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Your best five ship SOLO queue hangar?


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Ok, so you need to answer twice!



Here's the rules:


1- You are queuing solo.

2- Your goal is to win- you aren't queuing to get healing cheeves or max your dps or whatever.


FIRST- Current, what is your best five ship hangar that you currently have? If you don't have five ships, then you can list the ones you do. Why is it this?


Second- Theoretical, if you had ALL ships, and all of them were complete (every component purchased and mastered), THEN what would your five ship hangar be?



Please list the specs, but you don't need to go in detail on the spec or crewmembers. It would be great to hear your reasoning for your lineup: I'll do mine:




1- Type 1 Gunship (Quarrel/Mangler) with Burst Lasers, Slug, Ion, Disto, Barrel (speed).

2- Type 1 Bomber (Rampart/Razorwire) with Heavy Lasers, Seismic, Interdiction, Charged Plating, Interdiction Drive.

3- Type 3 Gunship (Condor/Jurgoran) with Burst Lasers, Slug, Clusters, Disto, Power Dive (2x turning)

4- Type 2 Bomber (Warcarrier/Legion) with Heavy Lasers, Concussion, Railgun Drone, Repair Drone, Interdiction Drive.

5- Type 2 Scout (Flashfire/Sting) with Burst Lasers, Clusters, Blaster Overcharge, Distortion, Barrel.



While I don't have all ships completed (or even close), I do have them all mastered, and I have enough of the major components that I wouldn't change anything in this case.



Reasoning: The Quarrel is the ship I'm best with. It's a standard build, but I choose speed (not turning) on barrel because I find it much better in domination, and not bad at running in TDM. If my team is decent, this ship can be excellent support and I can easily turn the tide. If it's bad I can at normally get a bunch of enemies following me, which can remove solid players from being useful.

The Rampart, even post nerf, can really blow up noobs, and requires solid enemy tactics to deal with. While a total farm fest should I be badly outnumbered by good ships, it has the ability to be effective and powerful, and the charged plating gives me solid defenses. Interdiction Drive is IMO better than Hyperspace Beacon in solo queue, because bad players won't use the beacon, but interdiction drive can really foil plans.

The Condor can outperform the Quarrel defensively on some maps, notably Kuat Mesas TDM, a very scout friendly map with plenty of corridors to crawl through. It's by no means always the correct call, but it's a very solid gunship. I go double turning instead of the more standard turn+regen because going out of breath is less of a concern than not having decent dogfighting, which is the reason I would take this guy in the first place.

The "fleet support" Warcarrier is a solid bomber on TDM, and is a great inclusion if your team features gunships instead of nublets. It can really multiply force over a medium area of the map, and the repair drone can deny kills. Not a good choice if the enemy team features strong scouts, but solid if they are relying on gunships to get their kills.

Can't take a massive loss and turn it into a win, but can easily take a closer game and edge it more solidly than a more offensive choice.

My scout choice is very weak compared to some scouts, and I'm considering turning it into a type 3 scout just for opening tensor. Stasie or Drako or many type 2 aces would fly Targeting Telemetry instead of Blaster Overcharge, and many would take retro thrusters or power dive. Those builds can be better at dogfighting AND more reliable, but my relative skill with the other ships versus this one is a big part of this- if I'm picking a scout, it's because we rolled a map that needs mobility, line of sighting, charges, and retreats. As such, I'll normally have BO available, I normally won't be using it versus distortion (TT is MUCH better there), and I'll be relying on barrel to get me places. All the games where I would be stuck in a dogfight with several other scouts and wish I had retros are games where I'll really be on another ship.




Things I would add if I had more room: A type 3 scout with tensor field. A Quads and pods type 2 scout. A Clarion. A type 2 bomber with interdiction drone and seeker mines.



Remember- SOLO queue hangar, and intent to WIN. If you have a good team tactic that requires voice, or you have a ship you are reqquing up or play for fun, then you probably wouldn't use those under this situation.

Edited by Verain
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I would probably have a similar lineup to you, minus the bombers, because I'm horrible at bombing.


Fill the two slots that are now empty with T3 sprintscout and T3 bunker strike.


Sprintscout wins games on its own- Domination as a team with a sprintscout versus a team without a sprintscout gives massive advantages, even if you're not playing with a premade.

Bunker strike is the only bunker I know how to play lol.

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Only two ships are needed for me.


1) Starguard with Ion/HLC, fastest capping ship that I fly, 2 shots turrets and 4-5 shots bombers so I can always go for the off-node.

2) Skybolt/Flashfire with Quads/pods, can also kill turrets, albeit a little less reliably, however I can intercept slightly more efficiently.


If TDM I'd inverse the order because it's harder to get to DOs with my Strike.

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Final equipment.


Three are firmly in the hangar and indispensable:


1- Type 1 Gunship (Quarrel/Mangler) with Burst Lasers, Slug, Ion, Disto, Barrel (Turn).

2- Type 1 Bomber (Rampart/Razorwire) with Heavy Lasers, Seismic, Concussion, Charged Plating, Shield Power Converter. Only for domination.

3- Type 3 Scout (Spearpoint/Bloodmark) with Rapid Lasers, Thermite, Disto, Tensor Field, Interdiction Drive. Only for domination.


And two of these four depending on my mood. All are only for TDM.


1- Type 3 Gunship (Condor/Jurgoran) with Burst Lasers, Slug, Clusters, Disto, Retro (Engine Power).

2- Type 2 Scout (Flashfire/Sting) with Burst Lasers, Clusters, TT, Disto, Retro (Engine Power).

3- Type 3 Striker (Clarion/Imperium) with Quad Laser, Thermite, Remote Slicing, Directional, Power Dive (Turn)

4- Type 1 Scout (Novadive/Blackbolt) with Laser, Pods, TT, Engine Power Converter, Barell (Speed)

Edited by Magira
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1. NovaDive - For Domination

2. Quarrell - For Deathmatch

3. FlashFire - For Deathmatch if the enemy team is good at avoiding sniper fire.

4. Warcarrier - For Domination if we need better Satelite control and my Nova just isn't picking things off fast enough.

5. Empty - Well I guess I could put Spearpoint in here for Tensor.


This is what I would do if I purely only cared about winning. What I actually do is load up my top 5 least upgraded ships. Right now I only have 4 unmastered ships:


1. Clarion - I hate this ship. Its almost impossible to kill, but it turns like a cruise ship and has very little stopping power unless the enemy is kind enough to stand still for 10 seconds while my missile locks.

2. Spearpoint - Fun to fly, but very hard to get kills with. Tensor is an MVP in Domination.

3. Sledgehammer - Good versatility with Clusters instead of a second mine

4. Condor - Weaker at sniping than the Quarrell, but I got Clusters on this as well. Its pretty funny to surprise Scouts who think they are coming in for an easy Gunship kill by popping them in the face with missiles and lasers. It also has Distortion Field, which is the single best defensive ability in the game by far.

5. FlashFire - I put my mastered FlashFire in this spot just in case someone is pissing me off and I feel the need to stomp their face. I almost never fly it.


There are two reasons I run my worst ships only. To get them req to master them and get the achievement and to give newer pilots a fighting chance.

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Both of my loadouts are the same (I get lazy these days and don't change it)


1. Sting (type 2 scout)

2. Imperium (Type 3 Strike)

3. Razorwire (Mine layer)

4. Jurgoran (Type 3 GS)

5. Bloodmark (Type 3 scout)


I start every match in the bloodmark and switch as necessary to what we need. I find this hanger has everything I could ever want. Potentially I could trade the bloodmark for something but that damn tensor is a game changer especially in dom.

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I solo queue a lot. Too much. I am quite familiar with the perils of doing so, and thus:


1. T1 Gunship: burst laser, slug, ion, barrel roll, feedback shield, Wingman

2. T2 Scout: burst laser, rockets, TT, retros (turning), distortion field, regen thruster, Wingman

3. T2 Scout: burst laser, rockets, TT, retros (engine pool), distortion field, power thrusters, Concentrated Fire


If I was going purely for 'best chance to win' there isn't anything that I'd need beyond that because any other ship would diminish my contribution by making me less able to kill opponents or weaken their defenses. But since I have two more slots...


4. T3 Strike: quads, thermite torp, Healing Probes, k-turn, charged plating, Wingman

5. T3 Scout: llc, thermite torp, tensor field, healing drone, Wingman


T1 gunship, sadly, is often what I end up needing in solo queue. If my team looks underpowered or awful, I'll need ion rail to clear out bombers at nodes, weaken enemies (so that if anyone occasionally hits them, they might kill them) and deal with threats. I run Feedback Shield not because it is better than distortion field, since it isn't, but because if anyone who isn't an ace comes at me, I can hit F2, turn on Feedback, pop Wingman if its up, and burst laser them to death. I tend to force the offense, so I don't really run away much. It gets me killed in gunship duels, but serves me well most of the time.


If my team is running a bunch of gunships already, or has enough competent pilots to match the other side, I'll go for one of the two T2 scouts. One is set up for dogfighting, the other for maximum travel ability. The loadout with retros (engine pool) and power thrusters can boost to B on Denon without running out of engine power. BLC with armor penetration can strip a satellite of turrets in seconds. It makes it a great choice to either run a distraction at a lightly guarded satellite and draw people away from the main fight... or if they're not careful, I can just take the sat outright and blow up anyone that comes in. I used to dislike rockets, until I realized that I ought to get good at them since they swiftly demolish people if aimed well. If more people would run ammo refill on their healing drones, that would really rock.


The T3 scout and strike have good support options. Tensor is awesome, and the T3 strike can hold a node really well while retaining a little more mobility than bombers. On the whole though, I'd never choose one over the T1 gs or T2 scouts if I wanted maximum chance to win (and I recognize others might, I'm speaking only of my play style)


- Despon

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I usually have at least one other person queuing with me (for queue pop speed if nothing else). If I had to have a hangar solely for solo-queue, I'd run:


1) Mangler - Ion, Slug, BLC, distortion, barrel roll

- My go-to ship and the one I'm best and most experienced with. First choice for competitive TDM, situational choice for domination. Clears mines, good ranged support for team, most efficient killer of newbies to reduce uneven odds the quickest.

2) Sting - BLC, cluster, TT, distortion, retro

- Ship where I have 2nd most number of matches. Suitable for all occasions. I'd run this if I expect heavy focus and the other side has a lot of scouts.

3) Jurgoran - Slug, BLC, interdiction, distortion, retro

- I treat this as a strike fighter replacement. Same basic usage as Mangler, except when I need a bit more mobility. I think Mangler is generally a better ship though, so this stays unused mostly, even though it's mastered

4) Bloodmark - Tensor field, LLC, thermite, repair probe, power dive

- Tensor for domination matches. Enough said.

5) Imperium - Quads, thermite, Repair probes, shield projector, power dive

- I'll run this as a team support ship. I have running interference as crew slot, so it's 3 AOE buffs for a team. I don't run this is I don't think my team can take advantage of the buffs (i.e. they will die too quickly against the opposition).


If I could stand the looks of the damn Ocula, I'd probably keep a booster/quads runner type build on the bar for when I need to be particularly agile. I have a StE Blackbolt, but in the vast majority of the cases, a Sting would do just as well.

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1 - Me cause I'm the one crushing people (or being crushed)

2 - My skills (or lack of) cause I need them to crush (or be crushed)

3 - My awesomeness, cause I'm awesome. Deal with it.

4 - My smart*** mouth, cause it's fun to type in a wargame for the lawls.

5 - empty spot cause I'm so awesome I don't need anything else :p


Seriously tho

1 - Short range high burst fighter or high mobility high survivability fighter

2 - Short range low burst fighter or long range fighter

3 - Sniper

4 - Area denial support ship or assault ship

5 - High survivability fighter

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FIRST- Current, what is your best five ship hangar that you currently have? If you don't have five ships, then you can list the ones you do. Why is it this?


Second- Theoretical, if you had ALL ships, and all of them were complete (every component purchased and mastered), THEN what would your five ship hangar be?



Please list the specs, but you don't need to go in detail on the spec or crewmembers.


Hi all! New to forums but I fly a lot on shadowlands (gsf is why I started to play TOR)! Also, not sure if I got the type 2 and 3 stuff right with my strike and bomber... So lemme know and I can edit it.


Here it goes :

Current hanger

1. T2 scout - Sting

Burst cannon, cluster missiles, blaster overcharge (I switch back and forth between targeting telemetry), distortion field, retro thrusters, lightweight armor, frequency capacitor, large reactor, turning thrusters

2. T1 scout - Blackbolt

light laser cannons, rocket pods, emp field, distortion field, snap turn, lightweight armor, range sensors, regeneration thrusters, frequency capacitors

3. T3 GS - Jurgoran

burst cannon, interdiction missile (but may switch back to clusters soon), distortion field, retro thrusters, frequency capacitors, large reactor, regeneration extender, regeneration thrusters

4. T2 Bomber - Legion

heavy cannon, seeker mines, shield power converter, repair drone, railgun sentry drone, deflection armor, regeneration extender, large reactor, communication sensors

5. T2 Strike - Quell

quad cannons, cluster missiles, emp missiles, quick charge shield, barrel roll, lightweight armor, frequency capacitor, regeneration extender, regeneration thrusters



This hanger has a mix of long and close range options and is set up to handle different situations. The sting is more of a dogfighter and can be used in either battle type. The blackbolt is set up to solo sats and has three missile breaks with its abilities. Emp field is an offensive and defensive ability! The gunship is set up to handle long and close range battles. The Legion can be used in death match or domination and is also able to support teammates with ammo on repairs. The quell is to assault a guarded sat with the Emp missile and then tank it with its dogfighting capabilites.



I have most of the ships mastered, although I'm working on the quell and bloodmark (T3 scout). So for the most part, I would maybe switch in the razorwire for more specialized satellite clearing and hyperspace beacon for support.

4. T1 Bomber - Razorwire

heavy cannon, seismic mines, concussion mine, shield projector, hyperspace beacon, reinforced armor, regeneration extender, large reactor, communication sensors



Let me know what you guys think! Also, I'm on my phone so I'm sorry if there are any typos!

Edited by Pujaradactyl
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Both lineups:


Battlescout: Quads/Pods

Battlescout (alternate): BLC/Cluster

Ion Maiden (T1 gunship)

Minelayer (b00m)

-Extra slot, probably Bloodmark if I queue into a game full of PUG bombers on my team


Explanation: None needed or see my signature.


What I actually run (not related to thread) and am too lazy to switch around:



Ion Maiden


Heal Strike

Strike bomber (Decimus etc)

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1) Clarion: Quads, Thermite, Directional, Repair, PDive (turn)

2)Flashfire: BLC, Cluster, Disto, TT, Retro

3)Nova: LC, Pods, TT, Disto, BR

4) T3 GS: BLC, Cluster, Slug, Directional, PDive

5)Starguard: HLC, Quads/Ions, Cluster/Conc, Quick Charge, Retro


Theoretical: Unchanged


Reasoning: I find I'm usually best in a strike fighter so I default to that for matches with actual competition. Depending on the situation I can either use repair probes to keep my team healthy or act as a heavy fighter using repair probes to repair damage after attack runs.

The Flashfire I mainly keep around for TDM matches that will focus on dogfighting. I don't generally use this in competitive Dom matches since, usually, my team has enough scouts but a shortage of fighters equipped to kill bombers.

The Nova I've equipped to be a GS hunter-killer. I use it in both TDM or Dom when my team needs a GS hunter-killer rather than heavy fighter.

The T3 GS is basically there because it seems closest in performance to the strike fighters I'm most familiar with. I generally don't use it in competitive matches although I'm really liking it so far (it is not mastered yet).

The Starguard is there largely due to nostalgia as my favorite fighter from the Beta. I might swap it out for a bomber eventually.

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3 way tie for the strike fighters. If I want to win which one I pick depends on map, opponents' ship types, and what I know about the skill and teamwork of both teams.


Starguard: HLC, Ion, Concussion, Retro, Quick Charge

Used for Close-medium range dogfighting, domination maps preferred. Prefers balanced enemy teams, excessive battlescouts, gunships, or bombers are bad news, but an even mix is fine.


Pike: HLC, Proton, Concussion, Barrel, Quick Charge

Used for Death to bombers. Open maps are nice, Denon is best.


Clarion: LLC, Proton (or Thermite), Power Die, Repair Probes, projector thingie shields.

Used for Flying with a team that tends to stick fairly close together, and cooperates fairly well.


4. Novadive: LLC, Pods, everything else varies by mood. Zoom around, cause trouble, and zoom around. Zoom! Zoom! Oh, did I mention zoom?


5. T1 gunship: Pretty much standard build. I sort of detest playing gunships, and am not particularly good because of lack of cockpit time, but artillery support can really help a team out. Even if you don't get many kills, ion bombarding the other team till none of them have any shields can be very powerful. (yeah, I think I have like 5 k requisition spent on my GS because I keep converting for use on other ships).


Most of the time these days I just have the three strikes in the hangar, but I actually flew the GS this week and it was less horrid than I remembered it being. I think I lasted three whole matches before I became hopelessly bored with the thing.


Back in the SIM bomber days a SIM bomber would have pushed the Novadive off of the list, but now if I want to do node holding I'll just hop in the Clarion.



The lists are the same for both cases, though on some servers I don't have the Pike and Clarion unlocked yet.

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1) Type 2 Scout - Blaster Laser Cannon, Cluster Missile, Targetting Telemetry, Distortion Field, Retro Thrusters

2) Type 1 Gunship - Slug Railgun, Ion Railgun, Blaster Laser Cannon, Distortion Field, Barrel Roll (speed)

3) Type 1 Strike Fighter - Quad Laser Cannon, Heavy Laser Cannon, Concussion Missile, Quick-Charge Shield, Retro Thrusters

4) Type 2 Bomber - Heavy Laser Cannon, Seeker Mine, Railgun Drone, Repair Probe, Engine to Shield Converter

5) Type 3 Scout - Tensor Field, Repair Probe (the only 2 worthwhile components on the ship IMO)



T2 Scout - the ship I'm most effective in dogfights, amazing at blowing pretty much everything up, GSs rarely survive longer than 2sec, bombers usually die faster than me as well

Gunship - Ship I'm the most effective on. Ion to root non-scouts and clear minefields (hopefully there are at least 1-2 more brained people that will take out the bomber after the minefields cleared), Slug to blast everything up.

Strike Fighter - IMO, best ship to solo snatch sats. 3-shotting turrets and barely taking a dent in the shields is a pretty valuable thing. At the same time, I keep the Quads to actually have at least some fighting chance at close range. Directionals might be a better choice than Quick-Charge, but I just can't get used to them.

Bomber - For defense, S2E+Repair with shield option provides an almost impenetrable shield, Railgun drone softens up the incoming ships, Seekers annoy everyone, might force them into a mistake (eg. Retros into the sat/scaffolding) and even do decent-ish damage. In trouble if a good T1 bomber drops by.

T3 Scout - Only at the start of domination, only to pop tensor and SD to take something actually useful while hoping the team can hold until I arrive

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Ah, I feared that I would not be taken seriously I said I'd put my 3 strikes.


Okay, the list :







It's the hangar I use, and counts also as theoretical.


Strikes are here because they're the ships which suits me the most.


I may use Starguard if the enemy team has few Gunships and Bomber.


I may use Pike if the enemy team has its fair share of Gunships and Bombers (or if there's one I really don't want to see alive).


Clarion and Sledgehammer are used for a change of pace, the Clarion being more a replacement of the Pike, and Sledgehammer the replacement of the Starguard.


I also may use any of the four aforementioned ships without reason. (actually most of the time)


The Quarrel is the last ship, but the ship I don't actually want to fly.

I only fly one to complete an accomplishment, and only if I feel the enemy team tries to deny me my "right to play"

I may be better in Gunships than Strikes actually, but there's only one because having more would be a waste IMO.

Anyway, I use use it only under very tight conditions and use it as a "don't piss me, you don't want me to use this" kind of ship, because of personal balance considerations.

Me using my Quarrel means the enemy team really ran on my nerves.

(This paragraph went through lots of self censorship)

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I almost always queue solo. I have a 5 ship hangar, but 99 percent of the time I use one of 3 ships. Most of the time I stay with the same ship for the whole match, makes me practice ships I am not as confident with yet.


Quarrel - My best ship, slug, ion, distortion, barrel roll. My usual choice for TDM, I need to get better at using the Ion railguns. I have an alt that is trying this type with reflection shields to see how they compare.


Warcarrier - HLC, seeker mines, railgun drone, repair probe. My usual choice for domination.


Flashfire - Quads, pods, blaster overcharge, distortion, retros. I'm not as confident with this, so I usually only use it if the opposing team does not look really strong. I am improving, I think I do better with hit and run attacks rather than prolonged dogfights. I might try targeting telemetry instead of BO.


I only rarely use my other 2 ships.


Condor - Slug, power dive, directional shield. I used to use this more, I might start using it again once I get it mastered.


Novadive - I occasionally use this for domination matches, I should try it more often.

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Type 1 Scout: LLC Sab Probe EMP Field Distro Snap turn Light armor Freq cap Power thrusters

Type 3 Strike: LLC Thermites Slicing Charged Plating Power Dive Deflection Freq cap Large Reactor

Type 3 Gunship: BLC Slug Clusters Dstro Field Power Dive Damage Cap Power Pool Large Reactor Power Thrusters

Type 3 Bomber: HLC Conc Missile Interdiction Drone Directional Shield Power Dive Range Cap Power Pool Large Reactor Power Thrusters

Type 2 Bomber: HLC Seekers Interdiction Drone Repair Drone Shield Power Converter Power Pool Extender Large Reactor


If it was not for the mastery achives I'd not spend one req on sensors I did not list them at all.

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Clarion: LLC, Proton (or Thermite), Power Die, Repair Probes, projector thingie shields.

Used for Flying with a team that tends to stick fairly close together, and cooperates fairly well.


Out of curiosity how do you find LLC on the Clarion given it lacks a thruster component to give it better agility? Also do you use range capacitor or a different type? The LLC looks really appealing but I've been hesitant to use it on my Clarion since it forces you to fight at ranges that favor scouts.

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Out of curiosity how do you find LLC on the Clarion given it lacks a thruster component to give it better agility? Also do you use range capacitor or a different type? The LLC looks really appealing but I've been hesitant to use it on my Clarion since it forces you to fight at ranges that favor scouts.


Well, the Clarion does handle a bit like a barge due to lack of thrusters, and the single upgrade you get to turning or speed from an engine component doesn't help that much. So dogfighting scouts really isn't ideal if you have a choice.


My rationale behind the LLCs is that I'm flying as a support ship, meaning I'm going to be getting into the thick of things for using repair probes and shield projector. If I'm doing that, I'm probably within 4 km of a hostile target.


I tend to sort of pool engine energy for when I'm going to need it. For example, rather than boosting all the way to the fight and arriving out of gas, I'll boost halfway, then fly at full throttle (non-boost) with power to engines, the rest of the way, so that when I get to the fight I have a full tank. That lets me boost some for fighting, and still have half a tank or so to get out if things aren't going well.


I think I'm using whatever the default capacitor is, which I believe is damage.


In general I find the LLCs fairly good for fights around satellites and for picking off wounded targets when I'm charging in to heal teammates.


I generally don't worry about having extra range on scouts, because if they're boosting, even switching to Quads with Ranged Capacitor only gives you about 0.5 seconds of extra time to do something to deal with the scout.


Where you do loose a little bit with the LLCs is in dealing with mines, they're harder to pop without getting hit. I generally just soak the damage with shields and healing though.


Oh, and dealing with gunships, especially type 3s is a real pain in the a** on the Clarion, though I'm not sure Quads and Ranged would really help there.

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