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No "hide hood" command, but helms disable hoods? 0_o


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Two problems which solve each other.


1. So if you wear certain helms when you have chest pieces with hoods, the hoods are disabled, presumably due to some clipping issues. This is silly, as it's a huge part of the star wars look (especially for sith) to have a helm/hood combo.


2. While there is a "hide/show headgear" option (thank you devs), there is no "hide/show hood" option. As some people love hoods and some people hate having them up and covering their character, there needs to be a hood toggle. Given the existence of problem 1, this problem also existing makes absolutely no sense.


Solution: Simply give us a hood toggle that is effective for all chest pieces with hoods at all times. Since our hoods are forced to be hidden at times, it cannot be said that there are tech issues with implementing this idea.

Give us a hood toggle and people who don't mind helmet clipping with hoods can have them up, people who hate the clipping can have them down, and people with no helmets but pretty faces can show or hide said face at their pleasure.


I love you devs, and you've made a crazy good game here, but this is a head-scratcher :p

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I actually reported this as an issue. I myself find the need for freedom when it comes to choosing wether you want to have the hood on or the hood off when wearing a chestpiece that has a hood on. Sometimes its cool having a hood on, but you dont want to have it at all times, just because your chest "demands" it


Give us a hood on / hood off toggle in the options menu, allowing us to remove or put our hoods back on if our chestpieces has one. Thanks.

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I am finding it very odd so far, the whole hood/no hood thing.

I have a 32 juggernaught with a cool, moddable face...mask...thing that looks like darth vaders mouth piece, and I like it. But I want a heavy armor chest piece with a cape/hood, and apparently Mandalorian raiders will drop it for me, when hell freezes over. I give up.


On my n00b 16 Sorceror, at one point I had a robe that clearly had a hood. Toggle show helm on, or off did absolutly nothing. Not possible to don a hood that is clearly visible around my neck? *** is that? Frusterating.


16 levels later, I finally get a quest reward, of a moddable chest piece w/ a hood.


WTB more chest pices with hoods.

Edited by Your_dominus
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Pretty sure this has a very low priotity, but if dreams would come true I'd like to see an hood off/on animation where your character takes the hood off slowly like malgus in one of the cgis.


A simple on off toggle would take a lot of times since they have to check basically every helmet + hood combo.

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If they would just implement a simple physics system then all clipping issues would be solved. I'm surprised that they haven't done this since Star Wars contains a large number of loose fitting clothes (cloaks, hoods, capes, robes). I'm confident this would solve the "large butt" problem with Jedi/Sith characters when they suddenly don't need to have a belt over their robe.


If you're unsure of what "physics" in a game means then check out Youtube videos of Mafia 2 gameplay. That game got native nVIDIA "physx" - (that's a physics engine), which enables clothes to behave like in real life = not being static/glued.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping thread for great interest.


As aforementioned, the enjoyment of SWTOR cutscenes and dialogue with your own character is indeed grand. However with a hood covering and hiding the hair of my character, I might as well make him bald.


I know you pay attention to your players BioWare, I have faith in you! Hoping this hood toggle will be fixed in the coming patches!

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I hate the hooded look as well, which is why my Sentinel is using an orange Scoundrel armor chest pieces, obviously remodded with the proper plates etc..

Hopefully, BW will eventually do something about the perma-hood complaints :)

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Hate hoods? Play Twi'lek!


Their hoods magically don't EXIST! Because Bioware took it out due to "Clipping" issues

or something..


Like magic?

Helms make Twi'lek lekku/headtails go poof!

That's magic right there Bioware!


On a serious note..

Yeah a disable hood command would do wonders, a mask and hood combination would

be lovely as well.. and more HOODED outfits for Marauders would do wonders.

I cannot understand why Juggernauts get Sith Robe and hood cover while Marauders

look like Darth Vader's fail clone.

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I can understand why they took it off. Most helms would have massive clippage issues. That said I think itd be better to just enable it, let it clip for people who use massive helms (who will complain as no doubt they do already), but let people with small helms that are basically the same size as the players head fit the hoods over their heads.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I can understand why they took it off. Most helms would have massive clippage issues. That said I think itd be better to just enable it, let it clip for people who use massive helms (who will complain as no doubt they do already), but let people with small helms that are basically the same size as the players head fit the hoods over their heads.


I've heard that you could have have hood + mask combo in the beta and it worked fine. The only problem was with Twi'leks which caused clipping errors but instead of removing hoods for only Twi'leks they removed it from everyone. That's what I've heard from players playing during the beta.


Yes! Give us a hood toggle option thank you very much!

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Yeah the hoods are a joke. What were they thinking, i guess they were not thinking.

I refuse to use 1 hood robe one my jedi. I use the lvl 20 pvp cheast piece and just upgrade the mods all the time.Later i can use a trooper armor, just use the corrects mods.And when it comes to those disaster end game "jedi" armors, well take out the mods, use something else for cheast. Get a little less expertise but who cares, atleast you look half decent.


And dont get me started on the JC, hobo joe.

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Give them time. It isn't finished yet. Make sure your sub is paid on time and just wait for them to fix it.


The thing is, I haven't seen any official reply on this and if we don't voice our opinion how are they supposed to know something is wrong?


It's thanks to those who voiced their opinion they are working on for example ability delay. They said and I quote:


"Thanks to constructive feedback from the community, including some great videos, we were able to identify an issue that could cause abilities on global cooldown to appear available to the player, resulting in unresponsive/ignored player input."

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