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Confused about what to do about gear with 12k boost.


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I am not sure if this was brought up about keeping your gear up to par while leveling with the new 12x Exp boost. I have not had any issues with it and able to keep my gear up to par pretty easily. The easiest way I have found is to go to the Planet that currently fits yours level for example I am currently level 36 so I went to Balmorra on my Pub. Buy the top of the line Green Armor Mods from the Mod vendor and then buy Commendation Mods/Enhancements which will run you about 28 Commendations in total for a full suit of Adaptive Armor. I have also been able to keep my companion up with at least the Armor mods using the same tactic. Collecting Planetary Coms is pretty easy since you can do get 10 minimum from do a daily flash point plus what ever comes with the FP/Quests from it. When completing quests I also choose to take the commendation instead of the item unless it is a piece of Adaptive Gear/Mod that I can use.
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Just to note for those talking about going to GTN and buying green gear ..... have you actually looked at the GTN?


I rolled on a new server ... just to add to Harbingers eternal suffering of overpopulation because who doesn;t love quick queue pops (and Red Eclipse had really slow PvP queue pops) ... and gear was between 15k and 50k for level 20'ish.


Only just started on the server. Had a grand total of 20k up to then having only done Tython and Coruscant.


So no, the GTN isn't a viable solution for everyone.


Can;t even transfer one of my characters over, it wouldn't let me from EU to US.


Wasn't a problem, did a few warzones and got the level 20 set which should see me right until I make a bit of money. For those that don't PvP though, might have to pop off a few quests for planet comms and use those.

Edited by Gomla
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You could always do a few war zones (daily/weekly) transfer the war zone comms into planetary comms and profit that way. You won't spend a single credit and you'll get some good gear usually,or the mods to fill a adaptive set. Edited by Beranzen
forgot an "s" sue me i'm tired.
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What i personally found is that one has to get away from the stubborn practice of only using moddable gear, which I expect many players engage in. It just doesnt work with the current 12X XP boost being offered.


You have to return to the days where you used green non-moddable drop and reward gear, either from the world or from the GTN. There is plenty available. That may make the process a bit more challenging in some cases, but overall a player should be able to level without any serious problems all the way to 47, at which time they can move on to Makeb.


I set my moddable gear aside, don greens, and go to town. You certainly have enough money for greens considering that a player no longer has to pay to train skills.

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I would disagree with modable gear comment if you have access to legacy gear of some sort. I am using all that starfighter gear I get on every new char personally but any will work.


1) I had started about a week before this launched building a leveling set for each stat (Wil, AIm, Cun, Str) and one set for Treek. I normally wouldn't put high priority on cartel items (and most people would need to cartel Treek) but he is a consistent and overall very versatile.


For leveling I am focusing on building my Treek and Willpower set first since that was my highest level before the event started, I just got that up to 39 which hopefully should let me get to 47 to start Makeb and bolster the rest of the way. I will level a SI to reuse the set again and during that leveling I plan on finishing the cunning set next to run those classes through.


I will acknowledge that this works much better if you have access to a high level, a crafter really helps as well, and Treek.


2) If those aren't an option such as rolling on a new server a trooper was almost made for Armormech and all of their companions (cept the robot) will use aim gear that is crafted.


Take Armor/Scavaging/Slicing and go in to the field and gather scavaging and slicing nodes for mats and money, crafting blues/purples will not be effective while this event is going on so UT is not really worth it unless you plan to sell on GTN.


This will outfit 4 char classes and a ton of companions since this covers aim and cunning. A synthweaver would be a good follow up for the rest of the classes/companions.


You can fill in the remaining gaps with low level heroic planets for comms for barrels and such for mainhand/offhand.


3) Third option is making a gathering char, scavaging/archaology/ UT would probably best fit here as it affects several crafting trees but TH or slicing may fit in here as well.


Right now everyone is chewing through mats crafting for conquest and for the boost so mats are hot right now. With the profit you make off of gathering/running missions you can easily afford the overpriced gear on the GTN.


Long term I don't like this option as gear is going to inflate and you may or may not be able to find stuff in your level range when you really need it but short term it can cover most gaps.


First char is going to be the worst, once you have a 55 you can run Ilum/Black Hole which are among the best credits/time spent areas to feed your next alt or take a crafting skill. While the boost is early on if you sink the time now into a good base it will make your next char(s) a breeze.

Edited by jbonetx
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I wish Bioware would actually create a sticky called "How to keep your gear updated during 12x XP."


It has one line:


Go to the GTN and buy green gear.


Are you sure this will work out for new players/legacies? With the rising demand and therefor prices I doubt it.

Edited by Knorlac
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Are you sure this will work out for new players/legacies? With the rising demand and therefor prices I doubt it.


Eh, I was able to keep up pretty easily. Honestly, as long as your weapon is decent, you should be able to overpower anything up to an orange boss if you're smart about it.

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I cannot help dwelling on the fact that this is a truly wonderful problem to have.


Yup. I feel like this perk already made everyone forget how long it takes to level up without the bonus. This is awesome no matter how you slice it, even with some tricky gearing. This bonus is long lived too - over a month and a half! You have the time time to grind out some gray heroics, fp, warzone, buy greens from ai vendors - whatever. It is still faster than grinding with zero gear problems.

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Your main focus in gearing should just be on keeping your armor rating and weapon rating reasonably close to green gear for your current level. That means you need armor and at least a mainhand weapon that are of the same rating as green gear for your level, or between level - 2 and level - 4.


If you can't get affordable green trash drops or mods off the GTN, then here is a guaranteed way to stay acceptably geared without breaking the bank:


(1) Get the cheapest ghetto set of orange shells you can find, from whatever source, and at least one orange (main hand) weapon.


(2) Find the vendor on each planet called <Mods Vendor>. These guys sell for credits green barrels, hilts, and armorings for each main stat, at a level that is close to the minimum for each planet. The price isn't super cheap, but it's often less than the GTN, and unlike the GTN, the vendor has an infinite supply for sale. This vendor always is in the main market area on the planet, and usually is close to the vendors named <Light Armor Vendor> and <Heavy Armor Vendor>.


(3) Buy all the armorings you need to fill a seven piece set for you and your companion, along with at least a barrel or hilt for your two mainhand weapons (or mainhand and offhand if you have orange shells for both).


If you use a healing companion, then as long as you have an armor rating reasonably close to your level, and a weapon rating also close to on par, you will have enough survivability and damage to get through the solo class mission fights without too much trouble.


Fill in the mods and enhancements in your set with whatever you have on hand or can get that are free or cheap, even if they're way below your level. You can even leave the mod and enhancement slots empty. Refresh your ghetto gear set and weapons every planet, or every other planet if you want. When you happen to get a quest reward that outclasses one of your orange pieces, use that until you get to the next planet and upgrade again.


Once you reach 47 you won't need to worry about gear at all, because you can pick up the planet bolster for Makeb and go there to blitz through to 55 just doing the planetary story line (which is covered by the 12x bonus).

Edited by Heezdedjim
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