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Strongholds are boring, lonely, and a waste of credits!


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@Edzew says about placing items where you want to, But this will almost impossible to achieve without asset servers, and the space the stronghold is in would have to be on a separate grid, but then you would need a proper interface, much like a second life viewer, (Phoenix, Singularity etc) to achieve, actually clicking on a chair and moving it using the mouse held down dragged across the floor. The actual furniture and decorations, I don't think are actual objects, as in (mesh) made 3D object, thats been enabled to be moved at will, hence the hooks.


If the objects were physical, then you would be able to move them around, my guess is they are not, much like speeders, that disappear as soon as you get off one, in Second life, a speeder being physical, and scripted would remain on the grid as an physical object, that you can get on and off at will.


The real problem here, is Bioware has meddled with virtual living space, on a very low level, that to be more sophisticated than it is, is beyond the capabilities of a server side browser style game, to even come close to peoples expectations, to interacting with own home / hide out. If the game was changed to a Client based, as in SL, then there are more technical opportunity to do better, but that would mean redesigning the whole games concept and infrastructure, which isn't really a realistic idea, being the main format of this game is a shooter MMORG with some social aspects, and a small degree of individualism with, just having your place to chill, and spend A few coins on decorating one or two rooms, Also let us not forget, this is not an infinite world like SL is. Star wars is based on levels, Once you got to 55, done this done that, where do you go after that? This is not a roaming game, where you can keep your stronghold, and go of to to another part of Star wars, go flying, sailing, or visiting other places such as Pandora (Avatar combat world), within the game itself.

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I got to admit that in any online game decorating is very pointless but its another way to spend your time in game, I really liked it from Swg, I also like Starwars alot, so I like it in Swtor, here's some pics of my houses it can get fun decorating instead of grinding / Opsing all the time. Sure they could've done alot better with the layouts and UI but for now I like how they did it, but in time more improvements I'll wait for.




i wouldn't say its pointless, its point is to give its players something else to do, and in other games it can be quite relaxing B^) ... not so much in this one because for me i tend to get annoyed that i cant place something where i want to B^P


as for you pics.. those look nice!!! but i got a couple questions for ya.. First in pic number 8, what are those green pillars?? and Second, just because i forget how to do it, how do you remove the UI to take the pics?? B^P i still have my pics from my old house in SWG and i would like to take pics of mine in TOR to go with them B^)

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@Edzew says about placing items where you want to, But this will almost impossible to achieve without asset servers, and the space the stronghold is in would have to be on a separate grid, but then you would need a proper interface, much like a second life viewer, (Phoenix, Singularity etc) to achieve, actually clicking on a chair and moving it using the mouse held down dragged across the floor. The actual furniture and decorations, I don't think are actual objects, as in (mesh) made 3D object, thats been enabled to be moved at will, hence the hooks.


If the objects were physical, then you would be able to move them around, my guess is they are not, much like speeders, that disappear as soon as you get off one, in Second life, a speeder being physical, and scripted would remain on the grid as an physical object, that you can get on and off at will.


The real problem here, is Bioware has meddled with virtual living space, on a very low level, that to be more sophisticated than it is, is beyond the capabilities of a server side browser style game, to even come close to peoples expectations, to interacting with own home / hide out. If the game was changed to a Client based, as in SL, then there are more technical opportunity to do better, but that would mean redesigning the whole games concept and infrastructure, which isn't really a realistic idea, being the main format of this game is a shooter MMORG with some social aspects, and a small degree of individualism with, just having your place to chill, and spend A few coins on decorating one or two rooms, Also let us not forget, this is not an infinite world like SL is. Star wars is based on levels, Once you got to 55, done this done that, where do you go after that? This is not a roaming game, where you can keep your stronghold, and go of to to another part of Star wars, go flying, sailing, or visiting other places such as Pandora (Avatar combat world), within the game itself.


you dont need to have it like SL it could be more like SWGs where you type in what you want it to do. and like i said if they would have just given us more options or even the option to move/add/remove/rotate hooks around that would fix a LOT of problems.

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I think if you are an RPer they are not a waste of time or money. Also, for guilds that can't afford the 50 million price tag for a capital ship, they are an excellent alternative. Also you don't HAVE to have your own personal stronghold.


A lot of people seem to forget the "R" in MMORPG :)

Edited by thebumpkin
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I'm not even a RP. In fact, far from it. That said, I really enjoy designing my living space. Its public so I keep it clean and streamlined. It isn't 10000 space chairs just to get the bonus.


If someone doesn't like it, they don't have to. They can go try a different housing simulator. There is a difference between constructive criticism and just being obnoxious.

Edited by Arkerus
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i wouldn't say its pointless, its point is to give its players something else to do, and in other games it can be quite relaxing B^) ... not so much in this one because for me i tend to get annoyed that i cant place something where i want to B^P


as for you pics.. those look nice!!! but i got a couple questions for ya.. First in pic number 8, what are those green pillars?? and Second, just because i forget how to do it, how do you remove the UI to take the pics?? B^P i still have my pics from my old house in SWG and i would like to take pics of mine in TOR to go with them B^)


Those are the mentor cores, forgot which instance the weird computer boss was in the one with the 3 droids with shields or something and the big droid that has healing little droids that drop out of the canisters, and Ctrl + u to get rid of Ui

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I said from day one that they were done on the cheap, that no real serious development money went into them. I think people now see that, even if I got a lot of flak at the time for it.


Yes, the utility aspect of having a GTN, storage, mailbox, and teleport is all very nice, but a single room does that, the rest is display fluff.


What would really have made these nice would be to invite friends over for game night. Honestly, people really do come over in real life for poker night, to real houses... Why not have a Pazzak or Sabac table in your stronghold? Then you actually would get people to come over for a game.


But they couldn't even do that much...


And what hasn't been done in this game like this? Outdated engine, outdated features, or total lack of them, just to reduce costs, whereas cartel market part is thriving. Simple fact of the matter is: They want to make "features" in this game as cost-efficient as possible, while getting maximum profit out of it. This is simple EA thinking, it's been like this for ages.


-No chat bubbles, no Cross-realm lfg, you can't interact with world, hell, on half of NPC's you can't even click for some weird reason, everything is instanced, and linear, you can't even sit on chars. In a freaking 2014 MMO, and yet they sell them on Cartel market.


In all honesty, EA got cold feet after game pummeled after the launch. You offered half-finished product, what did you expect? That people will stick around and wait and pay sub money until it's fixed. Not everyone are story junkies, I got my first char on 55 few weeks ago, and I think I broke my space button in between. It was consular, I had no idea what I was killing, as long as I was killing really fast and with big numbers. This story thing imho ruined the game, so much money wasted on voice acting and animations, it's just a quest, designed to give you xp and money, rest doesn't matter. What difference does it make if I listen to it, or just hit accept button? I won't even mention alts.


And now they are doing the same thing. Offering half-assed product to people, and calling it content. Nope, content is new raids, new heroic dungeons, new hubs, new races (not just colored humans, I lol'd when i made BH the other day, and got that bald race with tattoos as race options lol, it's just bald human), proper player housing, with ability to interact with stuff, etc.


As if this game is from 2003, hell even raids, which is what I do most of player time are trivial. I won't even start on outdated UI, horrible, horrible raid frames, bugs, etc.

Edited by Feanar
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And what hasn't been done in this game like this? Outdated engine, outdated features, or total lack of them, just to reduce costs, whereas cartel market part is thriving. Simple fact of the matter is: They want to make "features" in this game as cost-efficient as possible, while getting maximum profit out of it. This is simple EA thinking, it's been like this for ages.


TLDR, EA acts like every other for profit company in existence


News at 11.

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And what hasn't been done in this game like this? Outdated engine, outdated features, or total lack of them, just to reduce costs, whereas cartel market part is thriving. Simple fact of the matter is: They want to make "features" in this game as cost-efficient as possible, while getting maximum profit out of it. This is simple EA thinking, it's been like this for ages.


-No chat bubbles, no Cross-realm lfg, you can't interact with world, hell, on half of NPC's you can't even click for some weird reason, everything is instanced, and linear, you can't even sit on chars. In a freaking 2014 MMO, and yet they sell them on Cartel market.


In all honesty, EA got cold feet after game pummeled after the launch. You offered half-finished product, what did you expect? That people will stick around and wait and pay sub money until it's fixed. Not everyone are story junkies, I got my first char on 55 few weeks ago, and I think I broke my space button in between. It was consular, I had no idea what I was killing, as long as I was killing really fast and with big numbers. This story thing imho ruined the game, so much money wasted on voice acting and animations, it's just a quest, designed to give you xp and money, rest doesn't matter. What difference does it make if I listen to it, or just hit accept button? I won't even mention alts.


And now they are doing the same thing. Offering half-assed product to people, and calling it content. Nope, content is new raids, new heroic dungeons, new hubs, new races (not just colored humans, I lol'd when i made BH the other day, and got that bald race with tattoos as race options lol, it's just bald human), proper player housing, with ability to interact with stuff, etc.


As if this game is from 2003, hell even raids, which is what I do most of player time are trivial. I won't even start on outdated UI, horrible, horrible raid frames, bugs, etc.


If you don't like the game, why are you here playing it? Honest question. I didn't see one positive item in your post. What keeps you here?

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Things I wish they would change:


1. Get rid of the hologram thing. When I'm out in the world everyone, same faction/opposite faction, can see my companion solid. All of our mounts and pets are solid. No reason whey they can't see the solid in our GSH. If you can't get rid of the hologram thing, then make it an option for those who do like it and for those who don't.


2. Increase the NPC limit from 25 to anything. My Stronghold looks empty without more characters filling up the place. I have a ton of pets but can't show them all off.


3. Increase the amount of hooks in Nar Shaddaa from 475 to anything. I have so much more that I want to put in but I'm constantly having to take something out to put something new in. And with all the new stuff coming out in future packs, why should I buy any of that if their is no room to put it in my stronghold?


4. Make npc's active. not just standing there. I think their are 2, maybe 3, that actually has movement. (Guards are ok just standing still)


5. Clothes on npc. I put a butler suit on my ship droid but only I can see that costume. Everyone else who comes in just see's a golden droid, or stupid hologram. Even when one of my alts come in, they just see it as a golden droid.


Please Bioware address these things.

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If you don't like the game, why are you here playing it? ... What keeps you here?


i wish people like you would stop posting this, its not lhat we hate the game, we want to love the game but there are so many problems with it that its keeping us from loving it. so we post in hopes that someone will listen and maybe change something.


I am speaking for my self here but the only reason i played this game was because i love star wars, i am a huge fan of star wars plain and simple!!

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Edzew has the right approach, and like him, I have enjoyed, the game, in fact getting very intense for me in Havoc Squad at half way through level 48. At 50, I will probably be in Tatooine , giving some payback to bully Siths,:D who gank level 28 players, who have no hope of defending themselves, as they did to me when I was mere level 30!


sadly over a decade now along with DRM, and game companies, especially EA, and in fact Rockstar, who put out the grossly underdeveloped GTA5 multi player launch, have not much interest with players concerns or wish lists, its just profit to them, usually rushed out without offering maybe a sandbox, where players can try a new content, like a demo Stronghold, and then give feedback, to address features that players would like to see or have changed, before its gone mainstream into game. We are just slaves, especially to PC games now, where almost any game is no longer a stand alone product. I would like to try several simulators, but they all require personal details and your life history, plus a client like Steam before You can actually use something you bought. If you have no Internet connection, then literally your screwed. In fact in many US towns, in difficult terrain, away from major cities, Internet access is still very hit or miss, and for them fibre optic speed, like I have in the UK provided by Virgin media, is only a dream for them. But I do find the Cartel market , for me has changed since I was last here, I used to treat myself to cartel packs, rare items, some xp, speeder access, companion gifts etc..... These packs seemed to have disappeared, apart from the newcomers pack. Nearly every other pack is stonghold decorating packs and im not about to give hard currency, for something I will probably never use, because of its obvious limitations.?

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If you don't like the game, why are you here playing it? Honest question. I didn't see one positive item in your post. What keeps you here?

Someone can have a complaint, even multiple complaints, about the game, yet still enjoy it. I would suggest that the person you replied to makes it perfectly clear that they enjoy the game, every time they renew their subscription. THAT is what matters to Bioware, not forum posts criticizing different aspects of it.

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