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[SPOILER] Jedi and Sith starter areas.


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Forged Alliance happens after your character start on Tython/Korriban, I fail to see why they would change it.


To reflect the damage wrecked upon the Sith Academy and the Jedi Temple, I guess?


Stuff like that doesn't get rebuilt overnight one might gather. Regardless, it's not like the game was designed to work.

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To reflect the damage wrecked upon the Sith Academy and the Jedi Temple, I guess?


Stuff like that doesn't get rebuilt overnight one might gather. Regardless, it's not like the game was designed to work.


I get it, but it doesn't fit the story, supposedly the timeline of every visit to the starter planets is before the forged alliance story line. So it can't be destroyed when you do have to visit it, and changing it to reflect the damage breaks the continuity for new characters.

This is not the same like they did with WoW, the expansion changed history so Blizzard changed everything because the continuity demanded it.

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I get it, but it doesn't fit the story, supposedly the timeline of every visit to the starter planets is before the forged alliance story line. So it can't be destroyed when you do have to visit it, and changing it to reflect the damage breaks the continuity for new characters.

This is not the same like they did with WoW, the expansion changed history so Blizzard changed everything because the continuity demanded it.


Indeed. People - me included - had pointed that out already. ;)


Even so, I gotta admit it would be nice to see the Jedi Temple or the Sith Academy being rebuilt, similar in a way to what we saw our Strongholds being raised from the group up on Dromund Kaas and Coruscant.




Then again, even if the above were to happen, several high-profile quest givers are killed on both sides of the conflict. Bahhhhh...

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Indeed. People - me included - had pointed that out already. ;)


Even so, I gotta admit it would be nice to see the Jedi Temple or the Sith Academy being rebuilt, similar in a way to what we saw our Strongholds being raised from the group up on Dromund Kaas and Coruscant.




Then again, even if the above were to happen, several high-profile quest givers are killed on both sides of the conflict. Bahhhhh...


Honestly I didn't read every reply.

If in 3.0 there is going to be a quest that takes you to Tython or Korriban, then I would be very much interested in how BW will solve this.

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Honestly I didn't read every reply.

If in 3.0 there is going to be a quest that takes you to Tython or Korriban, then I would be very much interested in how BW will solve this.


Either they would take place in separate instances or areas altogether, similar to the flashpoints we got already or you'd simply walk into Tython or Korriban, enter another group area and people inside it would pretend that outside some rebuilding was taking place...


When it actually wasn't. :o

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Personally, the ideal for me would be a new version of the starter planets that's unlocked at the end of Forged Alliances or at Level 60.


This is kind of what I was hoping for, but I understand the reasoning that it will not likely happen.

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My solution would be to make new post planets of Tython or Korriban that you can access only after completing the quest chain, don't even shown them on the star charts until you have completed the quest and then once completed don't show the pre quest planets( have an option to allow them to show in case someone wants to group with friends)
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One way to do it would be to make a new instance of said planets when you finish the main storyline.

So when you've reached lvl 50 you get to visit the post-forged alliance planets with reconstruction projects going on and certain NPC's gone.

It would mean basically removing the Tython/Korriban destinations on the galaxy map and replacing them with a new one, but it could be cool.


Only problem would be that you could go there before playing the flashpoints but that's pretty minor, since you'd normally have no reason to go there at that level anyway (except to roleplay).

That and the problem that you couldn't go to the starter planets and visit friends of lower levels.

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The starter planets always need to be available as they are now not only due to people helping out lower level friends or whatever, but they also need to exist as is for things like Datacrons, Achievements, etc, etc.


There's also really no reason to make Tython/Korriban reflect story changes unless they're going to add story related quests to them. If there was no story related NPCs, quests, etc, all you would have is a lifeless shell planet. In other words there would need to be more to updated versions of Tython/Korriban aside from some cosmetic differences. Like they could turn them into Daily areas but I doubt they'd want to devote resources to something like that over other stuff.


Also I thought Satele's letter post FA3 mentioned something about rebuilding the temple.


Of course it's unlikely the amount of time between FA3 and 3.0 would allow it to be restored to it's former glory.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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Indeed. People - me included - had pointed that out already. ;)


Even so, I gotta admit it would be nice to see the Jedi Temple or the Sith Academy being rebuilt, similar in a way to what we saw our Strongholds being raised from the group up on Dromund Kaas and Coruscant.




Then again, even if the above were to happen, several high-profile quest givers are killed on both sides of the conflict. Bahhhhh...


I would assume that at this point, with the Treaty of Coruscant null and void and Tython now in flames, the Jedi Order would return to coruscant with a, by now, rebuilt Jedi Temple. The Sith would probably just abandon korriban planning to rebuild later. So technically you could just add a new taxi-travel point(that you only get once you reach a certain level/story point) on corsucant to a rebuilt temple for future story points, allowing progression of the story and seeings things change, while still maintaining integrity of the existing story. You don't need to visit and see a destroyed tython because, in this scenario, it's been abandoned.


Since you never actually see the outside of the "Destroyed" Temple and are only in a isolated version of it, adding a new point to a rebuilt temple would not be too much of a challenge. Also, the temple is currently not visible from outside, so no continuity errors there either.


As for the Sith, they would likely simply operate out of Dromuun Kaas as they did in the past, all DC members returning to the Citadel.

Edited by Zyrious
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