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Please give possibility to Vote Kick a player in GSF


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We would like to possibility to vote kick a player out of GSF. Why is that so?

Last game, we had a *censored* who just continuously self-destruct. As he was re-spawning, he was considered active. But take a look there: Image

(I blanked other name out of respect for other players which I haven't asked if I could share their names)


This guy has 21 death in a match, with 0 everywhere else. 21 death in a death-match, it's 42% of the win condition. And you can't do anything about it. This is only 1 game. He did it all night long. Where do other players get the fun, when a single one is giving, for a death-match, between 40% to 50% win-condition to the enemy team?

Now, just imagine having two lads like this in your team. No fun, no req, and not the blight of a chance.

This is unacceptable.


This is a serious issue, and something has to be done about it.


But as it's good for conquest, hey, let's do this so match end faster and I can farm conquest points as much as I can.

Edited by Arnianor
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We would like to possibility to vote kick a player out of GSF. Why is that so?

Last game, we had a *censored* who just continuously self-destruct. As he was re-spawning, he was considered active. But take a look there: Image


This guy has 21 death in a match, with 0 everywhere else. 21 death in a death-match, it's 42% of the win condition. And you can't do anything about it. This is only 1 game. He did it all night long. Where do other players get the fun, when a single one is giving, for a death-match, between 40% to 50% win-condition to the enemy team?


This is a serious issue, and something has to be done about it.


But as it's good for conquest, hey, let's do this so match end faster and I can farm conquest points as much as I can.



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Or, you know, maybe they could actually police it on their end?! "We" don't know until the end of the match if they suck or are AFK...Bioware knows in real time. This is something they need to program in checks for, not us.


Agreed, but the vote-kick has a far better way to get through than what you offer, sadly. They could also ban this account from GSF. Would be good, but wouldn't solve the problem for the others doing it.

Edited by Arnianor
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Sadly this week you're going to see a ton of that. Even the one guild I'm in will be doing it. They talked about joining maps & going AFK as long as the Fire button was held down, and Forward motion button was held down.

I think it's wrong, but easy 1k CPs each match, gonna have a ton doing it. That's 35 matches & they're done for the week. :(

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never happen because you cant vote kick warzones where buddy stands in corner and sacrafices health and heals self for medals.


never once looking at the match or helping team


Same principal here


The problem is and always has been warzone design (PVP or GSF)


it begs to be abused and often is

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I've seen a lot of this, sadly only thing we can do is report and carry on. Would be best if Bioware tied the conquest points with in game medals. Otherwise I don't know how to get rid of this crap.


but tieing it with in game medals ONLY promotes the geared farming the ungeared


I tried GSF myself 2 weeks ago and I didnt go afk in a single battle and participated for the full period of each match


and yes I had 2 matchs with 0 medals because I simply could not compete with those with uber ships who one shotted me from max range


I didnt expect to be good at GSF (its never been my strong point in any games and with out joy stick controls Im even worse then normal at it) but if you started to reward for medals it would set up many more abuses for those guilds that can queue up 3-4 groups at a time (face each other so would farm medals) and also would drive away new players who would end up getting nothing at all for their efforts.


The problem has always been War Zone (PVP or GSF) design

Its a bad design that has no silver bullet or magic wand to fix it

every would be fix introduces even more problems.

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They could make it so that every time you self-destruct back-to-back, you double your re-entry time.




S-D(self destruct) twice: 2mins

S-D 3 times: 4mins

S-D 4 times: 8mins


And so on and so forth.


Has to be in a row though, you know, for the people that legitly self-destruct.

Edited by ValeGreiger
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@OP - I do feel for you, I've experienced this behavior on two servers now. Just today I watched a guy on the opposing team suicide his way to 11 deaths, contributing 320 (!) total damage. And I've been on the other end of that as well, saddled with teammates who habitually rammed into asteroids.


But unfortunately I'm not expecting BW to police this in any way. One thing that might help is returning additional GSF conquest goals (which, to my knowledge, we've only seen once thus far): bonuses for medals and wins (that is, not merely completing a match). Perhaps those incentives would convince these suicidal pilots to actually contribute to the team.



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@OP - I do feel for you, I've experienced this behavior on two servers now. Just today I watched a guy on the opposing team suicide his way to 11 deaths, contributing 320 (!) total damage. And I've been on the other end of that as well, saddled with teammates who habitually rammed into asteroids.


But unfortunately I'm not expecting BW to police this in any way. One thing that might help is returning additional GSF conquest goals (which, to my knowledge, we've only seen once thus far): bonuses for medals and wins (that is, not merely completing a match). Perhaps those incentives would convince these suicidal pilots to actually contribute to the team.




I think the concept is to have basic "you were there for it" objectives for warzones and starfighter as objectives that are always in every conquest by default, and then to add those other ones when warzones or starfighter are meant to be part of the theme that week. What they could do, though, is to replace both "you were there for a match" objectives with a unified pvp objective which calls for "completion of 3 warzones or starfighter matches, wins count double". Both count towards the same tally, and you can get the points more often if you keep winning matches. (As with the 10 wins or 50 medals objectives (starfighter), extra earned beyond completion of the objective would carry over. So winning a match when you were already at 2/3 would put you at 1/3 towards the next one.) Weeks that focus on warzones or starfighter or both can still have all those additional objectives that reward wins, medals, etc. to give even more incentive to perform well. But build some incentive into the basic reward as well.


There is actually a vote kick in GSF already.


You did not read the first post. He is aware of this and he's complaining about conquest non-participants who manage to screw the team in a way that avoids being flagged as inactive and therefore cannot be voted out.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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Yeah, this is something in the GSF forum that was predicted the moment participation only would ensure conquest points...


GSF is, and always will be now that devs no longer are involved in it, an up hill battle for new players.


Ships are expensive to upgrade, a month or so to get fully mastered (this is playing almost nothing but GSF mind you), there is no way to learn the ropes but to play PvP (and get farmed in the beginning) and not all ship types are available to new players. That last bit is vital in a game that uses ship types as rock/paper/scissors analogs.



But I digress, the solution that was brought up was that any ship that crashes without having being shot at in the last 30 seconds would not count against the 50 kills needed to win. That way trolls can't harm the team and new players are less punished for not knowing how to fly.

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They could make it so that every time you self-destruct back-to-back, you double your re-entry time.




S-D(self destruct) twice: 2mins

S-D 3 times: 4mins

S-D 4 times: 8mins


And so on and so forth.


Has to be in a row though, you know, for the people that legitly self-destruct.


Agreed. SD penalty needs to be brutally harsh. I think after 3rd SD it needs to boot you with a lockout timer account-wide. I also think it needs to lock ship switches after one switch but that's a different story.

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never happen because you cant vote kick warzones where buddy stands in corner and sacrafices health and heals self for medals.


never once looking at the match or helping team


Same principal here


The problem is and always has been warzone design (PVP or GSF)


it begs to be abused and often is


Aint that the truth..

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Agreed. SD penalty needs to be brutally harsh. I think after 3rd SD it needs to boot you with a lockout timer account-wide. I also think it needs to lock ship switches after one switch but that's a different story.


Nope, as a rather decent pilot I think this is a bad idea. Good pilots can SD a couple of times simply because they often do tricky or risky manouvers(retro trhusters anyone?).

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They could make it so that every time you self-destruct back-to-back, you double your re-entry time.




S-D(self destruct) twice: 2mins

S-D 3 times: 4mins

S-D 4 times: 8mins


And so on and so forth.


Has to be in a row though, you know, for the people that legitly self-destruct.

That's a great suggestion. However I would get rid of the first tier as you normally tend to self-destruct twice or 3 times during a match. If you self-destruct more than 4 times than you suck anyway, so not having you in battle doesn't change anything :rak_04:

Edited by PavSalco
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You did not read the first post. He is aware of this and he's complaining about conquest non-participants who manage to screw the team in a way that avoids being flagged as inactive and therefore cannot be voted out.


STILL they can vote to kick, ive seen it happend, but also the kicked player still flied with us, dont know what happend with his scor points tho.

Edited by Kissakias
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Vote kick exists, yes, but only for non-contributing players (no damage or objective done for x time => AFK detection). However, the simple fact to hit the "Ready" button and re-spawn is considered to be an objective, hence you're not AFK and can't be kicked.

And I love the solution not to count any self-destruct that haven't received damage within the last 30 seconds in the 50kills objective.


And, for all beginners interested in GSF: I sucked hard at GSF, and almost hated it, until I read this guide which is really well written and helped me a lot, to improve and to have great fun.

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Vote kick exists, yes, but only for non-contributing players (no damage or objective done for x time => AFK detection). However, the simple fact to hit the "Ready" button and re-spawn is considered to be an objective, hence you're not AFK and can't be kicked.

And I love the solution not to count any self-destruct that haven't received damage within the last 30 seconds in the 50kills objective.


And, for all beginners interested in GSF: I sucked hard at GSF, and almost hated it, until I read this guide which is really well written and helped me a lot, to improve and to have great fun.


NO, he contributed to his OWN purposes, at end i've seen him that had 4 medals, BUt dont know if those mdals was only before he kicked or from whole game, NOR if he gets more after the kick, but still flew with us even after the kick

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