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Name 5 companions you'd happily toss out the airlock


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Corso. Hi, welcome to the modern day. There is a reason I only roll male smugglers now.

Skadge. Never allowed him on my ship. I am the *********** Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, I have slain Jedi. Why would this thing scare me when he's pointing a gun at me? No. Wasn't until I bought most of his APs that I find something to like about him.

He hates Nam'ro as much as I do. Now if the skeezebag just said that in the first place, I may have considered him as a crew member for that. But noooo. *eye roll*


Ship Droids: Space 'em, or give me something to silence them, I don't care.

Jaesa: Or just change her voice. She sounds like she's trying to be this tough/wise person, yet she clings to me for guidance.

Theran: how long does it take this guy to realize my f!consular has absolutely no interest in dating him? Never hit the flirt lines, and I still had to deal with jealous Holly, who I actually like.

Do ships droids count as two? No?

Hmm. Fifth....

Did I say Skadge already? Yup. Then I guess... ...

Risha. If I wanted to bossed around, I think my smugglers would have signed up as troopers.

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Ashara. Good god self rightious hypocrytical whiney twit. Ugh. She's like Anakin and young luke rolled up together in a "oh god please let me smack you til the stupid oozes out of your ears" nightmare that doesn't end. :(


The rest get free passes of any annoying charcteristics when compared to her.


Id pay CC to be able to feed her to Khem.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Ashara. Good god self rightious hypocrytical whiney twit. Ugh. She's like Anakin and young luke rolled up together in a "oh god please let me smack you til the stupid oozes out of your ears" nightmare that doesn't end. :(


The rest get free passes of any annoying charcteristics when compared to her.


Id pay CC to be able to feed her to Khem.


You must be a female inquisitor.

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1) mako...you stupid ***** youre hanging out with a hired killer and whine the entire time. i hate you. die in a fire

2) skadge...youre a jerk. and useless. enjoy outer space

3) vector...dude you freak me out and serve no purpose so bye and stuff

4) ashara...yeah im evil and you joined my side to what...whine the entire time? sorry no i hope khem kills you one night

5) mako...again. ,after shes ejected into space id take her frozen lifeless body back on board so i can eject her again

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I think the whole Affection gain through conversation system is too tedious.

The game should DISPLAY clear as day how many points you lose or gain by picking an option

Why make us have to cancel and restart the conversation, making us map in our heads the entire conversation tree

Edited by Falensawino
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I think the whole Affection gain through conversation system is too tedious.

The game should DISPLAY clear as day how many points you lose or gain by picking an option

Why make us have to cancel and restart the conversation, making us map in our heads the entire conversation tree


ummm no, it shouldnt tell you AT ALL


Why do you want your hand held ????

For god sakes kid, think for yourself


Each choice should have no forewarning of any type and you pick what is best for your character

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1) Vette - Ugh. I'm just glad I can shock her for having a smart mouth.

2) C2-N2 - Butt kisser, as was said before. He also sucks at crafting and gathering missions. Took me forever to level him to the point where he doesn't fail almost every mission. For some reason, 2V-R8 is less annoying.

3) Corso Riggs - Obnoxious, patronizing redneck who needs duct tape put over his mouth.

4) Malavai Quinn - Even more of a butt kisser than C2. I wanted to refuse to let him on my ship.

5) Khem Val - He's not endearing. He's annoying. Yes, we get it, you will eat me someday and you miss your master and devouring things at Yn and Chabosh. Get over it.

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Sith Warrior:


Quinn. (He is so universally HATED in my guild that most would gladly accept one less crafting mission for a cutscene spacing that...you-know-what. (As an aside, horrid conclusion to that companion story line)


Sith Inquisitor:


Ashara. "Don't make me go against my principles." FFS, I'm a member of the Dark Council, Dark V on conversation choices, exactly who do you think I am?


Bounty Hunter:


Skadge. BAM! "Am I "bothering" you anymore? Speak up, I can't hear you through the hole in your head."

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Iresso: I don’t think this guy could be any more boring and useless.


Ashara: You do realize I’m totally DS right?


Doc: Such a creep to my female Jedi, how many times do I have to say NO?


Corso: Seriously can he just stop talking for a little while and go far away from me.


Qyzen: Can you stop yapping on about your point score already I don’t care and you shed your scales everywhere on my ship and don’t clean them up.

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The only one I would like to toss out an airlock is Skadge. That being said, given a choice of accepting them on my team or not, I would not have accepted:


Rusk, Yuun, and Zenith are forgettable characters. I do not even remember their story.

Xelak just seems like he was tacked on because the story for the SI lacked a fifth companion.

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Skadge. Most repellent and aggravating companion. He really needs to go...

Then, welll, Quinn... you know why....


Doc: Such a creep to my female Jedi, how many times do I have to say NO?

A nest of collicoids would do. He could tell the Queen, "hey, gorgeous" and all that crap

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i say all except these, "sorry but five is just too little" Jaesa {DS}, LT-pierce, akaavi, torian, these are the ones i would keep, everyone else can get the F:mad::mad::mad: out :p:p:p


i would keep Treek and Hk, becuz when geared Treek heals are OP and Hk becuz he is a BaMF;)

Edited by Lt-Snake
forgot 2
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  1. Quinn. Everyone who's taken a Warrior to the end of the class story should know why.
  2. Skadge. I'm supposed to be scared of this guy enough to take him on my ship? I don't think so.
  3. Tharan Cedrax. I'm a bleeping Jedi and you don't believe in the Force even when you see me using it right in front of you? Really? Oh, but leave Holiday here when you go. She's a sweetie.
  4. Tanno Vik. The guy's a bloody psychopath and oughta get a blaster bolt in the back of the head.
  5. Scourge. Can we replace him with Lord Praven, please?

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The only one I would like to toss out an airlock is Skadge.


Skadge, so much. My BH would at the most have offered the stupid thug a merciful death even if almost fully Lightside.


There's really no one else I find even remotely as irritating. No, not even Quinn.



In my opinion his "betrayal" was an attempt at suicide by Sith, not a serious attempt on my warrior's life. Whatever Baras had on him was heavy enough that he couldn't refuse to "kill" you, but his loyalty to you demanded he rather die.



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