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Why are gunships so OP?


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Ok, now this thread is getting good. Now people are talking about what they like and dislike about the current meta and the current ship roles.



I'll throw in and say that I really like both sides of that equation. As the gunship, I really like being able to control positioning. I'm a strategy level player, and a gunship is a piece that demands reaction, so I can often control multiple opponents even if they are too good to just die to a couple railgun shots. As a gunship, I really feel that I can capitalize on the movements of my team, squeezing an enemy team to change position.


On the flipside, the gunship hunting side is best done in a scout or maybe clarion (the scout is definitely better at it, but the Clarion is often a ton of heals for the rest of the team, so being worse at hunting gunships is a tradeoff). In this case, the game becomes find a gunship when they first are looking to roost, and ideally not being spotted. If that works, I can usually get a barrel without cooldowns on the scout. In this role, the gunship has to flee, and after several cycles (which could be the gunship running, or dying), he has to aim at me and watch for me, and if the rest of my team is decent, that won't work well for him. Just tearing a strategy to pieces with ludicrous dps in the grill is very satisfying too.



I'll also highlight the "quads and pods" build. Type 2 (battlescout) scouts have a couple really solid options when it comes to building, and while the burst laser cannons / cluster missiles is probably one of their strongest options, another option is quad laser cannon and rocket pods, combined with targeting telemetry and concentrated fire. The first build (and its variants) are dogfighting builds that have some generalist applications. Quads and pods is easily the top damage versus gunships. Targeting Telemetry makes almost all your shots hits, even through distortion, increases crit chance, and greatly increases crit damage. Concentrated fire makes every quad hit vastly more likely to crit. Approaching a stationary gunship with this build can simply delete him almost instantly, and it requires a really different playstyle than the other dogfighting builds. Some high scoring pilots fly this build almost exclusively (or switch the quads out for burst laser cannons to be devastating against the few charged plating opponents as well, at the cost of some dps versus other targets and a shorter range), and if you like hunting gunships it's definitely worth a shot.


Note that you can also run this same build on your type 1 scout, but you exchange the "MAX DPS" quad lasers for the less exciting laser cannons. Laser cannons don't suffer as much when not on target exactly, and can be fired for much longer, but the build doesn't otherwise aim towards those strengths. It's still a solid build, however, with plenty to do in between burst cycles.

Edited by Verain
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Killing a bad Gunship take under 5 seconds from 15km to its death. In a fighter, a bomber or about any ship. On a scout it can go under 2 seconds. On a burst scout it's a sub second kill. Bad gunship are simply food.


i agree with u completely, BUT that 5 seconds if your alone in a domination game your not capping, but if u just los the baddie gunship u got the cap then kill the bugger lol, but a baddie scout can slow u down capping as hes there with u not at 15k range.

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Yeah i understand that. and thats why i say "unbalanced" because i'am stuck often in this kind of game and yeah cool we win but is that funny? as i say sooner. Killing Gunship is like protecting the door or a point in ground pvp. You have to do it. its not that hard... but yeah boring. and playing a Gunship its worst....you just click and put you mouse on ship that try to play the game. and bang he's dead. that was... hu boring? and then a guy come to you. you cant really fight back so barrel roll to be in range of your friends and they kills the guy.


Give it time, once you start hunting them really effectively and you get more skilled opponents it gets more difficult in a number of ways. Primarily you'll have to contend with enemy fighters trying to get you off the GS's six. Or enemy fighters start deliberately hunting you to protect their GS. Either way it becomes anything but boring.


Personally I've been using the T1 scout as my GS hunter-killer. Dampening sensors can really help both with sneaking up on the GS prey and escaping enemy fighters that try to hunt you.

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Try StE Converter, LC + pods + TT. StE is great for boosting for a while and pretty resilient. Power Dive is awesome. LC + pods + TT is a poor man quad'n'pod.


Currently I use LC + pods but then EMP, Distortion Field for The missilebreak and Running Interference for evasion bonus. And barrel roll.


But I'll try it out. Although I am no friend of Powerdive.. it makes rocks appear in front of you....

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Currently I use LC + pods but then EMP, Distortion Field for The missilebreak and Running Interference for evasion bonus. And barrel roll.


But I'll try it out. Although I am no friend of Powerdive.. it makes rocks appear in front of you....


EMP range is too short, you'd be better with LLC for the higher DPS inside EMP range. Disto is good by itself... PDie is just awesome... But it still has more kill against me than anyone else.

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oh this is brilliant. Haven't considered that one...oh can't wait to get home and try that one out. Thanks :)


Is this sarcasm? If not I'm glad to have given you a new idea of how to torment enemy gunships (gunsheeps?) :)


LC + pods + TT is a poor man quad'n'pod.


I know this is the T1 scout variant of the T2's quad'n'pod but I've found LLC to be more effective for me. I know I loose some range with that but I feel that LLC are better for burning through their shields to give me a better chance to critically damage (or destroy) their hull. LLC also seem a tad better for landing that final deflection shot that kills them when they start to rabbit. Granted I haven't mastered either blaster yet (but both are at about the same upgrade tier).

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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No the T1 variant would be Laser Cannons + pods. (If you pay attention Laser Cannons have the same stats as quads.)


Right, Ryuku-sama said that in the quote in my post. If I sounded like I was saying he was wrong that's my bad. What I meant to say was that, for whatever reason, I seem to have more success with LLC than LC and was then speculating why that might be.

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Right, Ryuku-sama said that in the quote in my post. If I sounded like I was saying he was wrong that's my bad. What I meant to say was that, for whatever reason, I seem to have more success with LLC than LC and was then speculating why that might be.


I use LLC except when the range really matter, so with TT, thermite or sabo probe. Everything else is better of with LLC IMO ;)

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Nope, it wasn't. I really haven't thought of it. Now I'm flying around testing the above setup.


Ah well I'm glad to have helped! Since dampening doesn't have an effect below 15K meters (so gunships can't invisi-snipe people) you'll have to close the distance once you get below 15K. But a scout can close the distance so fast they can have almost no time to react. I believe I currently have Barrel Roll with the speed upgrade for that reason (and regen thrusters). I also have been using Running Interference as my co-pilot ability to both help counter any GS that does spot me while I'm still closing and to improve my survivability when attacking GS pairs.


I use LLC except when the range really matter, so with TT, thermite or sabo probe. Everything else is better of with LLC IMO ;)


Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks so! I kinda felt like I was committing heresy using LLC instead of LC for the T1 variant of the (in)famous quad'n'pod haha.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks so! I kinda felt like I was committing heresy using LLC instead of LC for the T1 variant of the (in)famous quad'n'pod haha.


I do use LLC with TT. But I don't advice it ;) And it was a tpo.. In the quote I meant I advice LC when range matter (so with TT, thermite and sabo) but I honestly use LLC with sabo and some thermite build. TT is better of with LC simply because of the far better range. But LLC+TT kinda feels like an hybrid between quad'n'pods and BLC

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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I think we might be of a similar brand of crazy when it comes to the LLC. I've been learning to appreciate it a lot more now that I've been more consciously working on my aim and pick my shots.


Let me guess. It was my craziness rolling on JC for about one week with my SportsDive that showed you the way???


I'm Ah'smar.

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Let me guess. It was my craziness rolling on JC for about one week with my SportsDive that showed you the way???


I'm Ah'smar.


You did get me to reevaluate the Nova yes. Next to my Clarion it's my go to ship now. I honestly never found the Nova to my liking (and I've been playing since day 1 of the beta) until recently. But I have delighted using my Nova to send many gunships to a fiery death since then.

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You did get me to reevaluate the Nova yes. Next to my Clarion it's my go to ship now. I honestly never found the Nova to my liking (and I've been playing since day 1 of the beta) until recently. But I have delighted using my Nova to send many gunships to a fiery death since then.


:D:D:D Nice to know I've impressed you so much ;):p

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A Since dampening doesn't have an effect below 15K meters


I'm about 90% sure it DOES have an effect below 15k meters. It used to not, for sure, but that one early patch that nerfed sensor dampening seemed to have also turned it back on.


There's not much sensor dampening available even if you stack it, but I'm pretty convinced you can charge up at 14k and such and not be seen, depending.


Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks so! I kinda felt like I was committing heresy using LLC instead of LC for the T1 variant of the (in)famous quad'n'pod haha.


Stasie also likes LLC+pods when he runs it.

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