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10 Good
  1. This worked for me, Thank you.Took what felt like 20 minutes to happen but for others dealing with this it is worth a shot.
  2. Have you guys had any word on this? I had 156 on Satele n Starforge each, deleted Starforge to make it my new home, went to roll a new character and it shows i have something like 522 characters and am above the cap. Tried switching to an EU server since i have 0 chars there and now getting the loading screen that just wont quit. I am assuming it is trying to create a char but since it sees me at above cap it wont pass. Had to create a dummy account to lock down the name until i get this fixed and will look for an option to get back in game but just wanting to know if this is ongoing or if they know and are fixing this.
  3. I tried just running the opening smuggler quest chain on several chars to see what boosts stack. Preferred account got 1150 xp Sub account got 1150xp 3hr xp boost in effect + sub gave 1380 (20% boost on an item that shows 25%?) all legacy class xp boosts unlocked and 3hr xp boost and sub got 1792 (55% boost total) Please correct me if my thinking is wrong but it looks like the xp boost was swinging a little low and I thought subs got a base 25% boost but maybe that only applies to kills
  4. Thats it.... Force users get syth + skills, non-force get armor + skills, you don't get to pick and those are the only 2 profiles you get.
  5. Some treeks had fleas and they had to shave her to stop the spread. You now know her true secret
  6. 1) PVP vendor on fleet sells a pvp version, don't have a high level artifice so not sure abut crafted versions. 2) there is a vendor in the cantina by the gear vendors that sells them for data crystals on the new planet main base, I am bad with names but O-something. They are leaning against the jukebox near 2vr8 3) a lot of instances have a solo mode added and were switched to tactical so you can run them through. I personally don't see a reason to run them except for giggles and grins but you can. 4) Weeklies seem to still award a decent number in older daily areas, group finder daily rewards, check the mission terminals on fleet for other weekly raids and the rewards.
  7. Best guesses are either that they will strip unusable gear and mail it like they indicated for droid gear in patch notes or they will flash like if you by hk before lv 50 where his gear flashes as broken
  8. We are all beta testers in that sense for any content. While those of us with early access will be finding the game breaking bugs i am sure there will be plenty to go around for everyone in a week.
  9. I want to say I was burning through the 1hr xp boosts about 1 a planet especially on the later ones or ones that had huge empty areas like Hoth or Tat. With the whole unlock speeder network thing that actually should help drop the numbers down significantly since you don't have to crawl... uphill... both ways... in the snow.... I recall using almost all class reward xp boosts with the exception of the very first planet and I am not one to rush or spacebar through everything so others could easily post better numbers but travel was one of the largest time wasters through the last event especially if you are like me and play mostly imp and had to find pub bases the first time.
  10. I could get on board with this. Larger stacks is good A thought I had would be 1 more tab added to the legacy storage and instead of item slots like the other tabs this one is dedicated to mats. It tracks a list and total of mats so you would see something like <Mat 1> x <quantity> Desh x 88 I suggest legacy storage so that all chars can feed into it and I imagine it would be lighter on database usage just having to track quantity rather then location item and quantity
  11. I don't see glue yet. With the recent pace Bioware has been at addressing issues (2months on ravagers, 3.0 system lag is better but still issues) I would say this has about 6 months-1 year of life in it. Just because you feel it is resolved does not mean that we agree but keep bumping.
  12. Did not realize the slot machine could be used in pvp, learn something new everyday..... Always nice to see this thread bumped though.
  13. Deal is gone, it was a bonus leading up to the launch of Revan and the 12x bonus ended right before Revan launched. There have been several requests for either the return of the event or even a CM boost but nothing has been said officially in regards to any return of the bonus and most likely we won't see another until Revan starts winding down and the game ramps up for another xpac.
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