before season end as opposed to all the other seasons 2 weeks before end. So stop complaining. The point of them doing this is to get more people q'ing and for longer.

Edited by Ryannnnnnn
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The point of them doing this is to get more people q'ing and for longer,


How did that work out for them? 90% of the servers are ghost towns in the rated queues. Even solo queues in some cases on some servers. They could have announced the rewards the day season 3 launched, it wouldn't change much. They aren't supporting the rated arena system (not that I care any more) but see also: Low population sync queues, no hybrid/role detection, no prevention of people with NO advanced class queueing up, no gear check, etc etc.


If you know anything about the state of the game in regards to rateds, populations and queue times, you know that 1650 is VERY high for a T1 reward. lol.

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How did that work out for them? 90% of the servers are ghost towns in the rated queues. Even solo queues in some cases on some servers. They could have announced the rewards the day season 3 launched, it wouldn't change much. They aren't supporting the rated arena system (not that I care any more) but see also: Low population sync queues, no hybrid/role detection, no prevention of people with NO advanced class queueing up, no gear check, etc etc.


If you know anything about the state of the game in regards to rateds, populations and queue times, you know that 1650 is VERY high for a T1 reward. lol.


It's not that high when you have a full month to get there.

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At NO point in the history of arenas thus far, should the tier 1 rating been higher than 1600. Even 1601 would have been too high. HONESTLY, 1500 was the top 5% of the population in S1, and they should not have strayed from that. Sadly though, you could win your first 10 matches in a row and get 1500+ rating. Which then makes it obvious that the either should have changed the gating system to make you play 20 matches before giving you a rating, or changing the top rating to 1600, so that players still have to do more matches to acquire the T1 rewards.


1650 rating is an UTTER JOKE for any of the seasons, let alone the state of the game now with S3. I find it very amusing that they went above and beyond the 1600 of S2. I also think it was a joke for them to give out the color crystal to Tier 3 contenders like some kind of participation award. But hey...


This is so unbelievably true.


I was running solo que the other day and both Imp and Pub side hopped into groups of 8-12 to make sure we knew of people were going afk (like if a heals went afk I wouldn't get a pop) and between games constantly was the discussion of PVP rewards. These are the best on the Harbinger, might not be best in the game but we had a lot of "All Galaxy" and every Time tier 1 was discussed we expected 1500 to be the rating.


Why? This season we've had under geared trolls, people with no advanced class, a massive migration of the population to other games and numerous other factors that made season 3 a lot harder to gain rating, and what do they do? They *********** UPPED the rating requirement?


Jesus, it's such a sad day when you finally realise what people have been saying for years, that you know more about your game And community than the "Devs" who get payed to do their "job" which is looking after this community and expressing OUR FEEDBACK.


The worst part is we all know this won't change.

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lol it was kinda funny. the same night I lauded the top guild for NOT doing that...this one guy on my team rages. leaves chan. and mysteriously there's a 4m of their pub guild on the other team. grats. you just killed the queue for the night.




Ya man it sucks when you face shots fired and vicious since those are the only people who que but well we know what desperate means lmao

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How did that work out for them? 90% of the servers are ghost towns in the rated queues. Even solo queues in some cases on some servers. They could have announced the rewards the day season 3 launched, it wouldn't change much. They aren't supporting the rated arena system (not that I care any more) but see also: Low population sync queues, no hybrid/role detection, no prevention of people with NO advanced class queueing up, no gear check, etc etc.


If you know anything about the state of the game in regards to rateds, populations and queue times, you know that 1650 is VERY high for a T1 reward. lol.


ahahaha, its the devs fault? So naïve. There games with way more broken specs/hybrids/whathaveyou that have way more healthy competitive PvP. No the failure of ranked here is a failure of the playerbase. Solo ranked is failing because people don't want to face their rating and see where they really fall on the skill chart, and because of that they invent excuses about "matchmaking" to justify why they don't queue.

Group ranked is dead because its nearly impossible for new teams to get started as they are just ELO farmed by the 1 or 2 top veteran teams.


At this point the devs could give us the Stars and Ranked would still fail.

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It's not that high when you have a full month to get there.


Oh for sure, if you're at 1450+ at the moment. Any lower than that and on most servers i'd argue it will be IMPOSSIBLE to get 1650 without some kind of cheating/match-throwing. Which includes new players now on their fresh alts queuing up. Lets say they even go 50/50 their first 10 and get a 1250 rating. They will have no shot at 1650 T1 rewards. This doesn't affect me at all, but just saying 1650 is, in fact, very very high. Look at the leaderboards. It's the top 1%.

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ahahaha, its the devs fault? So naïve. There games with way more broken specs/hybrids/whathaveyou that have way more healthy competitive PvP. No the failure of ranked here is a failure of the playerbase. Solo ranked is failing because people don't want to face their rating and see where they really fall on the skill chart, and because of that they invent excuses about "matchmaking" to justify why they don't queue.

Group ranked is dead because its nearly impossible for new teams to get started as they are just ELO farmed by the 1 or 2 top veteran teams.


At this point the devs could give us the Stars and Ranked would still fail.


Naive. lol. While the playerbase is to blame, for sure, the devs could EASILY have fixed things with the rated arena system to better it. And they (for a year now) have not. That's one of the very reasons I'm pumped for 3.0, because it looks like it promises to really fix not only class balance but rated pvp in general. Sure there will be issues at launch. But it is set up to be an easier balancing system.

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Now if we could just get other servers to pop


TOFN: 3262 (23.2%)

Bastion: 2202 (15.7%)

POT5: 1780 (12.7%)

TRE: 1213 (8.6%)

T3-M4: 1056 (7.5%)

Ebon Hawk: 912 (6.5%)

Jung Ma: 723 (5.1%)

Jedi Covenant: 712 (5.1%)

Harb: 600 (4.3%)

Progenitor: 569 (4.0%)

Shadowlands: 426 (3.0%)

Darth Nihilus: 419 (3.0%)

Mantle of the Force: 287 (1.6%)

BC: 195 (1.4%)


Call me an A-Hole, but I frankly don't give an ish that Ranked doesn't pop on PvE servers. Peeps rolled on a non-PvP server, they get what they deserve. If peeps want to run Ranked, transfer to a PvP server.

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you should really lower the tier 1 ratings given the current state of pvp. same people fighting each other over and over, skanks cheating the matchmaking, faction imbalance on many servers. 1650 is too high. 1500 would be more realistic.


Yeah I (and many others) agree. No shot they change it though.

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Call me an A-Hole, but I frankly don't give an ish that Ranked doesn't pop on PvE servers. Peeps rolled on a non-PvP server, they get what they deserve. If peeps want to run Ranked, transfer to a PvP server.


ridiculous statement. PvE server shouldn't mean that you're not entitled to structured pvp activity.

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OK. I am going to boycott this. I will queue with my alt of which rating I don't care and I will be throwing games, too. Like so many others. good luck hitting 1650 guys!


Is that why you joined arena on your jugg tonight, and left? you would have won that one if you didnt leave..

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1. The ratings seem a bit high. Unecessarily so.


2. The biggest issue with the announcment of these rewards though is that in the last hour there have been PvE'rs whose sole purpose has been to join and play, with no regard to winning or losing, just to entitle for the color crystal. How in the world can Bioware be so oblivious, so downright mean as to reward participation with a unique colour crystal - essentially screwing over PvPers who want a fair chance.


Who can blame the PvErs? They play the hand they're dealt. The hand dealt is however an incompetent one delivered by Bioware. Colour crystal being granted after participating for 10 matches makes us end up with players, like now for example, that get 1300 expertise and says "8 matches left" after a lost match.



Thanks bioware for yet another poorly thought through update - icing on the cake? Yet again you post it friday before leaving for your weekend, leaving the forums rampant of rage short of any explination/communication.


Its not new mistakes along your path as Devs that you tackle and overcome - its the same ones over and over. Its getting tiresome. Please, for the love of god, shape up.

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Yeah, I think that giving out the color crystals as a participation ribbon was a bad idea. So now that reward is not unique for pvp. Anybody who wants it can get it - you don't have to actually try to win any matches.


P.S. I haven't done any ranked since season 1.

Edited by teclado
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