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Things Veteran Players Wish Newbs Knew


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Im not saying that everyone gets it. Im 100% with you on the notion that there are total derps out there who were absent the day they passed out common sense.


Typically those people also meet the practical definition of insanity: they do something, it fails miserably but they try again in exactly the same manner and are bewildered when they experience identical results.


My favourite quote of all times, I first heard it from my father after trying to teach americans about how newtons laws of motion affected recoil.


"The problem with common sense is that its not common enough"

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Im not saying that everyone gets it. Im 100% with you on the notion that there are total derps out there who were absent the day they passed out common sense.


Typically those people also meet the practical definition of insanity: they do something, it fails miserably but they try again in exactly the same manner and are bewildered when they experience identical results.


So what do you have about 250 of the 450 post in this thread? You really are trying hard to keep this thread alive aren't you...


Insanity? You think those who don't play a VIDEO GAME your way are insane? Well I would guess they would think someone who has 200 post in one thread in 17 days would be the definition of insanity....but who right? Good question...

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So what do you have about 250 of the 450 post in this thread? You really are trying hard to keep this thread alive aren't you...


Insanity? You think those who don't play a VIDEO GAME your way are insane? Well I would guess they would think someone who has 200 post in one thread in 17 days would be the definition of insanity....but who right? Good question...


So, apparently if I respond to people talking directly to me in my own thread, Im some kind of "tryhard." Good for you, I suppose.


Oh, and by the way, if youre trying to kill the thread, posting in it is not a particularly effective way to go about doing it.


Say something, I dare you.

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So, apparently if I respond to people talking directly to me in my own thread, Im some kind of "tryhard." Good for you, I suppose.


Oh, and by the way, if youre trying to kill the thread, posting in it is not a particularly effective way to go about doing it.


Say something, I dare you.


Next, he'll accuse you of stalking him... :rolleyes:

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If you wish to voluntarily gimp yourself, I cant stop you. But Im not going to advise that everyone else do it, too. If you dont like that, thats ok, but its not going to change my mind. And if you dont like that, thats also ok, and understandable, cause I feel the same way.


The only person that voluntarily gimping themselves is the guy that is taking abilities off his bar.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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The only person that voluntarily gimping themselves is the guy that is taking abilities off his bar.


But the Powertech who use Missile Blast every other GCD is gimping himself worst than the Powertach who took it off his bar. The Shadow tank trying to hard cast Mind Crush is gimping himself worst than the Shadow tank who tool it off his bar. The Arsenal Merc who use Power Shot instead of Tracer Missile is gimping himself worst than the one who took it off his bar (all his rotation, heat vent and Tracer Lock are screwed instead of just a 4 sec under an interrupt).


Taking off your bar an ability isn't smart. But using an ability in situation you shouldn't use it is worst. And those ability are so situationnal, going into those situations is far beyond the scope of this thread I think.

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To be fair, posting replies to comments is common form. And this thread is generally considered helpful by most folks that comment in it it seems.


So, though I do not agree with a few of the terms used in the OP, the general presentation of the information is helpful IMO.

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Power Shot could be a useful arsenal ability as an interrupt bait. And it would be even more effective in 3.0 with the ridiculous new interrupt cooldowns. Except, using an interrupt on that would be pretty silly when there are healers to be interfering with.


Personally, I think Bioware's interrupt system is flawed. Wow's worked because 4 seconds was 4 GCDs. And it also locked out things in the same spell school. Here, you are preventing someone from doing that ability for 2.66 GCDs, but anything else they can cast is fair game. But then for most classes, all their most important abilities are either instant or uninterruptible. Healers, Arsenal Unload, Sorc Thundering blast (which is why no one plays lighting in pvp...) are the only things where interrupting will feel really impactful. Everything else, you either cant or its only a minor inconvenience.


Edit: Probably pointless to think too much about how to "fix" it though.. 3.0 is going to be changing so much.

Edited by Dras_Keto
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Power Shot could be a useful arsenal ability as an interrupt bait. And it would be even more effective in 3.0 with the ridiculous new interrupt cooldowns. Except, using an interrupt on that would be pretty silly when there are healers to be interfering with.


Personally, I think Bioware's interrupt system is flawed. Wow's worked because 4 seconds was 4 GCDs. And it also locked out things in the same spell school. Here, you are preventing someone from doing that ability for 2.66 GCDs, but anything else they can cast is fair game. But then for most classes, all their most important abilities are either instant or uninterruptible. Healers, Arsenal Unload, Sorc Thundering blast (which is why no one plays lighting in pvp...) are the only things where interrupting will feel really impactful. Everything else, you either cant or its only a minor inconvenience.


Edit: Probably pointless to think too much about how to "fix" it though.. 3.0 is going to be changing so much.

i'd also recommend interrupting tracer on an arsenal merc as their options are limited as a result. UL ought to be on cd.


i do like interrupting FL on madness sorcs...fotm specs often mean players have no idea what to do when you interrupt their main ability/filler.


had to quit another fp group last night.

tank guards healer, i ask why, he says so the healer generates less threat. my pt was pulling agro off every mob and his answer was for me to "drop agro like a good dps"

i tried to explain how guard works but he got really defensive.


so in protest he "made me" tank the first boss. we killed it np but i left after. i saw where this was going and didnt feel like tanking because this goof had no idea how agro mechanics work between his threat generation, guard and my agro reduction ability which, gasp, was on cooldown constantly.

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Power Shot could be a useful arsenal ability as an interrupt bait. And it would be even more effective in 3.0 with the ridiculous new interrupt cooldowns. Except, using an interrupt on that would be pretty silly when there are healers to be interfering with.


Personally, I think Bioware's interrupt system is flawed. Wow's worked because 4 seconds was 4 GCDs. And it also locked out things in the same spell school. Here, you are preventing someone from doing that ability for 2.66 GCDs, but anything else they can cast is fair game. But then for most classes, all their most important abilities are either instant or uninterruptible. Healers, Arsenal Unload, Sorc Thundering blast (which is why no one plays lighting in pvp...) are the only things where interrupting will feel really impactful. Everything else, you either cant or its only a minor inconvenience.


Edit: Probably pointless to think too much about how to "fix" it though.. 3.0 is going to be changing so much.


The problem with power shot being used for interrupt bait is that good players won't fall for it, and bad ones you can work around anyways. Plus acedotally I find that the majority of the time I'm getting interrupted its by melees and if a I have a melee in interrupt range then I need to be get out of there, not fuax casting stuff.


However if I'm fighting a ranged and they interrupt tracer I will often throw a powershot because interestingly enough PS will still proc pretty much everything.


I also disagree with your comment on lighting's viability but that's another discussion.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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The problem with power shot being used for interrupt bait is that good players won't fall for it, and bad ones you can work around anyways. Plus acedotally I find that the majority of the time I'm getting interrupted its by melees and if a I have a melee in interrupt range then I need to be get out of there, not fuax casting stuff.


However if I'm fighting a ranged and they interrupt tracer I will often throw a powershot because interestingly enough PS will still proc pretty much everything.


I also disagree with your comment on lighting's viability but that's another discussion.

its pretty common, in my experience, that they have no idea PS will proc ul and just stand there wondering why their tracer missile button isnt working.


and interrupting PS on a pyro spec is painful too. options are to unload or reapply IM...td if off cd. either way it can be crippling to dps output.

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The lightning tree to me is something kind of like the marauder class in general it can do great things and put up great numbers but there are definite ways to shut it down completely. If you dont have very good synergy with your team (or are just solo queuing and end up with bads who have poor pvp sense in general) they wont be doing what they would need to to help you really shine.


Im not sure Id call it a flaw necessarily but we definitely have some classes that can do well personally (whether its topping the board in a win or within the context of a loss) and others that can be limited by their team.

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You don't say that no one plays Lightning if it's viable. If it were viable, people would play it.
sure you can, and he did.


you're making leaps and assumptions that weren't stated.

in this case, he's outlining reasons why people dont like to play lightning. liking to play a spec or that specs ease to lockdown or play solo, has nothing to do whether or not it is viable.


being viable isnt the same thing as being ideal.

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sure you can, and he did.


you're making leaps and assumptions that weren't stated.

in this case, he's outlining reasons why people dont like to play lightning. liking to play a spec or that specs ease to lockdown or play solo, has nothing to do whether or not it is viable.


being viable isnt the same thing as being ideal.


He did not say that no one likes to play Lightning. He said that nobody plays Lightning. If no one liked to play Lightning, then it would be like Rage, where everyone played it anyway because it was stupidly easy and powerful. No one plays Lightning because it's extremely weak for bigger reasons than even what was noted. So you are misreading what was said and/or he mistated what he meant.

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People don't play lightning because madness is so overpowered right now.
pretty much

He did not say that no one likes to play Lightning. He said that nobody plays Lightning. If no one liked to play Lightning, then it would be like Rage, where everyone played it anyway because it was stupidly easy and powerful. No one plays Lightning because it's extremely weak for bigger reasons than even what was noted. So you are misreading what was said and/or he mistated what he meant.
this is exhausting. /ignored
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Its amazing how people will sit there and argue that X happened when its quite clear to the entire world that it was actually Y.


I said, quite clearly ".. no one plays lightning in pvp." First off, this is obviously an exaggeration and not to be taken precisely at face value. Im sure that somewhere out there, some poor soul is in a warzone specced lightning. Second, what any sane, reasonable person would take away from this is that its an observation that you dont really see people playing the spec in warzones. And, you dont. I honestly cant remember the last time I ran into someone using it pvp.


Now, for the clincher... nothing was said about the spec's viability. Nothing. At all.


No reason was given for why the spec wasnt played. In fact, the only reason that was implied is that lightning has interrupt susceptibility. IE, can be shut down. If you want to extend this line of reasoning, youd probably arrive at a later point that was made, specs like lightning require more team coordination to work well in pvp. Youd want people peeling for you, etc., making it a lot more frustrating to try and use when youre solo queued.


Stop trying to put words in my mouth. Stop trying to tell other people what I mean cause youre probably going to be wrong. What I mean is exactly what I type.

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Its amazing how people will sit there and argue that X happened when its quite clear to the entire world that it was actually Y.


I said, quite clearly ".. no one plays lightning in pvp." First off, this is obviously an exaggeration and not to be taken precisely at face value. Im sure that somewhere out there, some poor soul is in a warzone specced lightning. Second, what any sane, reasonable person would take away from this is that its an observation that you dont really see people playing the spec in warzones. And, you dont. I honestly cant remember the last time I ran into someone using it pvp.


Now, for the clincher... nothing was said about the spec's viability. Nothing. At all.


No reason was given for why the spec wasnt played. In fact, the only reason that was implied is that lightning has interrupt susceptibility. IE, can be shut down. If you want to extend this line of reasoning, youd probably arrive at a later point that was made, specs like lightning require more team coordination to work well in pvp. Youd want people peeling for you, etc., making it a lot more frustrating to try and use when youre solo queued.


Stop trying to put words in my mouth. Stop trying to tell other people what I mean cause youre probably going to be wrong. What I mean is exactly what I type.


Perhaps what you think is different than what you type. Because what you typed was:


But then for most classes, all their most important abilities are either instant or uninterruptible. Healers, Arsenal Unload, Sorc Thundering blast (which is why no one plays lighting in pvp...)


So you specifically said no one plays Lightning, which I understand is hyperbole and someone out there does play it. But you are making the statement people don't play it. Not only that, you DO specifically say why. Don't say, "No reason was given for why the spec wasnt played" when you posted "which is why no one plays lighting in pvp..." in the post. You posted it wasn't used and why, so you can't say otherwise now.


Either way, this discussion is pointless. We both know that Lightning is completely worthless in PvP at this time unless you build a comp around it or run it as a hybrid. And it will be completely different in less than a month.

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