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Please introduce dual spec ASAP


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Not to mention, i'm a Sentinel, you want to punish me for picking one ? Cause with dual specing, picking a sent is stupid. After all, might as well pick something that has acces to three different roles. I can do anything on one single char then.

Not to mention, i can roll "need" for everything then as well. After all, i can be a tank/healer/dps/bunny/winer


Guess what honeybuns? Bioware has already confirmed Dual Spec is in!


Q: Since it has been clearly stated that there will not be dual specs for characters in the game, can you explain your philosophy behind the skill trees and how you are taking into account players that want to be able to play PvP and PvE content on the same character? - illumineart


A: Dual Speccing is something we want to add soon after launch. Also, features like Guard, PvP Taunt, Resolve, etc. work to narrow the gap between PvP and PvE specialized skills (i.e. a +Block skill would be helpful in both PvE and PvP).

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People complain about every damn MMO in the market being a WoW ripoff.Lets just please leave all moslty wow related things out of the game.


Why? The game is already WoW at its core. We should just take the "triangular wheels" approach and refuse to add proven and useful features simply because another game had them?


Think about what you're saying. It actually doesn't make any sense.

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"Yes, I should be entitled to be able to perform in both PvE and PvP on the same character without needless expense. "


You can perform in both PvE and PvP. Accordingly to your ROLE.


I want the ability to have all crafting skills on a single char, after all, i want to be able to make everything on the same character without needless expense and/or trouble.

Bioware should just give us the ability to do it all on a SINGLE char.


^ Same logic. Just as flawed.


Slippery Slope AGAIN. And false equivocation.


Argue against what we're proposing. Not that having all crafting skills would be bad. No one said anything about crafting skills.


Yes, I know you CAN play as anything.


As for the Sentinel, I have a Jugg. The class has problems at the moment. I would love the option to try all three specs out, maybe tinker with different things. See what works at different levels.


To have a consistent tank spec, and another to try one of the Jugg DPS trees on would be fine.


As it is now I doubt anyone picks the non tank option. If you want to DPS you grab the two lightsabers. Most pick the one saber option to tank. But having a DPS tree would be pretty handy too for lots of reasons.


And no one can ever DPS, Tank AND Heal.

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No one will force you to buy Dual Spec. You can use those credits to buy a vanity pet or something. If you want to make an Op healer and level healing at all times, fine, cool, groovy to the max dude!


You idiots are reminding me of the "sanctity of marriage" jerks. You use all the same arguments. Slippery Slope all over, among other things.


"One man one woman is best, let's all just do it that way." :D


"But I want to do it another way." :confused:


"No, I don't want the option to marry someone of the same sex, so you shouldn't have it either." :p



It's all exactly the same. People wanting to deprive freedom from others for no reason other than they don't personally want the specific option, is just messed up.


YOU can do whatever you want. I want to dual spec into that cool DPS class I'm unable to use because so many people need healers in instances.[/QUOTE]


Lol...and this is typical of the pro dual spec crowd...could you be any more pretentious and self entitled?


So let me get this straight, you NEED dual spec so that you can play a dps class because you really wanted to, however your such a little hero that you passed up your choice in order to role a healer because the world needs you?


And now you want to dual spec a dps to reward you for your selfless act? Dont make me laugh.


What you really mean is you want a one man army template that rocks at everything...greedy much? That whole healer argument is so disengenuous because its comletely self serving imo. Why cant you just be honest and say I want an overpowered god mode?


Yes I can play whatever class I want, so could you, you picked healer.....now you want to have a healer, dps, tank all on one toon that you can instantly switch on the fly with no cooldown and no respec cost...lol...never gonna happen.



Edited by ImperialSun
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perfect, then i'll change to the most versatile class and will be one of you guys.

A winner that can't stick to what they picked and have to have everything handed to them. Preferably for free, otherwise they'd cry louder.


Have a nice day, sweety.


they are not going to let us change between advanced classes!


No individual advanced class can do all three roles!





Edited by AlpsStranger
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Slippery Slope AGAIN. And false equivocation.


Argue against what we're proposing. Not that having all crafting skills would be bad. No one said anything about crafting skills.


Yes, I know you CAN play as anything.


As for the Sentinel, I have a Jugg. The class has problems at the moment. I would love the option to try all three specs out, maybe tinker with different things. See what works at different levels.


To have a consistent tank spec, and another to try one of the Jugg DPS trees on would be fine.


As it is now I doubt anyone picks the non tank option. If you want to DPS you grab the two lightsabers. Most pick the one saber option to tank. But having a DPS tree would be pretty handy too for lots of reasons.


And no one can ever DPS, Tank AND Heal.

So wait you mean you are barred from accesing 2 of youre 3 skilltrees on youre jugg? so you only have access to one skill tree and the rest is unavaible?


That i news to me because personally i can use 3 different skill trees all the time if i choose to.:D

Edited by Varghjerta
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No...in the name of all that is holy/unholy...Please no....


I for one like the old school (pre-wow) your character is who is your character is role playing style of this game. Adding dual spec (and imo all the other easy mode nonsense that wow brought to the genre-and rift took to a whole other level...with FOUR "roles" (i.e. specs) ...and I would also include add ons and in-game macros here along with mult. specs) just makes the game cheesy mindless button pushing...whether it's healbot or pushing a button and completely changing who your character is what they're all about is not what I play this game for. IF these things get added to the game to make it yet another wow clone...well...time to go elsewhere yet again :eek:



Edit: If you really want to do more than one thing try speccing variety...yes you won't be as good at any one thing but you can be versatile without dual spec...and if you want to have truly completely different spec/role...play experience ...roll a frigging alt. :D

Edited by LrdRahvin
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No...in the name of all that is holy/unholy...Please no....


Too late. It is confirmed by Bioware.




Don't keep expecting the rebirth of Everquest. It fell by the wayside for a reason.


We have a word for all of that stuff you keep calling old school: Clunky. Just clunky as ****.


Nobody ever gave you any reason to believe that SWTOR was some kind of sandbox MMO rebirth or somehow old-school. People like you continually confuse the lack of features in these games at launch with some kind of philosophical commitment from the developers.


You did it when Rift came out and you're doing it now.

Edited by AlpsStranger
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No one will force you to buy Dual Spec. You can use those credits to buy a vanity pet or something. If you want to make an Op healer and level healing at all times, fine, cool, groovy to the max dude!


You idiots are reminding me of the "sanctity of marriage" jerks. You use all the same arguments. Slippery Slope all over, among other things.


"One man one woman is best, let's all just do it that way." :D


"But I want to do it another way." :confused:


"No, I don't want the option to marry someone of the same sex, so you shouldn't have it either." :p



It's all exactly the same. People wanting to deprive freedom from others for no reason other than they don't personally want the specific option, is just messed up.


YOU can do whatever you want. I want to dual spec into that cool DPS class I'm unable to use because so many people need healers in instances.[/QUOTE]


Lol...and this is typical of the pro dual spec crowd...could you be any more pretentious and self entitled?


So let me get this straight, you NEED dual spec so that you can play a dps class because you really wanted to, however your such a little hero that you passed up your choice in order to role a healer because the world needs you?


And now you want to dual spec a dps to reward you for your selfless act? Dont make me laugh.


What you really mean is you want a one man army template that rocks at everything...greedy much? That whole healer argument is so disengenuous because its comletely self serving imo. Why cant you just be honest and say I want an overpowered god mode?


Yes I can play whatever class I want, so could you, you picked healer.....now you want to have a healer, dps, tank all on one toon that you can instantly switch on the fly with no cooldown and no respec cost...lol...never gonna happen.




Starting your reply with "lol" is disrespectful and really shows your immaturity. You need to start paying attention in your 7th grade writing class, there are plenty of handy tips I'm sure your teacher is desperately trying to get you to comprehend. I type with intelligence and wit, that does not make me pretentious.


Moving away from formatting and presentation. Entitled. That's the word you used. Do I feel "entitled" to dual spec? Of course not. I do however feel like I'm greatly missing out because it's not in the game.


(Notice how I'm sticking to the topic at hand, and not diverting the conversation to an unrelated matter.)


I DESIRE Dual Spec options so that I can fully enjoy the diversity my chosen class has to offer, without breaking the bank to do it. How is that so hard for you to understand? How the dickens would it harm YOU if I was able to switch to my stealth tree and play the game differently, without being financially penalized for it? Answer the question. That is really the relevant issue. How would it hurt YOU if I could do that? You wouldn't be able to, just as you aren't able to now, because you didn't wish to plunk down credits learning dual spec.


And I'm sure it WILL cost money to buy. Just like bank space. Just like bag space. Just like pets. Just like mounts. Just like all other forms of training. To say that we all want it "handed to us for nothing" is, to deny the reality that it will most likely cost money.


Would you guys shut the hell up if Dual Spec cost 250,000 credits? That is a lot, and I wouldn't be able to buy it now for sure, but it is something I would save for, and prioritize over my faster mounts. You get faster mounts, I get dual spec. We're both happy, and you are rewarded for sticking to one thing. I am penalized for it. There is a 250,000 credit consequence for my desire to jump back and forth. It should however be purchasable at level 10 if you have the funds. I also just made up what I think would be a fair number. In Warcraft, Dual Spec cost, I believe 1,000 gold when it came out. The price was reduced to 100 later. I think. I could be wrong it's been a while since I bought it. 1,000 gold was a lot to me at the time. But it was worth the price.


Ok let's glance at your post again even though doing so hurts my brain. You talk in such a condescending tone, as many who want to deny rights to others do. You speak of "rewards" and call me "greedy". You say I will be a "one man army" completely ignoring that I have to stop being one thing in order to be something else. Then you go on to say it would be "overpowered" as if that makes any sense at all. You're just tossing around buzzwords randomly. I don't know where you got the idea that I thought I could tank on my Operative Agent. Or Heal and DPS (and tank) at the same time.


I suspect you are nothing but a troll, but your post was so representative of your sides point of view and lack of thinking I wanted to take a few moments to reply to it anyway.

Edited by SilverScreemer
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Honestly, I've stopped being polite to the people who just take insane positions and defend them to the death. Dual specs are in. It has been confirmed. Anyone who reflects on it for more than a moment can't help but agree that they would be good for the game.


Ridicule is all that their position merits.

Edited by AlpsStranger
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Starting your reply with "lol" is disrespectful and really shows your immaturity. You need to start paying attention in your 7th grade writing class, there are plenty of handy tips I'm sure your teacher is desperately trying to get you to comprehend. I type with intelligence and wit, that does not make me pretentious.


Moving away from formatting and presentation. Entitled. That's the word you used. Do I feel "entitled" to dual spec? Of course not. I do however feel like I'm greatly missing out because it's not in the game.


(Notice how I'm sticking to the topic at hand, and not diverting the conversation to an unrelated matter.)


I DESIRE Dual Spec options so that I can fully enjoy the diversity my chosen class has to offer, without breaking the bank to do it. How it that so hard for you to understand? How the dickens would it harm YOU if I was able to switch to my stealth tree and play the game differently, without being financially penalized for it? Answer the question. That is really the relevant issue. How would it hurt YOU if I could do that? you wouldn't be able to, just as you aren't able to now, because you didn't plunk down credits learning dual spec.


And I'm sure it WILL cost money to buy. Just like bank space. Just like bag space. Just like pets. Just like mounts. Just like all other forms of training. To say that we all want it "handed to us for nothing" is, to deny the reality that it will most likely cost money.


Would you guys shut the hell up if Dual Spec cost 250,000 credits? That is a lot, and I wouldn't be able to buy it now for sure, but it is something I would save for, and prioritize over my faster mounts. You get faster mounts, I get dual spec. We're both happy, and you are rewarded for sticking to one thing. I am penalized for it. There is a 250,000 credit consequence for my desire to jump back and forth. It should however be purchasable at level 10 if you have the funds. I also just made up what I think would be a fair number. If Warcraft, Dual Spec cost, I believe 1,000 gold when it came out. The price was reduced to 100 later. I think. I could be wrong it's been a while since I bought it. 1,000 gold was a lot to me at the time. But it was worth the price.


Ok let's glance at your post again even though doing so hurts my brain. You talk in such a condescending tone, as many who want to deny rights to others do. You speak of "rewards" and call me "greedy". You say I will be a "one man army" completely ignoring that I have to stop being one thing in order to be something else. then you go on to say it would be "overpowered" as if that makes any sense at all. You're just tossing around buzzwords randomly. I don't know where you got the idea that I thought I could tank on my Operative Agent. Or Heal and DPS (and tank) at the same time.


I suspect you are nothing but a troll, but your post was so representative of your sides point of view and lack of thinking I wanted to take a few moments to reply to it anyway.


"YOU can do whatever you want. I want to dual spec into that cool DPS class I'm unable to use because so many people need healers in instances."


Your words not mine...


Like my entirely relevant post stated...the meaning behind your quote above is that you had the same choice as every other player and you made it.


However because you see yourself as something of a hero, you chose healer because sooooo many people need you in instances. Well that was YOUR choice.


To now say that you should have unrestricted access to all 3 trees in your class is ludicrous. Nobody forced you to choose healer did they?


MMORPGs are about choice and consequence and developiing your character. Whereas you simply want to be a god who can switch from tank to dps to heal or whatever three variants your AC offers instantly with no cost or consequence.


What you are demanding is a one size fits all model that allows you to be an uber healer and then in the blink of an eye be topping dps charts too....


So yes, you are extremely self entitled as you believe you should have access to every combat flavour the class has to offer, irrespective of whether the game design permits it, without putting in the extra effort just because you pay the same sub as everyone else.


That is the very definition of self entitled.


You want ez mode, you want an I WIN button and you have the cheek to dress it up as if the rest of the community forced you to role a healer...gg :)


Did BW design the game with constant respeccing in mind? No.


Did BW implement a mechanic to allow the occasional respec in order that you are not punished for simply making a bad choice? Yes.


Did BW make the respec cost prohibitive the more often you do it because the game was not designed around constant respeccing? Yes.


Face it you already have the option to respec whenever you want to...YOU personally just dont like the terms....



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Starting your reply with "lol" is disrespectful and really shows your immaturity. You need to start paying attention in your 7th grade writing class, there are plenty of handy tips I'm sure your teacher is desperately trying to get you to comprehend. I type with intelligence and wit, that does not make me pretentious.


Moving away from formatting and presentation. Entitled. That's the word you used. Do I feel "entitled" to dual spec? Of course not. I do however feel like I'm greatly missing out because it's not in the game.


(Notice how I'm sticking to the topic at hand, and not diverting the conversation to an unrelated matter.)


I DESIRE Dual Spec options so that I can fully enjoy the diversity my chosen class has to offer, without breaking the bank to do it. How is that so hard for you to understand? How the dickens would it harm YOU if I was able to switch to my stealth tree and play the game differently, without being financially penalized for it? Answer the question. That is really the relevant issue. How would it hurt YOU if I could do that? You wouldn't be able to, just as you aren't able to now, because you didn't wish to plunk down credits learning dual spec.


And I'm sure it WILL cost money to buy. Just like bank space. Just like bag space. Just like pets. Just like mounts. Just like all other forms of training. To say that we all want it "handed to us for nothing" is, to deny the reality that it will most likely cost money.


Would you guys shut the hell up if Dual Spec cost 250,000 credits? That is a lot, and I wouldn't be able to buy it now for sure, but it is something I would save for, and prioritize over my faster mounts. You get faster mounts, I get dual spec. We're both happy, and you are rewarded for sticking to one thing. I am penalized for it. There is a 250,000 credit consequence for my desire to jump back and forth. It should however be purchasable at level 10 if you have the funds. I also just made up what I think would be a fair number. In Warcraft, Dual Spec cost, I believe 1,000 gold when it came out. The price was reduced to 100 later. I think. I could be wrong it's been a while since I bought it. 1,000 gold was a lot to me at the time. But it was worth the price.


Ok let's glance at your post again even though doing so hurts my brain. You talk in such a condescending tone, as many who want to deny rights to others do. You speak of "rewards" and call me "greedy". You say I will be a "one man army" completely ignoring that I have to stop being one thing in order to be something else. Then you go on to say it would be "overpowered" as if that makes any sense at all. You're just tossing around buzzwords randomly. I don't know where you got the idea that I thought I could tank on my Operative Agent. Or Heal and DPS (and tank) at the same time.


I suspect you are nothing but a troll, but your post was so representative of your sides point of view and lack of thinking I wanted to take a few moments to reply to it anyway.

I was planning on answering to this with a long post until i realised that personally i found youre post having way to much entitlement over it and that we have way different view on what being penalized mean.


For example in WoW before Dual Specc you was penalized as a tank and a healer soloing was a real pain and almost impossible .

But this game doesnt have that problem


So basicly you are complaining that doing stuff cost you money

Edited by Varghjerta
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For example in WoW before Dual Specc you was penalized as a tank and a healer soloing was a real pain and almost impossible .

But this game doesnt have that problem


Actually it has.


Not to the same extend since companions introduce a lower limit in DPS, but you level a fair deal faster as DPS*. And have more fun doing so because fighting stuff as healer tank is *easy* because you have less chance in dying.


* And if you want to say "No" here care to explain how you magically compensate for having almost no DPS talents? As dps spec you have exactly the same companions available, those do not help you in overcoming this.

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I don't care if they don't add dual spec anytime soon, I put some thought into what I'm playing and I plan to stick with that. Maybe others should try the same thing?


Also if you go a week without respeccing the price resets to zero. So quit respeccing every hour and building up ridiculous fees.

Edited by bassfu
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For example in WoW before Dual Specc you was penalized as a tank and a healer soloing was a real pain and almost impossible .

But this game doesnt have that problem

You're leaving half of it out. Yes, as a tank of healer soloing was more time consuming in WoW, but definetely not impossible, in fact they could often solo stuff a pure dps couldn't but it just took time. However you were guaranteed a spot on group content. Dps specs had it the other way round, soloing was faster but getting a group was much harder. Dual-spec fixed both of these problems if the person was willing to utilize it.


This game doesn't punish tank or healer so much on soloing but it does punish the dps on grouping, even more so as the groups are smaller and you want a tank and healer with only 2 dps specs wanted per group. Being against dual-speccing sounds pretty much as tanks and healers wanting to safeguard their automatic position on group content.

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Never played WOW, played and still play DDO so have never had the option of dual spec.

It seems to me to be a good idea how ever. I must say only if there is no AC switching what so ever. Your class is your class, but freedom within that class only seems a good thing to me.

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You're leaving half of it out. Yes, as a tank of healer soloing was more time consuming in WoW, but definetely not impossible, in fact they could often solo stuff a pure dps couldn't but it just took time. However you were guaranteed a spot on group content. Dps specs had it the other way round, soloing was faster but getting a group was much harder. Dual-spec fixed both of these problems if the person was willing to utilize it.


This game doesn't punish tank or healer so much on soloing but it does punish the dps on grouping, even more so as the groups are smaller and you want a tank and healer with only 2 dps specs wanted per group. Being against dual-speccing sounds pretty much as tanks and healers wanting to safeguard their automatic position on group content.


No, being against dual spec merely means you want specs to actually have a purpose.

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People asking for dual spec should consider playing Single Player games.

Im sick of people who think they can switch specs and be good at dps, heal, tanking. (they exist, but are very rare).

Get some friends or pay for a Mercenary. Its an MMO...


Tell it to Bioware.




Again. For the thousandth time. This. Debate. Is. Over.

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