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Tuesday (10/7) Disciplines Livestream with Eric Musco and David Demaree


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Hey everyone,


Wanted to let you all know that tomorrow (10/7) we will be showing off Disciplines for the first time live. Eric Musco and David Demaree will walk you through the changes seen in seen in our Introduction to Disciplines blog.


When: 2-3 PM CDT

Where: twitch.tv/swtor

What: Showcasing Disciplines


Thank you!

Hillary Nicole

Edited by HillaryNicole
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Always nice to get to know new devs from the Class Balance team. Hope we'll get to see examples from some (or maybe all?) advanced classes so we can get a feel for which abilities are provided automatically, and on which abilities we have freedom to choose what to get. :)
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I wonder if we will see another chat riot.


Btw why can't Hillary do more livestreams? I prefer her over this other one, Courtney her name was I believe.


Oh and for every german player 2 PM CDT is 9 PM our time.

Edited by VdFExarKun
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DF/DP ops will be made to lvl60 or will remain as they are ? talk about this please


They have never upleveled any other OP, why would they uplevel those? DF/DF tie into the story for Oricon which is level 55. I expect you'll have new OPs and FPs that tie into the new story that will be level 60.

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They have never upleveled any other OP, why would they uplevel those? DF/DF tie into the story for Oricon which is level 55. I expect you'll have new OPs and FPs that tie into the new story that will be level 60.


TFB and SnV were lvl50 ops first and were upleveled as far as i know so i hope they will not do this and they are planning for more new ops after 3.0

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They have never upleveled any other OP, why would they uplevel those? DF/DF tie into the story for Oricon which is level 55. I expect you'll have new OPs and FPs that tie into the new story that will be level 60.


TFB was a 50 level Op when it was released and scaled to 55 later.

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Why are you guys trying to change game mechanics. I don't think i have ever seen a complaint about the skill tree system, Please focus on actual issues instead of things that work and are not broken.


"Hybrids" were a popular problem in PvP, which is linked to the skill tree system. And to be honest, the leveling was also horrible for non DPS at times. So no, I say it is right to focus on this as well. But I do want them to do it right, I want to see it at least functional and better then the last system.

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Won't be able to attend although it would be appreciated if you'd give some details about field respeccing.



I.e: can we expect respeccing being improved like having profiles stored, gear and quickslot being automatically swapped?



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Hey everyone,


Wanted to let you all know that tomorrow (10/7) we will be showing off Disciplines for the first time live. Eric Musco and David Demaree will walk you through the changes seen in seen in our Introduction to Disciplines blog.


When: 2-3 PM CDT

Where: twitch.tv/swtor

What: Showcasing Disciplines


Thank you!

Hillary Nicole


In real time this is 20:00/21:00 BST or 21:00/22:00 CEST. So, kinda late, but not super late. Also: turn down your volume, American men are loud.

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The main thing I want to know is if my Commando DPS is still going to have her Emergency Medical Probe, Kolto Bomb, Advanced Medical Probe & Medical Probe. Especially the Kolto Bomb. I love the Kolto Bomb. Slamming down a puddle of green goodness while Treek chatters about whatever she chatters about makes the Commando DPS experience special to me. That, and toting around an assault cannon almost as big as my Commando. Good times!


Please check the volume of the broadcast so that what you are saying can be clearly heard. With the September 16, 2014 Twitch stream with Eric Musco and Charles Boyd I could barely hear what you two were saying. The ingame sounds weren't the problem. It was like you two were too far from the microphone.

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