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Sentinel/Marauder 3.0 Discussion/Wishlist Thread


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some changes I would like to see for 3.0+:


* replace Shii-Cho Form with Niman Form for Sentinel/Marauder. Thus allowing Sentinel/Marauder to have 3 forms: Ataru, Juyo, and Niman and Guardian/Juggernaut to have 3 forms: Shii-Cho, Soresu , and Shien.

* Force Leap/Charge for Sentinel/Marauder should work much like Mortar Volley for Troopers: Free Placing. This would allow a Sentinel/Marauder to Leap/Charge to an area location and not require a specific target to activate. Also, it would allow for an escape, if needed.

* single target stun usable on humanoid targets.

Edited by Ramtar
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I haven't made it very far on my sent. (playing watchman) but, Is not somewhat likely that the watchman upgraded ability will be cauterize?


Also what new abilty would be good for the spec? Maybe something that interact with Overload Saber ?


it will surely be rotational like the sorc ones will be.

Edited by Petvin
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I know, but still, no way 10% alacrity, 10% damage/heal, 10% crit and 50 (was it 50? or 10%? cba to look up) mainstat has the same value.

And the lockout is ***. Take 4 different class or go home.


Actually, the Alacrity will be a 10% increase. In the new system, Alacrity speeds up *everything*, GCDs, ability CDs, cast/channel times, it even makes your DoTs tick faster. The basic equation is (1/(1+Alacrity). So if you had 100% Alacrity, it would be 1/(1+1) = 1/2. So GCDs, ability CDs, etc. would only last half as long, meaning you could get twice as many abilities in the same window, which would double your dps, or increase it by 100%. Likewise, 10% Alacrity would become (1/(1+0.10)) = 1/1.10, which would result in 1.10 times your dps, or a 10% increase.


The other two, though, look worse. Your surge is typically just over 70%. So if you get an extra 10% crit, that means 10% of your abilities end up doing 70% extra damage, which only works out to a 7% increase. It only comes out to a 10% increase on any abilities that have 100% surge (such as getting an extra 30% from your tree).


IIRC, the Sorc bonus was +10% Mainstat. Since Mainstat is only one part of your base damage, along with Power and your Weapon Damage, that will work out to much less than a 10% increase in overall damage.

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Likewise, 10% Alacrity would become (1/(1+0.10)) = 1/1.10, which would result in 1.10 times your dps, or a 10% increase.

EDIT Note, I am actually giving the ratio between new dps to old dps, so the DPS increase is actually the inverse of the value here.



Not really the dps increase would be 9% in that case. The % of DPS increase is 100* [ 1 - 100 / ( 100+ alacrity% ) ] = 100 * alacrity% / (100+alacrity%), the curve should look like this (X-axis is alacrity%, Y-axis is % of dps increase) .

Edited by znihilist
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some changes I would like to see for 3.0+:


* replace Shii-Cho Form with Niman Form for Sentinel/Marauder. Thus allowing Sentinel/Marauder to have 3 forms: Ataru, Juyo, and Niman and Guardian/Juggernaut to have 3 forms: Shii-Cho, Soresu , and Shien.

* Force Leap/Charge for Sentinel/Marauder should work much like Mortar Volley for Troopers: Free Placing. This would allow a Sentinel/Marauder to Leap/Charge to an area location and not require a specific target to activate. Also, it would allow for an escape, if needed.

* single target stun usable on humanoid targets.


Why in the flying hell do you want Niman Stance?!? Niman Stance is a Diplomatic Stance built for Consulars! If you want a separate stance for Sentinels/Marauders it would be Jar-Kai stance, the dual-wielders stance!


Your Force Leap Idea would literally make getting datacrons a mere impunity to Marauders/Sentinels, so that's NEVER going to happen...


We already have that... Force Choke/Stasis...

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Not really the dps increase would be 9% in that case. The % of DPS increase is 100* [ 1 - 100 / ( 100+ alacrity% ) ] = 100 * alacrity% / (100+alacrity%), the curve should look like this (X-axis is alacrity%, Y-axis is % of dps increase) .


10% alacrity = 11 attacks in 15 seconds

0% alacrity = 10 attacks in 15 seconds


11/10 = 1.1 = 10% dps increase (assuming alacrity changes in that its only additionally affecting normal cooldowns now as well)


Basic example: Strike does 1k damage and wont crit or miss or anything, and you only use Strike


After 15 seconds, at 0% alacrity you will have done 10k damage, which is 666.67dps

However, at 10% alacrity you will have done 11k damage/733.33dps, which is 10% more.

Edited by TACeMossie
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Why in the flying hell do you want Niman Stance?!? Niman Stance is a Diplomatic Stance built for Consulars! If you want a separate stance for Sentinels/Marauders it would be Jar-Kai stance, the dual-wielders stance!


Niman is listed as Form VI of the 7 Lightsaber forms not Jar-Kai. Form VI is the primary fighting style of Jedi who dual-wield lightsabers. Also, Niman is used in KotOR II.


As for Diplomatic, it was the Sentinel class that handled the diplomatic missions for the Jedi council. BTW, Jedi Shadows and Sith Assassin are prestige class for the Jedi Sentinel in KotOR II well before BW placing Shadow/Assassin under Consular/Inquisitor for TOR.

Edited by Ramtar
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Not sure Discipline wise what we will get. But Utility wise I'm going to go ahead and say that we get something that increases our heals from Hungering/Merciless Zeal. At least back to 2%.


Phantom (Marauder) will also become a utility ability I believe. Same with unbound. I hope they change Undying Rage, but I don't have my hopes up.

Edited by Janith
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Niman is listed as Form VI of the 7 Lightsaber forms not Jar-Kai. Form VI is the primary fighting style of Jedi who dual-wield lightsabers. Also, Niman is used in KotOR II.


As for Diplomatic, it was the Sentinel class that handled the diplomatic missions for the Jedi council. BTW, Jedi Shadows and Sith Assassin are prestige class for the Jedi Sentinel in KotOR II well before BW placing Shadow/Assassin under Consular/Inquisitor for TOR.


Jar-Kai is THE duel wield style and would fit mara/sent much better than Niman. As someone else mentioned Niman is a diplomatic stance. Decent for every situation but master of none (although this form was absolutely deadly in the hands of Exar Kun).

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They should considering removing the Fury cost of Bloodthirst, assuming the other raidwide buffs like Unlimited Power are also zero cost abilities.


Unlimited power (sorc ability) costs a small amount of force, however, that is not equivalent to 30 stacks of fury. All we can do now is wait and see what they have for us.

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Niman is listed as Form VI of the 7 Lightsaber forms not Jar-Kai. Form VI is the primary fighting style of Jedi who dual-wield lightsabers. Also, Niman is used in KotOR II.


As for Diplomatic, it was the Sentinel class that handled the diplomatic missions for the Jedi council. BTW, Jedi Shadows and Sith Assassin are prestige class for the Jedi Sentinel in KotOR II well before BW placing Shadow/Assassin under Consular/Inquisitor for TOR.


The Sentinel in KotOR II is a completely different thing. TOR has a Consular, and Consulars are the diplomats and force based combatants, which Niman is meant for. while the Sentnel is a Knight class meant for combat with lightsabers, who do the Jedi's work on the front lines, and are in no way shape or form a Diplomat.


Jar-Kai stance is an offensive stance that is 100% created FOR Dual Wielding, it unlike Niman stance is made for and by dual-wielders, Niman was made for diplomats, who would normally only use the Force and one lightsaber, similar to a Jedi Sage...

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I'd just like to see Undying Rage fixed. 3 seconds of invincibility and done. The half health gone is garbage, all the more so in PvP. BHs/Troopers get Kolto Overload, Juggs/Guardians get heal to full with the still OP Enraged Defense, Sorcs/Sages can benefit from their own HoTs while in their bubble, Sins/Shadows benefit from their Shroud, as well as being able to vanish completely, same as Scoundrels/Ops. Let's not even discuss the other garbage that is the three minute cooldown on Saber Ward.
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I'd just like to see Undying Rage fixed. 3 seconds of invincibility and done. The half health gone is garbage, all the more so in PvP. BHs/Troopers get Kolto Overload, Juggs/Guardians get heal to full with the still OP Enraged Defense, Sorcs/Sages can benefit from their own HoTs while in their bubble, Sins/Shadows benefit from their Shroud, as well as being able to vanish completely, same as Scoundrels/Ops. Let's not even discuss the other garbage that is the three minute cooldown on Saber Ward.


Well, Cloak of Pain is now able to do something like H2F and Cloak of Annihilation is now useful, along with Retaliation. But i cant say many details even though all this crap has been datamined and i'm not even on PTS.

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It lowers cooldowns and rate limits, so it could be pretty interesting actually depending on the ratios.


Coming from the perspective as someone who played a Shadowpriest and Affliction Warlock in WoW, when they changed haste to affect how fast DoTs ticked, it resulted in a marked shift in how you geared and what your BiS would be.


With Alacrity changing CDs, and making DoTs tick faster, it would seem that Alacrity suddenly becomes a lot more attractive for the Watchman spec, like you said, depending on the ratios.

Edited by sloasdaylight
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