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Can we finally make Datacrons legacy-wide in the new xpac?


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+1 from me.


I'm seriously tired after 3 years of datacron farming. There are no bad consequences of legacy-wide datacrons. I mean, if you had the "pleasure" of collecting all datacrons that should be enough. There's really no point in having people collect them again and again with all characters.


First time I collected them it was very cool and exciting. After getting all of them on 3 characters it's getting frustrating and boring not to mention it's time consuming. I'd rather spend this time doing OPS or FPs.


I'll say it again.


Following your logic, they should offer legacy instant 55's with full BIS gear, ALL companions at max affection, all companion unlocks and all crew skills at max level with all schematics learned. They should also offer legacy PVP so that someone only has to do the PVP grind once in order to have very character fully geared in BIS PVP gear.


After all, some might consider it a "chore" to level up a new character, grind out companion affection, grind out the BIS gear, grind to level your crew skills and grind to learn all the schematics. If someone already did it once, they shouldn't have to do it on each and every character, right? The same goes for the PVP grind, right?


Shouldn't the person who finds leveling and gearing or grinding out the PVP gear to be a grind be able to spend their game time doing something that THEY find "fun"?


IMO, we acknowledge that some might find some things to be a "chore" or "not fun", and leave the choice whether to do that part of the game up to the player, with the player having the knowledge that they do not get the rewards on a specific character if they do not put forth the effort with that character. That includes datacrons.

Edited by Ratajack
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I'll say it again.


Following your logic, they should offer legacy instant 55's with full BIS gear, ALL companions at max affection, all companion unlocks and all crew skills at max level with all schematics learned. They should also offer legacy PVP so that someone only has to do the PVP grind once in order to have very character fully geared in BIS PVP gear.


After all, some might consider it a "chore" to level up a new character, grind out companion affection, grind out the BIS gear, grind to level your crew skills and grind to learn all the schematics. If someone already did it once, they shouldn't have to do it on each and every character, right? The same goes for the PVP grind, right?


Shouldn't the person who finds leveling and gearing or grinding out the PVP gear to be a grind be able to spend their game time doing something that THEY find "fun"?


IMO, we acknowledge that some might find some things to be a "chore" or "not fun", and leave the choice whether to do that part of the game up to the player, with the player having the knowledge that they do not get the rewards on a specific character if they do not put forth the effort with that character. That includes datacrons.


It's not even close to the same *********** thing... You would literally have to be a borderline retarded monkey to think those two things are similar...

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It's not even close to the same *********** thing... You would literally have to be a borderline retarded monkey to think those two things are similar...


I agree. Leveling up your character and collecting datacrons are two different things. If we had legacy-wide datacrons you would have a choice to collect them yourself or just unlock them via legacy. Choice good, not choice bad. All I'm saying

Edited by Carousel_t
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I'll say it again.


Following your logic, they should offer legacy instant 55's with full BIS gear, ALL companions at max affection, all companion unlocks and all crew skills at max level with all schematics learned. They should also offer legacy PVP so that someone only has to do the PVP grind once in order to have very character fully geared in BIS PVP gear.


After all, some might consider it a "chore" to level up a new character, grind out companion affection, grind out the BIS gear, grind to level your crew skills and grind to learn all the schematics. If someone already did it once, they shouldn't have to do it on each and every character, right? The same goes for the PVP grind, right?


Shouldn't the person who finds leveling and gearing or grinding out the PVP gear to be a grind be able to spend their game time doing something that THEY find "fun"?


IMO, we acknowledge that some might find some things to be a "chore" or "not fun", and leave the choice whether to do that part of the game up to the player, with the player having the knowledge that they do not get the rewards on a specific character if they do not put forth the effort with that character. That includes datacrons.


You sure like to blow things out of proportion, don't you?


Again, I won't even comment on the comparison to gear. Your "chore" argument does not hold water because playing FP's/OPs to get gear is part of the core gameplay. Datacrons is merely looking for and finding tiny collectables in far ends of the map and platforming (which this game clearly isn't designed for), an idea taken from open-world single player games like GTA to give players something to do when they've done everything else in the game.


As for this to warrant a relatively large amount of resources to implement, we can't know if it does (let me know if you found a reference to an official stating this). Not to mention that obviously A LOT of players want this, so why wouldn't they devote resources to it like any other wanted feature? I'm sure GSH took A LOT of work, and plenty of people thought it was completely unnecessary/useless.


I'll say it again: I don't understand why some people get all up in arms about a change that would not affect them in any negative way. Resources could be used to something else? Many want this so that's is a completely egotistical argument, devs will never please everyone and someone will always feel like the resources could be spent on "better" things. I did it the hard way so others should too? Even more egotistical.

Edited by MagikFingerz
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I don't know, I mean no offense to anyone, but I actually kind of enjoy getting them over and over again on my alts, I like the puzzles, I like hunting them down every time I get a new alt, so I would be disappointed if I could only do it once and never again, I pride myself on having gotten to every single datacron before and I love doing them again every once in a while Edited by Sangrar
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I don't know, I mean no offense to anyone, but I actually kind of enjoy getting them over and over again on my alts, I like the puzzles, I like hunting them down every time I get a new alt, so I would be disappointed if I could only do it once and never again, I pride myself on having gotten to every single datacron before and I love doing them again every once in a while


Nobody has suggested that they completely remove the option to collect them multiple times, and I doubt they would do that anyway. Like Carousel said: Choice is good, no choice is bad.

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You sure like to blow things out of proportion, don't you?


Again, I won't even comment on the comparison to gear. Your "chore" argument does not hold water because playing FP's/OPs to get gear is part of the core gameplay. Datacrons is merely looking for and finding tiny collectables in far ends of the map and platforming (which this game clearly isn't designed for), an idea taken from open-world single player games like GTA to give players something to do when they've done everything else in the game.


As for this to warrant a relatively large amount of resources to implement, we can't know if it does (let me know if you found a reference to an official stating this). Not to mention that obviously A LOT of players want this, so why wouldn't they devote resources to it like any other wanted feature? I'm sure GSH took A LOT of work, and plenty of people thought it was completely unnecessary/useless.


I'll say it again: I don't understand why some people get all up in arms about a change that would not affect them in any negative way. Resources could be used to something else? Many want this so that's is a completely egotistical argument, devs will never please everyone and someone will always feel like the resources could be spent on "better" things. I did it the hard way so others should too? Even more egotistical.


If they were to offer instant max level characters with BIS PVE and PVP gear, all companions at max affection with all companion unlocks, all crew skills at max with ALL schematics for a player who had done it once (and proven that it was not simply a case of laziness, since he did it once, right?), how would that affect you personally in a negative way? Answer, it wouldn't. You would be just as free to level and gear your characters the "hard way" as you claim those against legacy datacrons can still do them the "hard way" by finding them on all their characters.


Why should the devs cater to your aversion to the minimal effort and time required to actually EARN those stat bonuses for each character (LAZINESS) over something that another group of players may want?

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If they were to offer instant max level characters with BIS PVE and PVP gear, all companions at max affection with all companion unlocks, all crew skills at max with ALL schematics for a player who had done it once (and proven that it was not simply a case of laziness, since he did it once, right?), how would that affect you personally in a negative way? Answer, it wouldn't. You would be just as free to level and gear your characters the "hard way" as you claim those against legacy datacrons can still do them the "hard way" by finding them on all their characters.


Why should the devs cater to your aversion to the minimal effort and time required to actually EARN those stat bonuses for each character (LAZINESS) over something that another group of players may want?


Seriously, stop comparing them to BIS gear. It's just sad.


Also, I read your post in Dwight Schrute's voice.

Edited by MagikFingerz
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Seriously, stop comparing them to BIS gear. It's just sad.


Also, I read your post in Dwight Schrute's voice.


Why? Because you can't refute the fact that it is the same principle, simply different in scale?


Both would be handing a reward to EACH AND EVERY CHARACTER a player has, PRESENT AND FUTURE, for effort put forth on only ONE character.


I notice that you chose to ignore the fact that it would not more affect YOU to give a player A a max level character, with BIS PVE and PVP gear, all companions at max affections with all companion unlocks, all crew skills at max with all schematics learned if he has already done it once, than it would affect player A to give you all the datacron stat bonuses if you had already found them once.

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I'd suggest that there are two broader issues here that could be addressed instead of simply making the stat boost from each datacron legacy-wide.


1) The Codex entries need to be legacy-wide instead of repeated on each character.


2) There are some datacrons that require a level of time and tedium to reach that is far in excess of any actual benefit they give to the character.

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What about +60 strength and +60 endurance?


Well, iinm the total bonus is 30 for each stat NOT including Fleet or Makeb. So, excluding fleet, it'd work out to 40 STR and 40 END.


Or IOW, a minor boost to damage and 400 health.




EDIT: In the interest of compromise, I'd be happy if they would fix their JUMP CODING (See GW2 boys for how it's SUPPOSED to work).


The issue, for me, is not hunting the d4mn3d things, it's the fail in JC.

Edited by Lotharofxev
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Well, iinm the total bonus is 30 for each stat NOT including Fleet or Makeb. So, excluding fleet, it'd work out to 40 STR and 40 END.


Or IOW, a minor boost to damage and 400 health.




EDIT: In the interest of compromise, I'd be happy if they would fix their JUMP CODING (See GW2 boys for how it's SUPPOSED to work).


The issue, for me, is not hunting the d4mn3d things, it's the fail in JC.


I did not do the math myself, but if I recall correctly, +60 to each stat is the number that keeps getting thrown around on these forums. If I am mistaken and it is only +40 per stat, then I am mistaken. However, that +40 should still be earned per character, IMO.


As I said, I would support a legacy means to make it easier for subsequent characters on a faction to find the datacrons once that player had found them ALL with a single character.

Edited by Ratajack
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Since the datacron bonuses are soooo minor, then it will not hurt you not to have them on a specific character if you do not feel like finding them with that character, right?


If you feel that those bonuses of +40 to all stats are soooo important, then they are worth putting forth the minimal effort required to EARN them, right?

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Given the horrid jump coding, it is not minimal. I have chosen the path of least resistance. Got them once, (Datacron Master achievement) and unless they are right in front of me - I don't even bother. Their bonus =/= the time it takes to get them. (For me, YMMV).


See? When the reward is desired enough, the effort required is not too much as you DID put forth the effort to obtain the achievement.


Since you have chosen not to obtain some of the datacrons on each character, that tells me that even you recognize that those bonuses are NOT necessary and that leaving them in the "have to be earned per character" category will not have an adverse effect on characters.

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Why? Because you can't refute the fact that it is the same principle, simply different in scale?


Both would be handing a reward to EACH AND EVERY CHARACTER a player has, PRESENT AND FUTURE, for effort put forth on only ONE character.


I notice that you chose to ignore the fact that it would not more affect YOU to give a player A a max level character, with BIS PVE and PVP gear, all companions at max affections with all companion unlocks, all crew skills at max with all schematics learned if he has already done it once, than it would affect player A to give you all the datacron stat bonuses if you had already found them once.


They're already doing this with class buffs and HK/Treek. And don't try that "class buffs are not permanent" argument again. Please.


Yes, I tend to ignore stupidity. If you really can't see what's wrong with comparing datacrons to gear + all the other stuff, then I can't help you.

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I love this prevailing attitude that, in the era of HK/Treek, class buffs, presence buffs, level 10 +41 crystals, x12 EXP, and soon-to-be level 60 cap, that somehow the extra stats from all the datacrons early would somehow break the game. :rolleyes: Edited by Alphasgimaone
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