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Enough BW my bounty hunter does not like men


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(oh and FYI, even if your character DID pick that option in-game it wouldn't turn you gay in real life so stop worrying)


Who know??? Being gay may be contagious :p


Women don't like you <evil laugh> but that guy might...go ahead and hit the flirt...no one will see you.....give in to your passion...you know you want too <evil laugh> come come my pretty step out of the closet and join the rainbow


Maybe I should, who know??


The gay options only appear if the player themself has homosexual tendencies, suppressed or otherwise, in real life. The game knows. It can tell.


THE GAME CAN READ YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:


That's what the [Flirt] marker is for, so that you know what's coming (no pun intended.... I think.).


I see what you did here. :rak_03:

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I would love to know just what happened on the specific thread. I think I recall that said individual left the company after that...


From what I understand it was a massive cluster****. IIRC, the guy did "leave" (maybe he was fired, maybe he was moved), but also, this Bioware isn't like the other Bioware offices, insomuch as it was made by EA and doesn't seem to have had quite the same influences as the other offices. Whether it was a "cultural" decision (they are based in Texas, after all), or as they kept saying in the early days a "financial" decision, there was a distinct decision made to not have it in the game. They've been slowly meandering backwards on that decision, as you're all well aware by now, but given EA's presence at recent Gaymer Cons, their position as one of the better LGBT-friendly employers, and Bioware's general history, it's still a mind-boggling move by the old team.

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From what I understand it was a massive cluster****. IIRC, the guy did "leave" (maybe he was fired, maybe he was moved), but also, this Bioware isn't like the other Bioware offices, insomuch as it was made by EA and doesn't seem to have had quite the same influences as the other offices. Whether it was a "cultural" decision (they are based in Texas, after all), or as they kept saying in the early days a "financial" decision, there was a distinct decision made to not have it in the game. They've been slowly meandering backwards on that decision, as you're all well aware by now, but given EA's presence at recent Gaymer Cons, their position as one of the better LGBT-friendly employers, and Bioware's general history, it's still a mind-boggling move by the old team.


Even so, a reliable source or a link would be most appreciated. Hearsay is just that: Hearsay.

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From what I understand it was a massive cluster****. IIRC, the guy did "leave" (maybe he was fired, maybe he was moved), but also, this Bioware isn't like the other Bioware offices, insomuch as it was made by EA and doesn't seem to have had quite the same influences as the other offices. Whether it was a "cultural" decision (they are based in Texas, after all), or as they kept saying in the early days a "financial" decision, there was a distinct decision made to not have it in the game. They've been slowly meandering backwards on that decision, as you're all well aware by now, but given EA's presence at recent Gaymer Cons, their position as one of the better LGBT-friendly employers, and Bioware's general history, it's still a mind-boggling move by the old team.


Indeed. I would perhaps ask whether said comments came from the individual's opinion, rather then that of BW itself, but when you look at the main 'vanilla' content of the game, there really is nothing LGBT related at all. Not just with a lack of flirting, but the game is just baron of any references to same-sex couple and romances. Thankfully they have been making up for it since RotHC, but I just do not understand why they decided to have nothing like it in the main campaign. Probably due to controversial worry or fear of losing finance, I know, but they really should have known better.


Anyway, cheers for the extra info! :i_angel:


It had to be done. :o


Listen, if it was up to me, I would sneak in a Doctor Who reference in each and every post I write! :i_biggrin:

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Indeed. I would perhaps ask whether said comments came from the individual's opinion, rather then that of BW itself, but when you look at the main 'vanilla' content of the game, there really is nothing LGBT related at all. Not just with a lack of flirting, but the game is just baron of any references to same-sex couple and romances. Thankfully they have been making up for it since RotHC, but I just do not understand why they decided to have nothing like it in the main campaign. Probably due to controversial worry or fear of losing finance, I know, but they really should have known better.


Anyway, cheers for the extra info! :i_angel:


Listen, if it was up to me, I would sneak in a Doctor Who reference in each and every post I write! :i_biggrin:



One of the dialogue choices:

Are you flirting with me?
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One of the dialogue choices:


Ah, cheers for that. Also, I see to recall that somewhere in Vette's companion quests, if you are playing a male character, you can joke with a slave twi'lek that you would look wonderful in their revealing costumes (The slave, in question, then states that they tried having that sort of thing once, but didn't really work out...)


The main game is still what I would call 'barren' of the topic, though...

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Ah, cheers for that. Also, I see to recall that somewhere in Vette's companion quests, if you are playing a male character, you can joke with a slave twi'lek that you would look wonderful in their revealing costumes (The slave, in question, then states that they tried having that sort of thing once, but didn't really work out...)


The main game is still what I would call 'barren' of the topic, though...




Then again, I guess it depends on your interpretation of what Crystal is saying. Even so, again, the SW is [Flirting] with a female.

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Even so, a reliable source or a link would be most appreciated. Hearsay is just that: Hearsay.


Well, unfortunately, I don't have a link about that particular quote to hand, however, Natashina made a very lovely post (quite a while ago now), that I have linked in my sig, but is also here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=5287894&postcount=2368 that covers a lot of the information we have.


Such as:

"Discussion of the implementation of toggles to filter same gender romance options is considered discriminatory language and is neither appropriate nor allowed on the forums. Posts along this vein of discussion will be removed."


"There have been no questions, comments or concerns raised from our investors with regards to support for LGBT initiatives in the community or having LGBT characters in our games," Maseda said, casting a net beyond DOMA and into the company's decisions to celebrate Pride Month and allow gay player characters in Star Wars: The Old Republic. "Essentially, it's been a non-issue from an investor perspective."


Relevant to this thread:

"Lastly for those of you who seem concerned that you will be 'tricked' into any romance arc in the game - all romance choices are clearly marked. You will be aware you're making those choices as you make them."


I won't copy-pasta the entire thing here, but it's available for everyone to read and it is mostly well referenced, however with the almost complete deletion of the beta forums, it's not possible to source some of it.

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How would you like BioWare to allow same-sex interactions without giving the option of it?


No one's forcing you to flirt with the same sex. The solution here is simple. Don't press that convo option.


:rolleyes: God, you'd think this was a difficult concept.

We all know there are people who simply do not like the idea of SGR options existing. It threatens their comfort zone.

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We all know there are people who simply do not like the idea of SGR options existing. It threatens their comfort zone.


They're being big babies.


I don't like PvP but I don't threaten to unsubscribe just because there's the option of me queueing for a warzone.

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when you look at the main 'vanilla' content of the game, there really is nothing LGBT related at all. Not just with a lack of flirting, but the game is just baron of any references to same-sex couple and romances.


Not accurate. In the Imperial Agent's companion questline for Kaliyo:



You meet a female NPC who says that Kaliyo seduced her.


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How would you like BioWare to allow same-sex interactions without giving the option of it?


No one's forcing you to flirt with the same sex. The solution here is simple. Don't press that convo option.


:rolleyes: God, you'd think this was a difficult concept.


That's because "Readins hard! Moar spacebar," :rolleyes:

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I also didnt realize people were demanding same sex romance. Now that I'm pulled out of my selfish point of view I kinda feel like a jerk for even creating this post let alone having my name branded as creator




The OP realized he was being inconsiderate, he apologized and know gets that people had been asking for SGR and that not everything has to be about us and what we want because sometimes other people have to get what they want too.


Can you stop calling him names, now?

At least he gets it now. Millions out there, unfortunately, still don't. Focus on them.

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The OP realized he was being inconsiderate, he apologized and know gets that people had been asking for SGR and that not everything has to be about us and what we want because sometimes other people have to get what they want too.


Can you stop calling him names, now?

At least he gets it now. Millions out there, unfortunately, still don't. Focus on them.


Yup, OP was actually pretty mature about it once he realised what was going on.


And mostly, the people who were bent out of shape about the prospect of SGRA content left around Makeb. They'd be livid if they saw the Forged Alliances story arc :D

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Not accurate. In the Imperial Agent's companion questline for Kaliyo:



You meet a female NPC who says that Kaliyo seduced her.


I believe you misread what she said.




The OP realized he was being inconsiderate, he apologized and know gets that people had been asking for SGR and that not everything has to be about us and what we want because sometimes other people have to get what they want too.


Can you stop calling him names, now?

At least he gets it now. Millions out there, unfortunately, still don't. Focus on them.


I think most people would have no issue cutting him some slack but then again, if you followed the thread since its inception, its obvious this goes way beyond skin deep.


The comment was removed but I remember quite clearly him saying that NPC's for the BH event had...

Contracted the same "disease" as the dude on Makeb or whatever, for having same-sex leanings.

How is he even still around after saying something like that is quite frankly beyond me. I never added anyone to my ignore's list but I have considered it.

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I believe you misread what she said.




I think most people would have no issue cutting him some slack but then again, if you followed the thread since its inception, its obvious this goes way beyond skin deep.


The comment was removed but I remember quite clearly him saying that NPC's for the BH event had...

Contracted the same "disease" as the dude on Makeb or whatever, for having same-sex leanings.

How is he even still around after saying something like that is quite frankly beyond me. I never added anyone to my ignore's list but I have considered it.


I missed that because frankly, this is a long thread and most posts say the same.


Also, these days it takes quite a lot of people using the report button (or really disgusting/annoying posts) for Bioware to take notice. Not to mention they don't check the forums after lunch on a Friday.

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I think most people would have no issue cutting him some slack but then again, if you followed the thread since its inception, its obvious this goes way beyond skin deep.


The comment was removed but I remember quite clearly him saying that NPC's for the BH event had...

Contracted the same "disease" as the dude on Makeb or whatever, for having same-sex leanings.

How is he even still around after saying something like that is quite frankly beyond me. I never added anyone to my ignore's list but I have considered it.


It's Saturday.

Anything goes on Saturdays :p


As for his comment, a few years ago it might've had some impact

Nowadays anyone with an IQ above 0 knows that it's not a disease (I don't think you need spoiler tags to say it :p) and anyone with a subzero IQ will continue to believe so no matter what the APA or any other organization says on the subject.

Most of the younger generation, our generation, is pro-gay and has no issues with it.

If someone had told me 10 years ago that it's a disease, I might've believed that gay people were in fact sick. But I was 17 at the time and the world was a much, much different place.


As for the OP's issues not being skin deep, you are most likely right.

But those issues are usually directly connected to deeply held beliefs that we cannot discuss here (politics, religion etc) and it takes time and effort to overcome them. A game's forum is hardly the place for enlightenment.


However, at the very least, he has expressed his regret for saying what he said. Let's give him that and move on. We can't help him more than that.


PS: I do hope it's crystal clear that I don't support homophobia in any shape or form nor do I try to make up excuses for homophobes. But in my line of work, I've come to understand that berating someone over their beliefs never leads to them actually understanding or respecting the other side.


PS2: Torchwood was awesome. And I liked Miracle Day. :eek:

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It's Saturday.

Anything goes on Saturdays :p


As for his comment, a few years ago it might've had some impact

Nowadays anyone with an IQ above 0 knows that it's not a disease (I don't think you need spoiler tags to say it :p).

Most of the younger generation, our generation, is pro-gay and has no issues with it.

If someone had told me 10 years ago that it's a disease, I might've believed that gay people were in fact sick. But I was 17 at the time and the world was a much, much different place.


As for the OP's issues not being skin deep, you are most likely right.

But those issues are usually directly connected to deeply held beliefs that we cannot discuss here (politics, religion etc) and that requires time and effort to overcome. A game forum is hardly the place for enlightenment.


However, at the very least, he has expressed his regret for saying what he said. Let's give him that and move on. We can't help him more than that.


PS: I do hope it's crystal clear that I don't support homophobia in any shape or form nor do I try to make up excuses for homophobes. But berating someone over their beliefs never leads to them actually ending up with them understanding and respecting the other side.


I care little for what he believes. He's shown repeatedly that he doesn't deserve such courtesy but that's just me.


I'm not affected by it either per se but I've seen people getting the hammer for far less and receiving a one week "vacation", such as...

Alec Fortescue for example, because he discussing data***ing.

Absolutely ridiculous. :rolleyes:


Regardless, done with this thread.

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I care little for what he believes. He's shown repeatedly that he doesn't deserve such courtesy but that's just me.


I'm not affected by it either per se but I've seen people getting the hammer for far less and receiving a one week "vacation", such as...

Alec Fortescue for example, because he discussing data***ing.


Absolutely ridiculous. :rolleyes:


Regardless, done with this thread.


Alec should get banned once a month for being annoying with his hood thing :p


I don't care about his beliefs either. But sometimes the most you can ask of certain people is tolerance, because understanding and compassion are hard.


Let's take what we can get.

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This is a bit silly to me, as BW has always been good about giving you choice in everything. For instance, I'm gay but that doesn't mean I'm required to flirt with the many females that present themselves in the stories, I just ignore them and choose other options. I must say, it was a little refreshing to see just a tiny bit of love for us LGBTQ people in the form of a gay male (and being able to passionately kiss him in the heat of the moment) and a lesbian female.


Also, screenshot or it didn't happen:



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