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So we can't actually join Revan??


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Yes that's correct. Similarly you could not join the Dread Masters, the Hutt Cartel, Darth Malgus, or any other people that you fight.


None of those groups were playable characters at some point in the series. None of those groups have an entire quest line where you join one of their cults on Drumand Kass. None of those groups were 'good guys' at some point in the lore, canonically fighting for and saving the Republic.


Given the character's history and the existing content its very understandable that someone would wonder if we could join Revan.


Personally I think the handling of the Revan character since 2010 on has been so bad as to turn him into some kind of irrelevant, severe multiple personality disorder suffering joke. The character is nothing more than the 'monster of the week' now positioned to allow the devs to build one set of content for both factions to save costs.

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Are we forced to fight against him in the new expansion?

inb4 muffin man says "but it's a game you're not forced to do anything just dont play it!!!"


Well, it sounds like he's still as nutty as he was in the Foundry.

He's pretty much planning to turn half the galaxy to dust to destroy the Empire and the Republic.

That and... we never get a choice when it actually comes to the big stuff, so it's hardly a surprise.

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Are we forced to fight against him in the new expansion?

inb4 muffin man says "but it's a game you're not forced to do anything just dont play it!!!"


You'll more than likely be wiping out not only Revan but all of the Revanites as well. What is there to join by the end of the story?


It's like asking why you can't join the Dread Masters. There's nothing left to join by the end of the Oricon story line.

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Personally I think the handling of the Revan character since 2010 on has been so bad as to turn him into some kind of irrelevant, severe multiple personality disorder suffering joke. The character is nothing more than the 'monster of the week' now positioned to allow the devs to build one set of content for both factions to save costs.


+ 1


Or as somebody in my guild said, "It has been clear for quite some time that they have collectively run out of their proverbial 'creative juices'"

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None of those groups were playable characters at some point in the series. None of those groups have an entire quest line where you join one of their cults on Drumand Kass. None of those groups were 'good guys' at some point in the lore, canonically fighting for and saving the Republic.


Given the character's history and the existing content its very understandable that someone would wonder if we could join Revan.


Personally I think the handling of the Revan character since 2010 on has been so bad as to turn him into some kind of irrelevant, severe multiple personality disorder suffering joke. The character is nothing more than the 'monster of the week' now positioned to allow the devs to build one set of content for both factions to save costs.


Makes me glad after all that Revan is canonically male, because having played a female Revan I feel no emotional attachment to this crazy dude.

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Should we be able to join Revan ? - Yes.


This could easily be used to create a whole new series of class stories with characters from both sides interacting with Revan which worked really well with Malgus's rise and fall. Not to mention I would like to see Satele Shan actually get involved in the game.


Should it be a third faction ? - No more than the other elements of the Class stories which should have the characters removed from their factions but red vs blue game mechanics will not allow that.


Frankly, instead of a third faction, it may be more prudent for the future of the game to combine endgame characters into a single faction by ending the war and making them outcasts. PVP would still work since its cut off from the story and previous planets would still work because they are backwards in time.

It is only from 60+ that Empire + Republic could operate side by side - which they can already do in shared areas.


What... Bioware is willing to nuke the entire skill system, complain they cannot maintain 8 class stories and the stories all fizzle to nothing.

I am a Darth on the Dark Council - What effect does this actually get me other than a title ?

I am a Imperial Agent but do you actually get to infiltrate anything ?

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  • 1 month later...
when playing Forged Alliances 3 with my BH I got the line that my BH offers to join the revanites. This got my hopes up.

Now I only wish the final face to face with Revan isn't in an operation...


Can i bump it a bit? What did the Revan says if i choose this line?


I got this line, but never won the roll in this scene and and I can not find it on youtube. :(

Edited by Glower
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Can i bump it a bit? What did the Revan says if i choose this line?


I got this line, but never won the roll in this scene and and I can not find it on youtube. :(


You don't say it to him, you say it to Arkhous. He says "Right, like you came all this way, ruined my plans and killed the help just to join me. Not buying it, buddy."


As to the OP: People seem to want infinite choice in games these days, and that just isn't possible or practical. If story-derailing join-the-villain is your thing, tabletop games are the way to go, but your DM still might tear his hair out.

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Sounds like something some of my toons would do. :p


Would be interesting to say the least, but I don't see it happening.


Your toons as in the "RP story" you might play for them outside of game story...sure


your toons as they exist in BioWares SWTOR timeline and storyline...no they absolutely would not...you get choice sure, but you're still confined to the storyline bio wrote..and your toon, again, would absolutely not join revan or do that...storywise.

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I didn't expect to be able to, but I still hope that there is some explanation, "possession by Emperor" or something to why I wouldn't want to. I've already accepted that the character I was such a fan of basically got sacrificed for the purposes of this MMO, but still a bit of closure would be nice and killing him in a climactic battle isn't that for me.
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actually this expansion is a killing... It gives us so much positive energy, by stabbing our sabers or pistols into revans flesh... we are going to brake some records killing him all the time and hopefully with so many different ways.


But I do believe he will be captured instead. But I will enjoy every moment, before the capture scene....

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