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Revanites, the 3rd Faction in the Old Republic


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Just you all watch.


Instead of expecting a new ops about Revan, which is what BioWare would like everyone to believe, it is going to be a third faction full of Revanites and plunge the galaxy of Star Wars into a three-faction war! We will then be able to decide to defect from our current faction and join together for the greater cause!






It'll be a pleasant surprise the day when BioWare attempts something bold. Alright, I'm just gonna get ready for the serious people who always use the budget excuse as to why BioWare couldn't do this and can't do that.

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Just you all watch.


Instead of expecting a new ops about Revan, which is what BioWare would like everyone to believe, it is going to be a third faction full of Revanites and plunge the galaxy of Star Wars into a three-faction war! We will then be able to decide to defect from our current faction and join together for the greater cause!






It'll be a pleasant surprise the day when BioWare attempts something bold. Alright, I'm just gonna get ready for the serious people who always use the budget excuse as to why BioWare couldn't do this and can't do that.


I doubt it would happen due to the work involved and the lack of iconic classes that would be in the revanite camp.





If they ever did do this, it would be awesome, and finally a third faction that makes sense.



But it isn't going to happen. The game is designed for 2 factions. No room for a 3rd.

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Just you all watch.


Instead of expecting a new ops about Revan, which is what BioWare would like everyone to believe, it is going to be a third faction full of Revanites and plunge the galaxy of Star Wars into a three-faction war! We will then be able to decide to defect from our current faction and join together for the greater cause!






It'll be a pleasant surprise the day when BioWare attempts something bold. Alright, I'm just gonna get ready for the serious people who always use the budget excuse as to why BioWare couldn't do this and can't do that.


Personally ID LOVE IT

3rd faction to bring in open world RVR and put an end to those tedious warzone matchs


And what Revan says in the final cut scene of Rakata Prime Flashpoint does make it sound possible


But I think it will just be a ops with Revan as final boss and a huge opportunity to improve the game over all will be missed

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I don't think that will ever happen but I don't thing Revan is the "big bad raid boss" coming up either, just a plot device to move the story towards the galaxy v emperor confrontation. We'll end up "helping him" with "the thing he's about to finish" which is obviously eventually destroying the emperor. But not before a couple DLC expansions worth of minions :p Edited by aeterno
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Third faction would be pretty cool. But a faction around Revan would basically be a second sith faction...and It would need it's own starting areas and what not. Otherwise it would be woefully underpopulated.


Game is a little too old to introduce a new faction.

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ask C3-P0 what the odds of getting a 3rd faction are..they're pretty much the same as what he told Han the odds for navigating an asteroid field, successfully, were.


not to mention...IF (not going to happen but...IF)..we got a 3rd faction...the Revanites would be about the lamest thing they could possibly do.

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am i the only one who DOESN'T want a third faction and hates Revan and wants him to die for good?


no sir, you are not alone.


If we got a third faction I wouldn't complain..but that's because I really couldn't care less if we do or not.


But Revan...yah he is the most overrated Star Wars character...EVER...yes even above Boba Fett. He needs to go byebye...they never should have brought him into SWTOR in the first place...since we got to BE him in the first KOTOR..they shouldn't have completely butchered his character..overrated or not.

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I doubt it would happen due to the work involved and the lack of iconic classes that would be in the revanite camp.





If they ever did do this, it would be awesome, and finally a third faction that makes sense.



But it isn't going to happen. The game is designed for 2 factions. No room for a 3rd.


Technically.... Bounty Hunters and Smuggs could be a separate faction/neutral. But that was discussed during alpha/beta. Too late to fix :(

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Just you all watch.


Instead of expecting a new ops about Revan, which is what BioWare would like everyone to believe, it is going to be a third faction full of Revanites and plunge the galaxy of Star Wars into a three-faction war! We will then be able to decide to defect from our current faction and join together for the greater cause!

A third faction? Maybe (but highly unlikely) Defection? Never gonna happen.

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am i the only one who DOESN'T want a third faction and hates Revan and wants him to die for good?


You aren't alone. But there are enough people all over Revan D that BW will never kill him off. Which is really sick since Revan is SW Hitler and all these people worship him and defend his genocidal ways.

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Just you all watch.


Instead of expecting a new ops about Revan, which is what BioWare would like everyone to believe, it is going to be a third faction full of Revanites and plunge the galaxy of Star Wars into a three-faction war! We will then be able to decide to defect from our current faction and join together for the greater cause!






It'll be a pleasant surprise the day when BioWare attempts something bold. Alright, I'm just gonna get ready for the serious people who always use the budget excuse as to why BioWare couldn't do this and can't do that.


I will rather ask you this : why should EAWare spend even a dime adding a complete new faction with their own storyline and VO and what not when they can just release cheap mediocre content and have players continue to spend millions of $ in game?

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am i the only one who DOESN'T want a third faction and hates Revan and wants him to die for good?


He can't die, he is EAWare's milkman, they need Revan to milk certain players for every dime they got until they drop dead. If somehow they kill him it will be a "minor setback" and he will respawn in a new body just like this time.

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God, I hope not. I'm probably going to be lynched for saying this, but Revan isn't all that to me. In fact, I don't like Revan. There, I said it. I find that there are many more interesting possibilities for a 3rd faction.


I don't care for the Revanites, and don't wish to be one. Aside from the one time I played it out in their favour to see how it goes down, I've taken a hit against them all other times.


I truly wish Revan would just stay dead, but that's just my opinion, I suppose. Sorry Revan fan friends...he's not my cup of tea, no offense.

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If this 3rd faction became a reality, I think it would be a step in the right direction -- a step away from WoW.


Bioware has been making "brave" decisions recently...GSF and GSH are prime examples of risky new ideas that were made into realities despite the criticisms and complains of the xenophobic playerbase. It takes some courage to do that. And SWTOR has benefited as a result.


Even if new features are buggy, I am committed to being forgiving and supportive, because this kind of creativity and innovation are what make this game an exciting, promising place to be.


So just in principle, I will vote yes with my wallet if and when a third faction is introduced.

Edited by Hebruixe
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am i the only one who DOESN'T want a third faction and hates Revan and wants him to die for good?


You are not.

As of KOTOR, I thought Revan was "meh". After the Revan novel, I despised him. And after seeing him ingame, I cannot wait for him to be dead and gone for good.


As far as third factions...I wouldn't mind a new one, but NOT the Revanites. Their worship of Revan seems to me to just be "REVAN IS AWESOME WE'RE SO SMART FOR CREATING HIM" back-patting on the part of the writers.

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After reading all of your comments, it is all the more reason why as BioWare should actually introduce Revanites as the 3rd faction.


Not everyone likes Revan, some even resent him for the popularity Revan's has obtained among the KOTOR fans. This makes those that wish to have nothing to do with Revan all the reason to remain within their faction and kill all the Revanites!

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It's a cute idea, but I don't think it'll happen. Too much class story is built into each faction.


That said, Revan did leave an influence on all my characters. While not a Revanite, I consider Revan's teaching to have been a big reason my Warrior took a hard look at the Empire and starting being more lightside.

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I kind of like the idea. It would be more like a 2.5th faction with no own/unique classes and only available for level 55/60, but still, it could solve several requests: 3rd faction, defection, imperial/republic co-op... Edited by KyaniteD
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was just thinking the exact same thing. Although if this were going to work when characters defected from their faction to follow revan they would either have to be permanently unable to que for the regular cross faction stuff and complete their respective faction's missions/quests/ etc. OR there would have to be some sort of faction 'toggle', like perhaps they are a SECRET revenite....and when they want to run revanite content or 3rd faction pvp they 'put on a mask' so to speak and are temporarily placed into the 3rd faction. Perhaps then reps, imps or revanites can grind respective rep, imp, or revanite xp/comms for the items/ pets/ titles they want. That could effectively create 3rd faction content out of two factions....Booyah!


....That would actually be pretty sweet....hopefully BW reads this.....

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