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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Eric, where is the "cool thing for subscribers"?


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Not sure why you think you're entitled to some sort of "official confirmation" as they have already announced the subscriber perks.....so you've already received confirmation of all the subscriber perks. If you're talking about what in particular caused the 1 week delay in the announcement, I'm not really sure why it would be necessary for them to inform you of which subscriber perk caused the delay, but it's pretty obvious that would be the class mission XP boost/power-level thing, as others have pointed out. That goes into place as soon as someone pre-orders so they wouldn't have been able to announce the pre-orders without having that capability up and running in the game. The simplest answer is usually the correct one.


Asking politely =/ entitled. And the XP boost does not really explain the delay, because there has been no patch between the delay and now that I am aware of.


My idea of what they should have done for "a cool thing for subscribers" instead of this is to make the expansion cost $10 instead of $20 for subscribers.


I also think some type of limited edition Starfighter would be amazing.

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a race or a house in Manaan only for preorders would be better :)


But ok, I will preorder not for the xp boost or the makeb expansion, as I bought the game and I also bought with preorder the makeb expansion... I will do it for the content of the new expansion, not the gifts itself. As for revan statue, it looks fat, like cawled man (similar name), I love statue of the ancient slave, give us more of that!


its the most amazing statue, it makes ur house looks like Promitheas (prometheus) if you add a couple in the big doors standing...

Edited by Oyranos
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If the Revan Statue worked as a Priority Transport Terminal I'd pre-order. That's something everyone with a stronghold would pay good money for.


Even though I've already pre-ordered, I'd be willing to do so again, for a countdown-free PT Terminal, I could carry around. Heck, I'd probably do so even if it only gave me access to the places I'd unlocked for that char, as long as there was no countdown.

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My idea of what they should have done for "a cool thing for subscribers" instead of this is to make the expansion cost $10 instead of $20 for subscribers.


I also think some type of limited edition Starfighter would be amazing.


More ideas that are better than increased XP:


- Mobile legacy storage for subscribers.

- The ability to turn any orange piece of gear into legacy bound gear.

- An exclusive stronghold.

- An exclusive companion.

-A holophone type device that lets you turn in missions and complete conversations without returning to town.

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More ideas that are better than increased XP:


- Mobile legacy storage for subscribers.

- The ability to turn any orange piece of gear into legacy bound gear.

- An exclusive stronghold.

- An exclusive companion.

-A holophone type device that lets you turn in missions and complete conversations without returning to town.


Incorrect. What you mean is better for you. For myself, and for many other players (though certainly not all), this is a great bonus. And I would rather have this bonus than any or ALL of the things you mentioned. Personal tastes and preferences.


They never said "A cool thing for subscribers that 100% of subscribers will be happy with." It is very clear that many, many players are loving this perk. It is also clear that there are definitely some that do not. But it would be 100% impossible for them to have given ANYTHING that 100% of players would have found to be a cool thing.


Because I've read every suggestion you've made in this thread, and there isn't a single one if them I'd rather have than this bonus. It's silly to say this isn't a cool thing--it makes more sense to say it's a thing that doesn't appeal to you. Because in your list above, not a single one of those things would have made me pre-order as fast as the 12k xp did, and I've been playing since launch.

Edited by Eldrenath
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Because I've read every suggestion you've made in this thread, and there isn't a single one if them I'd rather have than this bonus. It's silly to say this isn't a cool thing--it makes more sense to say it's a thing that doesn't appeal to you. Because in your list above, not a single one of those things would have made me pre-order as fast as the 12k xp did, and I've been playing since launch.


Even the expansion costing $10 less? Wow you have some strange priorities. So you would rather pay more to skip half the game than pay less to play the whole game. Doesn't that say something important to you?

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Even the expansion costing $10 less? Wow you have some strange priorities. So you would rather pay more to skip half the game than pay less to play the whole game. Doesn't that say something important to you?


Your suggestions are not bad ones IMO. But I think even you have to admit that the 12X XP boost seems pretty popular, if the boards are any indication.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Even the expansion costing $10 less? Wow you have some strange priorities. So you would rather pay more to skip half the game than pay less to play the whole game. Doesn't that say something important to you?


Yes, because $10 is not a lot of money. That's not me saying I'm rich (I certainly am not) but it ain't much. It's less than the cost of a movie ticket for a LOT more entertainment. And for me, it's not skipping the part of the game I like. I like class stories, ops, and HM FPs. I've done all of the side quests many many times, they are my least favorite part of the game. There's waaaaaaaay more content in the game than the side quests. I don't have time to do EVERYTHING, so getting to skip the part I don't like is a huge bonus to me. And to many others.


Do you really fail to understand that different people like different things? Your responses are...bizarre. Like you cannot fathom that $10 isn't a lot of money to many, many people and that different people might like different things than you. I'm not saying you're wrong to not like this bonus. You aren't wrong at all--it isn't something you'll see any benefit from. But this little tantrum of a thread seem to make the point that because it isn't a good perk for you then it isn't good for anyone.


Doesn't that say something important to you?

Edited by Eldrenath
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It is very clear that many, many players are loving this perk. It is also clear that there are definitely some that do not.

Well, you just make assumtions, but not stating facts. Noone knows how many (in numbers) like this perkand how many (in numbers) dislike it, and neither is any person (including you) able to make any even barely correct guess wich number is greater.


But it would be 100% impossible for them to have given ANYTHING that 100% of players would have found to be a cool thing.

Sure, there will never be something everyone will be happy with. The major problem here is:

stuff like new companions, new pets, new vehicles, new strongholds etc. are something that you can use if you like it at that you can simply decide not to use if you don't like it, the xp boost doesn't work like that - you are forced to use it, no matter wether you like it or not.


And I think that is the major problem for most of those that doesn't like the xp boost, the fact that it is mandantory and not optional. I guess we'd have half that many threads dealing with this topic if that xp boost would be something everyone who has pre-ordered could individualy turn on and off on a toon by toon base. Would have taken EA/BW one more minute to think it over and propably only 1 or 2 additional man-hours of programming to do it.

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Well, you just make assumtions, but not stating facts. Noone knows how many (in numbers) like this perkand how many (in numbers) dislike it, and neither is any person (including you) able to make any even barely correct guess wich number is greater.


I never said which number was greater, though in all fairness I think I did imply that the number liking it was greater. So I'll grant you that and say that I think it is safe to say many people do in fact really like it. How many, whether more dislike it than like it, I can't say. I can say that I love it, and the people I play with all love it with almost no exceptions. But that sample size is not statistically significant.


Sure, there will never be something everyone will be happy with. The major problem here is:

stuff like new companions, new pets, new vehicles, new strongholds etc. are something that you can use if you like it at that you can simply decide not to use if you don't like it, the xp boost doesn't work like that - you are forced to use it, no matter wether you like it or not.


And I think that is the major problem for most of those that doesn't like the xp boost, the fact that it is mandantory and not optional. I guess we'd have half that many threads dealing with this topic if that xp boost would be something everyone who has pre-ordered could individualy turn on and off on a toon by toon base. Would have taken EA/BW one more minute to think it over and propably only 1 or 2 additional man-hours of programming to do it.


I'll also agree with you there. If there was a way to disable this perk for those that don't like it, then that would be ideal. As of now there is a workaround: don't pre-order until the latest possible date. But I certainly see where that would be annoying to those that don't want this perk. On the whole I agree that an opt-out option would have been a great idea and it is unfortunate there isn't one.


My main point is that saying "this isn't a cool option for subscribers" isn't correct. It is very cool for many. I would not agree that it is cool for all.

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Even the expansion costing $10 less? Wow you have some strange priorities. So you would rather pay more to skip half the game than pay less to play the whole game. Doesn't that say something important to you?


The way I see it, $10 less is something that isn't going to help the game much.


Would it be nice? Any discount is awesome, yes.


Will it help BW cover their development costs for creating the xpac? Nope.

IMO, It may do potentially less for the game financially than the xp boost as the xp boost may bring back or gain subscribers vs. the $10 price reduction.


Also, to me, when something like a video game is discounted immediately, I assume it is a lesser quality product. The xp boost, again imo, shows that they are excited about getting you to level cap to experience their new content because they deem it quality work worthy of the original price.


Now of course, with any pre-order, you can never tell if the final product will be worth the pre-order price but that is the gamble you always take with pre-ordering anything.

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Gotta be honest, if it wasn't for the 12 time XP thing I wouldn't have pre ordered.


Now I can level up a few alts without having to go through all those planet missions i've broke my space bar over for the past couple of years.

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Yes, because $10 is not a lot of money. That's not me saying I'm rich (I certainly am not) but it ain't much. It's less than the cost of a movie ticket for a LOT more entertainment. And for me, it's not skipping the part of the game I like. I like class stories, ops, and HM FPs. I've done all of the side quests many many times, they are my least favorite part of the game. There's waaaaaaaay more content in the game than the side quests. I don't have time to do EVERYTHING, so getting to skip the part I don't like is a huge bonus to me. And to many others.


Do you really fail to understand that different people like different things? Your responses are...bizarre. Like you cannot fathom that $10 isn't a lot of money to many, many people and that different people might like different things than you. I'm not saying you're wrong to not like this bonus. You aren't wrong at all--it isn't something you'll see any benefit from. But this little tantrum of a thread seem to make the point that because it isn't a good perk for you then it isn't good for anyone.


Doesn't that say something important to you?


If you think this thread is a tantrum, I don't know what to tell you. You might need to get a hold of a dictionary. I still haven't seen a "cool thing for subscribers", so I asked what it was. People keep saying its the 12xp, but I do not think that that is cool, I do not think that helps the game, and I think my ideas were way better.


If people are really this excited about skipping a huge part of the game, maybe they should think of ways to make the game better instead of this ridiculous "perk" that only helps some people.

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If you think this thread is a tantrum, I don't know what to tell you. You might need to get a hold of a dictionary. I still haven't seen a "cool thing for subscribers", so I asked what it was. People keep saying its the 12xp, but I do not think that that is cool, I do not think that helps the game, and I think my ideas were way better.


If people are really this excited about skipping a huge part of the game, maybe they should think of ways to make the game better instead of this ridiculous "perk" that only helps some people.



What in your opinion would have been cool?


A pony?

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Yeah the reward for early purchase is not all that. 12x all XP would be a better reward, not just for the class missions. The statue is cool but its way to big and wont fit in some players theme for the ones that take time to decorate. Bw, we are talking vanity items here, it does not cost you anything to give items away. For a EXP you are asking 2x more for then the last (yes, i know its 2 planets and 4 ops) Im sure you have many items sitting in storage you can just pop a couple out for your player base. Treat your subs right, dont give them a reason to leave, yes this is not a reason but show you care.
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I think it is fair to say that not everyone will consider this 12X XP boost "cool", and that other things could be considered "cool" as well.


However, I also think it is fair to say that it seems likely that most folks are pretty enthused about this particular perk, at least if the forums and in game chat is any indication.

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