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Please introduce dual spec ASAP


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It's really sad when CS:S or Team Fortress has more commitment to a role than a ROLEPLAYING GAME!



I'm quite certain dual-spec will be optional so nothing is stopping you from committing to a role. Stop trying to force your chosen playstyle down everyone else's throat. Thanks.

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Dual spec doesn't allow you to do that. You still have to choose A or B.


But, just like in the real world, I can take a step back and go through the other door later. Just like we can in the game right now, by respeccing.


But you have to go out of the first door and into the other door which takes time. Hense respeccing.

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You don't need an armortech to play this game, you do need healers and tanks to play this game.



PLEASE people, take 10 seconds to read what you type before hitting submit.


No but you do need good armor to play this game or you won't get very far. And people do not need dual specs to play this game so what is your point?

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I'm quite certain dual-spec will be optional so nothing is stopping you from committing to a role. Stop trying to force your chosen playstyle down everyone else's throat. Thanks.


I love how you say this.


Your chosen playstyle is with Dual-Spec, but I am the one forcing it down your throat. Is not your desire for Dual-Spec forcing your desires down my throat? Lovely post you have here.

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wierd, because for the most parts, certain mobs aside it did for me.


I have never met group content I could suddenly solo because I could switch specs, ever.



It's really sad when CS:S or Team Fortress has more commitment to a role than a ROLEPLAYING GAME!


In Team Fortress 2 if you choose a medic, you are a medic until the end of the game. If you want to change classes you are to a pay a price (which is death) and will respond next round.


Quit trying to make MMOs easier and have less commitment to a role than a FPS game.



How long does the average round of TF2 last? How many days of play time does it take just to hit max level in an MMO? What was that about commitment?

Edited by Bekkal
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No dual spec EVER, the the hell is the point of choosing a role if you never have to go outside your small group to find someone to do something


NO LFG tool either, get off your *** and socailize, these same people complaining about a single player game just wanna not talk to anyone and sit their grinding until it shoves them in a group and punts them to an instance.

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I'm quite certain dual-spec will be optional so nothing is stopping you from committing to a role. Stop trying to force your chosen playstyle down everyone else's throat. Thanks.


He isn't forcing a playstyle on you, he is asking for the developers to stay true to the Genre. Fewer MMOs have Dual-Spec than do, it is not an industry standard, it is a WoW-standard.

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No dual spec EVER, the the hell is the point of choosing a role if you never have to go outside your small group to find someone to do something


NO LFG tool either, get off your *** and socailize, these same people complaining about a single player game just wanna not talk to anyone and sit their grinding until it shoves them in a group and punts them to an instance.


This is an MMO player.


You have won my love sir and +1 internets. :)

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No dual spec EVER, the the hell is the point of choosing a role if you never have to go outside your small group to find someone to do something


NO LFG tool either, get off your *** and socailize, these same people complaining about a single player game just wanna not talk to anyone and sit their grinding until it shoves them in a group and punts them to an instance.


The last MMO to not have an LFG tool was Ultima Online. Perhaps you meant a LFD dungeon-finder tool? I agree that the system should not be automated and should never be cross-server.


The advantages in socialization of including dual spec have been outlined very clearly by myself and others. It improves socialization on all fronts. Please go back and read the thread you are posting in.

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You realize that WOW is older then half those games.


AOC yes

WAR yes

EQ1 no (16 March 1999 vs 29 November 2004)

EQ2 no (8 November 2004 vs 29 November 2004)

SWG no (26 June 2003 vs vs 29 November 2004)

DAoC no (October 10, 2001 vs 29 November 2004)


2/6 is less than half

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Healing companions are actually pretty good so long as you are +1 or maybe +2 levels to the average level of the content. For stuff where you are lesser than that then a player devoted full-time to healing is best.


For those that don't have a healing companion, remember your ship's droid is a healer and so long as you get him some level appropriate gear (he starts with none) and can put up with his incessent "Excellent! I was just wondering what I could do to serve you!" comment every, single, freaking, time he talks.... he could work out in a pinch.

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The last MMO to not have an LFG tool was Ultima Online. Perhaps you meant a LFD dungeon-finder tool? I agree that the system should not be automated and should never be cross-server.


The advantages in socialization of including dual spec have been outlined very clearly by myself and others. It improves socialization on all fronts. Please go back and read the thread you are posting in.


Plenty of MMOs did not have LFG tool at launch though, WoW certainly didn't; then remember the whole "goto the Innkeeper" version of LFG? How about the stones?


Now before you say "WoW has it now, so SWTOR should have launched with it"; EQ had a LFG tool before WoW launched, why didn't WoW launch with it?


The importance is on major engine issues at this point, quality of life features WILL come, but expecting them week 1 (if they were not implemented at launch) is inappropriate.

Edited by Syas
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Plenty of MMOs did not have LFG tool at launch though, WoW certainly didn't; then remember the whole "goto the Innkeeper" version of LFG? How about the stones?


Now before you say "WoW has it now, so SWG should have launched with it"; EQ had a LFG tool before WoW launched, why didn't WoW launch with it?


The importance is on major engine issues at this point, quality of life features WILL come, but expecting them week 1 (if they were not implemented at launch) is inappropriate.


I am largely fine with LFG as it currently stands. I am advocating for dual spec as, yes, a QOL feature.

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No dual spec EVER, the the hell is the point of choosing a role if you never have to go outside your small group to find someone to do something
THe lack of dual spec does not force people to go out of your small group; in fact, the lack of dual spec encourages people to stick to a small, consistent group. Likewise, having dual spec does not discourage people from going outside of their normal group of people to fill out a group; in fact, it encourages people to do so.


If me, and 2 of my friends are on, but our tank friend is on, then we're limited to only inviting tanks. If we can dual spec, then I can switch over to my tank spec, and the healer can switch to a dps spec, allowing us to invite a tank, healer or dps. That massively increases the pool of possible players we can invite.



NO LFG tool either, get off your *** and socailize, these same people complaining about a single player game just wanna not talk to anyone and sit their grinding until it shoves them in a group and punts them to an instance.
The 2 parts of this statement dosn't really have anything to do with each other either. Even back in EQ1 it was common to get into a group and not chat a bit; certainly if you had a competent puller there wasn't time to for anyone to chat. Nor are all lfd groups in wow totally silent.


the issue is the content: if the game is paced so that the players have to take regular breaks, there will be chat, and if not there won't be. Whether the group is formed automatically or not is irrelevant.

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AOC yes

WAR yes

EQ1 no (16 March 1999 vs 29 November 2004)

EQ2 no (8 November 2004 vs 29 November 2004)

SWG no (26 June 2003 vs vs 29 November 2004)

DAoC no (October 10, 2001 vs 29 November 2004)


2/6 is less than half


You know your splitting hairs with EQ2 right? And for the record WOW didn't even start with Dual-Spec, it picked it up when it decided to go into easy mode for the casuals. So Bioware should listen to all the casual clickers and implement Dual -Specing so down the road we can have Pandas that punch like Chuck Norris and gets the girl like Westley.

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A game with dungeons based around DPS to Healer/Tank ratio of 50:50 is probably going to need dual spec.


WoW with a ratio of 60:40 DPS to Healer/Tank ratio still had a very noticeable surplus of DPS and bringing that ratio down due to 4 man dungeons would suggest to me that the problem will remain at least as strong.

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I would like to see a duel spec and lfd tool as well, but one of the main reasons I don't heal flashpoints right now is I can't stand the useless ui that Bio has for healers at this moment. I probably won't heal any more till it it fixed.


I have no problem healing, use your function keys like you should have been doing in any other game, also I find Operation Frames better for healing personally, but that is just me.


Also, every spec is a Duel-Spec! Wish granted!

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He isn't forcing a playstyle on you, he is asking for the developers to stay true to the Genre. Fewer MMOs have Dual-Spec than do, it is not an industry standard, it is a WoW-standard.


I have to repeat myself a third time it seems.


If you want a game that stays "true to the genre", remove all multi-role classes immediately. Have Tanks and Healers be incapable of soloing content too, since that's as "true to the genre" as you can get. And while we're at it, why not add tremendous death penalties?


Besides: Since being true to the genre apparently means a class based system, where do UO, EvE Online and SWG fit in?

Edited by FerrusPA
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You know your splitting hairs with EQ2 right? And for the record WOW didn't even start with Dual-Spec, it picked it up when it decided to go into easy mode for the casuals. So Bioware should listen to all the casual clickers and implement Dual -Specing so down the road we can have Pandas that punch like Chuck Norris and gets the girl like Westley.


Again, dual spec has nothing to do with difficulty in any way.

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Either add dual spec or remove the increasing cost to spec. Why penalize me if my group wants me to spec tank and then DPS depending on whether we're doing dungeons or warzones?


You realize if you go a week without respecing the counter resets.

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AOC yes

WAR yes

EQ1 no (16 March 1999 vs 29 November 2004)

EQ2 no (8 November 2004 vs 29 November 2004)

SWG no (26 June 2003 vs vs 29 November 2004)

DAoC no (October 10, 2001 vs 29 November 2004)


2/6 is less than half


Meridian 59 and The Realm Online were the first MMO's that had a graphical aspect instead of just being a MUD, but the only truly old MMO still around is Ultima Online, which was released in 1997. And most of what we are talking about is Western MMO's.... which do not encompass all MMO's which took on board the aspects being talked about.

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