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Sents: Underpowered and squishy? We playing the same game?


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I'm still really confused why people keep saying Sents are underpowered and squishy? Are we playing the same game? This is my first MMO in years and I find the Sent to be more than capable, especially with Kira by my side. I've only had one problem with a Boss so far and all I had to do was level up and change my tactics. I am not into PvP currently so maybe that's the area where we do not excel?


Just kind of confused as to why I keep hearing about how much the Sents suck when I just haven't seen it with my build. Been lovin' my Sent since I got both my sabers!!!Maybe someone can enlighten me :)

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I'm still really confused why people keep saying Sents are underpowered and squishy? Are we playing the same game? This is my first MMO in years and I find the Sent to be more than capable, especially with Kira by my side. I've only had one problem with a Boss so far and all I had to do was level up and change my tactics. I am not into PvP currently so maybe that's the area where we do not excel?


Just kind of confused as to why I keep hearing about how much the Sents suck when I just haven't seen it with my build. Been lovin' my Sent since I got both my sabers!!!Maybe someone can enlighten me :)


One word "WoW".


WoW has spoiled many a players to easy mode game play. Though WoW was just as hard, if not harder than this game when it launched they became an easy mode 3 button MMO over the years.


I can't believe people thought the makers of Dragon Age: Origins would make an easy game ;D

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What's your level ?


No way as a Sentinel watchman, you could be fine with that build, post level 28. Even if it's doable, we're worst for EVERYTHING compared to any other class, and the actual effort required is much higher (perfect rotation + gear updated almost every level which is a joke).


One word "WoW".


WoW has spoiled many a players to easy mode game play. Though WoW was just as hard, if not harder than this game when it launched they became an easy mode 3 button MMO over the years.


I can't believe people thought the makers of Dragon Age: Origins would make an easy game ;D


One word : SWTOR.


Is sent too hard ? Can nobody do it ? Of course not.


Is every single other class much easier to play for no reason ? Yes. So there's a problem. No reason why ONE class (well I tried consular and trooper, don't know about smuggler but I guess they're better, since they can't possibly be worst) should suffer all this.


I'd be fine if everybody had to go through this. But seeing troopers comin' in, ****** everything and leaving while I spend half an hour on it is irritating to say the least.


And before level 35 (even 40), no way you can say a watchman sent is "super incredicly strong". (without healer nor group)

Edited by Strayth
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Thx for both your incites!


I'm currently a level 27 Sent and I use the Combat tree...maybe it's better than the watchmen tree? I'm just guessing here with my lack of MMO knowledge. I'm pretty confident I'm far from perfect on my rotations and I know my gear isn't near what it could be as I haven't focused on it as much as my crafting skills. I'm not saying our class or even my tree is perfect...I would never be that naive.


I'm glad the game is difficult and makes me think before I just jump in and start destroying. I've grouped up with quite a few different classes and none of them have made me believe that any other class is better. Everyone seems to have their pluses and minues. Just an observation :)

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Never done watchman I stayed Combat in the beta and it was fine then. Discrediting and stating someone can't do well when clearly they are leads me to say you are trolling as well.


I don't know why people have to bring up the issue that keeping gear updated because other classes don't is creditable. If I was so unhappy about having to be able to know my moves and keep my gear updated instead of just rolling thorough everything I'd re-roll. Why do something that makes you unhappy? Just agree the class isn't right for you and pick something else.

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Most of the posters on these boards are freaking terrible at playing the class so just ignore them. The only time I have trouble with any mobs (elite or no) is when I'm a level under them, or more, and even then it's not hard with Doc's heals.


The only mobs that survive two rounds of overload saber are boss level.


Seriously people, upgrade your (and your companions) terrible greens, read your skills and l2 use defensive cooldowns and you'll be fine.


Stop being bad and crying on the forums. If you needs help learning to play the class (and that's alright since it's not a faceroll easy class to play) just ask. We'll help :)

Edited by StyxzieWaterz
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I agree that people either can't break out of WoW-mode or else they'd complain about pretty much anything. Go look at the Inquisitor or Bounty Hunter boards and there's QQing over there too - and those classes should have little reason to complain.
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Never done watchman I stayed Combat in the beta and it was fine then. Discrediting and stating someone can't do well when clearly they are leads me to say you are trolling as well.


I don't know why people have to bring up the issue that keeping gear updated because other classes don't is creditable. If I was so unhappy about having to be able to know my moves and keep my gear updated instead of just rolling thorough everything I'd re-roll. Why do something that makes you unhappy? Just agree the class isn't right for you and pick something else.


Well the problem with that line of thinking is that in an MMO, there should never be one class that needs to take extra measures simply to make it as smooth to level as the other classes...that is called imbalance.


There will never be perfect balance in this regard, but from my experience Sentinel is a bit behind in the ease at which we can do the solo content, compared with every other class. While I, as you, am not particularly bothered by this as I just love the playstyle and find it more active and rewarding than the other classes I've played, those who are complaining about this do have a valid point and it isn't really fair to dismiss it on the grounds that you or I are personally ok with the experience.


Perhaps part of the problem is the artificially low 5% dmg difference between DPS classes and hybrids using their DPS trees that was quoted by a dev at some point...personally I think we ought to be doing more than that, if it really is the case, and in any event I think being able to do a bit more damage would increase our survivability and smoothness of leveling by enough to balance things out.


Mind you I am only lv 28 atm...and I have only really run into trouble a couple of times on class quest bosses, but the real issue is how much easier other classes have it with the same content.

Edited by Cancrizans
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1) I never played WOW. Never.


2) "Lol it's easy with a healer". Yeah. I'm pretty sure I said "it's not without a healer", so thanks for the input captain obvious.


3) I am not terrible. I'm playing really good the class, I use every skill when I need to. Thing is, at my level (currently 33), it's NOT ENOUGH.


4) My gear is decent.


5) None of you replied to the actual problem : Why are all the other classes EASIER ?


6) Stop the stupid argument about rerolling. I payed the game because I wanted to be a Jedi Knight. Iconic class from the movies and whole license. If they told me right away "well go ahead, your head will be cover with an ugly hood with the gear designed for the class, you will get a fat butt glitch that we won't ever fix, it will be extremely hard to be any competitive with it, the PVE will be hell depending on your spec until you finally get a healer which isn't so cool storywise but hey" I would have NEVER payed for that game. I wouldn't mind the difficulty of the class if everything else was fine, but there's so many problems with it it gets irritating.


Sentinel Watchman level 33, tell me everything is OK and there's no problem at all and then I'll try to think about what is wrong about my play style (which after all I read really seems decent).


In group I am good. Outside of it, hell.

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3) I am not terrible. I'm playing really good the class, I use every skill when I need to. Thing is, at my level (currently 33), it's NOT ENOUGH.


It is more than enough. You are simply doing it wrong. Sorry. Now if you can tell us how you're typically going about things I can guarantee there's an error of play on your part if you feel your current tools arent cutting it.



5) None of you replied to the actual problem : Why are all the other classes EASIER ?


What classes? The freaking ranged ones? Because they're ranged dude. Ranged is always easier to play than melee. ALWAYS. If you can knock off 40% of a mobs health before he can even get to you...well yeah.

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But those Ranged classes also have heals or much better resistance.


So it's like they always get something around. We have, well, nothing. It takes us the same amount of time to get the mob 40% lower, while we take 3 times more damage :/ ... Melee should be a little harder I agree, but just try the classes in TOR, it's completely unfair. It just is. And I truly couldn't care less if any other famous MMO did the same or not (never tried WOW) but that's lame.


Also, no I'm not "doing it wrong".


Here's how I went on the elite on tatooine at level 33 :


1) Using Rebuke while Sending Kira first


2) Force leap, then Overload


3) zealous strike to generate focus and adding a load


4) Master Strike (adding two loads)


5) Cauterize


6) Force Camouflage to avoid any damage and making Kira tank for a bit


7) Pacify so he doesn't hurt Kira


8) Then Overload, zealous, blade storm, master strike


Now, I'm under 50%, Kira is at 30%, he's at 60% .


9) I use cauterize then Force stasis before the 3 loads pass off


10) I use reflect, Kira dies, he's at 30% I'm at 30%


11) He kb me over and over. I die.


I tried many different things, it always come to the point where he just starts doing his KB and we're on the floor 3 times in a row, he kills Kira, and I can't ever take all his damage by myself.


I've been able to kill them only with "call the force" thingy. :/

Edited by Strayth
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Honestly, Sents are underpowered. Everyone needs to stop with this stupid excuse of "WoW made everyone expect easy mode". Not true at all. Yes, the game became a faceroll, but a lot of us have actually played many other MMOs..(Galaxies, Warhammer, AoC, Aion, and Rift here..that I can remember anyway).


I play all the time with a trooper friend of mine and it is just stupid how he can sit back and be like "watch this" and destroy a room. I understand that we are a melee class with next to no AoE, but still..there should be measures in the game that account for that to let us compete (more damage, defensive stats, something).


Sentinel is a challenging class, and that is what I like about it so don't go off on a tirade about how we all want to play the flavor of the month class, but truth is we just can't complete. Its already bad enough that we have next to no utility as we are a pure dps class, but it seems to me like we should at least be top tier at DPS then.


Long story short, we are behind the curve compared to every other dps class. Sorry. Its truth.


My consolation is that one day Bioware will notice this and buff sent and we will become OP for a little bit. Also I like the dual lightsaber thing.

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Well in pve we're fine... but in pvp we lack any real burst and we have very little hard CC (like 1 and it's channeled).


My hardest hitting move hits for 2250ish on a crit on a 6 sec cd... however my jedi shadow hit for 3000-3500 on a crit on a spammable attack (you can get maybe 2-3 off before you run out of steam) and they have a hard stun.


Seems a bit imbalanced... dunno if that's because we're supposed to be the bards of SWTOR... if so we need more group buff abilities.



It's a bit disheartening to see a scoundrel hit someone and their health plummets, but I have 2 lightsabers and I can't do nearly that much dmg.

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But those Ranged classes also have heals or much better resistance.


So it's like they always get something around. We have, well, nothing. It takes us the same amount of time to get the mob 40% lower, while we take 3 times more damage :/ ... Melee should be a little harder I agree, but just try the classes in TOR, it's completely unfair. It just is. And I truly couldn't care less if any other famous MMO did the same or not (never tried WOW) but that's lame.


Also, no I'm not "doing it wrong".


Here's how I went on the elite on tatooine at level 33 :


1) Using Rebuke while Sending Kira first


2) Force leap, then Overload


3) zealous strike to generate focus and adding a load


4) Master Strike (adding two loads)


5) Cauterize


6) Force Camouflage to avoid any damage and making Kira tank for a bit


7) Pacify so he doesn't hurt Kira


8) Then Overload, zealous, blade storm, master strike


Now, I'm under 50%, Kira is at 30%, he's at 60% .


9) I use cauterize then Force stasis before the 3 loads pass off


10) I use reflect, Kira dies, he's at 30% I'm at 30%


11) He kb me over and over. I die.


I tried many different things, it always come to the point where he just starts doing his KB and we're on the floor 3 times in a row, he kills Kira, and I can't ever take all his damage by myself.


I've been able to kill them only with "call the force" thingy. :/


What level gold are you fighting?


Your level golds will be tough if you're using Kira.... I think she was designed as a melee to help a guardian tank with dps... 2 squishy melee is rough.



It gets much easier when you have force stasis though....also keep in mind you need to kick.. some mobs are nasty even if your rotation is perfect. Kick stops them.


PS - don't use rebuke at the start.... if she gets aggro it falls off of you quickly.

Edited by RonOutLoud
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What level gold are you fighting?


Your level golds will be tough if you're using Kira.... I think she was designed as a melee to help a guardian tank with dps... 2 squishy melee is rough.



It gets much easier when you have force stasis though....also keep in mind you need to kick.. some mobs are nasty even if your rotation is perfect. Kick stops them.


PS - don't use rebuke at the start.... if she gets aggro it falls off of you quickly.


What companion do you use while level-grinding? I, too, tend to use Kira quite often, and right now she's my better geared companion.


Also, another thing I noticed is that we must keep our gear updated as we level up. If I let my gear fall behind more than two levels - I can tell a drastic drop in damage as well as protection. So, every two levels I tend to spend about 5k-10kC in upgrading all my gear.

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The best way to look at companions is in my opinion:


T7 = Sentinel/DPS Guard companion. Questing is MUCH easier with a tank. Much easier.


Kira = Guard Tank companion. Killing stuff goes much faster when you have a DPS with you.


I would suggest to all Sentinels to use T7 as your primary companion - gear him as a tank...you will be surprised how capable he is. However, do not neglect Kira - you will need her towards the end of act 1, and having decent gear on her will make your life easier.

Edited by Brightblack
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Ill agree we need some qol fixes and a bit more utility, but who other than jc/si doesnt?


The guy with the rotaion up top, looks good cept when are you using force kick? Are you using force kick?


I dont see enough players in general utilizing interrupts. Ranges can get away with since they can move out if the bad and still dps. We cannot. I tell you, kick as often as possible, especially in pvp.

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The biggest problem i see with the class is that we lack any form of heal. The only way to get a heal is to go watchman and get heals from burns which is a really small heal at that; or go focus to get the heal from resolute(which is stupid)


Most people will put me in the category of WoW player and think I dont know what a hard game is and thats fine maybe i do suck; the point still stands where we dont have anyway to sustain ourselves.


Until we get the healer companion questing is way to hard. I understand the reason for making stuff a little harder and i absolutely agree with it but its beyond that point. If i pulled 4 mobs instead of 3 i die even using all CDs


As a sent we cannot tank. T7 is really weak as a tank and Kira is nothing of the sort she is a pure DPS(even though she is counselor) The class desperately needs a real heal something like at the cost of 4 focus heals for X amount for Y amount of time. This will help since we can live a few seconds longer. or even after killing a mob we gain X amount of health


I have seen what we are capable of as far as DPS goes. We are deadly is left alone but if someone starts to attack we die


I do not wish to make the mobs easier. I would rather the class have something to help us achieve more.

To die to every elite mob without every CD plus medpacks is dumb.

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The biggest problem i see with the class is that we lack any form of heal. The only way to get a heal is to go watchman and get heals from burns which is a really small heal at that; or go focus to get the heal from resolute(which is stupid)


Most people will put me in the category of WoW player and think I dont know what a hard game is and thats fine maybe i do suck; the point still stands where we dont have anyway to sustain ourselves.


Until we get the healer companion questing is way to hard. I understand the reason for making stuff a little harder and i absolutely agree with it but its beyond that point. If i pulled 4 mobs instead of 3 i die even using all CDs


As a sent we cannot tank. T7 is really weak as a tank and Kira is nothing of the sort she is a pure DPS(even though she is counselor) The class desperately needs a real heal something like at the cost of 4 focus heals for X amount for Y amount of time. This will help since we can live a few seconds longer. or even after killing a mob we gain X amount of health


I have seen what we are capable of as far as DPS goes. We are deadly is left alone but if someone starts to attack we die


I do not wish to make the mobs easier. I would rather the class have something to help us achieve more.

To die to every elite mob without every CD plus medpacks is dumb.


That heal from Zen is nothing to sneeze at man.


Also, what do you mean we die if someone starts to attack? Pop cool downs and beat his a** if he tries to attack you. Kick the heals and go to work? Pacify and watch them wiff while u Master Strike ftw. Force camo if its getting rough and re open on him.


The only classes that stand a chance against us 1v1 are Snipers, Sorcs and non-bad Marauders.


If we get trained, well of course we die.

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They aren't worse than EVERY other class. There is a theme with SWTOR. If you are a non-force using ranged class. You can rock content 2 levels higher than yourself. If you are a force using class, you have to be 2-3 levels ABOVE the content to do the same...


Bioware knows this. It's been a recurring discussion on all the force using class forums for the last 4 builds in beta. They nerfed the force using classes quite a bit for no apparent reason.


It's doable, but we have to work harder and be smarter to do it. It would not be so bad except when you have to watch a ranged class come through that is several levels below you and do just as well. That's when it really gets under my skin. If I didn't have to see that every now and again, I would probably be ok.


But would I feel "Heroic?" Hell no.

Edited by CriticalMasses
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Well the problem with that line of thinking is that in an MMO, there should never be one class that needs to take extra measures simply to make it as smooth to level as the other classes...that is called imbalance.


There will never be perfect balance in this regard, but from my experience Sentinel is a bit behind in the ease at which we can do the solo content, compared with every other class. While I, as you, am not particularly bothered by this as I just love the playstyle and find it more active and rewarding than the other classes I've played, those who are complaining about this do have a valid point and it isn't really fair to dismiss it on the grounds that you or I are personally ok with the experience.


Perhaps part of the problem is the artificially low 5% dmg difference between DPS classes and hybrids using their DPS trees that was quoted by a dev at some point...personally I think we ought to be doing more than that, if it really is the case, and in any event I think being able to do a bit more damage would increase our survivability and smoothness of leveling by enough to balance things out.


Mind you I am only lv 28 atm...and I have only really run into trouble a couple of times on class quest bosses, but the real issue is how much easier other classes have it with the same content.


if you ever played a warrior in wow back in the day you know the pain of having to update your gear bc its so gear dependent just sayin

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Honestly, Sents are underpowered. Everyone needs to stop with this stupid excuse of "WoW made everyone expect easy mode". Not true at all. Yes, the game became a faceroll, but a lot of us have actually played many other MMOs..(Galaxies, Warhammer, AoC, Aion, and Rift here..that I can remember anyway).


I play all the time with a trooper friend of mine and it is just stupid how he can sit back and be like "watch this" and destroy a room. I understand that we are a melee class with next to no AoE, but still..there should be measures in the game that account for that to let us compete (more damage, defensive stats, something).


Sentinel is a challenging class, and that is what I like about it so don't go off on a tirade about how we all want to play the flavor of the month class, but truth is we just can't complete. Its already bad enough that we have next to no utility as we are a pure dps class, but it seems to me like we should at least be top tier at DPS then.


Long story short, we are behind the curve compared to every other dps class. Sorry. Its truth.


My consolation is that one day Bioware will notice this and buff sent and we will become OP for a little bit. Also I like the dual lightsaber thing.


This guy gets it

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