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So can we make Decoration drops bound already?


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Getting more than a little sick of only having a 1/4 chance (or 1/8, 1/16 for Operations) at decoration drops simply because even the people who don't want it/already have it are mashing that Need button and then immediately throwing it up for sale on the GTN trying to make a quick buck.



Already had multiple Operations where someone has won a stack of decorations from the final boss and rather than split them (as was asked pre-Op and pre-fight) quit group and vanished, as well as players only rolling at all because they want money. It may as well just be a credit chit like the Conquest reward for them.



Most FP/Operation drops are bound. Most cosmetics are bound. You don't see players hocking their Avalanche Tanks on the GTN nor Crest of the Dread Masters, or much of anything because it's all bound. And because it's bound, they don't Need and take away from players who are actually going to use said items since it'll no longer have a $ benefit.



There shouldn't be a market for items you can get without actually going and earning them, and for most drops this remains true. Decorations right now are an exception and need to be brought in line, enough said.



The mere fact that I'm better off soloing group content in an MMO is a testament to how bad this is right now.

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Just another Need vs. Greed argument that will never get resolved.


While I certainly don't agree with the people that need on stuff just to vendor/GTN it, there really isn't any way around it. Their 'need' may be different from yours, but it's a need none the less.


Example: they need on a decoration that sells for 500k on the GTN. They sell it, get the 500k and use that money to buy a speeder they want.


Sure, you want the actual decoration, not the potential money it can bring you. But someone else sees that decoration as a way to get something else they want. Your need isn't greater than theirs.


(Outlandish) Real life example: there's 1 apple and 0 oranges left at the grocery store. You and someone else go for the apple. You decide to roll some dice (lol) to see who gets it. The other person wins. But they go trade it for an orange, because they actually wanted an orange. Your need and their need for the apple is the same because you both had a use for it. His use was just different than yours.


Making decorations bound would also stop people from being able to trade/sell them after they've got enough of that certain decoration. I mean.. if you and the other 3, 7 or 15 people didn't want a decoration that dropped, whoever won it would be forced to vendor or for like 500 credits when it could be worth 500k on the GTN.


Kinda get it?


The only solution would be to use Master Looter in Ops, which most PUG groups are against. Or to run Flashpoints with your guild/friends and have an agreement before going in.

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This is even more pointless than the usual need vs. greed arguments. Simply put, these items do not provide any material advantage and are not class-optimized. If you want it, "Need" it. Then you are free to do as you please with it. Didn't win the roll? So sorry, please try again. We all want things that are somewhat inconvenient to get.
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And those that actually click need to use in their stronghold get called 'ninja'

i was in a KP group earlier this week, and the Hutt Flagg deco dropped a couple of times,

i won a need roll twice (everyone was needing) and was accused of ninja'ing because apparently there is an unwritten rule that once you won a decoration you can't need on that decoration again within the same group.

I was unaware of this, no looting rules were stated before the start or during the raid, only after i won that flag a second time some other players started namecalling.

I apologized and said i would pass on everything else ( i already passed on everything else that dropped before to as i didn't need the gear that dropped there, i was just there for weekly and deco's) and i did pass on all the rest, even the pets that dropped, so i kept my word, but i didn't feel like i had to give one of those 2 flags to someone else.

was i wrong there? because people still called me a ninja.

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And those that actually click need to use in their stronghold get called 'ninja'

i was in a KP group earlier this week, and the Hutt Flagg deco dropped a couple of times,

i won a need roll twice (everyone was needing) and was accused of ninja'ing because apparently there is an unwritten rule that once you won a decoration you can't need on that decoration again within the same group.

I was unaware of this, no looting rules were stated before the start or during the raid, only after i won that flag a second time some other players started namecalling.

I apologized and said i would pass on everything else ( i already passed on everything else that dropped before to as i didn't need the gear that dropped there, i was just there for weekly and deco's) and i did pass on all the rest, even the pets that dropped, so i kept my word, but i didn't feel like i had to give one of those 2 flags to someone else.

was i wrong there? because people still called me a ninja.


That's just what people do when they don't get what they want. You did nothing wrong, IMO. Everyone has equal rights to roll for the item(s) they want unless agreed otherwise beforehand. Plus, again, cosmetic stuff... what's the big deal?

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Choosing "Need" isn't done based on an actual need for an item but is done because someone wants that particular item.


What they want it for is completely irrelevant. If they win the roll, it is theirs to do with as they please, be it selling the item, giving it to a buddy or using it themselves.


The terminology of "Need" and "Greed" is a misnomer. If you think of "Need" as actually needing the item, you are wrong. Instead it should be thought of as "Want" and "Don't care".

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sure lets implement this. Oh wait...people actually understand what bound means and why this ISNT the problem.


1) bound items can not be shared with the guild. So doing a guild run and everyone rolls on an item and it binds, can't donate it to the guild ship...oh well it doesn't need any decorations.


2) bound items can not be shared with legacy. So that emperor statue that just dropped, sorry it might look good in your Siths stronghold but too bad its bound on that toon and can not be placed in your legacy bank.



Wait, just make them bound to legacy you say? well that doesn't solve the first issue of not able to donate to guild.


suck it up butter cup perhaps the game isn't the problem...perhaps this game isn't for you either.

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The only thing which should be changed, IMO, are the decos that drop in stacks.


There are no reasons what-so-ever beyond lazy coding as to why something like a Rakata Mind Trap drops in stacks of 4 or 8 instead of individual items.


Make decos (and the high-end mats as well) as individual role drops with multiples on a boss, just like pets, speeders, gear, and everything else.


What next, a boss that drops one item that includes all mats, decos, tokens, misc armor, pets, and mounts from their loot table?

Edited by DawnAskham
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This thread is cancer. If you make decoration drops bound on pickup, nim progression guilds will get nothing out of the strongholds patch. The credits we make from selling decos is literally our only hope of ever unlocking a full guild ship.


The drops that from NIM specifically can't be put on the GTN....

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This is a monumentally bad idea by the OP. This early in the Strongholds system, sure, we all want the shiny new decorations. But a year from now, no one is going to want or need any more of them. Just like most of us could care less about Rep tokens dropping off Czerka mobs, etc. Initially people need on that stuff every time, and eventually it gets to be where 90% of the player base is maxed out on rep, and no one needs on it any longer.


Six months to a year from now, we will all have every decoration we ever wanted, and probably 50 of those that we only sort of want. We won't be able to sell anything on the GTN, because everyone will have all they ever wanted.

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2) bound items can not be shared with legacy. So that emperor statue that just dropped, sorry it might look good in your Siths stronghold but too bad its bound on that toon and can not be placed in your legacy bank.
You do know that all decorations, no matter where you unlock them, are available on all your legacy characters, right?
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You do know that all decorations, no matter where you unlock them, are available on all your legacy characters, right?


What this guy said. Doesn't matter if your playing your jugg and a deco drops. You learn it and your jugg, your pwertech, and your sniper/whatever alt you log in can all place it where you want.


Useful for me since I have all the SH unlocked, I buy & "learn" decos with my main, and have faction specific strongholds decorated by the appropriately factioned alt.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Everyone else should go without, just because you want things to be bound? I'm thinking how about, NO. I'm a solo-er, but I still like to get things that group content drops. People that have doubles or no use for a thing can sell it to someone like me. It's win win, well for everyone, except you, that is.:rolleyes:
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No. There's enough bound **** from drops already. Do an FP with a Sent, win nothing but an aim implant, might be good on my Op. Can I transfer it? Nope, bound lolol.


This is why you get the legacy armor. You can put that piece into it, and send it to your alt through legacy. You'll pay a small fortune pulling things in and out, but hey, at least you can do it. But I agree, decorations shouldn't be bound, that's silly.

Edited by Lunafox
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This is why you get the legacy armor. You can put that piece into it, and send it to your alt through legacy. You'll pay a small fortune pulling things in and out, but hey, at least you can do it. But I agree, decorations shouldn't be bound, that's silly.


..... He can't put a bound IMPLANT in a legacy shell... although who would put a AIM implant on a cunning using op..... :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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