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12x XP toggle? You knew someone was going to ask.


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I just go by their track record. They have never once even acknowledged people complaining about double xp during the events. Why would they start now? Logically one would believe that BW see's said group of people a minority and not worth spending time and money to implement a toggle.

Additionally, unlike the double XP events, this one is completely optional.

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I am seeing a lot of back and forth, to and 'froing here. I am also seeing the word completionist being tossed about like last weeks bad news. If you are a completionist as you say there are ways to still play as you normally would without spoiling the experience. Outlevelling can be as mild or severe as you make it.. simply restrict your gear to the gear you would realistically have for a planet and only purchase your skill upgrades for the level bracket that applies to the planet you are on. Don't go spending planetary commendations on gear that is not from the planet you are currently on. A grey quest merely reduces the xp you earn from it. A higher rank skill may have an impact but not nearly so drastic as to make the content unenjoyable. If completionism is your thing then it won't truly matter to you if your skills are a tad higher so long as you keep your gear close to the content you are trying to complete.


Talk of how hard or difficult it would be to implement or alter the xp boost is also kinda frivolous, while a toggle may have been desirable for some and a non issue for others implementing one now could be either really simple or horrendously difficult, we don't know. In the past stuff that would seem simple has shown itself to spawn a myriad of random issues.


In short completionists your level only adds stats it does NOT add skill ranks nor higher gear merely the ability to acquire higher rank gear and skills, i propose a simpler less frustrating approach.. keep your skills and gear on par with the level. Yes I am aware there is mild increase in accuracy etc by being a higher level than a target but it really is minimal most of the oomph from being higher level is the higher rank skills and better gear.

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Well, I mean, playing the story is kind of the whole point. I'd rather not preorder if that's the case, even though I would like to support the game.


This is my first extra exp event, so I was unaware of this precedent. Although it seems like something so simple to add.


So play the story?

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I wonder what people would think of xp dampers for sale on the CM? a 3 hour xp nullification buff that cost 350 cc for a pack of 5. will you back up your need for this with cash?

If they just bundled them with the pre-orders...they would sell more pre-orders. I can guarantee at least one more sale, anyway! (I wouldn't use ones that nullified all xp though, just that removed the 12x thing.)

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I could understand if you were new player I guess, but I will never understand why anyone would be against this. Seriously you get to play the meat of the game and avoid all of the mind numbing side quests that you will dread by the time you reach your 8th alt.


Trust me, you are not missing anything.....

Edited by Raansu
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I could understand if you were new player I guess, but I will never understand why anyone would be against this. Seriously you get to play the meat of the game and avoid all of the mind numbing side quests that you will dread by the time you reach your 8th alt.


Trust me, you are not missing anything.....


Which is why I'd like to do it once. I'd love to be able to use 12x on my alts, but I would like to play with one character at the normal rate without leveling enough to trivialize the content. It could be as simple as a check box next to each character on your roster.


I would really like to take advantage of this event, but not at the cost of worsening my play experience with my friends. I would like to support the company (and money sooner is better than later for them), but this is holding me back. It's really just as simple as that.


My highest level character is 35 (the one that I am leveling with friends). I am leveling 2 alts on the other faction's side solo and I plan on starting a new one on my current faction after those (I generally prefer leveling alts simultaneously, rather than one after another). Given my current levels, however, it is unlikely that I will be purchasing this any time soon, and well after the release date, if the bonuses do not appeal to me.


I'm giving feedback that greater control over the distribution of player incentives will influence my buying decision. This isn't an ultimatum; not "change it or else I won't buy," but it is a suggestion, "this is what is preventing my from buying it now."

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So don't run your class story on your alt you are running with friends? Go back to them later when the event is over. Not that hard. Games not going anywhere.


You're missing the point where it is compromising my game experience if I choose to buy it. Seriously, how hard is it to grasp that "well don't play it" is a stupid answer when applied to every form of feedback?

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You're missing the point where it is compromising my game experience if I choose to buy it. Seriously, how hard is it to grasp that "well don't play it" is a stupid answer when applied to every form of feedback?


Because its a non-issues?

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I still feel strongly that all XP buffs should be just that....a buff. One that folks could right click and dispel if they wish during events. Setting it up this way would allow Bioware to easily sell them in the market when an event is not in play.


This is the best way to handle general XP buffs for everyone IMO.

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There is actually a challenge to using the 12X XP boost....keeping your gear up. It is an interesting way to shake things up, I have had to change quite a few old habits to adapt, like updating my gear on a regular basis as I level.


It is strange to me to go 10 to 15 levels without upgrading my gear...and it is also odd to me to use greens and set aside my comms and moddable armor.


It has caused me to be a bit more strategic in a few situations, spread the damage across my comp and myself when engaged in some tough fights here and there where my lower stats dragged out the fight a bit, and even get some help from friends in a few cases.


Getting around some of the minor pitfalls of this boost has been interesting, even fun. Naturally being able to do the class quests only has also been a blast.


One weird thing though....I started playing this game before launch, and even during testing up until this boost was offered, something didnt feel right in the leveling process....even with double XP.


I thought it was dialog overload and the sea of forgettable quests to do as you level....but after doing this boost thing, I think I realized what was bugging me....


...up until now, this very boost event, I was not playing the game the way it was MEANT to be played. Instead of experiencing and enjoying the storyline, I was drowning in side mission overload.


This is what leveling SHOULD have felt like from day one IMO. Perhaps not so high on the XP side, but DEFINITELY focused on the class quests. Side quests should have NEVER had the kind of front row seat they had in the past IMO.


I see a clear story. Clear goals. I move from one part of the story that makes sense to the next. What I am doing is important, it is something that drives the story along. In the past I let the side quests drown my stories into a mechanism to simply level.


But no more. This has made me realize that the actual storylines are much better than I realized, and revealed the flaw that made them forgettable in the past....the problem was the side quests all along.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I'm still not seeing how the gear thing is still being considered an issue. I dinged 42 last night and was wearing a mish mash of gear you get from the quest rewards ranging from level 15 gear to level 30+ gear and cleared the fights just fight. Not like this game is hard or anything when leveling.....Worst case scenario you buy dirt cheap white gear from a vendor and some sell green gear. Or buy green gear from the gtn for 2k each.
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I'm still not seeing how the gear thing is still being considered an issue. I dinged 42 last night and was wearing a mish mash of gear you get from the quest rewards ranging from level 15 gear to level 30+ gear and cleared the fights just fight. Not like this game is hard or anything when leveling.....Worst case scenario you buy dirt cheap white gear from a vendor and some sell green gear. Or buy green gear from the gtn for 2k each.


I did come upon a few challenging fights here and there....pulling agro on an unintended gold when I just took down a gold and two silvers, pulling 3 silvers by accident, one that has a rolling heal, etc. That gave it some challenge, mostly in the time it took to take them down compared to normal.

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Good News! You can choose whether or not to skip Planetary Quests! The 12xp for Class Quests does not include a feature or flag that blocks you from taking or completing any other quests!


Uh? A lot of quests on-planet don't unlock until you have completed various stages of your class quest.

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While I have no issues with a toggle, the truth is, it isn't needed.


Anyone who says "oh, I can't gear fast enough", or "I'm over leveled and don't get XP".


So what? Play the game, who cares if you get XP or not for a mission, you still get the comms and credits...


Nothing says you have to race it, if you're playing with new friends, go slow. The extra XP just makes it easier to stay overleveled, it doesn't mean you have to leave a planet right away.

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I didn't pre-order specifically because of the 12x boost. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one and I'll go out on a limb and guess that this isn't what Bioware expected or desired.


Thats fair I think, but I would say I think its also fair to contend that it is likely quite a few folks purchased the expansion specifically because of the 12XP boost.


It does seem, web wide, to be a pretty popular event.

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Well I'm that someone. I love levelling alts, I love playing the stories and I love the emails you get after sidequests that put that little human touch on them. I pre-ordered the expansion because I want the game to carry on and succeed, in the hope that class stories will come back again.


So I'm asking for that toggle. I'd like to continue to level alts throughout the next 2 months but without the massive xp boost from class stories. I'm happy for people who want to power a new character to 55 without spending 5 or 6 hours on each planet, more power to them. I'd like the other people, those of us who savour the experience each time, like rereading a favourite book or watching a favourite film, to be able to carry on while still showing BW the support of a pre-order.


I know there will be flamers replying, telling me I'm whining because of something they consider good. I've no intention of replying to those, as I'm happy for them if they're glad of the xp boost and respect that position. I just would like my position to be acknowledged and get the ability to disable the 12x xp boost on an account-wide or per-character basis.




I actually put in a ticket asking for the toggle ability. I am not a fan of the 12X XP. And to those who like it... excellent. But not everyone wants to power level a character, completely bypassing the other content and proper learning of one's class. Interestlingly, while a toggle ability would not hinder those who wish to zoom to cap, they are the ones to whine and complain about even the thought of being allowed to turn it off.


In my personal opinion, I think 12X is freaking WAY too damned much to begin with. There's absolutely no playing involved at that point. But whatever... at least allow those of us who realize the ridiculousness of it and want to enjoy the content do so.


And to those who say "Don't preorder" or "Don't do the class missions." again, a toggle ability would not affect you.

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I wonder what people would think of xp dampers for sale on the CM? a 3 hour xp nullification buff that cost 350 cc for a pack of 5. will you back up your need for this with cash?


Tell me again why SUBSCRIBERS should have to pay even more just to actually PLAY THE GAME in its entirety? Isn't that what the sub is for? I would go the other way... if you want the 12X XP boost, buy it in the CM.

Will you back up your desire for this with cash?

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