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Well I accepted a free week sub link from a friend


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I haven't played since November of 2013; after being a founder and sub since launch. I accepted the invitation thinking surely there were going to be some great changes since then. Well, I'm still pretty disappointed and EA did not capitalize on a chance to bring this potential customer back.


Just a few points:


Complete lack of development of crafting for regular play. Example, Synthweaving still only has level 52 as the highest level of craftable gloves and belt. This is the same across the board for all crafting professions. It's a shame that there isn't a new tier to craft and that new tier allows for all pieces to be level 55 competitve.


GSF - no thanks. I spent two years developing characters. How about adding content for such characters? Same planets as when I left. I have 9 level 55's that now just sit there. No new story lines, Makeb was only interesting for a month but after you take your 3rd + character through it there is nothing new. Need class specific storylines and continuation of companions.


PvP - got a few new maps. Nice job on those. Unfortunately, they don't realize that ranked 4x4 isn't going to bring in new players. They made a huge mistake by dropping 8v8 ranked. The only reason 8v8 ranked had low attendance was due to the lack of attention it was getting (no leaderboards, rankings, etc).


What would be cool is if you had a flashpoint specifically designed for you to play solo and to take 3 of your companions. Call them Companion Heroics and make about a dozen maps for it.

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Regarding GSF, there's plenty of people loving this to warrant its addition (myself included). It's something everyone can enjoy regardless of their class, level or playstyle. If you don't enjoy it simply don't play it, whining about it being spent developing time on just because you'd rather have something else is silly. Edited by MagikFingerz
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Complete lack of development of crafting for regular play. Example, Synthweaving still only has level 52 as the highest level of craftable gloves and belt. This is the same across the board for all crafting professions. It's a shame that there isn't a new tier to craft and that new tier allows for all pieces to be level 55 competitve.

Actually, there is, shells for gear and weapons at level 54, item modifications, relics, etc. at level 55. various high end rating 180 item modifications.Takes some effort getting there for some things, but the options are there.

Edited by LeJarC
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Complete lack of development of crafting for regular play. Example, Synthweaving still only has level 52 as the highest level of craftable gloves and belt. This is the same across the board for all crafting professions. It's a shame that there isn't a new tier to craft and that new tier allows for all pieces to be level 55 competitve.


Wow. Please stop by the crew skills sub-forum before you talk about 'lack of development of crafting.' Thanks.


GSF - no thanks. I spent two years developing characters. How about adding content for such characters? Same planets as when I left. I have 9 level 55's that now just sit there. No new story lines, Makeb was only interesting for a month but after you take your 3rd + character through it there is nothing new. Need class specific storylines and continuation of companions.


So Oricon, Manaan, and Rakata Prime aren't new? What game have you been playing? How do you miss these things?


PvP - got a few new maps. Nice job on those. Unfortunately, they don't realize that ranked 4x4 isn't going to bring in new players. They made a huge mistake by dropping 8v8 ranked. The only reason 8v8 ranked had low attendance was due to the lack of attention it was getting (no leaderboards, rankings, etc).


If I recall correctly, before they took 8v8 away, there weren't enough people doing ranked. Moving to a smaller group size should have made it easier to find people to face off against, you would think. I'm not clear on how adding a requirement for a larger group in ranked would help at this point, since there still aren't people doing ranked.


What would be cool is if you had a flashpoint specifically designed for you to play solo and to take 3 of your companions. Call them Companion Heroics and make about a dozen maps for it.


It's an MMO. What you're talking about is called a 'single player game.' Alternately, you could try ESO which doesn't need a companion or party members, and in fact, doesn't allow you to bring party members into most quest instances.

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First things first.

Are you aware Star Wars: The Old Republic is an MMO?


are you aware that Star Wars: The Old Republic plays more like a single player game than an MMORPG??? :D


also for the guy above about GSF... if you like GSF so much you should check out a game called Star Conflict... its what bioware ripped off to make GSF. its WAY better with better controls and options. also the most of the ships look a LOT better than the junk we have in GSF

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Being a MMO does not mean you have to group with people. If anything it's like the real world, and we don't force people to hang out with others all the time, do we? Most single player games does not allow you to choose your class or gender, or gives you any kind of customization. It's all about some random dude, no thanks.


So of course people who solo and prefer the customization part will stick with MMO's. Also, Star Wars = all about the story. All instances should be solo-able, it still takes gear, skill and time to finish. Being in a group should not be grounds for constant special treatment. And no players would not leave simply because they would add single player instances. If anything it would garner more interest.


OP: Unfortunately you will have to wait for the next expansion. SWTOR's focus is manly for the benefit of raiders and if there's some time and resources over, PVP:er's. People who prefer story will have to wait a couple of years between content.


And no Strongholds is not for solo people, it's for everyone.

Edited by FumikoM
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What would be cool is if you had a flashpoint specifically designed for you to play solo and to take 3 of your companions. Call them Companion Heroics and make about a dozen maps for it.


This may be coming eventually in some shape or form. Maybe not custom maps or companion only fps, but a gameplay mode where you use more than 1 companion.


Think of any area of the game that hasn't been repurposed or recycled and it's almost certain that it will be regurgitated in some way down the line.

Edited by Projawa
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First things first.

Are you aware Star Wars: The Old Republic is an MMO?


You only need to read these forums and view the teenage garbage spouted around the fleet to realise that in general, modern MMO players are arseholes, myself included of course, at least I am a realist.


I personally cannot abide guilds, I literally have no desire to read or listen to people telling me about their day and their real life, I am not interested, I come online to play a game.


Now, please do not tell me that MMOs are not for me, I have been playing them since UO. It is simply the fact that the modern player is the same player who is as happy playing his/her console games such as Grand Theft Auto etc etc.


The modern MMO has to cater to those types. They also still cater to old timers like myself.


So I fully understand the person you quoted, and their desire to play parts of the game on their own without having to interact with morons.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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I agree with the OP, there is too little end game. I have 14 characters, 10 of them low level, but honestly at end game, why bother doing the same thing day after day, week after week. That is NOT how they will bring people back to this game but unfortunately since everyone else from the writing staff left, it is what we are stuck with. We either like it or now.


I also agree with the solo FPs with your companions. I think it's a great idea and will further your story without having specific story lines added. They should make some solo doable and the rest group content. The best of both worlds.

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You only need to read these forums and view the teenage garbage spouted around the fleet to realise that in general, modern MMO players are arseholes, myself included of course, at least I am a realist.


I personally cannot abide guilds, I literally have no desire to read or listen to people telling me about their day and their real life, I am not interested, I come online to play a game.


Now, please do not tell me that MMOs are not for me, I have been playing them since UO. It is simply the fact that the modern player is the same player who is as happy playing his/her console games such as Grand Theft Auto etc etc.


The modern MMO has to cater to those types. They also still cater to old timers like myself.


So I fully understand the person you quoted, and their desire to play parts of the game on their own without having to interact with morons.


MMOs aren't for you.

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are you aware that Star Wars: The Old Republic plays more like a single player game than an MMORPG??? :D


Yeah, and the obvious fix to that is to make it even LESS of an MMO, right?



...Now, please do not tell me that MMOs are not for me, I have been playing them since UO. It is simply the fact that the modern player is the same player who is as happy playing his/her console games such as Grand Theft Auto etc etc...


I'm not going to say MMOs aren't for you.

I am, however, going to say that MMOs might not be for you any more.

The fact that you've been playing MMOs since UO says absolutely nothing, except maybe that you might be

a. burnt out

b. unable to adapt to the new era of MMOs that are more focused on casual players and microtransactions than the older ones.


This alone doesn't say much about whether the new kind of MMOs are better or worse than the older ones. They're just different. And you might not like them that way.

But to suggest that just because people are more than happy to GTA or even Farmville, every MMO should accept their fate and become like them is just pointless.

Edited by TheNahash
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The companion thing is abandoned in general, it was a suggestion back 2 years ago....


To make some tirs for the companions and more stories... They must improve the conquest, to use these items for more things, as an example the invasion force item. But ok...


Personally I didnt liked MAKEB at all, because it was platforms, not a planet. You travel from a platform to a platform and some platforms are very laggy. I wish planets to be more open and better travelling system, like Alderaan.


The conquest is nice I play it allot and I enjoy it, it makes me feel tired some times, like this week and the prev one, if the weekly objectives is not my thing, but they need some exclusive conquest events. Not just to recycle the allready existing quests. They do have some commanders, but its allready taken by coop guilds... they created a kind of CARTEL... So I dont consider that, even thinking about it.


I didnt cared about Nar Shadaa and Courasant, about the platforms, because its a town! But MAKEB was not a town, its a planet.


Now I wait info for the new planet and how it will be, like MAKEB? platforms? or something more open.

Edited by Oyranos
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I actually think the companion thing would be an incredibly cool thing. I enjoyed their stories for the most part, and wouldn't mind more But, as has been said they have been abandoned which is truly a shame. I just came back to the game after about a year and a half. I see that the battle for who is right for this game still rages on. Can't we simply agree that this MMO is built to be a hybrid. Having a solo mode is just as fun for me as the group stuff. But, I will say that sometimes I just don't want to have to always go with a group somewhere. I also really like the stories. Having people blast me for not spacebarring everything is annoying, so sometimes it's just better to not have to deal with it and taking the game at my own pace. This game has the opportunity to be the best of both worlds. I like the way it's set up. Now, if we can get things up'd a notch we'll be good. For people to continually act like this game is only for one set of people rather than for an entire population of science fiction gamers is just silly. Get over it, and get over yourselves. Enjoy the game for all that it is, and hopefully will be.
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What would be cool is if you had a flashpoint specifically designed for you to play solo and to take 3 of your companions. Call them Companion Heroics and make about a dozen maps for it.

A dozen maps....you asked for a DOZEN maps...dozen=12....you think you should get 12 "Companion Heroics" that you can play all by yourself, yet PvPers, who only participate in group activities, only have 5 maps total since the launch of the game...but somehow, you think TWELVE is a reasonable request for your new solo dungeon thing huh?

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god.i hate this threads about ppl saying they want solo content,the story is SOLO enough,this is a MMO not mass effect.....


What? 98 out of 100 content threads are about raiders wanting more content. There is no group that is seen or heard as much as raiders. A year ago a least some threads was made by people who wanted more class stories, etc. Most have left or been silenced by the people who love forced group content.

Edited by FumikoM
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