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Revanites, the 3rd Faction in the Old Republic


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Sure, just like when the ROTHC expansion came out and everyone was fighting the Hutts, they made the Hutts a playable 3rd faction.........or not, lol. They aren't going to make a 3rd faction for the same reason they aren't allowing faction changes....it's just way too much development work and cost for what they are willing to do going forward. Adding a 3rd faction would require massing changes to the infrastructure of this game as basically everything has some association with the Republic or Imperial faction. They'd have to overhaul the whole game. Not gonna happen.
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Just make everything post 55 3 faction. BW wouldn't have to redo anything just from 55 on, new material is three faction.


And what fleet do these players go to? Who do they queue with for flashpoints? What chat channel do they use? Who are they allowed to team up with? Who are their companions? Which quests can they access? Can they wear LS or DS gear? Some gear has a different appearance for LS or DS gear....which look do they get? Which player ship do they use? There are hundreds and hundreds of things about this game that are affected by faction. You're extremely naive if you think they could add a 3rd faction for post-55 with minimal work. They'd have to overhaul the entire infrastructure of the game.

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Not minimal work, just no reworking. Anything they do with pre 55 content, they are with their old faction, post 55 new faction. Companions, ships, gear, LS or DS, same as they had before. The third faction would get their own chat, own fleet, que with themselves.


After I thought about this though, I don't see any reason for a third faction to be added this way, I don't Rp or PVP and if you don't do those, I am not sure what it would effect.

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am i the only one who DOESN'T want a third faction and hates Revan and wants him to die for good?


Im with you. Im seriously sick of how revan is being milked. In all honesty I feel that he shouldnt have been in the game at all. Having the revanite questline in the beginning on dromund kaas was a good way to show that his legacy lives on. In all honesty I feel that Malgus should have returned more so than Revan since Malgus was marketed as the bad guy of the game and he ended up being the bad guy in the end.


On the basis of a third faction being added. The chances of it happening are more likely than half life 3. If anything its on the wall of crazy

Edited by Isaacone
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I would rather see Underworld as the new faction, if one was ever added to the game. Black Sun, Hutt Cartel, Mandalorians, Smugglers guild, etc. Would be a natural origin spot for Bounty Hunters and Smugglers, allow Bioware to add Marshals (Republic Bounty Hunters) and Runners (Imperial Smugglers) as a choice when you reach level 10.


All Bounty Hunters and Smugglers would start out the game as neutral, and perhaps they could allow them to remain so as part of the Underworld faction.


Naturally they would have their own classes as well....it would look something like this.


Republic Marshal (bounty hunter)

Republic Operative or Officer (agent)


Imperial Runner (smuggler)

Imperial Stormtrooper or Darktrooper (trooper)


I would redo the starting experience for Smugglers and BH to have them belong to the new faction for the first 10 levels...



Underworld Thug - Melee combatant, edged weapons and unarmed melee (TK)

Underworld Crime Lord - Pet class

Underworld Enforcer - Ranged damage class/tank

Underworld Doctor - AoE damage/Healer class, spice based

Underworld Hunter (BH)

Underworld Merchant (smuggler)


At level 10 Hunters and Merchants would either choose to join Republic or Empire or remain in the Underworld faction.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Not minimal work, just no reworking. Anything they do with pre 55 content, they are with their old faction, post 55 new faction. Companions, ships, gear, LS or DS, same as they had before. The third faction would get their own chat, own fleet, que with themselves.


After I thought about this though, I don't see any reason for a third faction to be added this way, I don't Rp or PVP and if you don't do those, I am not sure what it would effect.


Well, if a new faction is added that means we will get 4 new class stories. That would be the biggest chunk of content since the game release, and is the number 1 player request based on the survey we had here on the forums. Considering the amount of work required I seriously doubt that will happen. We are talking about the same people who were too lazy to copy from sorc the agro drop to sins so that madness sins use it as an agro drop and a DCD that is not tied to taunt. Do you really think they will create a whole new faction? I would say we are lucky if we get 2 planets, 1 FP, 1 WZ and 1 ops, and that aint even much considering how dry 2014 was in terms of content.

Edited by Ottoattack
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I would rather see Underworld as the new faction, if one was ever added to the game. Black Sun, Hutt Cartel, Mandalorians, Smugglers guild, etc. Would be a natural origin spot for Bounty Hunters and Smugglers, allow Bioware to add Marshals (Republic Bounty Hunters) and Runners (Imperial Smugglers) as a choice when you reach level 10.


All Bounty Hunters and Smugglers would start out the game as neutral, and perhaps they could allow them to remain so as part of the Underworld faction.


Naturally they would have their own classes as well....it would look something like this.


Republic Marshal (bounty hunter)

Republic Operative or Officer (agent)


Imperial Runner (smuggler)

Imperial Stormtrooper or Darktrooper (trooper)


I would redo the starting experience for Smugglers and BH to have them belong to the new faction for the first 10 levels...



Underworld Thug - Melee combatant, edged weapons and unarmed melee (TK)

Underworld Crime Lord - Pet class

Underworld Enforcer - Ranged damage class/tank

Underworld Doctor - AoE damage/Healer class, spice based

Underworld Hunter (BH)

Underworld Merchant (smuggler)


At level 10 Hunters and Merchants would either choose to join Republic or Empire or remain in the Underworld faction.


I like this idea very much! So much better than anything to do with Revan. I've always wanted to have an Imperial Smug here, as that was the very first class I ever played in SWG, and I'm nostalgic for it. Plus, I think these certain classes should be able to choose what side they work for. :)

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Adding a third faction would be a foolish plan. Dividing up the player population makes no sense.

There's a big difference between what would make the game more enjoyable for you and what is best for the overall game and it's future.

Edited by Unchosen
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3rd faction is almost certainly not going top happen because that splits the player base which increases queue times. There is no game play benefit to it.


As for Revan, I liked the idea of him in the old KOTOR games, and I was OK with the story being "finalized" so to speak with the mid level FPs, but I kind of wish they had left him dead after Foundry. But I'll keep an open mind about the content.

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I don't have a problem with Reven being alive... If he's alive, and not using The Force to materialize (which is what I think Obiwon Kenobi did so that he could hang out with Luke. Remember, when Vader cut him down, he was like, "***?!" as he tested the empty robes for a corps?),


I do, however, have a problem with Reven having his old mask back, because that mask was recovered from Grathin's estate, and secreted away by the cult. So, unless he's made contact with the cult, and got his over-300-year-old stuff back, I don't see it happening.


Remember, too, that Reven got his mask from Mandalor after defeating him. So why not call it "Reven's Mask of Mandalor"? Or "Reven's Mask, formally Mandalor's"?

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I don't have a problem with Reven being alive... If he's alive, and not using The Force to materialize (which is what I think Obiwon Kenobi did so that he could hang out with Luke. Remember, when Vader cut him down, he was like, "***?!" as he tested the empty robes for a corps?),


I do, however, have a problem with Reven having his old mask back, because that mask was recovered from Grathin's estate, and secreted away by the cult. So, unless he's made contact with the cult, and got his over-300-year-old stuff back, I don't see it happening.


Remember, too, that Reven got his mask from Mandalor after defeating him. So why not call it "Reven's Mask of Mandalor"? Or "Reven's Mask, formally Mandalor's"?


Revamps mask wasn't wasn't from mandolorean it was from some no name mandolorean mandolorean mask was hid by revanchist until candorus Oreo got it.

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Well, I love the idea of a third faction, especially in this game. I like Revan being a part of this story, but I HATE him as a boss you can kill over and over.


It's the Lich King mentality....you NEVER take a beloved character from past games and trivialize him by making him a boss you kill in a raid.

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Since they aren't going to make 8 different stories based on your class but only 2 (one for each side of the conflict) it is much less work for them, so potentially they could spend some time on making the 3rd faction instead. At least that effort would be much more rewarding in the long term as it wouldn't end along with the last quest of the expansion like Makeb did, but it would influence the story in another upcoming events.


However I highly doubt they would put so much effort into making the 3rd faction but I would love to see it of course.On the other hand, who would leave their current guilds in order to join a new faction? It needs to be rather a story based faction and nothing else (like working for Revan to sabotage the Empire/Republic). Then Revan would only appear in the solo story while new raids would contain other enemies.

Edited by PavSalco
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Well, I love the idea of a third faction, especially in this game. I like Revan being a part of this story, but I HATE him as a boss you can kill over and over.


It's the Lich King mentality....you NEVER take a beloved character from past games and trivialize him by making him a boss you kill in a raid.


Which is why, personally, WoW "ended" with the death of the Lich King. WotLK was the best expansion they put out (to date, imo of course.) It is a fitting place to end it.


So again..exactly why, in my mind, WoW is done after Arthas was killed. He was WoW's Palpatine, or Sauron.

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