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Things you wish they would add in 3.0


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Going to say you don't like to actually tank. Go play the new tfps, I'll wait. Enjoy half the things not being tauntable / agroable. And the "you can't hold agro" debuff.

Only a few of the bosses in Tacticals are non tauntable. Have you even played these FPs, or do you just enjoy exaggerating? Sure, you don't really need a tank in a Tactical, but, like a healer, it can make things go a little smoother.

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What I would like: Bear in mind I'm a Jedi so i'll be bias towards that.


UI Redesign (I like minimal clutter)


Lightsaber stances - I wanna hold my sabers like starkiller


More Planets - Dantooine being my fav currently not in the game.


Ability for my Sentinil to use a Double-bladed saber /w satele shan stance.


A new social hub - The fleet is crap. I would design a new area in Couresant (or sith homeworld) To be the hub for players. Or make Tython a social hub for the Jedi so there is a reason to be there at LVL 55.


Open world PVP would be nice. But I think the game has made it impossible with the way the planets and areas have been designed.....One can only hope there is a time when the sith suprise attack us on Tython and have a massive PVP battle. :)

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Only a few of the bosses in Tacticals are non tauntable. Have you even played these FPs, or do you just enjoy exaggerating? Sure, you don't really need a tank in a Tactical, but, like a healer, it can make things go a little smoother.


Yes, I have. Not to mention, the ones that are tauntable, do so little damage that the tank's mitigation is near worthless. Again, you are dragging your group down by running a tank in the new TFPs.


I could quazi sorta kinda not really, but ok understands this, if they released real versions of these TFPs as HM FPs.

Edited by Hockaday
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• Warzones (multiple)

• Ops (multiple)

• New daily area(s)?

• Appearance Tab


I'd be thrilled with those additions.


^ These.


+ Min. Exp. gate for ranked

+ New stuff for individual class stories

+ Bring back 8s for HB League with more maps

+ Kashyyk

+ Replace Revan in the recent and emerging content with Sir Copperfield

Edited by Joesixxpack
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What i would like to see in 3.0 is the following:


1: More Solo PvE content, since lately, there has been none....just purely group content.


2: Balanced Solo mode for flashpoints and heroics with scaled rewards to compensate the solo-ability of the quests for those that want to do the quest without harassment to skip conversations. - You can only do the solo version flashpoints and heroics once for story purposes.


3: No more requirement to bring specific companions on class quests, have them come along in the background, never helping in combat and only being there for story reasons.


4: All companions should have the power to be good healers, dps or tanks, obviously not player level power, but enough to feel comfortable with the companion, instead of 'just using it until you get the healer' or something like that.


5: New Companions, which they said they were working on a while ago, which have same gender romances possible..i am thinking they have given up on it, like pve solo stories and class stories, even though thats what they sold the game on.


That is what i would want.


^^^ This x 1,000! ^^^


More S-O-L-O content.


I'd also like the ability to use multiple companions to do solo-able heroics.


Group content? Pfft! Without chat bubbles, less than useless; positively annoying and definitely ungood.


Not saying I'd trash all group content, but I'd make it completely optional. Yes, I'd like to take a phone call or a piss without having to let my group mates know and give me their permission.



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+ Min. Exp. gate for ranked

+ New stuff for individual class stories

+ Bring back 8s for HB League with more maps

+ Kashyyk

+ Replace Revan in the recent and emerging content with Sir Copperfield

All fantastic suggestions/wishes, but there's a problem with your last suggestion....players can hope to defeat Revan, but no player here will ever beat Sir Copperfield.

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Group content? Pfft! Without chat bubbles, less than useless; positively annoying and definitely ungood.

I have to ask...what am I missing with chat bubbles? Aren't chat bubbles rather cartoony and setting breaking? I've never seen chat bubbles on any TV show or movie, nor have I ever seen any irl...


I support your desire to have them added, I just don't understand their true value except to disrupt any setting they're used in. Chat that we currently have is far better imo.

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I have to ask...what am I missing with chat bubbles? Aren't chat bubbles rather cartoony and setting breaking? I've never seen chat bubbles on any TV show or movie, nor have I ever seen any irl...


I support your desire to have them added, I just don't understand their true value except to disrupt any setting they're used in. Chat that we currently have is far better imo.


Imagine those chat bubbles appearing everywhere you go, with the pink text he or she is using.


Lovely. :o

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Are we talking realistically or what we would love there to be, even if it is unlikely? Anyway, here we go...



  • More Class Stories, or at the very leas more class-based integration in the main stories. For example, there could be different solutions to plot points, depending on your class.
  • Additional companion quests, preferably for those who have yet to have their own quest. I like DarthDymond's idea about daily companion quests.
  • More daily zones, but spice it up a bit by having the story play out over the reputation grind. For example, each time you 'level up' a reputation, you further the story a little more via quests that open up. Think the Landfall quests from WoW 5.1, or FFXIV.
  • More strongholds. I would personally like to see ones open on Hoth, Voss and my favorite planet, Oricon. Would love Belsavis too, but givein its story I do not think that would be likely...
  • Hard Mode versions of all current and future tactical Flashpoints. Now, personally speaking, I love Tactical Flashpoints. Perhaps it is because I am more casual / in for the story rather then gear grinding/proving skill. That being said, I always think there should be a 'Hard Mode' for those who want it. I think it would make players less hostile to the idea of future Tactical Flashpoints too, if they know they will come with Hard Mode versions too.
  • More Races. Specifically Ithorian... go on BW, you know you want to add the Ithorians.
  • A nice big planet to explore the story of 3.0 in. I liked Makeb, so something like that would be fine.
  • Daleks... go on BW, add a few Daleks in-game. You know you want too...
  • Faction changes for level 55-60 characters. It would be great if some characters could swap sides, and by having it happen via endgame, it would cut down on the extra V/A needed. Things like old planetary quests would probably have to be forfeited, but it would be worth it for some players like me.
  • Some sort of loyalty reward for subscribers. For example every few months or so you get some cosmetic items only available via subscription. Similar to what FFXIV has.
  • Oh, one last thing, SGR companions. I do not think they should go back and add SGR to every companion, but it would be nice if we can get some new ones who have that option.


damn, Bioware needs to hire this guy^

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All fantastic suggestions/wishes, but there's a problem with your last suggestion....players can hope to defeat Revan, but no player here will ever beat Sir Copperfield.


I'm thinking that if some immortal character's face is going to fill our screens during FPs and what not Sir Copperfield is the obvious choice.


But you've caused me to realize a problem with this suggestion. Revan F's up all over the place but keeps showing up again, and again, and again... By all accounts Copperfield's record is unblemished, so he wouldn't be good fit for a story set up for Revan's brand of half-*ssery.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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-Chat bubles.

-New planets.

-New advanced classes/new classes them self

-2 or more operations

-Minimum expertise to que for ranked of 2k

-New dailies.

-Ofc new max level

-New stance to wield lightsaber as star killer

-Faction change for level 55-60

Edited by EpickFaill
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Let me start dreaming for a second.


My wish list:



- The Revanites are a faction, not some random third party we fight for few patches.

- Daily areas. Since Oricon last year we had a grand total of zero new daily areas. We need at least a couple.

- All planets have a lvl 55 version, and all quests (except story and planet main quest) are repeatable daily missions.

- All AC to receive one new spec.



- Cross server ques.

- Combining solo ranked and reg WZs to one mode with elo ranking similar to MOBA games and a match making system that takes both your role and rank in consideration.

- 2-3 new WZs, which are also brand new not remake like QB (which was a major failure).

- 1-2 new arenas.



- All FPs have a NiM version which is similar to lvl 55 HM FPs we currently.

- 2-3 new FPs.

- Ongoing support for FPs which includes harder modes, similar to ops.

- 2 new ops.

- All old ops to have at least one mode at basic gear level.


That is me dreaming.


What I would consider bare minimum to stay subbed in the game in 3.0 is:



- 2 planets/daily areas.

- Story that is at least on the same level of Makeb imp side, and not the trash Forged Alliances was.



- 1 new WZ.

- 1 new arena.

- Specs to be balanced and not to take the devs 6-8 month to get most of the specs on track.

- Bolster to work without hiccups.



- 1 new FP that is NOT tactical.

- 7 to 8 HM FPs including forges alliance 4 FPs, new FP and Colocoid War and Red Repaer.

- At least 1 new ops with another after within 1-2 month.


This not so much to ask for considering that we barely had any PvE content, one terrible remake of WZ and no new daily areas in 2014.

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my 3.0 wishlist :-



  • 2 or more new operations.
  • 1 or 2 new playable species options added, my top playable species choices would be Nautolan,Togruta,Nikto.
  • A new daily area.
  • A new planet *makeb scale or greater*, hopefully somewhere we've previous seen in from kotor 1/2 fleshed out more or an entirely unexplored planet location.
  • I know this one is a bit of wishful thinking but here it goes: a new advanced class with new story content that starts at 50 or 55 *death knight style* requires a previously unlocked level 50/55 character or something to access.
  • New level cap of 60 with new class abilities for all classes between 55-60 bracket etc.
  • A reek pet mount added on Cartel market or as a operations drop or both. I'd like to see reek pet mounts like the standard iridonian variety ones, one like SNV boss Thrasher that has like burning fire eyes *reminds me of the warlock horses in WoW* and an infected rakghoul plague reek mount.
  • The Emperor to make his big return.


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Let's hope that if there is a new planet, then they actually learn from the egregious poor design and resulting grating tedium of Makeb:


Quality gameplay, immersion, and repeatability >>>>>>> "Look, pretty!"


There are reasons a lot of us never go back there again with any of our characters after completing the storyline, followed by the staged [WEEKLY] quest once for the "Basic Gear [Your Base-class]" quest.


Oh, and TUXs, my last post wasn't long at all. Granted it was more than a little cynical --I even said so at one point-- but, can we haz inductive reasoning + attention-span, pleez?




And emergency escape/gap-opener + full range root for Mercenary/Commando.




How could I forget --companion stories, resolution/further evolution thereof.



Ashara Zarvos, Risha, and especially Mako.


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I would like more solo-able content, and more interactions with my companions. I would also like more class story. (Yes, I asked again. :D )


More decorations, more hooks to use, even when we've reached 100%. More homes, on more planets, and allowing us to expand our collection of residences.


I'd like to have new species and classes to play, I'd love to have Imperial Smugglers, or the ability to let them change over to that if they want to. More character slots allowed too, so I can purchase a few more, so that I can continue my legacy on my preferred server.


That's about it for now, I think. Oh yes, and facial tattoos for cyborgs please!

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QoL and "flavor" stuff.


one thing other MMO"s have that SWTOR severely lacks is alternate things to do that don't involve combat or are just done on the side for flavor/immersion/lore expansion.


I loved EQ's crafting...making furniture...the heirloom (whatever they were called..like getting the ghoulbane, or black silk sash, etc.)


WoW's pet battles...farm thing....




fine don't give us pazaak because it may up the ratings (vs another player) but give us some single player pazaak/whatever...swoop racing...etc.....like I said..."flavor" stuff.

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Let us see all that these marvellous worlds (well, except Makeb. Because seriously, **** that place.) have to offer, enough with the same, lame, linear paths, invisible walls, and knee high barriers that my ultra-heroic Merc --with a jetpack,let's not forget!-- can't jump/run over, because reasons.


Give us a universe to live in FFS, not this archaic, perfectly linear path with nothing but more primitive-AI mobs standing around waiting to be killed.


Find some courage in the face of EA, and take some risks, already.

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