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Bioware strikes again


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First of all, your "expected response" BS did not address anything that he said. Try again.


Second of all, he is absolutely right. I leveled 4 of each class for the legacy class buffs soon after they came out so I could be one of the few players in the game who had all 4. I got both republic and imperial toons up to raiding caliber so that I could transfer black-blue, black-red, etc. crystals between factions with the Chevan event bowcaster when that was the only way you could get those colors cross-faction. I too leveled a race (sith) just to use it for legacy where it otherwise isn't available (all my republic toons). I also spent a lot of time mixing and matching armor sets (both adaptive and not) to make my characters look good before the cartel market came out and let everyone make whatever outfit they wanted easily.


Do I care that all of those things are now trivial to accomplish? Hell no. It literally does not affect you/me whatsoever that other people are able to do those things much easier than we did back in the day. I'd rather other players be allowed to have fun the way they want without having to grind. I do sometimes miss those days anytime I see a pureblood sith on republic side or an imperial character with a black-blue crystal, but the bottom line is it does not take away the fun I had being one of the few to do it back in the day - people whispering me constantly asking me how I did it. Even if it wasn't trivial to accomplish now, after this long, there would still be plenty of people doing it.


Last, an XP buff is such a ridiculous thing to cry over that I don't even understand what you could be thinking making this thread. Literally no one cares how many 55s you have except you, as tons of people have tons of them already. Obscure aesthetic things like what I mentioned above I could understand, but leveling? Getting to end-game is what makes MMOs fun for a lot of people, and you want to force them to grind more just because you took forever to do it? Wow.


So yeah, ultimately this thread just makes you look selfish and entitled. You just want to take away other people's enjoyment so that you can feel better about yourself. I kinda hope you cancel your sub over this.

*slow clap x10000000000000000000000*

EDIT: I meant slow clap as in "ooh, you really nailed 'em", in case that wasn't clear! :D

Edited by AlphaHydri
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As someone who has been in this game since the beta and who has 4 toons on 55 I say this:


Hallelujah! Praise the Wares of Bio for now I shall be able to level my 500 alts without having to do the same quests over and over again!


Give me the bonus XP oh Bioware!


Oh wait, I already have them and they are delicious. They taste even better with the tears of try hard elitists as side order.

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There is a reason I only have one 55 after a year of playing near-daily. And it's not for the RL social life. It's because there are worlds I dread seeing again (imp Balmorra, pub Taris, Quesh) and planet stories I despise (Tat, lookin' at you, as well as the worlds I already said I hated).


Now I can go through and play my characters through without the parts I hate so very much.


You talking about you Legacy Unlock Chose Knight and being comment on about it? Begging for an ego stroke, sorry. But what do I know, I'm not a beta-player, since official release, and I was a former F2Per.


You get your achievements in your legacy tab, enjoy that. Brag if you want. 12x EXP is IMHO, the "been so long I can't remember my whole class story and I have the planets memorized already" solution before 3.0.


Congrats on your hard work won Chiss instead of buying off the CM. Fun fact, you can still do that the old fashion way.

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As of right now I have six level 55's and working on the seventh (I eventually want to have a max level toon for each class). This has been a really long undertaking of about two years worth of play, two years in which I was giving Bioware subscription money. It is very rewarding to have all those Legacy abilities and buffs, and looking at the quickbar slots that house them makes one feel really accomplished. But now they are gonna **** that one up too with this stupid 12x experience boost.

Here's the difference. I have all advanced classes at 55 on republic and imperial side (16 characters) and I think 12 x boost for class quests is just awesome for those who benefit from it.

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You're making it a bigger deal than it needs to be. Things change over time, deal with it.


For example, I played at launch when you weren't able to get speeders til level 25 and they weren't on the GTN for dirt cheap. Does that mean I want to force people to go through the same process I had to? No, I don't. I still remember running across Tatooine on foot...


I never had that issue. When i started playing, I was so incredibly bad at this game is embarrassing to even think about. On my first character, I was level 27 and still on Balmora (empire). How, I have no idea.


Anyways, to the OP, I'm like you in the sense that I have taken a very long time leveling through all the different classes. I only 4 55s, and 2 in there 50s. However, I think the 12xp is an amazing idea. I absolutely love it.

Edited by hunterraaze
stupid android
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I think the buff is great (especially for me, more class story videos to make, yay), but it seems a bit sad that it motivates people to skip planetary chains, which also offer some interesting story tidbits that are referenced later in the game (Rakatan tech on Tatooine, Morgukai on Nar Shaddaa, etc)
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Because leveling someone to 55 is an incredible accomplishment


Because leveling experience is totally the most important part of a mmo.




It obviously has to be otherwise you wouldn't get the option to skip it. wait..

Edited by Karkais
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So back in the day, I subbed and leveled up a Chiss Bounty Hunter to 50 specifically so that I could make a Chiss Jedi Knight.

massive snipagge


a couple of months.


wow..you really are cheated...I cant imagine how hard this is for you. I mean, I only have 19 55's to play and BW did this......


so what, they get to level up easier. big deal. when I leveled my chis we didnt have holo statues to train or sell stuff, speeders were a lot more expensive and all sorts of QOL items were not in the game. The nature of MMO's is change happens. the campaign gear we worked so hard to get is the easy stuff now. should we throw a tantrum? no, there is more stuff coming up that will eclipse what we did already. Hopefully they will raise the maximum character slots though.

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So back in the day, I subbed and leveled up a Chiss Bounty Hunter to 50 specifically so that I could make a Chiss Jedi Knight. The Chiss JK was the grand prize and it took a really long time but I was super excited once I did it and felt really accomplished. When leveling and grouping with my JK I received a lot of compliments and stuff. But then Bioware decided that it wanted more money so they came out with the Cartel Market and then anybody could get Legacy species unlocks for five bucks.


It was dumb and I felt cheated but I learned to get over it. Now they are striking once again, though! One thing I prided myself on in this game was that I had a lot of max level characters. As of right now I have six level 55's and working on the seventh (I eventually want to have a max level toon for each class). This has been a really long undertaking of about two years worth of play, two years in which I was giving Bioware subscription money. It is very rewarding to have all those Legacy abilities and buffs, and looking at the quickbar slots that house them makes one feel really accomplished. But now they are gonna **** that one up too with this stupid 12x experience boost.


By making big accomplishments super easy to do, they are effectively diminishing the value of those accomplishments and nullifying all that hard work done over the months (years, in some cases, like mine). To deflate what was months or years of grinding by paying subscribers to two months is nothing short of a slap in the face. Having multiple high or max-leveled toons will be not as special because it will be so common by December 1st.


I would TOTALLY be on board with this if it was for a weekend or two. A whole weekend where I get TWELVE TIMES THE EXPERIENCE? That's *********** rad! I would be on board if it was 2x xp for the two months. Wow, that's a really nice bonus! But 12x xp over two months? That is completely and utterly absurd.


It is literally cheating the customer.


I'm not really proposing anything here because it's not like they can take the XP boost off after having already said it would be until December, but I just thought I would voice my opinion here and see if anyone else agrees. This is totally stupid and I disagree completely with this decision and think it was a huge slap in the face to the players who legitimately leveled up their characters over several months or years of payed play.


What we need to work on here is your sense of accomplishment and pride. Something achieved that makes you feel full of pride should do so b/c YOU overcame whatever obstacles were in the way be they external or internal, not b/c some other Tom, Dick, or Harry could also achieve (or not) said accomplishment. Measuring yourself based on the accomplishments of others is a sure-fire way to never feel fully satisfied. The reason being there will ALWAYS be someone better at whatever it is you may excel at, always.


When you set a personal goal, graduating college with honors for example, do you feel less full of pride and accomplishment b/c others did the same? No, you feel full of pride b/c YOU accomplished it.


Congratulations of reaching your goals and achieving things in game. And appreciate the fact that others have as well.

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But then Bioware decided that it wanted more money so they came out with the Cartel Market and then anybody could get Legacy species unlocks for five bucks.


Umm... I don't want to rain on your parade here (and your long long long rant), but the legacy unlock was available loooooooooong before the cartel market was implemented.

You could buy the species unlocks for in-game credits (just like you can now) when Legacy was implemented.


So this wasn't about greed... Well, at least not from biowares side (you know, lording your achievements over others is also a form of greed)


And you know what OP?

I learned to ride a bike when I was 4. It took a long time and it made me feel like I had accomplished something.

But now everyone is riding bikes, and that sucks. It diminishes my accomplisment :rolleyes:

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Guess I will just drop in and say I feel like OP, not exactly like him and would have used diffrent words but the basic message.


Did spend some time trying to find the exact words but I have yet to make it coherant. I see some faults in my logic but also in many of these replies. Might get around to post the wall of text later.

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