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Which Class Has The Best Companions?


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I don't get the dislike of the knight story, mysellf. Yes, it's not as fast paced as the warrior, but I suspect the problem is that people decide before handd whether to be good or evil. If you make choices based on goals, it's a very interesting story of temptation by the dark side, with some real surprises if you were fortunate enough not to encounter spoilers before hand.


Anyway, that's beside the point. Personally, I think scourge is the best companion. He has genuinely interesting and heartfelt dialogue. He has real goals. There are lots of good companions, just as I think all the stories have something to offer if one doesn't demand that what they offer is the same thing, but I think Scourge stands out in terms of character development.

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Is Scage really that bad? Seems to be one universally despised companion. What exactly wrong with him?


I'm in the minority on Skadge. I liked him on my mostly light side bounty hunter, for those moments when I really wanted to do bad things that I knew would get me dark side points. RP-wise, he was a lovely pressure release valve for when I decided some specific group of guys needed a vicious murdering, and I didn't really want my other companions to know about the bloodletting. I kind of envisioned myself telling Skadge, "Listen, the others won't understand, but me and you are going to go handle some ugly business in an ugly way. Gear up and keep your trap shut. Mako doesn't need to know about this."


Skadge did not question the fact that some folks needed killing, and was a confidant for darker thoughts via his companion discussions. He was my pit bull, to be hauled out when I wanted to dispense rough justice without having to explain myself. Mostly, I kept him on a leash. Sometimes, I let him run with me, confident he wouldn't get all blubbery or soul searching in the breach.

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Rusk is pretty much dumped on your lap; Same with Iresso and Broonmark.


There are others less obvious but the examples above are on par with Skadge. :D



the general opinion in my guild at least is Rusk is a "lost oppertunity" the man is obviously reckless and prone to getting his people killed and thus disliked for that reason. he woulda been intreasted if you could work with him and slowly have him learn the meaning of teamwork...


but instead nothing. no evolution etc. an absolute waste

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Companions are a weird part of the story of this game. So many of them were obviously integral parts of the main class storylines and given incredible amounts of attention while others equally obviously were given little to no attention and feel underdeveloped and even last minute rushed. Many of them don't fit the overall feel of the class storylines at all and make me wonder if they were tacked on when BW told their writers, "Oh yeah, each class has to have five Companions. Make it happen." I'm lookin' at you, Broonmark. Others feel as though they weren't given enough development time or were purposely left open for future storylines that will never come to pass now, like Light Side Jaesa and Ensign Temple with her force sensitivity.


Overall I think Agent has the most interesting Companions on an individual basis but they don't necessarily work well as a team. With the exception of Broonmark, I think the Sith Warrior team interacts the best with one another. They snipe and bicker and complain about one another in a way that makes you feel as though they're actually interacting while your character is off on an adventure. Only the Trooper crew really comes close in terms of interacting as a team. Other groups... it's like they don't interact at all except to get together for group photos during class mission briefings.

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Overall, I'd have pick the Imperial Agent and Smuggler's set of companions.


The Imperial Agent's companions are all kind of terrifying in their own ways, which I kind of find entertaining.


- Kaliyo is well...Kaliyo. Whether its her story about biting some guy's ear off in a Casino, or her insatiable need for revenge, you can't quite ever trust her. Ensign Temple is perhaps the most normal, but you're burdened by keeping her secret along with all of your own.


- Vector is

a bug and connected to a hive mind. Seriously, when has the hive mind in any game been that trustworthy?


- Lokin is filled with useful intelligence experience, but you're always looking over your shoulder wondering if/when he's going to

go full :rak_06: on you. And everyone knows that you never go full :rak_06:


- SCORPIO is an alluring female robot that one day aspires to

carve out your agent's internal organs with a spork.



For Smuggler:

- Corso is the iconic sidekick. Great introduction to his character. Fun having him around for the storyline quests.

- Bowadarr might be the weak link. He's just the muscle. He's okay.

- Risha's a bit cold, but fun to try and annoy. Especially when other NPCs connected to her background show up periodically. Bonus:

Slinking back onto my ship after walking into a trap (deep space "rescue"), after Risha warns me it's probably a trap. It's nice having companions that are sometimes smarter than my character.


- Spaar is fun. The fact that my smuggler has to teach her basic manners, such as saying "hello" is hilarious.

- Guss. Oh, where do we start with him? From his initial introduction, to his integration on your crew, it's a constant stream of: "*** did he just say?" For sheer random entertainment value, you can't go wrong with Guss. He's a mean Jedi!

Not really, but he did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. :mon_cool:



Oh, and honorable mention goes to Gault. I wanted to shoot him in the face so badly when I first met him, and somehow that quickly turned around after some of his conversations. Plus the random stuff he says on planets and in combat.

Edited by RabidFox
Addition for Honorable Mention
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  • 2 weeks later...
RP-wise, he was a lovely pressure release valve for when I decided some specific group of guys needed a vicious murdering, and I didn't really want my other companions to know about the bloodletting. I kind of envisioned myself telling Skadge, "Listen, the others won't understand, but me and you are going to go handle some ugly business in an ugly way. Gear up and keep your trap shut. Mako doesn't need to know about this."


Skadge did not question the fact that some folks needed killing, and was a confidant for darker thoughts via his companion discussions. He was my pit bull, to be hauled out when I wanted to dispense rough justice without having to explain myself. Mostly, I kept him on a leash. Sometimes, I let him run with me, confident he wouldn't get all blubbery or soul searching in the breach.


I totally agree, but I still dislike Skadge for his dialogue, his attitude, his tone of voice, his stupid face... ok the last is maybe a little unconstructive but while he is perfect for, as you say, 'handling ugly business in an ugly way', I didn't enjoy having to use him. Even when slaughtering people for the achievement.

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Best individual companion in my opinion is Kira (and boo-urns to previous negative post on the matter).


Overall best squad would probably be agent. For most classes I found maybe one companion besides the romance option worth investigating. The agent team is the first one I want to max all of them as I find each interesting (except Kaliyo). Runner up is Inquisitor (Xalek, Khem Val).


Out of the rest I like (not including romances):


Consular: Tharan

Trooper: M1-4X

Knight: T7 (Scourge gets an honorary mention because of his larger role but is sitting at -900 and so feels like a lost cause)

Smuggler: Bowdaar (because it feels wrong NOT to be best buds with the Wookie), Gus Tuno also has an interesting premise.

Bounty Hunter: Blizz

Warrior: none

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Warrior-- loved everything about Vette. Dark Jaesa was good even if cliche, Pierce is a great loyal soldier to the warrior with a good back story. Even Quinn, with everything that happens, I still like. Broonmark is the odd one out for me. Overall I liked the makeup of this crew, probably my favorite of all.


Agent--- absolutely loved everything about Kaliyo. Thoroughly enjoyed the chats/mentoring Lokin gave. After that, Vector, SCORPIO and Temple were "okay" but didn't really have that "wow" connection to them.


Inquis-- Khem is awesome and Talos is trip and a half, love his little quips in battle and how geeks out over history/archaeology in conversations. Very fun. Andronikos and Xalex are alright enough, no fawning here but no complaints either. Ashara sucks and is nothing more than a pack mule at this point. Waste of a companion slot and romance option.


BH-- Mako is cute and adorable, but Vette does cute and adorable better. Gault, holy crap this guy is just great. Love his sassy sarcastic quips "I guess I'm volunteered now, is that it?". Torian is alright but so far seems kinda bland. Just finished Hoth and got Blizz but I can tell already I'm going to love working with this little guy. Haven't gotten the last one yet.


Knight--- Kira steals the show here. T7 is the astromech droid every jedi needs. Scourge is great too, even though my Knights never agree with him. I did enjoy his story/conversations. Doc is kinda sleezy, sometimes fun, but overall he means well. Can only take him in small doses though. Rusk doesn't make any sense and has very little personality.


Councilor-- I don't think there is a crew that I disliked more (Inquis is close but at least we got Khem). Qyzen is bearable and about the only one I use. Nadia you really get kinda late for a romance option. She has a somewhat interesting back story but overall I thought she meh/cliche. Iresso and Zenith are just there, no strong feelings for either. Theran I really dislike. He's like a mixture of Talos and Doc, but he got the worst of both personalities. He has all of Talos' geekyness (but not in a fun way) with Doc's over inflated view of himself (but without it actually being funny). It's like running with Sheldon Cooper as a companion. Actually Sheldon would be better, at least he's somewhat humorous.


Trooper-- Liked them all. None really stand out as a favorite but they all have their quirks that I enjoy. Elara's penchant for regulations, Jorgan getting jobbed/shafted, 4X the ultimate patriot, Vik's skeezy ways and Yuun's mysticism.


Smuggler-- Corso is trustworthy and a good man (though his yee-ha's grate on me after a short while), Bowadaar is my right hand wookie, Risha is the sassy significant other (I always fall for the mouthy one's) and Guss is just great for a laugh, somewhat in the same mold as Gault. Akavi comes off as stiff and boring (what is it with stiff and boring Mandalorians; Torian and Akavi?), she does get somewhat interesting as you get further into conversations with her.

Edited by Ridickilis
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honestly i liked sith warrior pack


quinn - agent with the history, he betrays the warrior but his life is spared in the end

vette - slave, kinda rescued from the cage, had hard life, she is kinky in bed and is pretty much funny all the time

jaesa - 1st chapter is about her, though as a companion if we turn her DS she is quite stupid, as a light side u cant romance her so bad move BW :(

broonmark - talz with interesting background, once outcasted he decided to cleanse his clan

Pierce - empire's version of trooper havoc squad member, very good fighter, he hates strict superiors, he seems being only a brute but he has quite nice ideas



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They all have hits and misses in their respective companion lineups. No single one is largely considered as having best companions. Overall though, I think Trooper may actually have the best team, or better to say, least bad. Tano is probably the least annoying of the "evil brute companion" slots from all classes, Elara is an interesting character even without her "regulations" plot line, Aric is a decent first companion and M1 rocks. They also seem to fit together and don't have nonsense excuses to join the team. Only Yunn is a bit out of place and it seems like the writers weren't exactly sure where they were "going" with his character.
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They all have hits and misses in their respective companion lineups. No single one is largely considered as having best companions. Overall though, I think Trooper may actually have the best team, or better to say, least bad. Tano is probably the least annoying of the "evil brute companion" slots from all classes, Elara is an interesting character even without her "regulations" plot line, Aric is a decent first companion and M1 rocks. They also seem to fit together and don't have nonsense excuses to join the team. Only Yunn is a bit out of place and it seems like the writers weren't exactly sure where they were "going" with his character.


I thought Yunn's problem was he felt like he was there to give the Trooper a weird looking alien (which all the classes have except agent) and nothing else and even then he didn't feel all that great on the team, but I never did get far on his companion missions, so maybe he turns out better (that's where Gault really shines imo).

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