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12xXP exposing the real game?


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I'd rather travel back in forth on Alderaan, Dromund Koss or even Taris than desolate planets like Hoth and Tatooine, especially Alderaan because it is populated with pretty scenery and I very much like the hammer dulcimer aire of the theme music. Head out overland once and open the taxi stands, problem solved. Edited by Gleneagle
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A few solutions to this issue.


1) Automatic unlock of travel points.


There are planets where travel points are already unlocked. This could be done for those planets where travel is an issue. A well placed unlock here and there would work wonders IMO.


2) Makeb "fade to black" added as legacy perk for shuttle points.


This has a few benefits IMO. First, it would reduce server load as it reduces the amount of ongoing travel load that is being used on the planet. Second, it reduces the amount of time players have to endure when traveling from one point to another...some of the travel times can be quite long and demanding on a system.


That, with some XP adjustments could smooth out the leveling process IMO.

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i first explore all and in the end i do the class story. and 30lvls in a couple of hours and still complaining?

mmo are made around time sinks..wait the end of aldeeran and enjoy the location--->ship-->homeplanet-->fleet-->ship--->homeplanet/location-->balmorra/taris

same as later


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I'm just surprised it took the leveling for people to notice that. It has driven me nuts since beta. Especially the ones that send you right back to where you were just at. I would take the Dark Side points if I could just strike that quest giver down.


QG: "Go back and tell him I said OK."

My Jedi: "Wait. You wouldn't accept my comm so I had to come all the way back to you so you could tell me to tell the guy I was just standing next to 'OK'?"

QG: "Yes"

My Jedi: "....." *Lightsaber ignited and fade to black with a lot of screaming*

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Yes, it sounds like a conspiracy but I just thought it would be a funny title.


But truthfully, I found out first hand today in my leveling that what really makes it all drag on isn't grind for XP at all but travel. I made it from 1 to 30 in less than two hours and it took me the next 3 to make it 7 more levels.


Why? I hit Alderaan. On a new character with the fog of war still in place and no travel points, it was back and forth, over and over. Please Bioware, figure out some way to make the travel less painful.


This isn't really an issue considering normally you're supposed to be grabbing side quests along the way.

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This isn't really an issue considering normally you're supposed to be grabbing side quests along the way.


It's always been an issue, the side quests just help cover it up more. There should have been more to do in the missions themselves and smaller travel times but what do you want out of mostly fetch and kill quests.

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It's always been an issue, the side quests just help cover it up more. There should have been more to do in the missions themselves and smaller travel times but what do you want out of mostly fetch and kill quests.


Its not an issue though. They are not trying to cover up anything. The maps are designed intentionally in a way to keep leveling at a specific pace. Its the same reason speeders are at the speed they are.

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I love it because I can level to 50 super quick, avoiding the class and world arc quests, which is what I have been doing on my other characters anyway. I want to play the stories and world arcs in a coherent fashion. It's much more fun that way, for me anyway. The world arcs and class quests are closely intertwined, more so in some cases, especially Voss.
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For at least some players, discovering the worlds as they travel from place to place is part of the fun. Alderaan is really very pretty, as is Voss, Makeb, and several other planets )tastes vary). Relax, take a sip from your drink, and enjoy the scenery.


In contrast, BTW, I find Nar Shadaaa ugly. As a result, I find grinding the Nar Shadaa heroics for Conquest points much less enjoyable than doing the Balmora or Belsavis ones.


An extreme alternative to having to travel would be to have all the quests occur in one room, where the mobs and NPCs just appear in the correct sequence and you never have to travel at all. I do not think most people want that. Those that do have KDY.

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All that travel time with out the 12x xp , would be used to do other missions . But seeing you are leveling up on just Class quest it seems like a waste of time ,But its not . Its saving you time by not having to do other quest .


Just enjoy all the fast leveling while it last :D

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It's not a weakness in the game. It's an aspect of questing as you go that is exposed in a mildly painful way when the need to "quest" is taken out of the picture.


something else that is also exposed is gear acquisition. I am almost spending as much time crafting gear for my alts that im leveling as I am leveling them. you'r not getting the typical quest rewards as your skipping 80% of them and only (mostly) doing the class quests. so you either buy stuff off the AH, or craft it.


Either way you look at it, what it really boils down to is...if you take a "quest to level" game, and remove the quests, what really do you have left? right...everything you did inbetween the quests. woah, shocker there.


I'm happy with it. for the next few months i can run a few alts and just enjoy the storyline like its my own personal Star wars movie.

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Yeah, what I usually do when I hit alderaan, tatooine and hoth is to go all the way around the travel points to unlock all of those... then I'll do the story.


So mush this!! I've done this after every x2 xp weekend when I've far outlevelled whatever planet I'm on and just catching up on the story side, might have to start doing it naturally for the x12.

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