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Winning is not hacking


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Just. Stop. If you are too noobish or stupid to realize what all the different classes are capable of in pvp do not blame players who are better than you of hacking out of your own ignorance and frustration.


Recently our guild was falsely accused of cheating when this is not the case. None of our players cheat or use hacks.


One example of this kind of ignorance is when a fellow pub claimed a marauder was cheating, and we needed to report him. After saying this again in the warzone, we asked what he was doing, and the pub player told us the marauder was going into stealth just like a shadow does... In case someone reads this and doesn't know, marauders do get a short duration stealth.


It's not cool to report people or ruin reputations out of ignorance. Learn the game please. Thanks.

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I already have a pal that wants to guard me. He says he is even thinking about gearing up just for that. I don't know why he thinks he needs to "gear up" for this task I kite around pretty good and probably won't even need a guard.


/gasp :eek:


I'll remember that if we're ever in a game together!

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/gasp :eek:


I'll remember that if we're ever in a game together!


But, you want protection points don't forget that....! You might have to fight other tanks for this coveted position though. Maybe I should charge for protecting me? I might make some good creds that way. :p

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But, you want protection points don't forget that....! You might have to fight other tanks for this coveted position though. Maybe I should charge for protecting me? I might make some good creds that way. :p


Oh sweetie, my guard isn't free... My payment comes in heals, or else you don't get the guard...



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I dunno man, I've seen some pretty


lol... that's actually me right there, and that's called a massive lag spike. Not very fun to deal with on my end. Now if we can only get video of the times where I just totally freeze up and die, which is the more common result :/

Edited by wadecounty
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Lhancelot, stop trying to party like it's 1.2, I assume you have a guild website with forums, just post 98% of what you want to say there. Its like you went back into the archives of PVP forums and just copy and pasted those threads. I know you need a cheap pop to validate yourself, but you can do all this on your own forums.


Just take screen shots of ppl who say you are hacking or whatever, start a thread on your guild forums entitled "You Mad Bro" or "they be hatin" or my personal favorite "He Hate Me" and post all the garbage there. You can laugh at it all with your guildies, and have all the fun you want. If you still feel lost you can always uninstall find something else to do or just /stuck irl. ..whatever

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I dunno man, I've seen some pretty




Kandel, I just love/hate your connection sometimes.




On a serious note, I have yet to see an operative in huttball NOT rubberband, especially Jerry. Great job designing roll bioware!

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Lhancelot, stop trying to party like it's 1.2, I assume you have a guild website with forums, just post 98% of what you want to say there. Its like you went back into the archives of PVP forums and just copy and pasted those threads. I know you need a cheap pop to validate yourself, but you can do all this on your own forums.


Just take screen shots of ppl who say you are hacking or whatever, start a thread on your guild forums entitled "You Mad Bro" or "they be hatin" or my personal favorite "He Hate Me" and post all the garbage there. You can laugh at it all with your guildies, and have all the fun you want. If you still feel lost you can always uninstall find something else to do or just /stuck irl. ..whatever


Thanks for the pro tip, but nah, i rather post stuff here on the server forums. Stuff that happens on, our server. Plus interesting things come out of threads like this. I just learned Kandel hacks! There's even video proof! So see? This thread was created for a higher purpose!

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You need to make a megathread for all your opinions.


This is getting a little out of hand.


Yeah i will take a break for a bit and when people are not posting anything for awhile I will throw another one out here. I should be 55 after today, so I am sure I will have lots of fun-filled experiences to talk about! I can't wait to hit 55 when I can finally be a valued member of TEH community! You are only taken seriously once you are 55 lvl, or so I am told.

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